Avatar Fire And Ash - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago



Avatar: Fire and Ash

So hyped to finally have a real title, but I'm not gonna lie, the title is a little bit blander than I was hoping for. Like, the second one had a water theme and they spiced it up by adding "the Way of" to the title, but this one is literally just, yep, the movies about fire and ash so we're gonna title it "Fire and Ash" it sounds like a name I would've come up with for a story I wrote in middle school 😭😭

But at the end of the day, the title's not that important. The story's what really matters and that's what I'm so excited to see!

What should we expect to hear from D23 about Avatar 3?

D23 has a whole pavilion set up for Avatar, and James Cameron and Zoe Saldana have confirmed they will attend!

What Should We Expect To Hear From D23 About Avatar 3?

Look at how cool this is! (I got the pic from the r/Avatar subreddit)

But even though this is all exciting, I'm not expecting much news for Avatar 3. Sadly, we are still a whole year and a half away from the release date, so if they announced too much now general audiences would lose interest. If we go off the Avatar 2 release schedule, we'll get stills and a first teaser sometime in the spring of 2025, and whenever the teaser first releases it will probably first release exclusively in theaters in showings for another big disney owned property before becoming available on youtube. After that, 2 or 3 more trailers will release throughout the year before the movie itself finally releases in December.

At most we might get the official title or maybe even a synopsis at D23, but I wouldn't expect more than that. I'd like to finally know what the dang movie's gonna be called so we can stop just called it Avatar 3!

Also, I'm not an official source for D23 news, I'm just a fan making my best guess. I could be wrong and maybe we will get some more substantial news!

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6 months ago

Here are all the sneak peaks of Avatar 3 shared at D23

Here Are All The Sneak Peaks Of Avatar 3 Shared At D23
Here Are All The Sneak Peaks Of Avatar 3 Shared At D23
Here Are All The Sneak Peaks Of Avatar 3 Shared At D23
Here Are All The Sneak Peaks Of Avatar 3 Shared At D23

oomggggg i'm too overwhelmed to say anything about the images right now. I really didn't think we would get anything but the title i am so glad i was wrong. I'm just taking it all in... gonna talk more about this tomorrow once I can think straight

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6 months ago

Spider's new stepmomma is crazy

Spider Insisted He Did Not Need Saving, But Varang Saw The Truth. She Will Liberate Him.
Spider Insisted He Did Not Need Saving, But Varang Saw The Truth. She Will Liberate Him.

Spider insisted he did not need saving, but Varang saw the truth. She will liberate him.


Made a quick fanart based off of newest concept artworks. I love Varang’ claws and numerous braids! (Ignore her having five fingers)


(DO NOT repost my artwork on any platform. I do not give my consent to do so.©)

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6 months ago

Let's talk about the first look at Avatar 3 (pt 1)


Last night at D23, James Cameron unveiled the very first real sneak peek of Avatar 3: Fire and Ash. I honestly wasn't expecting to get anything more than a title or synopsis, so I was so stoked when I saw the concept art they shared! I posted the images here last night, but I was too hyped up to think straight so I decided to wait a bit and process everything before talking about it. Now I'm ready to share my thoughts on each of the four images!

First off, we have Varang leading the Ash People on the backs of flying creatures!

Let's Talk About The First Look At Avatar 3 (pt 1)

The Ash People appear to be very similar to Forest People, with thin builds, blue skin, and big yellow eyes. However, I believe their skin is slightly paler and/or duller than the Forest People, it's hard to tell with the lighting. In the other picture of we have of Varang, they also appear to have long, sharp claws, and shorter, slightly thicker tails that are completely hairless. So even though they're overall pretty similar to Na'vi we've already seen before, they do have different physical traits, they're just not as drastically different as the Reef People. I'm excited to see how their different physiques help them in their environment! Perhaps they spend a lot of time climbing on rock, so they evolved big claws, and maybe they don't need long, thin tails to balance while swinging through trees, so their tails changed shape over time.

Just like their riders, the Ash People's also mounts appear similar to their forest banshee cousins, but with a few differences. The "Ash Banshee" looks paler and thinner than forest banshees and I notice it has a lot more of the dragonfly like sections on their wings. This might make them more agile in the air, able to adjust the shape of their wings to pull of more drastic turns than forest banshees can. In the real world, bats are much more agile in the air than birds because bats have more bones in their wings that allow them to change the wing's shape as they fly. The ash banshee also looks like it has some kind of a horn on its head as well as little fleshy tendrils on the sides of its face. I hope we get to see an aerial battle between ash and forest banshees!

