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Literally picked THE WORST people for the job.
I’m calling it now he’s gonna end up with a broken nose, bloody lip, and a dent in his skull.
Me to my brain: Don’t think of stupid stuff.
My brain at 3 am: What happens when an Oculator’s uses bestowers lenses and accidentally bestows their own oculatory abilities through them-
Alcatraz: I said DISTRACT them, not knock them out!
Bastille, standing over two unconscious Librarians: There’s just no pleasing you, is there?
Bastille: So do you have a plan or are we just gonna barge in all willy-nilly?
Alcatraz: You know, willy-nilly barging IS a plan of sorts.
Alcatraz: But what if I’m lack toes in tall of rent?
Bastille: Then grow some toes, Smedry.
Just had an idea for an AVTEL OC backstory!!!
So we’re gonna start out with the fact that there are probably kids from surviving lines of Oculators in the Hushlands who, having lived there their whole lives, (and with everyone around them being brainwashed to boot,) don’t know they’re Oculators and will probably never know because who gives random Hushlanders access to Oculatory lenses, right?
And AVTEL is canonically being printed in the Free Kingdoms as an autobiography AND IN THE HUSHLANDS AS A FANTASY SERIES, right?
So let’s say one of those surviving Oculator-line kids got their hands on AVTEL at the bookstore and found themself really liking it.
So they read the rest.
They didn’t think anything of the factuality of the book until some undisclosed amount of time later they found a relative (distant either figuratively or literally) of theirs (who was, job description, a librarian) sneaking away somewhere, so the kid followed said relative into a room. There are lenses on the shelves, various panels and shards of glass in various tints and shades.
The relative leaves the room at some point, at which time the kid curiously picks up a pair of red tinted lenses, puts them on as a joke, and promptly falls backwards from the sheer light emitted by all the glass stuff in the room.
Shenanigans ensue.
@obsessed-with-words-on-a-page i may be an idiot but we who are burdened with the knowledge of the Librarian Empire must share it alone sorry
@le-velo-pour-dru you’re apparently also an AVTEL fan so
Me when I realize Archedis “Big Chin” wasn’t being nice to Bastille in giving her a short time for being cut off from the mindstone he wanted her back on it as soon as possible so she’d be incapacitated when he revealed his true colors
Okay can we PLEASE get Australia Smedry in one of those T-shirts that says “I woke up like this”
I would draw this if I could art but I can’t art
I have a transparent png of Alcatraz Smedry holding a teddy bear grenade that I’d like to edit onto things. Send me ideas plz
Alcatraz, mid battle: OOOOOOOHHHH!!!

He swapped universes with Merlin

Bonus Lady of the Lake! Alcatraz
I have a transparent png of Alcatraz Smedry holding a teddy bear grenade that I’d like to edit onto things. Send me ideas plz
@obsessed-with-words-on-a-page if it interests you have my results on various godly parent quizzes for various Smedrys because yes
Alcatraz: Hades kid (guessed this one lol)
Australia: Aphrodite kid (guessed this one too)
Aydee: Iris kid (YES my first thought was Aphrodite but this is SO MUCH BETTER)
Attica: Aphrodite kid (Y E S)
Pattywagon: HUNTER OF ARTEMIS (Yeah she totally is)
Folsom: Aphrodite (in like a Piper McLean/Silena Beauregard minus the spying kinda way)
Quentin: Ares (sure ok)
Grandpa Smedry: Poseidon kid (he seems so Dionysus-coded???)
Sing: Apollo kid (yeah. I could see it.)
Bastille: Zeus kid (I was thinking Ares or Athena but this works)
Shasta: Athena kid (yes this works)
Himalaya: Athena kid (called it lol)

Alcatraz edited onto the Ides of March as requested by @taszzer
Nah you don’t understand my need for a fic in which someone is bullying Himalaya for still being a librarian and not believing she’s actually a good librarian the way she “says she is” and then getting beat up by an army of Smedrys and small free kingdomer children who adore her because idk I think she’s good with kids sue me
I might die of fluff just thinking about it
@obsessed-with-words-on-a-page come squeal over the fluff with me

Smedry gang and their knights!!! :D
(Featuring a few headcanons)
In order: Alcatraz, Bastille, Australia, Shasta, Aydee, Kaz, Grandpa Smedry, Draulin, Himalaya, and Sing!
(I also have Attica but only ten pics are allowed so I guess either tough luck or I make Folsom, Quentin, and maybe Angola, Brig, and Rikers to go with him)
Current thoughts:
The Mindstone canonically being a chunk of the Worldspire is so funny because it implies that either
A) the Worldspire was built and everyone was like “Okay let’s give the knights a chunk of this thing because you never know when you’ll need a chunk of the magic rock that connects everyone in the world lol”
B) some knight in the past just took a chunk of the Worldspire and NOBODY questioned it
And either way that’s hilarious