Bangtan Boys Fanfiction - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

You’re Gonna Kill Me

Youre Gonna Kill Me

Just some lovely Sub!Tae for you all today ;)

You were hot pissed.

Where the fuck was he?

It has been over an hour since he last texted you and even then he was late, saying that he would be home soon.

It was you and your boyfriend Taehyung's eight month anniversary and you had went through all the trouble of planning and cooking a nice meal, waiting for him to come home so that you could fill his stomach and he could fill you with his length.

But he was no where to be seen. Or even heard of.

Suddenly, your phone started ringing and you saw Namjoon's number pop up on your screen. You answered it quickly.

"Namjoon? Where the fuck is Tae?" You growled into the phone, waiting for his excuse.

"He's right here, why? Jesus I was just calling to see if you wanted to come out and join us. We're bar hopping right now and I just thought that maybe you'd like to tag along. Tae seems to miss you. But, why do you sound like you're about to commit murder?" He asked into the phone.

"Put Taehyung on the phone right now." You demanded, seething with rage.

"U-Uh, yeah, hang on a second." You could hear him yelling for Tae to get away from Jimin with that open beer and to hurry over to the phone.

"Hello?" You heard your boyfriend's voice ring through the phone.

"Kim Taehyung, where the hell are you right now?" You asked in a dangerously calm voice. You heard him gulp in fear as he exhaled slowly.

"I've been bar hopping with the boys for the night, celebrating the newest album getting released... I'm at the old bar on 43rd street right now... Why?" He asked, genuinely concerned as to why you're upset.

"Funny, because I've been here at home for the past three hours waiting for you. Do you remember what today is?" You asked, hoping that he would tell you the answer you wanted to hear.

"Friday?" He questioned back into the phone.

"The date." You demanded, waiting for the pieces to click in his head.

"The eighteenth-oh fuck... Today's our anniversary isn't it...?" He said lamely. You could almost feel the guilt seeping through the phone.

"Yeah, it's our eight month anniversary Kim Taehyung, and I've been here all day cooking and making a dinner for us. If you even think of sleeping in the same bed as me  until our next anniversary I will kick you so hard in your nuts you'll be lucky if you can use them ever again." You said, anger seeping into your voice.

"I'll be home in ten minutes. You can yell at me all you like then, I'll take every bit of it baby. Just... Please let me talk to you, okay? I'll be right there. Jin! Call me a taxi I need to get home. I love you baby, I'll see you soon." He promised into the phone hanging up a few moments later.

You could feel the dread in his voice as he hung up, clearly guilty and genuinely not meaning to be an asshole. But the rage won over your sympathy for his forgetfulness. Taehyung was forgetful on a good day, but when alcohol was involved, you were lucky if he remember his own name.

Your anger was slowly curbing, but you were still incredibly hurt that he had just forgotten you so easily.

A few minutes later you heard a knock at the door. It was strange for Tae to knock, normally he barged in wherever he wanted and didn't really think too much about it. But the fact that he was knocking and asking permission to enter his own apartment was incredibly sweet. You opened the door to see your boyfriend practically in tears holding a bouquet of flowers and panting heavily.

"I'm the worst human being alive, please, baby... Don't hate me... I'll sleep on the floor in the hallway if you want please, just don't hate me... I'm so sorry..." He whimpered, letting a couple tears fall. You were stunned, you had no idea that he would cry. Tae wasn't one to cry unnecessarily. He wasn't good at faking it either, and you could tell when he was lying. No signs of insincerity were in his eyes and you found yourself wrapping your arms around his neck and petting the back of his neck comfortingly.

"Shh... Tae, don't cry baby. Shh, I don't hate you. I could never hate you, I love you." You said trying to calm his shaking. The regret you felt for causing him this much worry was eating you alive.

"I'm so sorry baby, I honestly didn't mean to forget but I was so focused on this album and I'm really proud of it. But that doesn't give the an excuse, you should come first always to me... But I really wanted this to be good for our ARMY... Just know you always come first to me... I'm sorry." He whimpered into your neck, sniffling and clinging to you like a child.

"Tae, I know you didn't mean to forget, but it's the fact that you did that hurts me. I tried getting you to come home and you continued to go out with the boys and ignored me. That really hurt me, I thought that I wasn't important to you." You explained, rubbing his back in soothing circles. As mad as you were, you knew he was beating himself up more than you ever could. Right now you just wanted him to stop crying so you could talk to him.

"You're more important to me than anything, baby. I'll prove it to you, everyday. I'll be better, I promise." You smiled to yourself, feeling the anger and rage slowly melting away, leaving a light feeling in your chest.

"Tae?" You asked, pulling him away from your neck and wiping his eyes.

"Yes, ___?" He answered, being obedient.

"I have an idea of how you can make it up to me." You said in a sensual voice, Taehyung's eyes turned dark as he looked at you with desire forming.

"What is that, baby? How can I make it up to you?" He asked, pulling you in by the waist. You smiled and knew you had him in your trap.

"Mmmm... Let me tell you what my idea is, yeah?" You said, leaning towards his ear and blowing hot air on it purposefully turning him on.

"Tell me what it is baby." He groaned, rubbing your hips gently.

"A question first... When was the last time you fucked me?" You asked innocently, biting your lip.

"God it's been a week, but it feels like forever... I think we should end that tonight, I'll make it up to you and make you cum over and over again until you can't take it anymore." A jolt of pleasure ran through your spine at the thought of him getting you off until you were screaming in over-sensitivity. But, he needed to be punished and you couldn't think of a better way than to with-hold sex.

"No. I won't be having sex with you tonight." You said firmly, pushing him away from you. His eyes grew large as he stared at you blankly.

"W-What?" He asked, trying to ignore the semi he had working in his pants at the moment.

"I said I won't be having sex with you tonight. Or for the next two weeks." You stated, placing your hands on your hips.

"What!?" Tae shouted, his throat getting dry at the thought of two weeks with no sex.

"You heard me. This is punishment for forgetting our anniversary. No sex, for two weeks." He swallowed harshly and ran his hand through his hair.

"So, that means no oral for either of us... But can we masturbate?" He asked, looking at you nervously.

"I'm not some sort of she-devil. You're more than welcome to masturbate, and you can kiss me and hug me. But if you touch my breasts or," you trailed your hands lower and played with your skirt slightly. "Somewhere else, I'll add a week onto your punishment." You warned, watching his face grow pale.

"Jesus Christ..." He breathed, lifting his eyes back to yours. "And after the two weeks are up, to the very minute, can you promise me something?" Tae asked, gazing into your eyes pleadingly.

"Depends on what it is." You responded, smiling sweetly.

"Promise that we can have sex right then, or give each other oral. I don't care, as long as I can have some form of you in an intimate way... Please?" You thought about it and stared at your boyfriend's panicked expression.

"How about this. We can have sex the second the two weeks are up. But, I get to be in control and you'll have to listen to everything I say. Does that sound fair? I won't be completely greedy, but I have to be in control the whole time. Till the very end. If you try to be dominant in any fashion, we'll stop right then and the punishment will continue for another three days afterwards." Taehyung swallowed hard once more, but nodded his head complying to your outrageous demands.

"Yes baby, whatever you want. As long as I can have you close to me after these weeks are over, I don't care if I get to be in control... But, ___?" He called your name out once more.

"Yes, Tae?" You answered, looking at your boyfriend with nothing but love in your eyes.

"D-Do you want me to sleep on the couch the entire time too? Or can I sleep in the bed with you?" You couldn't help the giggle that fell out of your mouth. Tae was being such a good boy and you were very proud of how he was handling this.

"You have to sleep on the couch tonight, but for the rest of the nights you can sleep with me in the bed. Remember, I love you. More than anything." You said, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his head. He practically purred into your touch and wrapped his arms around you.

"I love you too baby, and after these two weeks are over you'll be able to see just how much."


It had been a few days and you were very proud of your boyfriend. He'd done everything you'd asked of him. Doing the dished and cleaning up after dinner. Even taking you out for a lovely lunch at your favorite cafe to make up for the meal you two didn't get to eat together.

"Do you want to go to the park with me today? The flowers will look beautiful in the sunlight!" Taehyung asked, after helping you dry the dishes after breakfast.

"I have a paper I need to write for my online class, but otherwise I would love to baby." But there was a question burning in your mind.

"Man, I guess I'll ask the guys if they wanna go. Us manly men looking at pretty flowers. Ooh! The ARMY would like it if we took pictures of them though, sent them something sweet to brighten their day!" The way he spoke about his fans so fondly made your heart fill with warmth, but the question in your head still stood.

"Taehyung, are you horny?" You asked, biting your lip and watching all the blood drain from his face.

"U-Uh, why?" He asked back, setting down the dishes he was drying with shaky hands.

"Cause, you're acting like no sex isn't a punishment. Maybe I should make it longer-"

"No! God please no! I'm already going crazy over here trying not to just jump your bones, believe me... But I'm trying to be good for you and prove to you that I care about more than just your body. Believe me, I'm horny as hell... But, I'm excepting my punishment like I should." He said almost too passionately.

"Yeesh, sorry. You just seemed like it wasn't effecting you at all, apparently I was wrong." He nodded vehemently and continued to dry the dishes you handed to him.

