Asian American History - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

like being haunted by the ghosts of my history that i've neglected, like accepting discrimination as a rite of passage, like believing that to survive, you must assimilate and stay silent.

it is looking at the newspaper and the number of killings, and flipping the page to absorb material more lighthearted. it is dehumanizing victims to simple entities rather than remembering their names, conveniently forgetting and moving on like such an event never happened in the first place. it is remaining silent and internalizing all this pressure and pain, waiting for someone else to speak out about it first in order to feel relief.

it is fitting yourself into a mold that has been exploited and will be. a blind belief that you'll make it out somehow, that throwing away your culture, your language, your accent, is worth it, when it's not. it is erasing a whole history of trauma and colonization because it is simply not talked about, simply erased.

it is forgetting your identity and then having such a sense of loss that you can't move on.

What does your regret taste like?

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