Artepti - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago
Cover Description:

The cover for "Lovingly Led to Ruin," a Lego Monkie Kid AU, features the ominous figure of the Lady Bone Demon (LBD) seated on an imposing bone throne topped with a skull. She wears a sly smirk on her face, exuding an air of malevolent confidence.

To her right, Wukong leans casually against the throne, his eyes glowing an unnatural blue, signaling that he is under the control of LBD. On the opposite side, Macaque mirrors Wukong's stance, leaning against the throne with the same acid-blue eyes, indicating his own ensnarement by LBD's power.

The two simians lock eyes across the throne, a complex mixture of positive emotions passing between them. There’s an undeniable intensity in their gazes, hinting at a connection deeper than mere friendship *wink wink*.

The background features a hauntingly beautiful full moon, casting a pale glow over the scene. Just beneath the moon, the top of the Skull Armor is visible (the one from the Season 3 Finale), with its intricate structures and jagged spikes adding to the ominous atmosphere of the cover. The combination of the moonlight and the sharp silhouettes creates a dramatic contrast, highlighting the dark and mysterious tone of the artwork (or at least I hope it does :])

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR)

Cover (You are here!) │ Next

A little AU about Mac and Wukong that I've been crafting over the past few days. Let's see where it leads!

Also I've discovered that I really like drawing skulls, might draw some more :]

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6 months ago
All Panels: LBD appears behind Wukong, her presence looming ominously. She looks down at Macaque with a menacing expression, saying, "Well, what do we have here? My old Champion... How delightful."
Top-Left: Lady Bone Demon continues speaking with a clear tone of irritation and annoyance, saying, "It seems you always stand in the way of Destiny, whether you are free or not."

Top-Right: Macaque, who is still being held by the throat by Wukong and looks nervous, responds with a fake smile, "What can I say? I live for drama."

Bottom-Left: LBD's smirk widens as she retorts, "Oh, is that so? Well then, I promise you’ll absolutely adore what I have in store for you."

Bottom-Right: Liuer becomes visibly more nervous and replies, "I'm not sure you could top my first death; it was quite a theatrical one."
Top-Panels: The LBD starts laughing maniacally. Macaque can do nothing but look at her confused, nervous and bewildered.

Bottom-Left: The Bone Spirit responds in with fake sweetness, "Oh no,no. Killing you would be far too merciful..."

Bottom-Right: She continues, " For your repeated defiance, you'll have the privilege..."
All Panels: "...of joining Sun Wukong in his fate." The Lady Bone Demon finishes her sentence with manic glee. Macaque can do nothing but stare at her in horrified realization. 
Wukong, still possessed, narrows his eyes ever so slightly, almost imperceptibly.

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR)

"Taken and Torn" - Part 3

Previous │ First │ Next Episode

Ayyyyy, just finished the first,,, let’s call it a "mini-episode."

There's gonna be a small time-skip to the next episode so that we can get right into it! Excited to see what y'all will think about it!

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6 months ago
All Panels: Wukong, still under LBD's control, raises the sigil circle before him, and as he does, a few whispering spirits begin to leave his body. They drift towards the sigil, then swiftly shoot forward, targeting Macaque. The Warrior, bound and helpless, watches in horror, struggling against his restraints to no avail.
Top Panel: As the spirits invade his soul, Macaque is overwhelmed by searing pain, his agonized screams filling the air.

Bottom Panels: The chains restraining him snap, having fulfilled their purpose, and Macaque collapses, unconscious, as he falls forward.
All Panels: Lowering the sigil, Wukong regains a sliver of his free will—some of the spirits no longer controlling him. Realizing what he's done and seeing Macaque fall, he cries out in shock, calling his name.
Left Panel: Wukong catches Macaque just before his hat touches the ground, cradling him in his arms, worry etched onto his face.

Right Panel: LBD, watching with interest, remarks, "How  intriguing... splitting the whispering spirits between two bodies seems to allow for a sliver of... autonomy. Not ideal, but a small price to pay, if it means having two powerful forces to drive destiny forward."

