Atla Fandom Problems - Tumblr Posts
Bro I always find it so annoying especially when they fight of ships! Like it doesn’t matter but you’re acting like it’s something worth going to war!!! It’s a kids show!!! I especially don’t like the katara hate. I can take valid criticism to her character or just the reason “oh I don’t like her” but people hate her for the most misogynistic reason! Like she’s a 14/15 year old girl what do you expect her to act like sometimes!
Atp I have to just stop consuming atla fandom content for good because bitches are constantly arguing over the same four characters. I’m trying to look at headcanons, fanart, and memes and then get hit with people in the tags gaslighting you into hating children JUST BECAUSE. Goes to show none of you deserve any of them actually!

“I don’t like-“ WE GET IT. For crying out loud that’s all your content on your page has been about for the past two years!
It’s funny you mentioned them, they literally commented on my post and basically told me to block people who do that. Their opening line was “I HATE aang” which I found ironic. After checking their page I did what they suggested and blocked them.
I’m not joining a side either. I enjoy both characters and both ships. Hopefully in the future I can do that without being called delusional.
Have a nice day btw
I swear if I see a single more anti-Aang or anti-Zuko post I’m going to scream.
Zutara stans and kataang stans are so mean to each other and all the fighting is so tiring and annoying.
You know I talk a lot of shit about the concept of not watching a show or abandoning a show because of the fandom.
But like I went to see Avatar the Last Airbender live at concert and god I had forgotten just how much I love that show.
I’d let my irritation with the fandom’s discourse allow me forget how much I love this show.
But my eyes are open now and by god I’ll never let them close again. Cause I love that show.
A certain twitter thread fueled my rage today... so now I'm just glaring at my ceiling and silently stewing
Ship whoever you want to ship, enjoy whatever media content you want to enjoy, but that doesn't mean you should project your fantasies on young actors!! those are REAL people, not animated characters!!
I feel so sorry for Dallas Liu and Zuko (for having terrible stans), but even more so for Thalia Tran, Kiawentiio, and Gordon Cormier because they do not deserve to have their actions grossly misinterpreted just so Zutara shippers can feed their false narratives.
Gordon is a minor, and both Thalia and Kiawentiio were minors at the time of NATLA Book 1's release. It is SO disgusting that they're making up stories about Dallas hating Gordon, and the fact that they were counting down the days for Kiawentiio turning 18??? I want to throw up