Sub/dom - Tumblr Posts
in the mood to get ruined by a pretty girl rn
the overwhelming urge to get on my knees for them, behave well, do exactly as I'm told... ugh fuck
some of y'all never felt the need to be grabbed forcefully by the chin and get on your knees and it shows
You’re Gonna Kill Me

Just some lovely Sub!Tae for you all today ;)
You were hot pissed.
Where the fuck was he?
It has been over an hour since he last texted you and even then he was late, saying that he would be home soon.
It was you and your boyfriend Taehyung's eight month anniversary and you had went through all the trouble of planning and cooking a nice meal, waiting for him to come home so that you could fill his stomach and he could fill you with his length.
But he was no where to be seen. Or even heard of.
Suddenly, your phone started ringing and you saw Namjoon's number pop up on your screen. You answered it quickly.
"Namjoon? Where the fuck is Tae?" You growled into the phone, waiting for his excuse.
"He's right here, why? Jesus I was just calling to see if you wanted to come out and join us. We're bar hopping right now and I just thought that maybe you'd like to tag along. Tae seems to miss you. But, why do you sound like you're about to commit murder?" He asked into the phone.
"Put Taehyung on the phone right now." You demanded, seething with rage.
"U-Uh, yeah, hang on a second." You could hear him yelling for Tae to get away from Jimin with that open beer and to hurry over to the phone.
"Hello?" You heard your boyfriend's voice ring through the phone.
"Kim Taehyung, where the hell are you right now?" You asked in a dangerously calm voice. You heard him gulp in fear as he exhaled slowly.
"I've been bar hopping with the boys for the night, celebrating the newest album getting released... I'm at the old bar on 43rd street right now... Why?" He asked, genuinely concerned as to why you're upset.
"Funny, because I've been here at home for the past three hours waiting for you. Do you remember what today is?" You asked, hoping that he would tell you the answer you wanted to hear.
"Friday?" He questioned back into the phone.
"The date." You demanded, waiting for the pieces to click in his head.
"The eighteenth-oh fuck... Today's our anniversary isn't it...?" He said lamely. You could almost feel the guilt seeping through the phone.
"Yeah, it's our eight month anniversary Kim Taehyung, and I've been here all day cooking and making a dinner for us. If you even think of sleeping in the same bed as me until our next anniversary I will kick you so hard in your nuts you'll be lucky if you can use them ever again." You said, anger seeping into your voice.
"I'll be home in ten minutes. You can yell at me all you like then, I'll take every bit of it baby. Just... Please let me talk to you, okay? I'll be right there. Jin! Call me a taxi I need to get home. I love you baby, I'll see you soon." He promised into the phone hanging up a few moments later.
You could feel the dread in his voice as he hung up, clearly guilty and genuinely not meaning to be an asshole. But the rage won over your sympathy for his forgetfulness. Taehyung was forgetful on a good day, but when alcohol was involved, you were lucky if he remember his own name.
Your anger was slowly curbing, but you were still incredibly hurt that he had just forgotten you so easily.
A few minutes later you heard a knock at the door. It was strange for Tae to knock, normally he barged in wherever he wanted and didn't really think too much about it. But the fact that he was knocking and asking permission to enter his own apartment was incredibly sweet. You opened the door to see your boyfriend practically in tears holding a bouquet of flowers and panting heavily.
"I'm the worst human being alive, please, baby... Don't hate me... I'll sleep on the floor in the hallway if you want please, just don't hate me... I'm so sorry..." He whimpered, letting a couple tears fall. You were stunned, you had no idea that he would cry. Tae wasn't one to cry unnecessarily. He wasn't good at faking it either, and you could tell when he was lying. No signs of insincerity were in his eyes and you found yourself wrapping your arms around his neck and petting the back of his neck comfortingly.
"Shh... Tae, don't cry baby. Shh, I don't hate you. I could never hate you, I love you." You said trying to calm his shaking. The regret you felt for causing him this much worry was eating you alive.
"I'm so sorry baby, I honestly didn't mean to forget but I was so focused on this album and I'm really proud of it. But that doesn't give the an excuse, you should come first always to me... But I really wanted this to be good for our ARMY... Just know you always come first to me... I'm sorry." He whimpered into your neck, sniffling and clinging to you like a child.
"Tae, I know you didn't mean to forget, but it's the fact that you did that hurts me. I tried getting you to come home and you continued to go out with the boys and ignored me. That really hurt me, I thought that I wasn't important to you." You explained, rubbing his back in soothing circles. As mad as you were, you knew he was beating himself up more than you ever could. Right now you just wanted him to stop crying so you could talk to him.
"You're more important to me than anything, baby. I'll prove it to you, everyday. I'll be better, I promise." You smiled to yourself, feeling the anger and rage slowly melting away, leaving a light feeling in your chest.
"Tae?" You asked, pulling him away from your neck and wiping his eyes.
"Yes, ___?" He answered, being obedient.