"The only reason I haven't lost my God damn mind is because I'm jacking off about three times a day." You dropped a dish and watched it fall to the floor and shatter, causing your boyfriend to jump in shock.

"S-sorry." You murmured, bending down to pick it up off the floor.

"Baby, don't!" Tae said, grabbing your wrists before you could try to clean up the dangerous mess. Him admitting that he wanted you but was trying so hard not to break his promise and accepting his punishment just shocked you. You thought that he would try and beg you to at least send him some naughty pictures to masturbate with, but he'd kept it a secret.

"Sorry... Uh, I'm gonna go work on that paper." You pecked his lips slightly and walked back to your room, leaving your boyfriend extremely confused and with a huge mess to clean up.


Maybe you shouldn't have let him masturbate...

It was almost the end of the first week and Tae, albeit he told you he was struggling, seemed to be just as happy as normal. Kissing you and hugging you, but never pushing past the boundaries you clearly set for him.

The need to have him begging you for intimacy that you both wanted was killing you. You wanted him to be so far gone that the only word he knew was your name.

But how to get him desperate? How could you crack that thick mask he had placed over his face?

You smirked as you pulled out your favorite bra mixed with your nice lacy panties, almost imagining Tae drooling when he saw you. You decided the best thing would be to take a bath and have him catch you in nothing but a towel.

He will be punished.

You ran and left your clothes out on the counter, hiding the bra and panties carefully to ensure that he wouldn't see them until you wanted him to.

The door opening signaled your boyfriend was home from dance practice and you shut off the water.

"Babe?" You shouted, confirming it was him.

"Yes?" Tae's voice responded through the door.

"How was practice?" You asked, genuinely wondering if he had a good time. Just because he was getting punished didn't mean that you didn't care about his happiness and his career.

"Exhausting, but Jimin and Jungkook helped me with a part that I was getting wrong, so I feel like I worked really hard and did it right." You could hear the pride in his voice and it filled you with a similar feeling. He worked so hard and he was happy about it paying off. A smile crept to your lips, but the fact still stood that you were naked in the shower and there were no clothes for you in here.

"Tae, can you do me a favor?" You asked, grabbing a towel from the rack.

"Yeah, of course. What is it?" He said, coming up to the door.

"I left my clothes on the counter, mind grabbing them for me?" You heard his footsteps walking away before he answered.

"Yeah sure, no problem." He said, walking over to the counter to find your clothes sitting in a neat little pile. After a few moments, you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in, I have a towel on." You responded, looking at yourself in the mirror.

"Here you go baby-oh..." Tae breathed, staring at your figure in front of him.

"Thanks!" You said, grabbing the clothes and getting ready to drop your towel.

"Hang on a minute let me get out of here!" Taehyung said before you could reveal any more of your wet, pale skin.

"What's the deal? You've seen me naked before. I've changed in front of you more times than I can remember." You announced, as if what you were doing was purely an innocent mistake.

"Baby I haven't seen you naked in two weeks. There's only so many ways I can respond to that." He whined softly, trying not to get hard just by looking at you.

"What? The punishment finally starting to kick in?" You teased, watching him squirm in front of you like a virgin.

"You're testing me?" He asked, practically glaring at you.

"Mmm, maybe. But unless you want me to make your punishment longer, I suggest you remember your promise." He made a strange noise in his throat before pushing you to the side before stripping his clothes off of himself and jumping in the shower.

"Unless you intend on listening to me jack off, I suggest you get out of here for the next twenty minutes." You smiled and walked out of the room, shutting the door and going to your room to change.


A few days later, Tae had left to go out with the boys for some celebrating. You had decided to clean the house by yourself. Your music was blasting as you paraded around the room with nothing but a loose t-shirt and your panties on.

You had laundry to do as well.

The music was loud as you cleaned up the kitchen, so you didn't hear the door opening or hear your boyfriend walking in the apartment.

"Baby! I'm ho-holy shit." Tae's voice suddenly dropped an octave as he watched your hips move sensually to the song that was playing. His throat became dry as he watched you, imagining what your body would feel like pressed against his if he was to take you on the counter.

"Oh! Tae! You scared me." You announced, holding your chest in moderate shock.

"B-Baby... What are you wearing?" He asked, his eyes glued to your legs that are bare in front of him.

"Oh, um, the laundry is in the washer right now and I was cleaning so I didn't want to get anything on my clothes..." You explained, watching his eyes get darker and darker with lust. Your eyes naturally wandered down to find him pitching a tent right there in front of you.

"God this is fucking torture..." He groaned leaning against the counter, looking completely and utterly pitiful.

"Only a few more days baby, then you can fuck me hard... If I let you that is." You smiled and got a little closer to him.

"Please, ___, don't come any closer to me. Please, it already hurts..." He whined, pushing down on his crotch, desperate for some form of relief.

"Does it really hurt baby?" You asked, getting closer and closer to his trembling form.

"Yes, it hurts. Of course it does... My hands aren't as soft as yours, and it doesn't feel as good compared to you..." You thought about it for a moment and got on your knees in front of him.

"You've been very good for the past couple days, so, as a little treat. I'll talk to you while you jack off, and you can come on my face or tits if you want." His eyes bulged out of his head as he quickly undid his belt and pulled himself out of his pants. You forgot how hot he was when he was naked, you haven't seen it in almost three weeks so, you missed it too in a way. Tae was quick to begin stroking himself in front of you, looking into your eyes as he pleasured himself.

"Oh, shit baby. Talk to me, please..." He begged, already looking pretty wrecked.

"Mmm... I love watching you like this Tae. Seeing how desperate and needy you are is getting me so horny. Uhh..." You moaned at the end, watching his brows furrow in pleasure.

"____..." He whined your name, watching as you pulled your shirt over your head to give him something to cum on.

"Taeee," You whined. "Won't you cum for me? Cum for your baby who misses your cum so much. How it's always so warm inside of my drenched pussy when you fuck me for hours until I can't stand. So hot, so hot Taehyung." His breaths were coming in short little pants as he got closer and closer to his end. Your eyes never left his face while you spoke to him, watching the pleasure take over his features was intoxicating.

"C-Close. I'm gonna cum..." He moaned, biting his lip in the signature way before he cums. You loved that look.

"It's alright baby, you can cum. I want to feel your nice warm cum all over my breasts. Please, Tae, cum for me." You moaned. This seemed to throw him over the edge as you felt the familiar warmth of his climax all over your chest.

"Oh fuck... Oh shit, baby..." He moaned, slumping against the counter, panting hard.

"Damn, Tae, how much cum can you hold?" You asked, looking down at the milky mess that now adorned your breasts.

"I've been masturbating, but I go soft right in the middle and can't finish... So, I've had a lot of build up. That's probably why it hurt so much whenever I got hard." He said out loud, making your head shoot up.

"Baby, if you're ever in pain because of that, you need to tell me. Your comfort and health are much more important to me than a punishment... But, I need to go clean up. I can't want until all of this is inside me." You winked and trotted to the bathroom, smiling the whole way.


Tonight was the night you were finally going to let Taehyung have sex with you for the first time in three weeks. He'd been texting you dirty things all day, in an attempt to get you turned on.

The only problem is, he seems to have forgotten a key factor in his excitement.

He wasn't going to be in control tonight.

Taehyung was directly on time for dinner, bringing you flowers and everything.

"Hi baby." He said, wrapping you up in his arms kissing your head affectionately. Everything he did from now on was going to be how you wanted it. And you were fairly certain this was going to be the worst part of the punishment yet. You smiled and kissed his cheek and walked with him to the table, both of you sitting down and getting your plates ready.

"So, how are Jimin and Jungkook? You said you hung out with them today." You said, starting normal conversation. Gauging his reaction.

"They're great! They say hi and that they want some more of your famous brownies soon. More Jimin than Kookie, you know how he diets," you smile and wait for him to continue. "Other than that, we just watched movies and they teased me about a dance move I got wrong the other day. But it was nice to hang out with them."

He was doing a really good job of not talking about sex and not mentioning all those dirty things he said he was going to do to you the second he got home. You drank some of the wine you poured and listened to more of his stories while you ate your dinner. He asked what you did with your day and you merely pointed to the meal you were enjoying currently.

"It tasted so good, thank you for dinner baby." He smiled, kissing your head as you both cleaned up from dinner. Washing and drying the dishes before putting them away as well as the leftovers in the refrigerator.

"I'm glad you liked it, anything in particular you want for dessert?" You said, looking at the ice cream you had in the fridge as well as some strawberries. Warmth spread over your back as you felt Taehyung mold his body to yours, breathing into your neck hotly.

"I have a few ideas of what I want for dessert." He murmured, placing sweet little kisses around your shoulder.

"Taehyung." You warned. You felt him freeze behind you, straightening up slowly.

"W-what is it baby?" He asked, looking at you in concern.

"Do you not remember the deal we made at the beginning of this punishment?" You asked, watching his expressions.

"I remember you saying the second that the two weeks was over we could have sex..." He said, looking a little confused.

"I also said that I got to be in control. I'm dominant tonight baby, so get on your knees for me." You practically growled at him. He turned very timid, but did as you asked, getting on his knees in front of you.

"What a role reversal this is." He mumbled, looking at your hips in front of him.