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR) - Masterpost

"Chains of Complicity" - Part 2

Previous │First │ Next Episode


Now, as a small heads up, the next mini Episodes -or whatever you wanna call 'em- are actually not in a particular order at all, so you can actually rearrange them however you want :]

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6 months ago

LBD side-eyeing Mac and Wukong in your AU:

LBD Side-eyeing Mac And Wukong In Your AU:

PFFFF--- No because yes Imagine the victorious feeling of finally securing not one, but two champions, fully aware of their mutual hatred stemming from past clashes. You’ve prepared yourself to deal with their rivalry, ready to punish them if they dare disobey your orders for the sake of fighting each other. Confident in your strategy, you execute your plan, convinced you’ve considered every possible outcome— And then this happens

LBD Side-eyeing Mac And Wukong In Your AU:

Now, you're left utterly baffled, watching as they jeopardize missions not out of spite but because they’re too busy flirting--

Previous │Next Episode

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6 months ago
Whole Panel: A mysterious temple, likely located in the celestial realm, looms within a thick white fog. Towering, ominous pillars line both sides of the stairs leading to the temple. Behind two of the pillars, on the left and right, Wukong (left) and Macaque (right) can be seen, both possessed and lurking, waiting for their moment to approach the temple's entrance.
Top Panels: The temple's entrance comes into view as a possessed Macaque uses his shadow abilities to slip closer. Upon reaching the door, he emerges from the shadows, summoning a lockpicking spell in the form of a glowing magical circle, pressing it against the entrance.

Bottom Panel: Wukong, still by the pillars, scans the surroundings with his gold vision, looking for any threats. He speaks, "E.T.A. for potential threats is 4 minutes. How long do you think you'll need?"
Top Panels: Macaque, the glowing blue magic circle still pulsing in his hand as he presses it to the door, replies, "Around... 3 minutes." He shivers as an unnatural chill courses through him.

Bottom Panel: Noticing Macaque’s pause and the shiver, Wukong turns to glance over his shoulder, concern etched on his face. "... Are you alright?"

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR) - Masterpost

“Mission - Compromised” - Part 1

Previous Episode │First │ Next

Super proud of that first page, can't lie, also wooooo! some background practice :]

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5 months ago
All Panels: Wukong snuggles into Macaque's neck, wrapping him in a back embrace. Macaque, after shaking off the initial surprise, turns his face to the King and says, "Uh—Wukong? You do know I won’t be able to unlock the door in time now, right?" Wukong, unbothered, mumbles a soft "Don’t care," without shifting from his position, pressed against Mac's side.
Top Panel: LBD watches the two monkeys through a magical transmission, her expression outraged. "What are these simians doing!?" she exclaims, clearly displeased.

Bottom Panel: The Mayor appears behind her, smiling as usual, and calmly replies, "I believe it's called physical affection, my lady. Commonly referred to as... cuddles." Lady Bone Demon stares at him in complete deadpan silence, unimpressed.
Top Panel: Back with Wukong and Macaque, Wukong looks down, a sad expression crossing his face. "If getting through that door means you have to suffer, then I'll find a better way later," he says, his voice quiet.

Middle Panel: The focus shifts to Macaque, who responds, a small smile adorning his features, "Well, I wouldn’t exactly call it suffering... but yeah, I probably should've seen this reaction coming."

Bottom Panel: Macaque opens a shadow portal beneath them, before saying "...Let's call it a day then. Not like we’re finishing this mission now, anyway."

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR) - Masterpost

“Mission - Compromised” - Part 3

Previous │First │ Next Episode

Wukong is not overprotective at all, whatever could you be talking about--

Bonus under the cut

The Mayor hugging a disgruntled LBD :]

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5 months ago

Top Panel: Macaque stands at the doorway with a dreamy smile, thanking his King before taking his leave.

Bottom Panels: Wukong waves goodnight in return, offering a casual smile towards Mihou. As soon as Liuer closes the door, Wukong drops his glamour.
One Panel: Wukong, now wearing a comfortable sweater instead of his armor, stands smugly smiling. The sweater has the imprint, "I am 'bring Destiny.'" (For those with screenreaders: the imprint says "I am" followed by quotation marks "bring Destiny", quotations marks end). 
With Macaque's hoodie, it forms a dirty joke, although Macaque doesn't know that--

Explanation: It's inspired by the couples' shirts where one shirt spells "I come in peace" and the other one "I am 'peace'"

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR) - Masterpost

“Present Destiny” - Part 2

Previous │First │ Next Episode (Coming Soon)

So wholesome, the two of them

(Check the Alt Text if this bit of the comic confuses u! Wukong's shirt print is not a grammar error :])

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5 months ago
Lovingly Led To Ruin (LLR) -Masterpost

Lovingly led to Ruin (LLR) - Masterpost

Height Glamour! :D

Previous Episode │First │ Next Episode

I couldn't decide whether I wanted Wukong or Macaque to be the taller one, so I've decided to do both! :]

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