"I have an idea of how you can make it up to me." You said in a sensual voice, Taehyung's eyes turned dark as he looked at you with desire forming.
"What is that, baby? How can I make it up to you?" He asked, pulling you in by the waist. You smiled and knew you had him in your trap.
"Mmmm... Let me tell you what my idea is, yeah?" You said, leaning towards his ear and blowing hot air on it purposefully turning him on.
"Tell me what it is baby." He groaned, rubbing your hips gently.
"A question first... When was the last time you fucked me?" You asked innocently, biting your lip.
"God it's been a week, but it feels like forever... I think we should end that tonight, I'll make it up to you and make you cum over and over again until you can't take it anymore." A jolt of pleasure ran through your spine at the thought of him getting you off until you were screaming in over-sensitivity. But, he needed to be punished and you couldn't think of a better way than to with-hold sex.
"No. I won't be having sex with you tonight." You said firmly, pushing him away from you. His eyes grew large as he stared at you blankly.
"W-What?" He asked, trying to ignore the semi he had working in his pants at the moment.
"I said I won't be having sex with you tonight. Or for the next two weeks." You stated, placing your hands on your hips.
"What!?" Tae shouted, his throat getting dry at the thought of two weeks with no sex.
"You heard me. This is punishment for forgetting our anniversary. No sex, for two weeks." He swallowed harshly and ran his hand through his hair.
"So, that means no oral for either of us... But can we masturbate?" He asked, looking at you nervously.
"I'm not some sort of she-devil. You're more than welcome to masturbate, and you can kiss me and hug me. But if you touch my breasts or," you trailed your hands lower and played with your skirt slightly. "Somewhere else, I'll add a week onto your punishment." You warned, watching his face grow pale.
"Jesus Christ..." He breathed, lifting his eyes back to yours. "And after the two weeks are up, to the very minute, can you promise me something?" Tae asked, gazing into your eyes pleadingly.
"Depends on what it is." You responded, smiling sweetly.
"Promise that we can have sex right then, or give each other oral. I don't care, as long as I can have some form of you in an intimate way... Please?" You thought about it and stared at your boyfriend's panicked expression.
"How about this. We can have sex the second the two weeks are up. But, I get to be in control and you'll have to listen to everything I say. Does that sound fair? I won't be completely greedy, but I have to be in control the whole time. Till the very end. If you try to be dominant in any fashion, we'll stop right then and the punishment will continue for another three days afterwards." Taehyung swallowed hard once more, but nodded his head complying to your outrageous demands.
"Yes baby, whatever you want. As long as I can have you close to me after these weeks are over, I don't care if I get to be in control... But, ___?" He called your name out once more.
"Yes, Tae?" You answered, looking at your boyfriend with nothing but love in your eyes.
"D-Do you want me to sleep on the couch the entire time too? Or can I sleep in the bed with you?" You couldn't help the giggle that fell out of your mouth. Tae was being such a good boy and you were very proud of how he was handling this.
"You have to sleep on the couch tonight, but for the rest of the nights you can sleep with me in the bed. Remember, I love you. More than anything." You said, wrapping your arms around him and kissing his head. He practically purred into your touch and wrapped his arms around you.
"I love you too baby, and after these two weeks are over you'll be able to see just how much."
It had been a few days and you were very proud of your boyfriend. He'd done everything you'd asked of him. Doing the dished and cleaning up after dinner. Even taking you out for a lovely lunch at your favorite cafe to make up for the meal you two didn't get to eat together.
"Do you want to go to the park with me today? The flowers will look beautiful in the sunlight!" Taehyung asked, after helping you dry the dishes after breakfast.
"I have a paper I need to write for my online class, but otherwise I would love to baby." But there was a question burning in your mind.
"Man, I guess I'll ask the guys if they wanna go. Us manly men looking at pretty flowers. Ooh! The ARMY would like it if we took pictures of them though, sent them something sweet to brighten their day!" The way he spoke about his fans so fondly made your heart fill with warmth, but the question in your head still stood.
"Taehyung, are you horny?" You asked, biting your lip and watching all the blood drain from his face.
"U-Uh, why?" He asked back, setting down the dishes he was drying with shaky hands.
"Cause, you're acting like no sex isn't a punishment. Maybe I should make it longer-"
"No! God please no! I'm already going crazy over here trying not to just jump your bones, believe me... But I'm trying to be good for you and prove to you that I care about more than just your body. Believe me, I'm horny as hell... But, I'm excepting my punishment like I should." He said almost too passionately.
"Yeesh, sorry. You just seemed like it wasn't effecting you at all, apparently I was wrong." He nodded vehemently and continued to dry the dishes you handed to him.
"The only reason I haven't lost my God damn mind is because I'm jacking off about three times a day." You dropped a dish and watched it fall to the floor and shatter, causing your boyfriend to jump in shock.
"S-sorry." You murmured, bending down to pick it up off the floor.