"Did I say you could speak?" You said, taking his hair in your fist and tilting his head back so he was looking at your face.

"No..." He breathed, eyes glazing over in lust.

"Then we have a problem here Taehyung... Already disobeying me and we haven't even gotten to the good part yet. What am I going to do with you?" You asked, running your fingers over his face delicately. He remained silent but gave you the sweetest puppy eyes he could manage. Trying to convey all the he was trying to say with his eyes.

I really didn't mean to disobey you, please baby, let's keep going?

You smiled at the thought and pet his head gently.

"Well. I believe you didn't do it on purpose. Because my good boy wouldn't disobey me, would he?"

Tae shook his head vigorously.

"Good boy. Follow me to the bedroom, but you can't stand on your feet. You have to crawl to me." You smiled walking backwards towards the door, watching as your boyfriend crawled towards you with desire filled eyes. You smiled as he approached you and you patted his head affectionately.

Taehyung took your fingers and nibbled gently, trying to coax you towards the bed.

"Get up and carry me to the bed," you demanded, watching as he scrambled to his feet to comply. His arms wrapped around you and he stalked towards the bedroom quickly. You smiled as you felt him lower you onto the soft fabric of your comforter. "Now go down and sit at the foot of the bed, you can't touch me until I say so." Taehyung gave a small little whimper but did as he was told, sitting on his knees at the foot of the bed, looking like a little puppy denied a treat.

You slowly began undoing your shirt, showing more and more skin. Taehyung remained still, but his throat bobbed as he swallowed, desperate for some form of relief. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and all he could imagine was how you would taste as he brought you to your orgasm.

"Taeeee.... I want to take my shirt off, but I don't know if you want me to take it off... Tell me how bad you want me to take it off." You teased, watching as he bit his lips.

"I want you to take it off so bad baby. I want to see all of your beautiful skin, please let me see it? Please?" His low voice pleaded, watching your little strip tease was almost too much for him to bear. You smiled at his whines and did as he asked and removed your shirt, showing off your newest set of lingerie for him.

"Look at what I happened to find at the store today. Pretty isn't it?" You said, stroking your hands over your chest, watching as your boyfriend's eyes got larger and larger.

Taehyung nodded his head and bit his lip. You watched as he tried to readjust his bulge in his pants, looking for some form of relief from the strip tease you were giving him. His eyes locked onto your chest and the new black lace lingerie you had purchased earlier in the day, sneakily hiding it in the back of your car.

"Tae, is it painful? You look like you're in pain." He swallowed hard and looked at you desperately.

"Baby... It's uncomfortable... I want to be inside you." He moaned, giving you his big puppy eyes.

You smiled but shook your head yet again, "Not yet baby." Taehyung groaned and rolled his head back on his shoulders.

"Please, Jagi... Please..."

His whines were so pathetic, that you almost gave in and let him take you the way he wanted. But, this was too much fun.

"I'll take off one piece of clothing of your choosing. But pick wisely taehyunnie." You teased, biting your lip and playing with the bra strap. Taehyung seemed to think it over logically, what was left of the logic he possessed. He gazed at your chest longingly, but then his eyes moved down to between your legs. He bit his lip and looked back up at you.

"Would you please take your panties off?" You smiled and nodded.

"You even said please, what a polite boy you are, you might just get a reward for that," you said, reaching down to move your panties off your body. Taehyung watched in agony as your panties were discarded onto the floor and you sat practically bare in front of him. A quiet little groan came from his throat.

You spread your legs open and showed him your pink center, slowly running your fingers down to it, watching him with calm eyes. His adams apple bobbed showing extreme amount of restraint as you slowly teased yourself and him.

"How I wish these were your fingers, baby... I love how long and rough your fingers can be. But I guess mine will have to do," you breathed as you leaned your head back, slowly pushing a single finger into your entrance.

"Oh fuck," you heard him whisper, you weren't sure if he even was aware of the fact he said it, so you eyed him as you stuck another finger into your core and began pumping your fingers back and forth, creating an exhilarating friction inside of your stomach.

"I wish it was you Tae... Your fingers feel so much better than mine. If I let you, would you please me? Would you make me climax with just your fingers baby? Or even better, just your mouth?" Taehyung swallowed hard and nodded quickly.

"Of course baby. Anything you want. I'll make you cum so hard with just my fingers or my mouth, whatever you want, I promise," he whimpered. "Please, let me touch you baby," you eased the tight chain you had on him and nodded.

"You are allowed to touch my pussy, and no where else. Only my pussy," you said firmly, opening your legs even further to allow him access to your center. Taehyung practically flew across the bed and landed right in front of your dripping core, you pulled your fingers from yourself and held them in front of his mouth. "Open your pretty lips for me, suck my fingers clean," you demanded. Taehyung was quick to obey and took your fingers in his mouth and groaned at the taste of you residing there. He licked and nibbled at your digits and cleaned them off quickly. You continued praising him, slowing running your fingers through his hair. "Now, take your reward," you said, urging him towards your center.

Soon after, Taehyung's lips connected with your soaked folds. A sharp gasp came from your throat and you threw your head back in pleasure. Taehyung moved his tongue in such a sinfully delicious manner that you thought momentarily it should be illegal. He was always flaunting that god damn tongue any chance he got. Licking his lips or sticking it out at you when the two of you had an argument. But this is where you liked it the best, right against your aching center.

Taehyung was eager to please you, already making a mess between your legs. You reached down and tangled your fingers in his hair once more, gripping tightly causing him to let out a little groan. You smirked and ran your nails down his neck to where his shirt collar was still placed.

"Mmm, you feel so good, Tae. Oh baby, you're so good," you moaned, biting your lip, trying to keep your composure.

This seemed to ignite a fire in him, your praise. He began nosing at your clit with fervor and desperately seeking to find your end. It wasn't going to be long, you could feel yourself slipping down that slop of ecstasy that Taehyung seemed to push you over all too easily. You felt something on your thigh and recognized it as Taehyung's hand, squeezing into the flesh that was available. You immediately grabbed his hair tightly and pulled him away from your center, a great displeasure for the both of you.

"Baby," he whined, licking his lips like a kitten who was too sloppy with their milk.

"Didn't I tell you, you were only allowed to touch my pussy, nothing else. Look where you hand is, Taehyung," you said in an ominous voice.

Taehyung looked and removed his hand like your leg was molten lava. His eyes turned pleading as he gazed back up at you. "Baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't know! It was instinct, please baby I didn't mean to break the rules," he looked as if he was about to cry and you leaned forward and connected your lips to his to ease his nerves.

You were familiar with Tae being dominant, and you knew he would crack eventually and give in to both of your desires. But you on the other hand, were a different story. Your self control was something of a wonder. If you were told no, you found that you didn't want it anymore anyways. You didn't let things that you couldn't have bother you, so you would go about it a different way. And that terrified Taehyung. He knew that you could finish yourself off, but him? He needed to feel your warmth and velvety walls in order to reach his relief at this point. He hadn't had you in so long and he was beginning to go through withdrawals.

You pulled away from his lip and gave a seductive smile.

"I love you Taehyung, but I did tell you the rules," his eyes enlarged and he gulped before biting his lip with tension.

"W-What is my punishment going to be baby? I'm not sure how much more I can take," he whimpered, reaching down to put pressure against his obviously tented pants.

"Since that appears to be the case, you punishment will be a blowjob, but you can't cum, if you do, then we'll move on to the next punishment," you said with a wicked smile. He swallowed hard and licked his lips.

"What about your orgasm baby, don't you want to cum?"

Clever boy. Reminding you of the aching desire you felt in your lower core.

"That'll be your next order of business, but for right now, I want your clothes off in a minute," you ordered, watching him scramble from the bed and rush to get his clothing off. It was impressive how fast he could get undressed, and you had realized how much you missed his body. It was always so warm and lean above you, bring the two of you to your pleasure.

Taehyung got back on the bed and you reached for him, grabbing him by the shoulders and kissing him once more. He was caught a little by surprise, but began kissing you back with a little coaxing from your tongue. Taehyung melted in your embrace and was putty in your hands. Having this much power over him was thrilling and you realized very quickly that you would be in the dominant role much more often in the future of your sex life.

Once you had him on his back you kissed down his torso, listening to his little sounds of approval before you reached his incredibly hard length. His cock was red and throbbing, and all for you. A smirk appeared on your lips and you gave a long lick up his shaft before taking the head of his dick inside your wet mouth. Taehyung let out a soft keen at the sensation and began gripping the bed sheets. You couldn't help but chuckle, although that only made him cry out softly.

He was so hard and hot on your tongue that you were positive that it wasn't going to take very long for him to cum. But if he did, you knew he was in for it. Taehyung was sweating profusely and gripping onto the sheets tightly, trying to keep his breathing even.

"How does that feel Taehyung? My mouth on you?"

Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, trying to eliminate as many stimuli as he could to prolong his hard on. You wrapped your hand around him and began pumping what your mouth wouldn't reach, adding more and more pleasure to the time bomb in Taehyung's stomach that would soon explode. It was so hot listening to him whine and moan while you moved your mouth over him.

"How about a deal, Taehyunnie?" You asked, pumping him with strong strokes. He looked at you with bleary eyes.

"W-what's the deal?"

