Au Facts - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago

My Disventure camp AU Lore/Facts 💰❤️


1 - Krystal is the Daughter of the host of Total drama, Though in this AU Chris had a big comeback when Total drama got a reboot in 2023. (Krystal hasn't Talked to him in a while after that.)

2 - Kai is friends with Dawn from TDRoti (Revenge of the island)

3 - The company that made Disventure camp in-universe is rivals with the in-universe company that made Total drama.

4 - Emily is now my new favorite character! Screw Krystal!!!

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7 months ago

Mistys Parents Headcanon (My Pokemon AU Take on it)

These are my takes on who Mistys parents Are as People in the Anime/Games.

Misty Father:

He was the Gym leader before Misty and was a Champion surfer and was pretty popular.

His personality was a Chill and laid-back person who was also pretty Athletic as well.

He didn't see his daughters become gym leaders because he died by Cancer when his daughters were pretty young.

Mistys Mother:

Not is much known about her, Other that she saved Mistys life from a Gyrados and fell into a Coma afterwards. This caused Mistys older sisters to take care of Misty from then afterwards.


These were my thoughts and what are yours?

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6 months ago

Danganronpa Lab AU X OCs AU - Phil Rogers.

((-This is my take on the Danganronpa Lab AU Lore and story. This will have some of my OCS Appear in this Aus Lore and timeline and will have some things that divert from canon-))

Subject notes

SUBJECT NAME: “One winged Hybrid”

Name: Phil Rogers Age: 18 Gender: Male Pronouns: He/him

Sexuality: Bisexual Nationality: American

Status: Alive

Appearance: This subject has been the most human looking so far among the groups. He usually is seen with a Large scar on his back where his Angel wing rips out of his skin. One of his eyes is also covered by an eye-patch due to his self-esteem issues probably. He is also able to morph his body into Guns or weapons to protect himself, We have been able to reduce the Violence though specific medication though IV infusions. He is also able to shift his body into dark, Black, tentacle like limbs at will along with Large claws in his hands.

Personality: He is pretty secretative and calm from what we have seen so far, But we can tell that he cares for the other Test subjects and isn't afraid to get violent at the other Lab Scientists for putting them though our Trials.

UPDATE: He has currently Escaped from the Labs and has killed and injured some of the scientists, Plus he kidnapped some of the other Test members in a form of rage at the staff with his eye-patch ripped off and Exposing his Other Eye. The police has been investigating this for a while now so that's good. (I guess…)

UPDATE #2: He has came back and got more of the Test subjects out…

Update #3: He caused a Waste spill somewhere in Japan, This isn't good…

Update #4: He cut out all power in Japan 2 months ago…We are still recovering using what we have on hand in the Lab system.

—————————- I hope you enjoy this first part of my take on the Danganronpa Lab AU! I'm glad that I am making this and I hope you like this also!

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6 months ago

Danganronpa X Total drama Gen 1 AU Facts/Notes

I made this AU cause I wanted to try my take on the Total drama X Danganronpa stuff!!!


1 - The Gen 1 Killing game takes place after The Reboots 2nd Season and the cast are Adults.

2 - Chris and Chef are not the mascots this time around as in this AU they are members of the killing game cast.

3 - The Mascot of this AU killing game is something original this time around instead of Mono-Chris! (Why cannot people do something more creative like Jeez?!?!)

4 - There will be 26 Participants in this Killing game AU. (22 being the original cast plus the 2 new characters in World tour and Chris and Chef)

5 - The Killing game will be set in a Simulation Version of the Gen 1 island. (But the characters won’t know that.)

6 - Disventure camp characters also exist in this AU due to them having the same art style.

((I might make a Fanfic version of this AU but I’m still figuring out the death order))

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1 year ago

Sun and Roxanne facts (for my AUS)

-Sun is trans, so ‘he’ goes by ‘she’… and she’s lesbian (liking Roxanne)

-Roxanne is Bi, because she likes Freddy (Dead Sun AU) but also Sun (in both AUS)

-They/Them for Moon, He/Him Eclipse, She/Her/He/Him for Lunar

-Just wanted to talk about this a little. I might do more with some other characters… 🤔.

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