"Baby, don't!" Tae said, grabbing your wrists before you could try to clean up the dangerous mess. Him admitting that he wanted you but was trying so hard not to break his promise and accepting his punishment just shocked you. You thought that he would try and beg you to at least send him some naughty pictures to masturbate with, but he'd kept it a secret.
"Sorry... Uh, I'm gonna go work on that paper." You pecked his lips slightly and walked back to your room, leaving your boyfriend extremely confused and with a huge mess to clean up.
Maybe you shouldn't have let him masturbate...
It was almost the end of the first week and Tae, albeit he told you he was struggling, seemed to be just as happy as normal. Kissing you and hugging you, but never pushing past the boundaries you clearly set for him.
The need to have him begging you for intimacy that you both wanted was killing you. You wanted him to be so far gone that the only word he knew was your name.
But how to get him desperate? How could you crack that thick mask he had placed over his face?
You smirked as you pulled out your favorite bra mixed with your nice lacy panties, almost imagining Tae drooling when he saw you. You decided the best thing would be to take a bath and have him catch you in nothing but a towel.
He will be punished.
You ran and left your clothes out on the counter, hiding the bra and panties carefully to ensure that he wouldn't see them until you wanted him to.
The door opening signaled your boyfriend was home from dance practice and you shut off the water.
"Babe?" You shouted, confirming it was him.
"Yes?" Tae's voice responded through the door.
"How was practice?" You asked, genuinely wondering if he had a good time. Just because he was getting punished didn't mean that you didn't care about his happiness and his career.
"Exhausting, but Jimin and Jungkook helped me with a part that I was getting wrong, so I feel like I worked really hard and did it right." You could hear the pride in his voice and it filled you with a similar feeling. He worked so hard and he was happy about it paying off. A smile crept to your lips, but the fact still stood that you were naked in the shower and there were no clothes for you in here.
"Tae, can you do me a favor?" You asked, grabbing a towel from the rack.
"Yeah, of course. What is it?" He said, coming up to the door.
"I left my clothes on the counter, mind grabbing them for me?" You heard his footsteps walking away before he answered.
"Yeah sure, no problem." He said, walking over to the counter to find your clothes sitting in a neat little pile. After a few moments, you heard a knock on the door.
"Come in, I have a towel on." You responded, looking at yourself in the mirror.
"Here you go baby-oh..." Tae breathed, staring at your figure in front of him.
"Thanks!" You said, grabbing the clothes and getting ready to drop your towel.
"Hang on a minute let me get out of here!" Taehyung said before you could reveal any more of your wet, pale skin.
"What's the deal? You've seen me naked before. I've changed in front of you more times than I can remember." You announced, as if what you were doing was purely an innocent mistake.
"Baby I haven't seen you naked in two weeks. There's only so many ways I can respond to that." He whined softly, trying not to get hard just by looking at you.
"What? The punishment finally starting to kick in?" You teased, watching him squirm in front of you like a virgin.
"You're testing me?" He asked, practically glaring at you.
"Mmm, maybe. But unless you want me to make your punishment longer, I suggest you remember your promise." He made a strange noise in his throat before pushing you to the side before stripping his clothes off of himself and jumping in the shower.
"Unless you intend on listening to me jack off, I suggest you get out of here for the next twenty minutes." You smiled and walked out of the room, shutting the door and going to your room to change.
A few days later, Tae had left to go out with the boys for some celebrating. You had decided to clean the house by yourself. Your music was blasting as you paraded around the room with nothing but a loose t-shirt and your panties on.
You had laundry to do as well.
The music was loud as you cleaned up the kitchen, so you didn't hear the door opening or hear your boyfriend walking in the apartment.
"Baby! I'm ho-holy shit." Tae's voice suddenly dropped an octave as he watched your hips move sensually to the song that was playing. His throat became dry as he watched you, imagining what your body would feel like pressed against his if he was to take you on the counter.
"Oh! Tae! You scared me." You announced, holding your chest in moderate shock.
"B-Baby... What are you wearing?" He asked, his eyes glued to your legs that are bare in front of him.
"Oh, um, the laundry is in the washer right now and I was cleaning so I didn't want to get anything on my clothes..." You explained, watching his eyes get darker and darker with lust. Your eyes naturally wandered down to find him pitching a tent right there in front of you.
"God this is fucking torture..." He groaned leaning against the counter, looking completely and utterly pitiful.
"Only a few more days baby, then you can fuck me hard... If I let you that is." You smiled and got a little closer to him.
"Please, ___, don't come any closer to me. Please, it already hurts..." He whined, pushing down on his crotch, desperate for some form of relief.
"Does it really hurt baby?" You asked, getting closer and closer to his trembling form.
"Yes, it hurts. Of course it does... My hands aren't as soft as yours, and it doesn't feel as good compared to you..." You thought about it for a moment and got on your knees in front of him.
"You've been very good for the past couple days, so, as a little treat. I'll talk to you while you jack off, and you can come on my face or tits if you want." His eyes bulged out of his head as he quickly undid his belt and pulled himself out of his pants. You forgot how hot he was when he was naked, you haven't seen it in almost three weeks so, you missed it too in a way. Tae was quick to begin stroking himself in front of you, looking into your eyes as he pleasured himself.