You smirked and began moving your hand faster on his cock. He arched into your hand and bit his lip, trying to keep himself from shouting out.

"If I take all of you in my mouth, and swallow two times and you don't cum, then you can fuck me. Does that sound like a fair punishment to you?" Taehyung weighted his options and nodded, trying not to get anxious at the thought of you taking him all the way in your mouth. It wasn't something that you normally did, and it was generally saved as a treat for him. But now, he wasn't allowed to cum.

You lowered your mouth onto him, relaxing your throat and feeling your nose hit his hot skin. You looked up at him with seductive eyes and tightened your throat experimentally, not quite swallowing yet. Taehyung shot up off the mattress and bucked into your throat, almost causing you to choke.

"Shit baby! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" The concern in his voice was soothing as tears stung in your eyes, but you stood firm and swallowed harshly once. Taehyung was at a loss and the sounds he made were a string of curses and helpless whines. You could feel him throbbing in your mouth and you knew that he was close. You could practically taste his orgasm for him and it was turning you on immensely. Your center was drenched while you moved your tongue around his length.

He looked as if he was fighting off his orgasm with everything he had, and it was endearing to see him work so hard to obey your rules. You rubbed his thigh in praise for getting through the first swallow and tapped to let him know you were going to do it again, as to avoid him choking you with his dick. He nodded and you swallowed just as hard, if not harder, than you did last time. Taehyung cried out loudly, digging his fingers into his skin, practically drawing blood. Although, you didn't taste cum, and you didn't feel him tense up as if he was about to cum. You lifted your head off of his member and watched Taehyung collapse against the pillows with a pained expression.

"Oh fuck, baby, please... I need to cum so bad, I did what you asked, can I fuck you now? Please please baby, Jagi... I need to cum, and I know you do to," Taehyung whimpered, his brows furrowed in pleasure and pain.

"You are so good for me, Taehyung. You didn't come when you weren't supposed to, and I'm very proud of you for that. You can have your reward now. Do you want to be on top? Or do you want me to ride you?" Taehyung's eyes brightened at those words and you knew he wanted you on top. You also weren't sure if he could handle fucking you right now, with how wrecked he was.

You straddled his waist and removed the final piece of clothing you were wearing, caressing your chest in a alluring manner. Taehyung groaned at the sight and bit his lip in protest.

"Please baby, no more teasing. Let me have you, please let me fuck you." The sight of his engorged cock drew you in from your teasing mannerisms and you grasped him, listening as a yelp came from his lips at the sudden pleasure. Your hips sunk down and you felt him fill you up in a familiar, yet foreign way. It had been a long time since he was fully inside you and it was such an incredible feeling.

He was long and thick, and so so hot inside of you. Hitting all of the spots that his tongue couldn't reach. You were lost on him and he was drowning in the pleasure you were providing for him. It was incredibly hot to watch him be so focused on his own climax, the needy and desperate tone to his voice was already bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm.

Suddenly, Taehyung tensed up and you felt the familiar hot liquid splashing against your walls. He came hard and you felt his thighs shaking underneath you. You were surprised at his lack of endurance. Taehyung was a firm believer in ladies first and normally you had three or four mind blowing orgasms before Taehyung had one or two. Seeming to realize what happened, Taehyung looked at you with shame prevalent in his eyes.

"Oh baby, you haven't finished yet, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to- Ah!"

You clenched around his softening member, causing a sharp pain to ring through Taehyung's body.

"I said that fucking me was your reward, are you saying you're done with your reward once you're satisfied? Maybe to make you appreciate it more, you won't be allowed to fuck me for a month. How does that sound? Unless you get me to cum in the next ten minutes with your cock, it'll be a month with no sex. Get started," you growled, lying back and opening your legs for him.

Taehyung, frightened by your threat, was quick to pin you against the mattress and grind against you in a desperate attempt to get himself hard again. You found the sweet spot on his neck and sucked harshly, knowing that was one of the fasted ways to bring him pleasure in a short period of time.

After two minutes passed you felt him start to get stiff against your folds, and you smiled.

"You have eight minutes to make me cum baby, let's see if you can do it. Daddy," you purred, using the name he had been begging for you to use over the past few months. Taehyung's demeanor changed and he was inside of you in an instant. You groaned at the intrusion and sucked in a deep gasp of air.

"Oh I'll make you cum my princess. I'll make you cum so hard you won't be able to stand for the next two hours. Then I'll fuck you so hard that you can't remember any other word by my name, I promise," you detected the signs of his dominance leaking out, and you gave him a firm glare to remind him who was in charge; clenching around him to make a final point. With a whimper and the look of being sucker punched, Taehyung began to thrust in and out of with with desperation.

He had five minutes to make you cum.

You definitely felt good, but you weren't sure how close you were to cumming. Taehyung worked desperately for the next few minutes building up the climax that you had demanded of him.

He had two minutes to make you cum.

Taehyung was sweating, and he was hammering into you with such a delicious pain that you couldn't tell where he ended and you began. His head was in your neck and you had your arms wrapped around his neck in an attempt to get better leverage. You knew you were going to be sore in the morning with the ferocity that Taehyung was using, but you couldn't find yourself being able to care in that moment. Taehyung seemed to remember something because his head lifted from your neck and looked at you.

"Are you close?" His eyes were pleading, and you realized he was going to cum again.

"Yes, but I don't think it's going to happen in the next thirty seconds," you said, already feeling a little disappointed that this was going to be the only sex you would have for nearly two months.

"No, I won't have that, you'll come by the time you hit one second, so I'll count down the seconds," he said, reaching down to where your bodies were joined and began rubbing your clit with the rough pad of his thumb. Your body arched in response to this and ground Tae's thumb pad against you even more.



Your heart was pounding.


Your vision started blurring.

"Fuck! Eight."

You could feel the chord in your stomach tightening.


Taehyung went even harder into you, if that was possible.


You gripped onto his shoulder, feeling your body beginning to let go.


"Taehyung, I'm gonna cum!"

"Four. Holy shit, baby."

You could feel it. It was so close you could taste it.


"Tae, I'm cumming. Oh fuck!" You screamed.


The tension was palpable and you forgot how to breathe.

"Cum baby, cum."

The chord snapped and you screamed out his name, soon after feeling warmth flood your sore womanhood, signaling Taehyung's second orgasm of the night, and so soon after his last you were certain he was sore as well.

The two of you held onto each other as if you were about to fall off a large precipice if you go. You panted and winced when Taehyung pulled himself out of your core. You could feel his seed pouring out of you and onto the bed sheets, but you were too fucked out to care.

"Holy shit," Tae breathed, resting his forehead against yours in an attempt to catch his breath.

"That was amazing," you announced, smiling as he wrapped you up in his arms. You sighed in contempt before kissing his shoulder slowly.

"I love you so much baby, and as much fun as this was, I never want to wait that long to make love to you," Taehyung whined before pecking your head in a far too cute manner for the actions the two of you just completed.

"I love you too Tae," you breathed before snapping out of his arms and pinning him against the bed once more.

"B-babe?" His eyes were confused and slightly scared.

"What made you think we were done? You've came twice and I've only gotten one measly orgasm. I think it's time you remedy that, come on Tae, hurry up and get hard again," you complained.

"Oh my fuck you're going to kill me baby."

Tags :
8 years ago


Let's just admit it.

We're all huge sluts for Hoseok.


The hot drink burned your tongue as you tried to take a sip.

It was too early in the morning to be doing anything.

But here you were, waiting, as per usual.

He liked to make these requests of you, showing him how much you really were his.

Jong Hoseok was your Sugar Daddy.

There were many ways to put oneself through college. But, working a full-time job and getting next to no where from that didn't sound good to you. Slaving in a kitchen with twenty other people risking burns for customers that didn't even give a shit.

At least with Mr. Hoseok, both parties were entertained by what you were doing. And, it didn't always mean sex.

Sometimes he simply didn't want to eat dinner alone. Other times he wanted someone's opinion on his outfit in the morning. And other times, he wanted home cooked meals from a person he knew.

Every time he called you, there was something else he wanted. But, he always gave you what you wanted in return. He was a funny guy with a good heart, but to you, he was Daddy.

He was the chairman of an electronics company that had completely blown up around the world. Everyone had one of his cellphones or one of his laptops. If they were lucky, on of his state of the art cameras.

And you had all three.

Only the best for Daddy's princess.

He paid you in gifts like these sometimes, but mainly, he transferred the money to your bank accounts every month. You were surprised how much he was willing to give you. Anything you said you were interested in, Hoseok would inquire if it was something he could get you.

However, you mainly just wanted your college to be paid for. Although, being near Hoseok wasn't something you were going to complain about.

The way you met Hoseok was at a bar. You had been a waitress for almost two and a half years when this gorgeous man strolled into the building with three or four other men in suits. Your mouth dropped open. The man in the very front was absolutely mouth watering.

All of the waitresses jumped at the chance to serve such a high class man. But, whether it be fate, luck, or sheer coincidence, he sat in your section.

You shooed all the doe eyed girls out of the way and walked over with a gentle smile on your face.

"And what can I get you gentlemen this afternoon?" you asked, readying your pen. They went around the table giving you their orders with big smiles. You got to the gorgeous one and his eyes seemed to run over your frame with a quick movement.