Varang herself looks very stunning and intimidating with that dramatic red headdress and war paint. It reminds me of the frill some species of lizards use to frighten enemies- varang's frill probably has a similar purpose. She also appears to be wearing skin-tight black pants, probably something similar to the purple leg guards Neytiri wears during long flights. I also see the tip of a bow peeking out from behind Varang. If Varang uses a bow, I hope we get to see a showdown between her and our favorite archer, Neytiri!

The Ash Na'vi also all appear to have their kurus intact, so that disproves the theory that they would cut off their kurus because they hate Eywa. But speaking of them hating Eywa, I notice the warrior directly to Varang's left is carrying a large gun, which means the Ash People know how to use guns and are okay with doing it. The logical conclusion from this is that someone is supplying them with guns and/or teaching them how to use them. Either they're stealing from the RDA and teaching themselves, or Quaritch has taught them to use human weapons. Another possibility is that Jake reached out to them to join the war effort and taught them human weaponry, but they ended up turning on him.

In BTS footage, we've seen both Quaritch and Neytiri seemingly dressed in Ash People clothing, so it's possible that Quaritch or Jake and co. have tried to ally themselves with the Ash People.

The last thing of note in the picture is that this is likely our first look at the Ash Na'vi's homeland. Sadly, since we're looking at the sky, there's not much we can tell other than that it's cloudy and there's rocky formations in the background. Maybe the Ash People live in the rock formations.

What do you guys think of this image? Are there any details I missed?

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6 months ago

Let's talk about the first look at Avatar 3 (pt 2)


Next up, I want to talk about the next two images I saw from D23: Neytiri riding on her ikran, and the sky ship.

You can read my post discussing Varang and the Ash People here.

Let's Talk About The First Look At Avatar 3 (pt 2)
Let's Talk About The First Look At Avatar 3 (pt 2)

In the first image, we see Neytiri flying at night on her banshee, with what appears to be several large flying ships behind her, and in the second image, we have a clearer shot of the "sky ship" in daylight.

The ships are clearly Na'vi-made, since we see the natural weaving pattern and no metal. They have a large sail-like structure on top, and behind Neytiri we see a flying stingray-like creature that appears to be harnessed to the sky ship and pulling it along.

This was really exciting for me to see because I never imagined we'd see the Na'vi creating actual flying vehicles rather than just riding on the backs of flying animals. Most interestingly, even though these sky ships are more complex technology than anything we've seen from the Na'vi before, they appear not to break any of the laws of Eywa. They don't appear to be made of stone or metal, and they don't use wheels. I really like seeing this because I hate that one theory that Eywa intentionally keeps the Na'vi from technologically advancing out of some malevolent goal. Eywa doesn't have any problem with technological advancements, she only prohibits things that would harm the balance of nature, like mining metal and tearing down the forest to build roads for wheeled vehicles.

I believe that these sky ships belong to the Windtrader clan James Cameron has hinted at. These ships look pretty different from anything we've seen from the Ash People, plus Neytiri is flying alongside them like they're allies. It would also make sense based on the name for people called "windtraders" to fly through the sky using the wind and also have large ships capable of carrying material to trade with other clans. I can't wait to see what a windtrader Na'vi looks like and if they have unique adaptations to set them apart from other clans! Perhaps they would be smaller in order to be lighter on the ships and have bigger lungs to process oxygen at such high altitudes.

Now to talk about the sky ship itself, it appears to have three main components: the cabin, the steed, and the sail. The cabin is the woven part of it that is the actual ship where the Na'vi would ride and store their goods. The steed is that stingray looking creature behind Neytiri that looks like it's harnessed to the cabin and pulling it through the air. I would really like an in-universe explanation for how in that giant stingray thing is flying. It looks HUGE, maybe a little over half as long as tulkun. I know Pandora has lower gravity and a thicker atmosphere, so the physics are different, but come on that things has to weigh a hundred tons! They better have a sci-fi explanation for how that big thing flies. And if you look closely, there seems to be a na'vi riding on it's back, implying it has kurus to plug into up there. From what I can see of its back, it looks blue with white spots, kind of like a whale shark.