"Oh, shit baby. Talk to me, please..." He begged, already looking pretty wrecked.
"Mmm... I love watching you like this Tae. Seeing how desperate and needy you are is getting me so horny. Uhh..." You moaned at the end, watching his brows furrow in pleasure.
"____..." He whined your name, watching as you pulled your shirt over your head to give him something to cum on.
"Taeee," You whined. "Won't you cum for me? Cum for your baby who misses your cum so much. How it's always so warm inside of my drenched pussy when you fuck me for hours until I can't stand. So hot, so hot Taehyung." His breaths were coming in short little pants as he got closer and closer to his end. Your eyes never left his face while you spoke to him, watching the pleasure take over his features was intoxicating.
"C-Close. I'm gonna cum..." He moaned, biting his lip in the signature way before he cums. You loved that look.
"It's alright baby, you can cum. I want to feel your nice warm cum all over my breasts. Please, Tae, cum for me." You moaned. This seemed to throw him over the edge as you felt the familiar warmth of his climax all over your chest.
"Oh fuck... Oh shit, baby..." He moaned, slumping against the counter, panting hard.
"Damn, Tae, how much cum can you hold?" You asked, looking down at the milky mess that now adorned your breasts.
"I've been masturbating, but I go soft right in the middle and can't finish... So, I've had a lot of build up. That's probably why it hurt so much whenever I got hard." He said out loud, making your head shoot up.
"Baby, if you're ever in pain because of that, you need to tell me. Your comfort and health are much more important to me than a punishment... But, I need to go clean up. I can't want until all of this is inside me." You winked and trotted to the bathroom, smiling the whole way.
Tonight was the night you were finally going to let Taehyung have sex with you for the first time in three weeks. He'd been texting you dirty things all day, in an attempt to get you turned on.
The only problem is, he seems to have forgotten a key factor in his excitement.
He wasn't going to be in control tonight.
Taehyung was directly on time for dinner, bringing you flowers and everything.
"Hi baby." He said, wrapping you up in his arms kissing your head affectionately. Everything he did from now on was going to be how you wanted it. And you were fairly certain this was going to be the worst part of the punishment yet. You smiled and kissed his cheek and walked with him to the table, both of you sitting down and getting your plates ready.
"So, how are Jimin and Jungkook? You said you hung out with them today." You said, starting normal conversation. Gauging his reaction.
"They're great! They say hi and that they want some more of your famous brownies soon. More Jimin than Kookie, you know how he diets," you smile and wait for him to continue. "Other than that, we just watched movies and they teased me about a dance move I got wrong the other day. But it was nice to hang out with them."
He was doing a really good job of not talking about sex and not mentioning all those dirty things he said he was going to do to you the second he got home. You drank some of the wine you poured and listened to more of his stories while you ate your dinner. He asked what you did with your day and you merely pointed to the meal you were enjoying currently.
"It tasted so good, thank you for dinner baby." He smiled, kissing your head as you both cleaned up from dinner. Washing and drying the dishes before putting them away as well as the leftovers in the refrigerator.
"I'm glad you liked it, anything in particular you want for dessert?" You said, looking at the ice cream you had in the fridge as well as some strawberries. Warmth spread over your back as you felt Taehyung mold his body to yours, breathing into your neck hotly.
"I have a few ideas of what I want for dessert." He murmured, placing sweet little kisses around your shoulder.
"Taehyung." You warned. You felt him freeze behind you, straightening up slowly.
"W-what is it baby?" He asked, looking at you in concern.
"Do you not remember the deal we made at the beginning of this punishment?" You asked, watching his expressions.
"I remember you saying the second that the two weeks was over we could have sex..." He said, looking a little confused.
"I also said that I got to be in control. I'm dominant tonight baby, so get on your knees for me." You practically growled at him. He turned very timid, but did as you asked, getting on his knees in front of you.
"What a role reversal this is." He mumbled, looking at your hips in front of him.
"Did I say you could speak?" You said, taking his hair in your fist and tilting his head back so he was looking at your face.
"No..." He breathed, eyes glazing over in lust.
"Then we have a problem here Taehyung... Already disobeying me and we haven't even gotten to the good part yet. What am I going to do with you?" You asked, running your fingers over his face delicately. He remained silent but gave you the sweetest puppy eyes he could manage. Trying to convey all the he was trying to say with his eyes.
I really didn't mean to disobey you, please baby, let's keep going?
You smiled at the thought and pet his head gently.
"Well. I believe you didn't do it on purpose. Because my good boy wouldn't disobey me, would he?"
Tae shook his head vigorously.
"Good boy. Follow me to the bedroom, but you can't stand on your feet. You have to crawl to me." You smiled walking backwards towards the door, watching as your boyfriend crawled towards you with desire filled eyes. You smiled as he approached you and you patted his head affectionately.