"I'd like a Moscow Mule light ice and your phone number please," he asked, leaning forward and giving you a seductive smile.

"There he goes again," a younger man said, throwing his brown hair out of his face and leaning back in the chair.

"Hoseok, don't be so forward when you've just met someone!" a man with pinkish tinted hair scolds.

"Of course, Hobi-hyung is the first one to hit on the waitress," another one with blonde hair commented.

But you simply smiled and went to go get their drinks. All of the waitresses swarmed you with questions and begged you to give them the table. You shook your head and gave their orders to the bartender.

Namjoon kept shaking the mixer while looking at you.

"You seem tense, what did that guy want from you? You seemed to tense up a bit on your way over here," he said, eyeing up the table.

Namjoon had been like your brother at the bar. Always watching over you and making sure that no man disrespected you while you were at work.

"Just asked for my number and a drink. Harmless," you said, giving him a soft smile. Namjoon didn't take the bait, but decided to leave it alone.

Soon, their drinks were ready and you went back to the table.

The men got quiet when you approach them with their drinks. You gave them a big smile and set their drinks down in the correct order.

"Here we go. A bottle of soju with a cut up lime, bourbon with a shot of pickle juice, lightest beer on tap and a Moscow mule with light ice," you said. They were pleased and thanked you.

The one named Hoseok didn't seem to bother you anymore.

The table stayed for around an hour an a half, casually drinking and ordering small things to snack on throughout the evening.

At the end of everything, you wound up really enjoying the table as a whole. You learned their names. Jungkook, who was the youngest. Jimin, who was older by a few years. Jin who was the oldest of them all. Finally getting to Hoseok, who happened to be the same age as Namjoon who was working the bar!

They were all very kind and made you laugh, even giving you their phone numbers just to hang out again if you wanted.

All in all, the night was a success. You were pleased with their business and for once you were happy to be a waitress.

As you were cleaning up near closing you felt a tap on your shoulder. You jumped slightly, only to see that it was Hoseok.

"Oh, Hoseok-oppa. You startled me. What do you need?" you asked, standing before him. He looked you over for the second time that you could see and stared directly into your eyes.

"Is their anything you want, in this world?" he asked, sitting down at the empty table.

You gawked at him, surprised at his nonchalant attitude towards you. But, you thought about his statement and nodded.

"I want to go to college and not have to work in a bar six to seven days a week," you said, sitting down across from him.

He leaned forward on his arms and smiled at you. "What if I told you I could make that happen?" he asked, cocking his head to the side slightly. You narrowed your eyes at him and sat up a little straighter.

"I'd have to call bull-shit, sorry for the language," you said, crossing your arms.

"What if I proved it to you? Would you be willing to go on a date with me next week?" he asked. Your eyes seemed to get narrower, but you were intrigued by this handsome individual before you.

"What time and where would we be going?" you asked, testing the waters.

"How about dinner in one of my hotels, the one closest to the water has a salmon dish that I'm fond of, are you in?" he challenged.

You weren't one to back down, so you agreed.

The date went surprisingly well. The two of you clicked in a way that you didn't think was possible with someone you'd met in a bar and served drinks to for a few hours. However, Hoseok was a gentleman and treated you like a lady.

After the dinner he'd taken you back to his apartment. Which was a bad move on your part, but the red wine you had had was flooding through your veins and you felt great.

Hoseok sat you down on the couch and approached you with a question on his lips.

"I know this is going to sound awful after just one date... And I don't want to do this to objectify you in anyway... Please understand that I am doing this to help you, and ease my loneliness as well... I want you to be... my sugar baby," he managed to squeak out.

You were enraged at first. But the more Hoseok explained what he would be asking of you, and what it really meant to be a sugar baby, the more you calmed down and started actually listening.

Because originally, it didn't start with sex.

It started with dates and home cooked meals. You coming over for a glass of wine here and there.

However, that wasn't paying enough for you.

You asked if Hoseok would pay you more if you had sex with him. He got a little upset, and rightfully so. You had insulted him...

He said that if you wanted more money, all you had to do was ask for it.

But, one drunken night, the two of you managed to stumble into his bed and go at it like bunnies in the spring time as it were.

The next morning he woke up to you in the kitchen making him breakfast.

And after that, the two of you were hooked on each other.

Now, you were waiting for him in a coffee shop at seven thirty in the fucking morning. All because he wanted to see you before he was stuck in an office for an entire day.

You heard the bell on the door ring and Hoseok's brilliant self walked through the door. Even though you were tired and cranky, you managed to smile and give him a tight hug.

The pair of you sat down at the table and you sipped on your coffee with a delicate precision. Hoseok seemed to admire you as you drank the bitter hot liquid.

"So, why did you call me here so early in the morning?" you asked, looking up from your coffee.

Hoseok leaned back in his spot and gazed at you with his bedroom eyes. You almost choked on your coffee from the sudden arousal you felt, but you remained as composed as you could considering the circumstances.

"I got something at the apartment this morning and I couldn't wait until later for you to see it. So I decided that you should probably have some coffee before you came over, because you aren't going to be leaving for a while," he whispered with a smirk on his face. Your cheeks flushed red and you squirmed in your seat.

For whatever reason, Hoseok knew every single way to turn you on. It seemed ridiculous, but he did.

Every thing that made your skin erupt in sparks, he knew.

He always managed to rile you up some way or another. The way that he slide his hand down your back, almost touching your ass but never getting there.

"And what did you get at the apartment this morning?" you asked, trying to keep yourself from losing it.

Abruptly, Hoseok stood up. His sudden action caused you to stand as well, curious as to what you did wrong. You gave him a stunned look but he simply smiled and shook his head before giving you another hug. You weren't going to say no to his actions so you hugged back.

"I got a new mattress. Better for daddy to fuck his princess on, what do you say?" he asked in a dirty tone. Your face flushed at his words, but you were practically dripping from being in his presence anyways. And the way he ran his tongue over his lips was sinful.

He would certainly be the death of you.

"Can we leave, now?" you asked, already grabbing your bag. Hoseok simply smiled at you and took your arm, leading you towards the door.


The air was warm when you walked into his penthouse.

It was one of the first things you noticed when you first came to his house. It was full of light and warmth, something that he radiated wherever he went. Hoseok was someone who no matter the circumstances, could make you smile.

The two of you wandered around the apartment for a few moments, gathering your thoughts. Hoseok had been very brash with you, especially out in public. However, that wasn't the first time he'd been like that with others around.

His favorite time to tease you was when his friends were around. You had taken a liking to them and he used that to his advantage. They knew you had some kind of fling going on.

Especially when Jin walked in one morning when you were making breakfast in your bra and panties with one of Hoseok's work shirts on.

You were certain that he had spank bank material for months after that.

However, you didn't want to give them the wrong impression about yourself. You had respect for your mind and your body. And Hoseok was never disrespectful of either. You were going to college, him paying for all of it without batting an eye.

You admired him as he set his jacket down on the couch and stretched out. He was a dance instructor in the afternoons some days and you knew that he was talented with his tongue.

He liked to say that if his father hadn't have given him the company, he would've been in a street dance group or in one of the idol schools where he could be in a big boy band.

Hoseok was talented in anything he did, it seemed. Except for singing... Rapping sure, but never singing.

You walked over and ran your nails down his clothed back temptingly. Hoseok growled slightly as the contact and leant back into your touch. You smiled at the actions and continued to run your nails all over his clothed flesh.

If there was one thing you loved to do during sex with him, it was scratch. You loved looking at the red lines you left behind after a passionate night with him. He'd always admire them in the mirror and say, 'Damn, Daddy must've pounded his princess really good. Look at what you did to Daddy."

His shirt felt so good under your hands, but the muscle underneath the shirt is what you were really interested in. He seemed to understand what you were getting at, so he shed his shirt quickly.

Finally, your hands met his bare skin and you moaned merely at the contact. His warm skin felt like heaven underneath your nails and with every scratch down his beautiful flesh, you saw a shiver run down his spine that had you squeezing your thighs together to relieve the pressure that you were feeling.

Hoseok turned to face you and picked you up so that you were sitting with your legs wrapped around his waist. You leaned down without hesitation and planted your lips on his with eagerness.

You moaned when your back hit a wall roughly.

Hoseok had his hands in your pants, rubbing against your clit with ferocity. You were writhing and screaming with your fingers gripping his shoulders desperately.

"Daddy!" you yelped as he managed to slip a finger inside of your heat.

Everything was so fast that you hardly had any time to register your orgasm that was looming over you.

Suddenly it all hit you and you gripped his shoulders tightly, feeling your climax hit you without much of a build up.

Maybe it was because you hadn't had him in so long your body felt deprived.

That must be it, because the two of you hadn't been able to have much more than quick oral sessions when he visited you in your dorm room.

Sudden pain flared up in your spine and you realized that you had hit your back on the doorknob of the room after Hoseok has slammed you against the door.

"Real," you gasped out.

It was your safe word.

It meant, real pain, really scared, those types of things so that it wasn't mistake with your yelps of pain from punishment or anything like that. Hoseok froze and lowered you to the ground quickly checking you over with worry on his face.

"What is it? Are you hurt?" he asked, patting your head comfortingly. You smiled and pointed to the doorknob.

