Back The Blue - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago


If people ever ask me why I hate cops, just know this disgusting behavior did not face the criminal consequences it deserved. He deserved 10 years in jail at least for assault, and breaking that man’s skull and collarbone. And just consider too he probably got in trouble with work, and the medical bills either he or his family would have to pay if he lacked insurance - and even if they did.

"juSt ComPLY YoU WOnT gEt HuRt!!"

Well, he was complying, and the cop still broke his skull and collarbone.




If he was NOT the suspect for the crime he was accused of committing, WHAT "OBSTRUCTION" OF "JUSTICE" IS THERE? they're admitting he's innocent, but that he's also still guilty of.... fuck him right?

Nah, just the state reminding you that even if they're wrong, you're still getting punished for even suggesting your innocent.

If cops actually wanted to protect you, they'd work towards abolishing qualified immunity.

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11 months ago
Forever Thankful For My Frat Days In College, I Only Ever Want To Around Other Conservative Men Talking

Forever thankful for my frat days in college, I only ever want to around other conservative men talking about shared lifestyles, our common values and upbringing—makes me feel like we need to have more white only spaces!

These two look just like me, my buddies and my dad & brothers 👌🏻 🇺🇸

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2 years ago

If you’re a permatriggered soft loser, almost everything in this picture will make you mad.

I assure you Men like him (and Me) do not give a FUCK

elitealphaman - Elite Alpha Man

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3 years ago

This musclecop is enjoying his cigar…

This Musclecop Is Enjoying His Cigar

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3 years ago

Uniform on…

Uniform off.

Uniform On
Uniform On
Uniform On
Uniform On

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3 years ago

“Nice arms Sir!”

Nice Arms Sir!

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3 years ago

There is a saying in the military, "those who weren't there will never know. Those who know, will never ask". The same can be said with cops and other Frontline workers. You never know what kind of call they just came from, and they never know what call will come next. These are humans who have to shift mental gears that so many will never understand. And then people want to judge them like a Monday morning quarterback. Until you have been in those shoes, shut the hell up and offer some respect.

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