Taehyung took your fingers and nibbled gently, trying to coax you towards the bed.
"Get up and carry me to the bed," you demanded, watching as he scrambled to his feet to comply. His arms wrapped around you and he stalked towards the bedroom quickly. You smiled as you felt him lower you onto the soft fabric of your comforter. "Now go down and sit at the foot of the bed, you can't touch me until I say so." Taehyung gave a small little whimper but did as he was told, sitting on his knees at the foot of the bed, looking like a little puppy denied a treat.
You slowly began undoing your shirt, showing more and more skin. Taehyung remained still, but his throat bobbed as he swallowed, desperate for some form of relief. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and all he could imagine was how you would taste as he brought you to your orgasm.
"Taeeee.... I want to take my shirt off, but I don't know if you want me to take it off... Tell me how bad you want me to take it off." You teased, watching as he bit his lips.
"I want you to take it off so bad baby. I want to see all of your beautiful skin, please let me see it? Please?" His low voice pleaded, watching your little strip tease was almost too much for him to bear. You smiled at his whines and did as he asked and removed your shirt, showing off your newest set of lingerie for him.
"Look at what I happened to find at the store today. Pretty isn't it?" You said, stroking your hands over your chest, watching as your boyfriend's eyes got larger and larger.
Taehyung nodded his head and bit his lip. You watched as he tried to readjust his bulge in his pants, looking for some form of relief from the strip tease you were giving him. His eyes locked onto your chest and the new black lace lingerie you had purchased earlier in the day, sneakily hiding it in the back of your car.
"Tae, is it painful? You look like you're in pain." He swallowed hard and looked at you desperately.
"Baby... It's uncomfortable... I want to be inside you." He moaned, giving you his big puppy eyes.
You smiled but shook your head yet again, "Not yet baby." Taehyung groaned and rolled his head back on his shoulders.
"Please, Jagi... Please..."
His whines were so pathetic, that you almost gave in and let him take you the way he wanted. But, this was too much fun.
"I'll take off one piece of clothing of your choosing. But pick wisely taehyunnie." You teased, biting your lip and playing with the bra strap. Taehyung seemed to think it over logically, what was left of the logic he possessed. He gazed at your chest longingly, but then his eyes moved down to between your legs. He bit his lip and looked back up at you.
"Would you please take your panties off?" You smiled and nodded.
"You even said please, what a polite boy you are, you might just get a reward for that," you said, reaching down to move your panties off your body. Taehyung watched in agony as your panties were discarded onto the floor and you sat practically bare in front of him. A quiet little groan came from his throat.
You spread your legs open and showed him your pink center, slowly running your fingers down to it, watching him with calm eyes. His adams apple bobbed showing extreme amount of restraint as you slowly teased yourself and him.
"How I wish these were your fingers, baby... I love how long and rough your fingers can be. But I guess mine will have to do," you breathed as you leaned your head back, slowly pushing a single finger into your entrance.
"Oh fuck," you heard him whisper, you weren't sure if he even was aware of the fact he said it, so you eyed him as you stuck another finger into your core and began pumping your fingers back and forth, creating an exhilarating friction inside of your stomach.
"I wish it was you Tae... Your fingers feel so much better than mine. If I let you, would you please me? Would you make me climax with just your fingers baby? Or even better, just your mouth?" Taehyung swallowed hard and nodded quickly.
"Of course baby. Anything you want. I'll make you cum so hard with just my fingers or my mouth, whatever you want, I promise," he whimpered. "Please, let me touch you baby," you eased the tight chain you had on him and nodded.
"You are allowed to touch my pussy, and no where else. Only my pussy," you said firmly, opening your legs even further to allow him access to your center. Taehyung practically flew across the bed and landed right in front of your dripping core, you pulled your fingers from yourself and held them in front of his mouth. "Open your pretty lips for me, suck my fingers clean," you demanded. Taehyung was quick to obey and took your fingers in his mouth and groaned at the taste of you residing there. He licked and nibbled at your digits and cleaned them off quickly. You continued praising him, slowing running your fingers through his hair. "Now, take your reward," you said, urging him towards your center.
Soon after, Taehyung's lips connected with your soaked folds. A sharp gasp came from your throat and you threw your head back in pleasure. Taehyung moved his tongue in such a sinfully delicious manner that you thought momentarily it should be illegal. He was always flaunting that god damn tongue any chance he got. Licking his lips or sticking it out at you when the two of you had an argument. But this is where you liked it the best, right against your aching center.
Taehyung was eager to please you, already making a mess between your legs. You reached down and tangled your fingers in his hair once more, gripping tightly causing him to let out a little groan. You smirked and ran your nails down his neck to where his shirt collar was still placed.
"Mmm, you feel so good, Tae. Oh baby, you're so good," you moaned, biting your lip, trying to keep your composure.