"I-It got me in the back... I just need a minute," you whispered, rubbing your back, silently cursing the knob for landing in your back at such an inopportune time.

"I'm so sorry princess, you know the last thing I want is to hurt you. When it's not fun anyways," he mumbled, rubbing your back soothingly.

"It's alright Daddy, your princess likes it when you're rough," you said, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in for an alluring kiss. It was so good to feel his lips against yours and nothing would ever be able to replace the rush you got when his hands wandered back into your panties.

His fingers worked against you deftly as he worked you up a little more.

"I don't think I can wait for Daddy's cock... Can we get straight to the fucking Daddy? Please?" you asked in your submissive voice that you knew got you anything you wanted. Hoseok couldn't resist anything when you said it in that tone.

He moaned and picked you up in his arms once again, much slower this time, being cautious of the door handle and your back. His gentleness made you smile, but you knew it wasn't going to last for long.

"Please Daddy, your princess needs your cock, please Daddy," you whined softly. Hoseok's eyes turned dark as he pulled your pants and panties off in a swift yank. You shivered as you felt the cold air of the room rush over your bare skin.

"Mmm... Daddy loves it when he can see the goosebumps on your skin," he muttered while running his lips over your chilled flesh. You moaned as the warmth of his mouth made you want more.

Why was he teasing so much?

God, as hot as this was, you really just wanted him to be inside of you.

The stretching that occurred every time he entered you. How you always needed a minute before he started moving because you were just so...


His pants were being thrown to the floor and you reached up to tug on his hair, urging him to get moving faster.

"Princess is so needy tonight. Since Daddy made a mistake, you are allowed to be greedy tonight, alright princess? Anything you want, Daddy will give you," he said with a low, sultry voice.

"I want your cock, Daddy. Please, put it in me. I want it so bad I can barely think... Fill up your princess Daddy," you moaned out.

Hoseok was quick to take off your shirt and bra, reaching forward to grope your chest harshly. He attached his lips to your nipples and sucked at them the way you loved. You moaned and bucked your hips into his crotch several times. He gasped and bit down on your nipples playfully.

"Daddyyyy," you keened out, tugging on his hair as he ravished your chest. "No more teasing, I want you inside me, that's what your princess wants," you gasped out. Hoseok nodded and brought his mouth away from your chest.

Finally, he lowered his boxers and reached over into the bedside drawer for the condoms. After rolling one on he moved his finger in between your folds to test your wetness. You moaned, already worked up from the one orgasm he'd given you.

Hoseok decided you were wet enough and lined himself up with your entrance. As always, he stopped right before you thought he was going to push in.

"Are you sure?" he asked, like always. Making sure that everything was consensual.

"Daddy, please fuck me," you moaned.

Without any other words, Hoseok pushed forward into your tight heat.

You froze at the sensation of being so full. He always made you feel so good, no matter what position you started in. It always felt amazing.

After a few moments, he pulled out and pushed his full length inside of you. You gripped onto his shoulders and ran your nails down his chest. Hoseok hissed at the pain, but it only drove him further inside of you. It was the desired effect.

The burning of the stretching had your lower stomach in a fiery mess. Every little movement he made drew molten heat into your womanhood. It all felt so good. You couldn't say it enough.

He was always so good to you.

In anything he did with you, he did it to the best of his ability.

It wasn't like him to let you boss him around, so you were going to take advantage of this situation.

"Daddy, I want more kisses," you said breathlessly.

Hoseok really only used kissing as foreplay. He said that during sex it only got in the way. Why would he focus on your lips when he could focus on pounding your pussy so hard you saw stars?

However, he lowered his lips to yours without complaint and started kissing you slowly as his hips picked up speed.

The combined sensations of his lips against yours while his cock was deep inside of you was an overwhelming feeling.

You felt much more connected to him this way.

Other than the obvious one.

"Fuck baby, so tight around my dick. Did you miss Daddy's cock? Huh? Did you miss how well I fuck you? You love Daddy fucking you so hard that you can't walk the next day, huh? Tell Daddy how much you love him fucking you," he groaned into your neck.

"I love how you fuck me Daddy. It always feels so good, you feel good. I don't want to be able to move from this bed for the rest of the day because that means I have to wait for you to fuck me again. I don't want to wait for you cock, Daddy. It feels too amazing," you cried out as he got faster the longer you spoke.

Dirty talk was one of your favorite things. Hoseok wasn't much for it in the bedroom, but it was another one of your perks of the day.

Hoseok's hips continued pounding into you at an alarming rate. You could practically feel the bruises forming already, but you couldn't find a fuck to give.

"I want to ride you Daddy, please," you begged as Hoseok shuddered with effort above you. He gave you a look, but then conceded. He pulled out of you with a wet 'pop' that had you feeling incredible empty.

He laid back, disgruntled that he had to relinquish control over to you. You crawled over to him and pulled the condom off, throwing it into the trash can.

Hoseok about had a heart attack and gripped your wrist before you could get back on him.

"Hang on, we're not doing this without a rubber," he said, going for the drawer.

"I'm on the pill, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I want you to cum inside of me bad. Think you could do that, Daddy? Could you fill your princess with cum?" you whimpered, rubbing your clit to satisfy yourself until he was inside of you again.

Although he seemed a little hesitant, Hoseok let go of your wrist. You happily got on top of him and slowly lowered yourself onto his bare cock. Without much of a warning he bucked up into you. A gasp escaped your throat and you fell forward a little bit. You were in pain but, managed to keep yourself from crying out.

"Oh fuck, princess. It's been so long since I've gone bare. I forgot how good it feels, sorry princess," he apologized while rubbing your chest. You groaned as his experienced hands worked over your sensitive nubs and flesh. You started to move your hips up and down his length, making sure to swivel your hips a little as you came down.

It's been a long time since you'd topped and you forgot how amazing it feels to be in control. Everything moved at the pace you wanted it to and that had you moaning.

"Daddy, Daddy, Daddy," you chanted as Hoseok's hips bucked up to meet yours. You could feel him everywhere. Even though he was underneath you, his hands were on your chest. You could feel him inside of you, filling you up with his length and it euphoric.

"Princess you're so tight, even when Daddy is fucking you so hard. I bet it's difficult to take all of me inside your wet little pussy. Does it sting a little? Or does it feel good?" he questioned, moving a thumb down to your clit.

You gasped and clawed at his chest.

The familiar burning in your stomach started rising again. You needed to cum, and you wanted to feel his release inside of you more than anything right now.

You started smacking your hips against his, making lewd sounds as you worked yourself on his dick as if your life depended on it. Hoseok was groaning murmurs of princess as well as your name.

Exhaustion was creeping into your bones, but desire fueled you forward. The sound of skin slapping skin filled the room and you could hardly believe how hard you were moving on top of him. You wanted to ask if he was alright, but you were too fucked out to care. The only thing that mattered right now was cumming, for the both of you..

Hoseok had a hold of your hips so you didn't buck yourself right off of his lap. The last thing he wanted was to be separated from you at this moment. You moaned out his pet named numerous times before gripping his shoulders hard enough to draw blood.

"Daddy, I'm gonna cum. I want you to cum too, please Daddy. Give it to me. I want your cum leaking out of me as you watch. I want you to see what a mess you've made of your princess. Please Daddy, fucking cum inside of me. I want it so bad," you cried out, running your nails down his chest.

Hoseok moaned out your name as you clawed at his flesh, but he continued to meet your hips each time they came down to maximize both of your pleasures.

Suddenly, he pushed his thumb down on your clit harshly, and that's all it took.

You felt yourself fall over the edge into an orgasm so powerful that if Hoseok hadn't been hanging onto you, you surely would've fallen over from the strength of it all.

Hoseok followed you moments later, the clenching of your walls being no match for his will power. You felt the scorching heat filling you up and everything seemed right. You could feel his cum pouring into you and your heart stopped at the sensation.

He was really doing it.

He really came inside of you.

Eventually, you collapsed onto his chest. Kissing the tattered flesh there delicately.

Soon, Hoseok rubbed your back and helped you onto the mattress. You winced when he pulled out, but you didn't miss the sight of his eyes widening when his release started trickling out of your battered sex.

If he could have, he probably would've kept fucking you right away if only his sex drive would allow that.


You felt absolutely boneless. As per usual after one of Hoseok's fuck sessions.

"So, what do you think?" Hoseok asked after cleaning you up.

"One of the best rounds we've ever had," you murmured, curling up into his side.

With a huff and a pout Hoseok replied.

"No! Of the mattress!"

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8 years ago

Out of Work

Out Of Work

Hello everyone! It’s been a while!

So sorry about that. 

Anyways I’m back on the rack and ovula-

We’re not going to go there. But anyways enjoy some Jimin smut. 


I don't know if I can go through with this," you murmured to your agent as you sat in the  dressing room.

"Well, it's not too late to call this off. But, Jimin is one of the best pornstars in the industry and it would be good for you to work with him. He's worked with a lot of people and you would do well to keep up appearances here," she said, rubbing your shoulders.

The nerves were stemming from the fact that you were so new to the industry and that Jimin had a reputation that was nothing short of incredible. All of the women that had the pleasure of fucking him said that they came probably three or four times.