The last part of the ship is the large sail-like structure that appears to be keeping the whole contraption buoyant. I saw folks on the r/Avatar subreddit speculating about what it is, and I believe they had the right idea when they guessed it was a Medusa.

Let's Talk About The First Look At Avatar 3 (pt 2)
Let's Talk About The First Look At Avatar 3 (pt 2)

The medusa is a giant, flying jellyfish-like creature that James Cameron dreamed up many years ago. Here are some old concept arts for it, and as you can see, they look quite different. Cameron never settled on a final design for this creature, just that it was a flying carnivorous jellyfish. He wanted to include it in the Avatar universe, but never had the chance to. He recently said in an interview a few months ago that Avatar 3 would finally include his alien creation, but he didn't say how. Since the Na'vi would lack the ability to create hot air balloons or zeppelins like humans, I believe the windtraders are using a creature from their environment to lift their ships, and that creature is the medusa, given a final design by James Cameron and his creative team. The sails are a pale purplish membrane like in the concept art, and if you look directly behind Neytiri's head, there seem to be tentacles hanging down from the ship, implying it is a medusa.

So it seems to me like the windtraders weave their boats out of the same material that maruis (Na'vi homes) are made from, then they attach it to a medusa to lift it into the air, and then they harness it to a flyinf stingray to pulls the boat where they want to go. The windtraders must be super smart to come up with all this! I cannot wait to see it in action!

And the way Neytiri is flying with them gives me the vibe that she and Jake have been reaching out to other clans to join the fight against the RDA and the windtraders agreed to team up with them and now they're flying off on a mission together!

What do you guys think of all this? Did I miss anything?

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6 months ago

Let's talk about the first look at Avatar 3 (pt 3)


Last but not least, I want to talk about the new villain herself, Varang!

You can read my post about the Ash People here and my post about Neytiri and the Sky Ships here.

Let's Talk About The First Look At Avatar 3 (pt 3)

Here we get another good look at Varang, the leader of the Ash People. As I touched on in my first post, we can see the Ash People have some different characteristics from the Forest People. Their skin is lighter, their tails are shorter, slightly thicker, and hairless, and their claws are very long and sharp. But other than these differences, they're more or less the same.

Varang looks like she's participating in some kind of ceremony or celebration with her people as she dances around a fire. The other Ash People are wearing intricate masks and costumes. I was wondering if the Ash People would be inspired by a specific cultural group like how the Forest People are inspired by Native Americans and Reef People are inspired by Native Polynesians, but if there is a specific culture being referenced here, I can't identify it. If anybody recognizes the masks and clothing, let me know, but I don't see any clear cultural reference when I look at their outfits. It's possible James Cameron chose not to draw inspiration from a specific culture since the Ash People will be more villainous and he didn't want to seem like he was villainizing any one indigenous culture.

I also cannot for the life of me tell what's going on in the background, just that there's ash and rock and maybe an "ash banshee" flying.

Now, the big thing that stood out to me in this picture is the fact that Varang is wearing the severed kurus from other Na'vi. We've never seen what happens to a Na'vi if you cut off their kuru in canon material, but I imagine it cannot be pleasant. When Jake was first captured by the Omaticaya in Avatar 1, the held a knife to his kuru to stop him from running, showing that cutting it must be very dangerous and only reserved for enemies.

Seeing Varang gleefully dance with a whole bunch of them woven into her neckpiece is disturbing to see. Since the severed kurus are featured so prominently, I imagine we will see someone get their kuru cut off at one point. I just hope it's not one of the main characters!

I have no idea what Varang holds in store for Avatar 3, but she will undoubtedly be a terrifying villain for our heroes to fight!

What do you guys think of Varang?

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6 months ago

If Quaritch and Varang actually hook up, how do you think Spider is going to feel about it?

If Quaritch And Varang Actually Hook Up, How Do You Think Spider Is Going To Feel About It?

Probably like this lmao

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6 months ago

I wonder if the airships are the work of Ash's na'vi or the good guys. Can't wait for that!

I believe the airships belong to the Windtraders! James Cameron has hinted that we will not just be introduced to the Ash Clan, but also another Na'vi group called the Windtraders. We know literally nothing about them except for that they presumably like wind and trading things. I think giant floating sky ships with plenty of storage space for trading goods must belong to the Windtraders!