This seemed to ignite a fire in him, your praise. He began nosing at your clit with fervor and desperately seeking to find your end. It wasn't going to be long, you could feel yourself slipping down that slop of ecstasy that Taehyung seemed to push you over all too easily. You felt something on your thigh and recognized it as Taehyung's hand, squeezing into the flesh that was available. You immediately grabbed his hair tightly and pulled him away from your center, a great displeasure for the both of you.
"Baby," he whined, licking his lips like a kitten who was too sloppy with their milk.
"Didn't I tell you, you were only allowed to touch my pussy, nothing else. Look where you hand is, Taehyung," you said in an ominous voice.
Taehyung looked and removed his hand like your leg was molten lava. His eyes turned pleading as he gazed back up at you. "Baby, I'm so sorry! I didn't know! It was instinct, please baby I didn't mean to break the rules," he looked as if he was about to cry and you leaned forward and connected your lips to his to ease his nerves.
You were familiar with Tae being dominant, and you knew he would crack eventually and give in to both of your desires. But you on the other hand, were a different story. Your self control was something of a wonder. If you were told no, you found that you didn't want it anymore anyways. You didn't let things that you couldn't have bother you, so you would go about it a different way. And that terrified Taehyung. He knew that you could finish yourself off, but him? He needed to feel your warmth and velvety walls in order to reach his relief at this point. He hadn't had you in so long and he was beginning to go through withdrawals.
You pulled away from his lip and gave a seductive smile.
"I love you Taehyung, but I did tell you the rules," his eyes enlarged and he gulped before biting his lip with tension.
"W-What is my punishment going to be baby? I'm not sure how much more I can take," he whimpered, reaching down to put pressure against his obviously tented pants.
"Since that appears to be the case, you punishment will be a blowjob, but you can't cum, if you do, then we'll move on to the next punishment," you said with a wicked smile. He swallowed hard and licked his lips.
"What about your orgasm baby, don't you want to cum?"
Clever boy. Reminding you of the aching desire you felt in your lower core.
"That'll be your next order of business, but for right now, I want your clothes off in a minute," you ordered, watching him scramble from the bed and rush to get his clothing off. It was impressive how fast he could get undressed, and you had realized how much you missed his body. It was always so warm and lean above you, bring the two of you to your pleasure.
Taehyung got back on the bed and you reached for him, grabbing him by the shoulders and kissing him once more. He was caught a little by surprise, but began kissing you back with a little coaxing from your tongue. Taehyung melted in your embrace and was putty in your hands. Having this much power over him was thrilling and you realized very quickly that you would be in the dominant role much more often in the future of your sex life.
Once you had him on his back you kissed down his torso, listening to his little sounds of approval before you reached his incredibly hard length. His cock was red and throbbing, and all for you. A smirk appeared on your lips and you gave a long lick up his shaft before taking the head of his dick inside your wet mouth. Taehyung let out a soft keen at the sensation and began gripping the bed sheets. You couldn't help but chuckle, although that only made him cry out softly.
He was so hard and hot on your tongue that you were positive that it wasn't going to take very long for him to cum. But if he did, you knew he was in for it. Taehyung was sweating profusely and gripping onto the sheets tightly, trying to keep his breathing even.
"How does that feel Taehyung? My mouth on you?"
Taehyung squeezed his eyes shut, trying to eliminate as many stimuli as he could to prolong his hard on. You wrapped your hand around him and began pumping what your mouth wouldn't reach, adding more and more pleasure to the time bomb in Taehyung's stomach that would soon explode. It was so hot listening to him whine and moan while you moved your mouth over him.
"How about a deal, Taehyunnie?" You asked, pumping him with strong strokes. He looked at you with bleary eyes.
"W-what's the deal?"
You smirked and began moving your hand faster on his cock. He arched into your hand and bit his lip, trying to keep himself from shouting out.
"If I take all of you in my mouth, and swallow two times and you don't cum, then you can fuck me. Does that sound like a fair punishment to you?" Taehyung weighted his options and nodded, trying not to get anxious at the thought of you taking him all the way in your mouth. It wasn't something that you normally did, and it was generally saved as a treat for him. But now, he wasn't allowed to cum.
You lowered your mouth onto him, relaxing your throat and feeling your nose hit his hot skin. You looked up at him with seductive eyes and tightened your throat experimentally, not quite swallowing yet. Taehyung shot up off the mattress and bucked into your throat, almost causing you to choke.
"Shit baby! I'm sorry! Are you alright?" The concern in his voice was soothing as tears stung in your eyes, but you stood firm and swallowed harshly once. Taehyung was at a loss and the sounds he made were a string of curses and helpless whines. You could feel him throbbing in your mouth and you knew that he was close. You could practically taste his orgasm for him and it was turning you on immensely. Your center was drenched while you moved your tongue around his length.
He looked as if he was fighting off his orgasm with everything he had, and it was endearing to see him work so hard to obey your rules. You rubbed his thigh in praise for getting through the first swallow and tapped to let him know you were going to do it again, as to avoid him choking you with his dick. He nodded and you swallowed just as hard, if not harder, than you did last time. Taehyung cried out loudly, digging his fingers into his skin, practically drawing blood. Although, you didn't taste cum, and you didn't feel him tense up as if he was about to cum. You lifted your head off of his member and watched Taehyung collapse against the pillows with a pained expression.