"Well, he wants to meet you, so... If you don't want to go through with this after you meet him I'm certainly not going to make you. It's all up to you dear. I'll see you afterwards," your agent said before leaving the room.

You had only been in three adult movies before and they were kind of shit. The guy wasn't that great and the people you were working with weren't the nicest.

Your agent decided that you were made for the higher up in production value movies. That were actual movies. You managed to snag the main role in this film and it was your first day on set.

The character you were portraying was the young apprentice of a very power wizard. You are in love with him and want to get him to have sex with you. Your character brews a potion and gives it to him in a drink and suddenly he fucks you.

If you were being honest, you were getting wet just thinking about Jimin.

He was well known and you had been dying to work with him... But.

You were very new to the industry and you didn't want to disappoint him. God forbid he get flaccid in the middle of a take.

Also, having sex in front of a camera still made you a little nervous.

You were insecure about your body and had all of the insecurities that most women did. You were worried about your weight and the way that you looked when you left the house.

A knock on the door shook you out of your thoughts.

"Come in!" you shouted, looking towards the door.

You stared in amazement as Jimin walked through the door with a beautiful smile on his face.

"Hey! You're ___, right? It's so great to meet you!" he said walking over and offering you an embrace like you were an old friend. You stepped into his arms hesitantly, but gave him a timid little hug.

Once he pulled away he chuckled.

"W-what?" you asked, curious as to why he was laughing.

"Oh, sorry. It's just, I can see why they picked you for the role. You're so shy, and so is your character. But, I just wanted to come in and ask for a safe word and things that are off limits," he said, sitting down.

You chewed on your lip and nodded, sitting down as well.

"Uh... Thank you. And, um, no degrading language other than what is scripted. Being called a slut and a whore don't turn me on at all... No anal... Biting is fine and encouraged. Blood play is fine also. Finishing inside is also fine, seeing as how it's scripted. Also, no choking please," you said, listing all of your normal rules.

Jimin was listening intently the whole time.

After you were done he gave a nod.

"So, no degrading language other than what's scripted. No anal. But biting is something you like," he winked after that, sending a rush of heat through your body. "As well as blood play, something not a lot of people are into, interesting kink. And finishing is scripted inside but if you aren't on any kind of contraceptive then I'm pulling out. And no choking. That's not something I like either. Hurting other's isn't really my thing. But, thanks for sharing all of that! I feel like I know you a little better know as well," he gave another adorable smile.

He was way too cute to be in the adult film industry.

"I-Is there anything you don't want me to do? Consent goes both ways," you stated, looking up from your knees.

"Ah, so kind of you to ask. Um, just don't try to stick anything up my ass and I think we'll be fine... Also, no teeth on the blow job part please? But, that's kind of a universal isn't it? But you didn't tell me your safe word," he pointed out.

"Oh! It's stop with three taps from my hand," you said, giving him the information he wanted.

"Stop with three taps. I'll make sure that you won't have to use it," he gave another smile and you were wondering how much pain he would put you through before the pleasure would arrive.

Seriously, those smiles were killing you inside.

"Do you have a safe word?" you asked, wanting to make sure he had the right to stop if he wanted to.

"End. Simple enough. Although, I haven't had to use mine yet, have you?" he asked, getting comfortable in the chair across from you.

"Yeah, a few times. People in the cheaper movies are way rougher than necessary," you commented, rubbing your elbows.

Jimin got a look of anger on his face. "That's ridiculous. Just because the funding is less doesn't mean that you deserve to get treated like a piece of meat, what the hell happened?" he questioned, seeming to want to know more.

"Uh, well... He ignored my choking rule, so we had to stop. We didn't finish filming because I wasn't comfortable enough to continue," you said, trying hard not to let the bad memory affect you.

"That fuckhead, you better not give me his information cause I'll royally screw that guy over," he growled.

You'd never seen someone so angry about the situation before... Your parents had passed on and you didn't have any siblings. It makes working in an adult industry much easier. Seeing as how you didn't have to face anyone about working in it.

"Honestly, I just try to leave it behind me. I trust you, so, let's do a good job today. Yeah?"

You offered your hand for him to shake and he took it, before leaning down and kissing your hand gently. Heat rushed to your cheeks and Jimin smiled brightly.

"You're so cute. Just a kiss on the hand and you're blushing. So sweet. I can't wait to do our scene today."

And with a mysterious look, Jimin got up out of the chair and left the room.

You were drenched in your panties and he didn't even kiss you or anything. His hands were strong and his arms looked incredible. His lips were so plush and everything about him seemed to lure you in.

A few minutes later your agent wandered in the door. You looked up at her and she was staring at you with a look on her face.

"You want to do it now?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.

You nodded hesitantly and gave her a sheepish smile.

"Uh, he's really nice. I think we'll do really well together," you said, trying to avoid the tutting that was sure to follow.

"I told you. He's the best, and he's the best for a reason. His charisma is unmatched. His sex appeal is through the roof and the ladies love him. But, the goal is for the men to love you. You need to make sure that you affect him just as much as he affects you. Remember the audience," she stated.

Another knock at the door rang through the room. You and your agent looked up and saw the director standing there.

"Hello ladies! It's time for us to get started! Are you ready?" he asked, placing his hand on his hip.

You nodded and stood up, fixing your robes and such to fall correctly. He gave you a smile and ushered you out the door to the set.


It was hot under the lights and you and Jimin had been filming the actual movie portions all day.

Right now, you were giving him the potion that was supposed to make him want to fuck you.

You poured the water in a glass of grape soda. Jimin was reading some books with glasses on in such a way that was dangerous to your heart. He looked so serious sitting there.

"Ah, thank you. You can set that right here," he said, gesturing to his desk. The desk you were going to be bent over in a few minutes. You did as you were told and put the glass on the table.

As Jimin drank the drink you sat down in the chair sitting opposite the desk. He finished the drink and set the glass down.

Suddenly, Jimin started getting flustered. You knew that it was going to be time soon.

"Alright and cut! Jimin go get yourself hard and come back," the director said. Jimin nodded and walked out of the room. "Do you need anything, ___? Water or something like that? Lube?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned for your well being.

"No, I'm alright," you smiled.

Jimin came back a few minutes later with an obvious tent in his boxers. You swallowed hard and tried to fight back the blush that threatened to rise up on your cheeks.

"Alright, we'll stop after the blow job. Improv from you to as long as it goes within the script parameters. Audio running. Standing by. ACTION!" he shouted.

You watched as Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Um... sir? Are you alright?" you asked, following the script for as long as you could.

"Don't call me sir, it makes me think some inappropriate things about my apprentice..."

You flushed pink and bit your lip seductively.

"W-what if I said that I was alright with you thinking inappropriately about me?" you asked. Jimin's head snapped up and he looked at you with dilated pupils. You pushed his books off his desk and crawled up on the table and straddled him.

Jimin wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a nervous look.

"I can't do this... You're my apprentice, this is wrong," he breathed, running his hands over your body. You took his hand and placed it on your breast, gaining confidence as you felt his erection pressing into your thigh.

"It's not wrong if we don't tell anyone... I won't say anything. If you promise not to say anything, then we'll be safe. I need you so bad sir. Please, fuck me," you whimpered, rubbing your center against his. Jimin let out a strangled moan.

Without much else of a warning, Jimin was stood up. You squealed lightly and clung onto him so you didn't fall and ruin the take. Jimin wrapped an arm around you, securing you in place. The sound of books falling to the floor startled you, although you remained in character.

The wood pressed into your back as Jimin set you down on the desk. You reached forward and connected your lips to his in a shy kiss. He was eager to respond, mashing his lips with yours in a seductive manner.

No wonder women couldn't get enough of him. If you had full time access to his lips, you'd probably be in heaven.

His lips wandered down your throat and to your chest. Jimin pulled at the outfit and managed to pull the robe off of your body. The lingerie piece that had been selected sat delicately on your frame. Jimin swallowed hard and you relished in the fact that you had that effect on him. Either that or he was an exceptional actor.

You watched his eyes dilate in lust and desire as his lips reconnected to your flesh. He kissed down your stomach and made it to your panties. You knew you were drenched, but he stilled looked up in surprise.

"You're so wet..."

A flush of red went through your cheeks. Jimin was staring unabashedly at your center with longing.

"Y-you'd better do something about it," you whispered.

Jimin seemed to come out of his daze and attached his mouth to your core. A startled moan escaped you as you felt pleasure rip through your center. His lips were so plump and hot against you that you could hardly speak.

Even with your panties on it felt incredible. You could hardly wait for when all of his clothes came off as well.

"Take my panties off sir, I want to feel your mouth on me. Please sir, I can't wait," you whined, tugging on the sleeves of his robes. Jimin smiled at your eagerness and complied with your demands.

You watched as he slowly dragged the intricate material down your legs and onto the floor. He touched your legs and looked at you for confirmation to continue. You parted your legs and watched as he took in what lay between your thighs.

You'd never seen such a good actor. He was so entranced by you. You were drenched and in desperate need of sorting out and Jimin was rock hard against his thigh. It was so painful and he needed to get off, but you came first in his mind.

His lips came down on your center and you managed a strangled moan. His mouth was so hot and he was obviously talented in this particular area of sex. You cried out as his tongue swirled around your bundle of nerves and sneakily dipped into your sex for a moment. Jimin's hands rubbed up your hips and wrapped around your thighs to keep you in place.