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6 months ago

I'd like to see Spider join the Ash na'vi ranks at some point, so I came up with something. What if Spider admits to saving Quaritch? Somehow Jake manages to stop Neytiri from murdering him, but everyone is very distant from him (except Kiri). Ash na'vi start attacking with the help of RDA, they are very dangerous and deadly and Jake is helpless, he knows that in a normal fight they don't stand a chance. Then Neytiri says that they can attack the enemy from the inside, and since Quaritch clearly cares about Spider, he might as well join him as a spy. Jake and the others immediately oppose but Spider thinks that it would be a good way to redeem himself so he sneaks out to carry out the plan. It was mentioned somewhere that Ash na'vi consists of outcasts, right? So Spider finds them and announces that he was thrown out of the forest and asks to be accepted into their ranks, with Quaritch's help he manages to do so.

wow this is such a cool idea! I honestly don't think anything like this would happen in canon, based on the leaks and my own theorizing, I believe that Jake is going to want to keep Spider very close, partially because of the "miracle" that will happen to him and make him a target for the RDA and partially as insurance in case Quaritch attacks again. I also don't know how the ash people would feel about taking in a human, specifically a human so closely affiliated with Toruk Makto.

But this would make a fantastic fanfic! The drama of Spider being behind enemy lines, forced to be in close proximity to Quaritch and inevitably getting attached to him again but still clinging to his loyalty to his friends, getting torn apart, aaaaah the angst!

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6 months ago

In my opinion, the one on the left of Varang looks like Lyle and the one in the back with the gun is probably Quaritch

I can see it, but me personally I think they're just Ash Na'vi wielding human weapons. Based on the other stuff we probably will see Quaritch and/or Wainfleet fly with the Ash People at some point. That'll be so freaking cool to see!

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6 months ago

I wonder if the whole issue of cutting off kuru isn't a bit too..brutal for the age category. Maybe these kuru are cut off after the clan leader dies and then during the supposed celebration shown in one of the leaks they are put on by the current leader as a way of drawing power/wisdom from past leaders or something like that? Some people cut off a braid of hair after family member's death and keep it as a memento.

I don't know if we'll actually see a scene of Varang cutting off a kuru. Maybe it will only happen off-screen to keep it from being too violent. Or maybe she only removes them from Na'vi enemies who are already dead. The fact that it's "just hair" to the average viewer and not a limb or something will make it easier to pass any censors.

I've heard of traditions involving keeping hair of dead loved ones, and we very well may see Na'vi practice that, but I don't think that's the case with Varang. She looks a little too frightening in that scene to be just honoring the dead, and James Cameron has promised that avatar 3 will feature a villain we'll love to hate and examples of navi being evil. My gut's telling me that varang is cutting off kurus maliciously and that this is not a case of taking them after death. This feels like a way to strike fear in the heart of your enemies.

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6 months ago

Ooh Kukulope is very pretty! It looks like her skirt is made with fur, so maybe the Windtraders get skins from animals that live in cold areas where they would need fur! I can see why people think she might be a Windtrader.

But part of me also hopes she isn't. Kukulope appears to be have all the same traits as other forest Na'vi. I was really hoping we'd get to see more biodiversity, and the windtraders would have more distinct physical characteristics to help them survive at high altitude or in a desert homeland!

I wonder if the airships are the work of Ash's na'vi or the good guys. Can't wait for that!

I believe the airships belong to the Windtraders! James Cameron has hinted that we will not just be introduced to the Ash Clan, but also another Na'vi group called the Windtraders. We know literally nothing about them except for that they presumably like wind and trading things. I think giant floating sky ships with plenty of storage space for trading goods must belong to the Windtraders!

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6 months ago

A quick PSA to all Avatar fans! Please consider using #spoilers and #avatarspoilers when talking about Avatar 3

Hey fellow Avatar fans, I know we're all super excited about the D23 news and we want to talk about it, but there are some Avatar fans out there who want to go into the movie completely blind. One of my mutuals recently reached out to me and asked if I could mark my posts discussing Avatar 3 as spoilers because they enjoy my content and didn't want to have to unfollow me, but they want to go into Avatar 3 blind and my content was giving them spoilers that they didn't want to see.

So from now on I'm going to tag all my posts that discuss leaks and images from Avatar 3 with #spoilers and #avatarspoilers, so that way people who are not interested in seeing anything about Avatar 3 beforehand can block those tags and avoid that content.