"Oh fuck, baby, please... I need to cum so bad, I did what you asked, can I fuck you now? Please please baby, Jagi... I need to cum, and I know you do to," Taehyung whimpered, his brows furrowed in pleasure and pain.
"You are so good for me, Taehyung. You didn't come when you weren't supposed to, and I'm very proud of you for that. You can have your reward now. Do you want to be on top? Or do you want me to ride you?" Taehyung's eyes brightened at those words and you knew he wanted you on top. You also weren't sure if he could handle fucking you right now, with how wrecked he was.
You straddled his waist and removed the final piece of clothing you were wearing, caressing your chest in a alluring manner. Taehyung groaned at the sight and bit his lip in protest.
"Please baby, no more teasing. Let me have you, please let me fuck you." The sight of his engorged cock drew you in from your teasing mannerisms and you grasped him, listening as a yelp came from his lips at the sudden pleasure. Your hips sunk down and you felt him fill you up in a familiar, yet foreign way. It had been a long time since he was fully inside you and it was such an incredible feeling.
He was long and thick, and so so hot inside of you. Hitting all of the spots that his tongue couldn't reach. You were lost on him and he was drowning in the pleasure you were providing for him. It was incredibly hot to watch him be so focused on his own climax, the needy and desperate tone to his voice was already bringing you closer and closer to your orgasm.
Suddenly, Taehyung tensed up and you felt the familiar hot liquid splashing against your walls. He came hard and you felt his thighs shaking underneath you. You were surprised at his lack of endurance. Taehyung was a firm believer in ladies first and normally you had three or four mind blowing orgasms before Taehyung had one or two. Seeming to realize what happened, Taehyung looked at you with shame prevalent in his eyes.
"Oh baby, you haven't finished yet, I'm so sorry. Do you want me to- Ah!"
You clenched around his softening member, causing a sharp pain to ring through Taehyung's body.
"I said that fucking me was your reward, are you saying you're done with your reward once you're satisfied? Maybe to make you appreciate it more, you won't be allowed to fuck me for a month. How does that sound? Unless you get me to cum in the next ten minutes with your cock, it'll be a month with no sex. Get started," you growled, lying back and opening your legs for him.
Taehyung, frightened by your threat, was quick to pin you against the mattress and grind against you in a desperate attempt to get himself hard again. You found the sweet spot on his neck and sucked harshly, knowing that was one of the fasted ways to bring him pleasure in a short period of time.
After two minutes passed you felt him start to get stiff against your folds, and you smiled.
"You have eight minutes to make me cum baby, let's see if you can do it. Daddy," you purred, using the name he had been begging for you to use over the past few months. Taehyung's demeanor changed and he was inside of you in an instant. You groaned at the intrusion and sucked in a deep gasp of air.
"Oh I'll make you cum my princess. I'll make you cum so hard you won't be able to stand for the next two hours. Then I'll fuck you so hard that you can't remember any other word by my name, I promise," you detected the signs of his dominance leaking out, and you gave him a firm glare to remind him who was in charge; clenching around him to make a final point. With a whimper and the look of being sucker punched, Taehyung began to thrust in and out of with with desperation.
He had five minutes to make you cum.
You definitely felt good, but you weren't sure how close you were to cumming. Taehyung worked desperately for the next few minutes building up the climax that you had demanded of him.
He had two minutes to make you cum.
Taehyung was sweating, and he was hammering into you with such a delicious pain that you couldn't tell where he ended and you began. His head was in your neck and you had your arms wrapped around his neck in an attempt to get better leverage. You knew you were going to be sore in the morning with the ferocity that Taehyung was using, but you couldn't find yourself being able to care in that moment. Taehyung seemed to remember something because his head lifted from your neck and looked at you.
"Are you close?" His eyes were pleading, and you realized he was going to cum again.
"Yes, but I don't think it's going to happen in the next thirty seconds," you said, already feeling a little disappointed that this was going to be the only sex you would have for nearly two months.
"No, I won't have that, you'll come by the time you hit one second, so I'll count down the seconds," he said, reaching down to where your bodies were joined and began rubbing your clit with the rough pad of his thumb. Your body arched in response to this and ground Tae's thumb pad against you even more.
Your heart was pounding.
Your vision started blurring.
"Fuck! Eight."
You could feel the chord in your stomach tightening.
Taehyung went even harder into you, if that was possible.
You gripped onto his shoulder, feeling your body beginning to let go.
"Taehyung, I'm gonna cum!"
"Four. Holy shit, baby."
You could feel it. It was so close you could taste it.
"Tae, I'm cumming. Oh fuck!" You screamed.
The tension was palpable and you forgot how to breathe.
"Cum baby, cum."
The chord snapped and you screamed out his name, soon after feeling warmth flood your sore womanhood, signaling Taehyung's second orgasm of the night, and so soon after his last you were certain he was sore as well.