"Mmm, you taste amazing... How have I kept my hands off of you for this long? I deserve a reward," he mumbled into your core.

"You're getting it right now," you whipped back. Jimin cocked an eyebrow at you and seemed entertained by your remark.

"And I intend to enjoy every moment of it," he said, pulling away from your sex. You keened in annoyance. Jimin simply smiled at your whining and pulled his robe over his head.

Oh sweet fuck...

Was that ever an incredible sight.

You watched in amazement as his stomach flexed and his arms were revealed to you. He was ripped. You could hardly believe that this was the same guy who was giving you adorable smiles in the dressing room as you chatted.

His boxers didn't stand a chance against you. Without much more hesitation you lunged forward and yanked his underwear down and your hand was on his cock within an instant. Jimin let out a delicious little moan that you got on your knees and swallowed as you latched your lips onto his.

He wrapped his arms around your waist and groaned in pleasure as you ran your hand over his throbbing length. You could feel him bucking into your palm as you made out on the desk. Everyone in the room was dead silent and the only thing you could hear were the fans that were going to keep your cool and the sound of Jimin and you making out.

Finally, Jimin pulled his mouth away from yours. Not before biting down on your lip and pulling. You moaned and gripped onto his shoulder. He smirked and grabbed your hand on his cock.

"I know something that would be better than your hand on my cock, baby," he said. You nodded and got down on your hands and knees.

It didn't take another word between the two of you before your mouth was enveloping his dick. Jimin let out a low groan and pulled your hair away from your face. He wanted to watch every little motion you did. Every wince from his cock being too big for your mouth. Every choke as you tried to take more and more of him in your gorgeous mouth.

You hummed on his cock and watched as his knees trembled ever so slightly. His back arched a bit and shoved more of his length into your mouth. You gagged and your eyes watered and Jimin backed off, letting you breath for a moment. He even went as far as to clean the spit off of your mouth before easing his length back in.

Eventually the crew gave you two the go ahead and Jimin pulled his cock out of your mouth.

"And cut for the beginning portions! Lets fix her make-up a big and Jimin keep yourself up. Set the blanket in the shot so we can see it."

The director kept going on about what he wanted and where it was. Jimin was still hard as fuck and you couldn't keep your eyes off of him.

Your make-up woman came over and fixed your running mascara.

Once everything was touched up, Jimin came back over and picked you up in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kept yourself in an appealing position.

Everyone got into place and set up for the remainder of the shoot.

"Alright. No more stopping until we get the finish inside. Audio rolling. Camera rolling, standby... ACTION!"

Jimin grabbed the blanket on the shelf and threw it on the table, while still managing to hang onto you. After he adjusted the blanket he set you on your back and walked in between your legs.

"Is this really alright? I don't want to do anything you don't want to do," he said. You nodded and pulled him in for a kiss. It wasn't scripted, but you honestly couldn't pull yourself away from his lips.

He took it as your consent and started running his fingers over your lower lips, spreading your wetness all over your womanhood.

"Please hurry sir, I need you," you whimpered, gripping onto his shoulder.

Jimin nodded and pumped himself a few more times before pushing inside of you. You groaned at his size and length as he slowly eased inside of you. Jimin groaned and gasped as you clenched and adjusted around him.

"Jesus Christ you're so tight. How could you be so tight around me, baby?" he asked, licking his lips as they dried. You bit your lip and tried to think of something to say back, but all you could do was moan.

Jimin didn't seem to mind as he started to ease back and work himself into you. His dick was incredible inside of you. He was brushing against your G-spot immediately. You cried out and and arched your back into him.

Finally, you felt Jimin's hips meeting yours.

"Oh fuck... You alright? Because I need a minute," he whispered as he bit into your neck. You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck and played with the bottom of his hairline and kissed his jaw.

"I'm okay," you whispered.

After a few moments Jimin started moving his hips in shallow thrusts. You cried out in shock and covered it as a moan of pleasure. There was slight pain at the adjustments but otherwise it felt incredible.

He knew what he was doing, that was for damn sure. Every little movement of his hips felt so good as he worked himself in and out of your tight heat. Jimin was becoming wrecked very quickly, although you had heard things about his stamina.

Was this just an act?  

You weren't sure.

All you knew is that he felt amazing and you could feel the startings of our orgasm approaching quickly.

After a while, Jimin seemed to get tired of the position you were in. The director nodded and the two of you changed it up.

Jimin had you get on your hands and knees and he entered you from behind. He felt much larger inside of you than he did before and he was hitting spots that you didn't even know existed.

Another thing that was turning you on was how much Jimin was playing to your kinks.

He would bite your shoulder and your neck, giving you that twinge of pain that made excitement pool in your stomach.

He was so large inside of you that you felt he was going to ruin you, but you didn't particularly care at this point. It felt too good for you to care about anything but him.

You didn't even know that you were filming anymore. All you cared about was the pleasure you were experiencing and the pleasure that Jimin was receiving from you as well.

Where were you?

Who were you?

Did it matter?

Did anything but you and him matter at this point?

Jimin seemed to be thinking similar things as he picked up the pace behind you.

"God you feel so good, I can't resist you any longer... I-I need you to be mine," he groaned.

The lewd sound of skin smacking on skin filled the room as you cried out your pleasure.

"I want to be yours! Make me yours sir!" you cried out, trying desperately to remember any parts of the script guidelines to talk about.

"I'm gonna cum baby, where do you want it?" he asked, even though it was already predetermined.

"Inside, cum inside me, please," you pleaded, running your nails across the desk you were set on.

Jimin kissed your back, before giving it a stingy little nip. You gasped as he did so.

Suddenly, he started pounding into you at an alarming rate. He was going so hard you thought he was going to fuck you off the table. But you didn't particularly mind that fact, it would be a work related injury anyways.

What a trip to the doctor's office that would be.

To snap you out of your humorous thoughts Jimin smacked into your pussy harshly. Your elbows collapsed and you fell against the table with a groan. Jimin was startled, but gripped onto your ass and started going even harder than he was before.

You could feel the pressure rising, getting closer to snapping. Jimin reached around the two of you and pressed his fingers into your clit, giving you that extra bit of pleasure to fall over the edge.

You cried out and started shaking and clenching around him.

"Fuck baby," he croaked out. You felt hot warmth splashing inside of you.

You shook with pleasure and collapsed on the table once Jimin pulled out of you.

After a few moments the crew started cleaning up and you were given a wash cloth. Jimin walked over with a serious look on his face.

What was wrong?

Did you do something wrong?

You didn't hear his safe word!

"You're going to be out of a job," he said.

Your stomach dropped and you didn't know what to do.

Just as you were about to burst into tears, Jimin rushed forward and kissed you with such a fierceness that you hadn't expected.

"You're going to be out of a job because no one but me will be fucking you ever again."

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5 years ago

Out of Work

Out Of Work

Hello everyone! It’s been a while!

So sorry about that. 

Anyways I’m back on the rack and ovula-

We’re not going to go there. But anyways enjoy some Jimin smut. 


I don’t know if I can go through with this,“ you murmured to your agent as you sat in the  dressing room.

"Well, it’s not too late to call this off. But, Jimin is one of the best pornstars in the industry and it would be good for you to work with him. He’s worked with a lot of people and you would do well to keep up appearances here,” she said, rubbing your shoulders.

The nerves were stemming from the fact that you were so new to the industry and that Jimin had a reputation that was nothing short of incredible. All of the women that had the pleasure of fucking him said that they came probably three or four times.

Keep reading

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This is so amazing !! When will there be other chapters ?

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-ˏˋ⋆𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐛𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭⋆ˊˎ-

𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐬/𝐀𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐁𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐛𝐞 𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐭𝐨 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭!

🤎𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: OnlineInfluencers!BTS OT7 x Animator!Fem!OC!Reader [Mentions of ATEEZ] | 🌙𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: College AU, Strangers to Friends to Lovers| ❌𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Vulgar Language, Suggistive Scenes, Smut

🍁𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: A story where a girl who is barely present in social media doesn't know that her new neighbors are famous online stars.

🖊️𝐇𝐚𝐬𝐡𝐭𝐚𝐠 #📜[neighbors] [To keep track of the series! Send me an ask to be added to the series taglist!]

🍂 𝐈 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐎𝐂𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐅𝐢𝐜! 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐁𝐓𝐒 𝐨𝐫 𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐄𝐙!

✎ 𝐒𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @armysantiny, @faywithlove, @moonprismo, @iridescentxstars, @felicityroth, @mo0nbeams, @angelfuzzy2 , @singukieee

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“Though my soul may set in darkness, it will rise in perfect light; I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.” - Sarah Williams, 'The Old Astronomer'

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✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬:

✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏: A New Start ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟐: Starts with a Smile ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟑: Familiar Faces ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒: Cookies & Introductions ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓: Oh, So You're My Neighbor ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟔: Distrust ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟕: Epic Realization ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖: Important Conversations ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟗: With Open Arms ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟎: Coffee Stained Portrait ✎ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟏: 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐨𝐨𝐧…

✎ 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬

✎ 𝐓𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐫: The Boys Profiles

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✎ @honey-andmilktea - 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭, 𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭, 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐢𝐳𝐞, 𝐞𝐭𝐜.

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