I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do here, but if you are somebody who posts about Avatar 3, please consider adding a tag to help others have the best movie-going experience with A3!


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6 months ago

Hi! Quick question, do you know if this leak is official? I found it on Tik Tok but I don't think I've seen it before so I wonder if it's not just fan made 😅

Hi! Quick Question, Do You Know If This Leak Is Official? I Found It On Tik Tok But I Don't Think I've

yoooo I haven't seen this before! No idea if it's real or not, but it sure looks like a real BTS shot to me. If this is a fake, the creator certainly went through a lot of work just to make the image so blurry you can hardly tell what's happening. You'll have to ask the OP on tiktok where they got it from if you want to confirm anything.

Hi! Quick Question, Do You Know If This Leak Is Official? I Found It On Tik Tok But I Don't Think I've

It looks like that Na'vi guy is about to knock the living Eywa out of Varang lmaooooo I wonder who it is

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6 months ago

I just need a scene where Spider finds out that Quaritch is dating Varang and realizes that she's actually his stepmother now. That's it, thanks for your attention.

I Just Need A Scene Where Spider Finds Out That Quaritch Is Dating Varang And Realizes That She's Actually

Spider realizing he now has to deal with not one, but TWO insane evil parents

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6 months ago

this is more or less me just coming up with things, but maybe the ash people don't really cut off their own huru (assuming varang gets all of hers from enemies and deceased elders and the like), because eywa does come with a few benefits like storing memories for later. there's a practical use. so like, maybe they want to have all the beneficial things that eywa gives, yet not any of the "drawbacks" like the three laws bring like not using metal or wheels?

I agree with you on that.

Youtuber Avatar Theory came up with the idea that Varang's followers purposefully sever their kurus and give them to her as a sign of devotion, and though I love Avatar Theory, I don't think he's got it quite right there. As you said, there's just too many disadvantages to severing a kuru. Even if Varang was on the worst power trip ever, she would still realize warriors without kurus would have a huge disadvantage. Plus, we've seen the D23 image with a whole bunch of Ash People riding their banshee-like mounts, which makes it pretty unlikely they sever their kurus for her.

I believe she severs the kurus of her enemies and of her enemies only, partially as a fear tactic and partially as part of a spiritual belief that she absorbs the strength from her enemies' kurus.

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6 months ago

Sketched out a diagram of the Windtrader Sky Ship

Sketched Out A Diagram Of The Windtrader Sky Ship

I can't wait to see what they look like in action!

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6 months ago

If the Ash na'vi are supposed to be allies of the RDA does that mean they would be able to accept humans and treat them as their own, treat them with respect? Or would they allow only recoms? I can't wait to find out!

I'm honestly not sure if the Ash People will be allies to the RDA. We've seen them using human weapons in the D23 art, but that doesn't necessarily mean they're going to ally with the RDA.

I don't have solid evidence for this theory, I'm just going based off of vibes, but I think this is what will happen:

Jake is going to start rallying the clans just like he did in A1, except this time he's not just getting forest people but also reef people and wind people. The RDA realizes whats happening and start to panic. With most of the recoms dead, they have no soldiers who can safely enter the really wild areas outside of their control, and they don't have the resources to torch everything in their path, so they come up with the idea to try and use Quaritch to convince a clan to join them. This way, they could have more soldiers who can enter Eywa's territory without having to spend the resources of growing them.

Quaritch ends up finding the ash people and he starts trying to build an alliance with them. Varang goes along with this at first, but she definitely has her own ulterior motives in mind. The ash people get access to human weapons and battle tactics from Quaritch, while Quaritch and Wainfleet start dressing like ash na'vi to assimilate and make them trust them more. This is why we see ash na'vi wielding guns and we see Quaritch wearing ash attire.

At some point, the Sully kids and Spider get mixed up in all this. This is where the leak comes in: Spider somehow loses/damages his mask, and Kiri performs the "miracle" on him, allowing him to breathe. Jake and Quaritch have a very temporary alliance for Spider's sake and even though Quaritch wants to take Spider with him, he realizes Spider will be in danger at the RDA so he agrees to let Jake go on the condition he gets Spider to safety.

