Art Illustration - Tumblr Posts

I just finished sketching this sea creature.

I made this sketch for my Character Design class.

I sketched this a couple of weeks ago. I wanted to draw another young man, possibly a love interest for one of the main characters for my comic.

I decided to draw one of my original characters in another form. This is what she really looks like.
This is her human form.

His name is Andrew. He’s part of a group project for my Character Design class. I had to draw him with two different outfits, a turnaround, a silhouette version of him, a stand-alone illustration, 5 facial expressions, 5 poses, and 10 props for him.
I spent about 3-4 weeks on this project. I’m proud of how he came out, except for the turnaround. I’m not too happy with that.

A painting of enchiladas with chips. This is part of my senior thesis.
UPDATE: It’s not a part of my senior thesis anymore. But I still like how this painting came out.

I drew a bird.

I designed a theater poster for my Shakespeare class. It had to be related to three of Shakespeare's plays we read in class. I chose Macbeth. I apologize if anyone is upset about the blood.

Some sketches I made over my winter break.
The couple in the first one belongs to me. The wolf man belongs to @ghostlyspaghettiguts.

I was looking through my sketchbooks the other day. I found these two watercolor paintings I made in my Visual Journalism class. They turned out much better that I thought it did.

For my Painting class, I had to make three small paintings. We were told we could paint whatever we wanted. So I painted three foods that randomly came to my head.
All of them are 6″ x 6″ and made with oil paint.

I made character sketches over my spring break.

I'm going to start posting the food paintings I made for my senior thesis. This is one of the first ones I made.
1. Chicken and Waffles

3. Chocolate Cake With Milk

4. Chocolate Chip Cookies with Almond Milk

5. Tomato Soup with Grilled Cheese Sandwich

6. Peanut Butter & Jelly Sandwich

Breakfast (Pancakes, Scrambled Eggs & Sausages with Orange Juice)