Auror Partners - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Read this. No, seriously. Go read it right now. It's so fucking good, y'all. I don't even have the right words to convey the depth of my love for this fic. 😭😭😭💛💛💛



Author: Anonymous

For: @maesmora​ / MaesMora

Pairings: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter

Word Count: 10,315

Rating: Explicit

Content: Auror Partners, Pining, Idiots in Love, Ribbons, Light Bondage, Christmas Smut

Warnings: None


“Harry,” Draco said slowly. “You understand how Christmas presents work, don’t you?”

Harry attempted a smile. “Well, I thought I did until about ten minutes ago.”

Read it now on AO3!

⛄️ This work is part of H/D Mistletoe, a Gay Wizard Boys server gift exchange. Please help spread the love by sharing your favourite works and leaving kudos and comments. If you would like to join the GWB, you can do so with this link: here. 🌨

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3 years ago

The first time Harry answered a knock at the door of his office and opened the door to find Draco Malfoy standing in front of him he slammed the door in his face immediately. 

The second time he opened the door to a knock, about 3 minutes later, and found Draco Malfoy still standing there he said “Go away” very gruffly with a lot of emphasis hoping he could scare him off. 

It seemed like this worked very effectively until three days later when he received a letter from a very insistent owl from Auror Malfoy requesting his help on a case. Harry promptly burned the letter and went about his business. 

After this he started receiving letters daily inquiring about his presence in Malfoy’s office to participate in very time sensitive and important meetings. Harry didn’t see why Malfoy thought he would meet him in his office if he hadn’t even met with him in his own so he continued to burn the letters. Sometimes if he was feeling extra angry that day he would rip the letters into very tiny pieces before scattering them into the flames. It was a pretty effective anger management technique and quite frankly Harry wondered why he had never tried it before. 


Harry receives his 18th letter from Malfoy promptly at 9am on the morning of June second. He’s started his daily ritual of pulverizing the letter into minuscule pieces when he’s interrupted by a knock at the door. Part of him almost hopes to see Malfoy when he opens the door. Slamming the heavy oak in his face had been so enjoyable the last time. 

Unfortunately when Harry opens the door he finds not only Malfoy waiting for him but also Kingsley who looks a little pissed off and is clutching what appears to be his own copy of Malfoy’s letter in his left hand. 

“So, are you going to let us in?” Kingsley is clearly irritated and he sweeps into Harry’s office before Harry can even respond. Harry is miffed to notice that Kingly has taken his chair behind the desk and Harry is forced to hurriedly transfigure a chair out of the stool he keeps by his bookshelves. 

This leaves Malfoy standing awkwardly with nothing left to transfigure and Harry has to bite back a grin at how silly he looks standing ramrod straight and towering over Kingsley at the desk. 

“Here Draco.” Kingsley waves his wand and a green velvet armchair appears next to where he is standing. Harry's grin immediately disappears and he petulantly wonders why Malfoy gets to sit in a Slytherin green armchair in the cozy corner of his office when he’s made it abundantly clear that he doesn't want to see as much as his face ever again.

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3 years ago

He’s a bit breathless as he shoves through the dark wood door of the office and it takes him a second to realize that Malfoy is not at his desk. As he glances wildly around the room he locates Malfoy perched on the rug directly in front of him hidden by what looks like a cardboard replica of the entirety of the Ministry building. 

“Oh hello Potter,” Draco drawls in a bored tone. “I see you’ve found me. Do take a seat.” 

Harry looks for a chair before realizing that there are none to be found and plopping down criss-cross in front of a pile of cardboard scraps. 

“Er, What is this?” He questions feeling strangely uncomfortable in Draco’s space. 

“A replica of the entirety of the Ministry building” Draco chirps, sounding proud and also a bit unhinged. When he pokes his head out from behind his cardboard monstrosity Harry notices that his skin looks a little sallow and he has dark bruises under his eyes. Draco grins manically, giving him a thumbs up between disappearing again. 

“Did you sleep at all last night?” Harry wonders out loud feeling more concerned about Malfoy than he should, given that he was his nemesis. 

“Oh I haven’t slept” Draco winks at him through one of the larger ministry windows. “Sleep makes the mind weak and all, surely you’ve heard.” 

Harry dismisses this as the ravings of a lunatic. 

One of my fav excerpts from my new fic Bonded

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3 years ago

He watches as Draco’s gaze drags across his lips a second time. This time he can’t stop his own eyes from flitting across Draco’s lips and suddenly the two men are leaning in. The cool brush of Draco’s lips against his set a forest fire blazing in his stomach. He leans in craving more and lets himself drown in the dark bliss. Draco licks up between his lips and he opens his mouth to him. Their tongues curl around each other, all hot heat and hurried gasps. The kiss feels like making up for lost time. Harry pushes even closer, sliding a hand up and under Draco’s white shirt. 

He barely gets a chance to caress the scorching skin beneath before Draco’s hands are up on his chest. He can’t quite comprehend what’s happening but suddenly he’s stumbling back into the dancers behind him. The burning heat of Draco’s body disappears leaving him cool and aching. He reaches back towards Draco to pull them together where they belong but Draco shoves his hand away. 

When Harry meets his eyes they are wild and blazing. “How could you let this happen?!” Draco spits in an accusatory tone. “This isn’t us. It’s the bond. This could never be us. ” His voice is cold and cutting and suddenly Harry feels stone cold sober. He watches frozen as Draco disappears into the crowd. 

One of my fav excerpts from my new fic Bonded

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3 years ago

Expectations  Rating: G, Words: 407 for the @drarrymicrofic prompt pensive 

Harry is cleaning their study when he comes across the small silver vial. The label is written in Draco’s tight font: Lucius Malfoy Casts Love Curse on H. Potter and D. Malfoy, Security Camera Footage. Harry stands for a second looking at it with a fond smirk. They’d never caught Lucius so they didn’t know what he’d been aiming for with the curse but Harry is sure it wasn’t this.

“Draco!” He calls as he climbs the stairs to their bedroom. “Look what I’ve found.” He tosses the bottle at Draco who’s curled up fast asleep across the bright white sheets.

 “Harryyyy.” Draco whines squirming a little as he tries to bury his head under the pillow. 

Harry gazes at him. Weak sunlight drifts through the curtains and falls across his pale skin. He looks so relaxed, so at home that Harry’s heart squeezes. He’ll never get tired of looking at him. 

“No seriously Draco get up. I need someone to reminisce with.” He grabs the bottle off the bed and wiggles it in Draco's face. Draco groans and props himself up in a sitting position brushing his long blonde hair out of his eyes. He squints at the bottle for a second. 

“Is this what I think it is? The beginning of our fated romance?” His tone rings of poorly concealed hilarity. 

“Yes,” Harry responds grinning. “I thought we could watch it together. You know. For nostalgia.” 

“Fine alright. I can’t believe you woke me up for this,” Draco complains as he gazes at Harry fondly. 

Harry perches on the bed beside him and accio’s the pensive over. Carefully he upends the swirling silver vial and reaches over to catch Draco’s hand in his own. Together they press their faces into the cool liquid.

Harry’s the first to rip himself from the memory. Eyes wide and hands shaking he waits for Draco to emerge. He stares at Draco’s pale large hands, at his aristocratic posture. He thinks about the way Draco looks in his formal robes, how hard Harry had to work to convince him to grow his hair out because he was worried he would look like his father.

 Harry takes a deep breath as everything clicks into place.

When Draco finally straightens up out of the pensive Harry sees his shock mirrored in Draco’s grey eyes.

“Well,” Draco says slowly, looking at him wryly. “I guess we need to get our hands on a time turner.”

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