Despite Jake's best efforts to hide Spider with the reef people, the RDA somehow figures out that Spider can breathe on his own now and they try to capture him alive so they can learn how this happened and replicate it in human soldiers. This puts Quaritch in a position where he is forced to choose between his duty to humanity and being a father to Spider. Somewhere in this, Quaritch also learns that Varang never intended to cooperate with the RDA and was only using them to get weapons and knowledge, and now she's going to betray them.

When everything reaches its boiling point, Quaritch chooses to betray the RDA and save Spider. There's some big battle where between Jake's resistance and Varang's betrayal, the RDA suffers a massive loss and Avatar 3 ends on a positive note since it was written as a possible ending. Quaritch can now never go back to the human side and he's done too much damage to ever work with the resistance, so out of desperation, he joins the Ash Clan, the only people left who will take him. Varang welcomes him with open arms, happy to have a demon with extensive knowledge on human battle tactics on her side. And that's where Avatar 3 would end for Quaritch.

So to answer your question about humans, I feel like Varang and co. would only see the humans as tools to be used by them and discarded once they're no longer useful. I get the vibes that the ash people really value strength and power over all else, and while they might be jealous of the humans' powerful weaponry, they would look down on the humans for their physical weakness. The one exception might be Spider. If Varang and Quaritch become allies or even lovers, I think Varang might tolerate Spider at best purely out of respect for Quaritch.

I've also seen a theory that if Spider ends up growing a kuru, Varang might go after him as a form of trophy hunting because he would be the only human with a kuru in the whole world and that would make him rare and unique, but that would definitely sour any relationship between Varang and Quaritch...

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6 months ago

I would like Quaritch and Varang to not have a romantic relationship and instead be more of a pair of villains who complement each other and are unbeatable together but that probably won't happen. But I would like to see a scene where Varang kidnaps the kids, sees Spider and is like: oh, you're that human son of Quaritch that he often mentioned. And everyone has this shock on their face beacuse 1. Q has some connection to those dark na'vi and 2. that he openly calls Spider his son. And then we have the leak scene where Quaritch enters the room and negotiates to place Spider under his care and keep the Sullys as hostages.

I could see it going either way. What I personally think will happen is that Quaritch and Varang will have this sort of romantic tension between each other, but their relationship is too strained by their loyalties to their respective factions that they don't get to act on it. Sort of an enemies-that-could-be-lovers-in-different-circumstances thing.

Ooh I like the scene you described. Quaritch spent all of Avatar 2 refusing to call Spider his son up until the very end, when Spider finally escaped him. That moment when he finally calls out "son" to Spider so desperately and asks him to come with him always hits hard. To show how much he's changed, I would love to hear Quaritch referring to Spider as his son more in Avatar 3, and it would be interesting to see how the other characters react to it!

And yes, I believe that BTS scene is definitely of Quaritch trying to talk Varang into handing Spider over to him.

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6 months ago

Who do you think is hugging Spider here?

Who Do You Think Is Hugging Spider Here?
Who Do You Think Is Hugging Spider Here?

I've seen this scene in video format before and the Na'vi stunt double swings Spider around when they pick him up it's just so cute! I've seen two theories about where these images came from:

it's a deleted scene from Avatar 2. When Spider finally reunites with the Sully family on the rocks, Kiri is so relieved to see him that she picks him up and swings him. But if this is true, I believe the scene was deleted because it felt a little two joyful with everyone still grieving Neteyam so they changed it to the more bittersweet scene where Kiri puts her hand on Spider's chest and feels his heartbeat. As cute as it would be to see Spider get swung around, I think the change was the right choice. But I'm also not 100% sure this is an A2 scene because if you look closely at the second image, you can see Spider has a braid that extends below his dreadlocks. We never see Spider with that extra long braid in Avatar 2, we've only ever seen him with that hair in BTS images for Avatar 3, which leads me to the second theory about what this image is from:

it's a new scene from Avatar 3. If that's the case we have very little information to go off of, but I notice two things about the images. Firstly, they're standing on what looks like the woven material that makes up the Na'vi marui and walkways, and secondly, that Spider is not wearing a mask. The first thing gives us a hint about the setting and implies they are outdoors, and the second thing gives further evidence that the "miracle" in the leaked script will actually come true. I also think based on the height of the stunt double that the person picking him up is a teenager, so most likely Kiri or Lo'ak. Unfortunately, without further context there's nothing else to say about these images other than that it takes place after Spider's "miracle" and Kiri or Lo'ak are hugging him for some reason.

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