The two of you held onto each other as if you were about to fall off a large precipice if you go. You panted and winced when Taehyung pulled himself out of your core. You could feel his seed pouring out of you and onto the bed sheets, but you were too fucked out to care.
"Holy shit," Tae breathed, resting his forehead against yours in an attempt to catch his breath.
"That was amazing," you announced, smiling as he wrapped you up in his arms. You sighed in contempt before kissing his shoulder slowly.
"I love you so much baby, and as much fun as this was, I never want to wait that long to make love to you," Taehyung whined before pecking your head in a far too cute manner for the actions the two of you just completed.
"I love you too Tae," you breathed before snapping out of his arms and pinning him against the bed once more.
"B-babe?" His eyes were confused and slightly scared.
"What made you think we were done? You've came twice and I've only gotten one measly orgasm. I think it's time you remedy that, come on Tae, hurry up and get hard again," you complained.
"Oh my fuck you're going to kill me baby."
discipline and punish (m)

➾ 5.7k
➾ sub!jeon x noona reader
➾ warnings: degradation, humiliation, chastity cage, rutting, spitting, unprotected sex, creampie, creampie eating, aftercare
➾ summary: when your brat of a boyfriend shows up unexpectedly at your workplace, you decide you have to teach him a lesson.
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Pronta per uscire a fare una passeggiata con Daddy. Quanto ami la sensazione del collare sulla pelle? Mia, la mia cagnolina, sottomessa e schiava

go on, tug on my leash a little. you know you want to 🤍
In una relazione penso sia fondamentale sapere i gusti e i limiti dell’altra persona, cosa piace, cosa proprio no, cosa forse.
Il consenso per me è fondamentale, so bene che l’altra persona non è un oggetto per il mio piacere ma un essere umano con paure e fragilità e sogni.
Con questa premessa ci sono alcune domande che stuzzicano la mia fantasia e perversione 🔥
1. Hai mai avuto fantasie incestuose su cugini ?
2. Hai mai avuto fantasie incestuose su fratelli ?
3. Hai mai avuto fantasie incestuose su tuo padre?
4. Fai anal?
5. Ti piace succhiare?
6. Deep-throat?
7. Ingoi?
8. Leccheresti i piedi a un ragazzo?
9. Il culo?
10. Leccheresti il culo, senza usare le mani, per tanto tempo, tipo mezz’ora?
11. Ti piace fare edging? Cioè toccarti, arrivare vicinissima all’orgasmo e poi fermarti?
12. Idem, ma fartelo fare, magari mentre sei legata
13. Faresti Pissing, in faccia?
14. Faresti Pissing, sul corpo?
15. Faresti Pissing, col cazzo duro, piantato in gola, mi libero dentro di te?
16. Ti piace farti chiamare in modo forte, es. troia, puttana, cagna in calore e simile (durante il sesso)?
17. Ti piace quando ti toccano in disco?
18. Hai mai twerkato contro un ragazzo?
19. Idem ma strusciandoti “e basta”
20. Ti piace quando ti toccano sui mezzi?
21. Ti faresti toccare le cosce, e sotto la gonna mentre sei passeggero in macchina?
22. Ti sei mai fatta mettere le mani nel reggiseno in disco?
23. Idem, nelle mutandine
24. Idem, scopata nei cessi
25. Sei rasata?
26. Ti faresti venire nel reggiseno la mattina, così la senti dentro tutto il giorno?
27. Idem, nelle mutandine
28. Sto su una panchina, zip aperta, arrivi ti scosti la gonna e mi cavalchi, da fuori sembriamo una coppia normale, in cui io ti tengo in braccio, in realtà ti sto scopando, la gonna copre tutto. Lo faresti?
29. Al ristorante col lush nelle mutandine, io che ti controllo, te lo faccio vibrare mentre parli col cameriere
30. Ti hanno mai fatta venire senza toccarti, solo con le parole?
31. Ti piace provocare, sui mezzi, in gonna leggera, strusciarti al tuo ragazzo (daddy/dom/…)
32. Lo faresti con un ragazzo che non ti piace?
33. Sputi in bocca?
34. In faccia?
35. Scritte sul corpo?
36. Posizione preferita?
37. Ti faresti legare al letto?
38. Manette?
39. Bendata?
40. Andresti in giro con sperma ancora sul viso, seccato?
41. Ti piace essere sculacciata?
42. Con la cintura?
43. Leccheresti sperma da terra? (Ammesso sia tutto pulito)
44. Idem ma dopo che è stato nel tuo ano
45. Idem ma dopo che è stato nella tua figa
46. Prendi la pillola?
47. Ti faresti venire dentro?
48. Supplicheresti per avere il cazzo dentro?
49. Ti piace strusciarti?
50. Essere tenuta un po’ senza averlo dentro
51. Succhiare le dita
52. Idem, mantenendo il contatto visivo
53. Fare la voce da bimba
54. farti mettere un dito in culo mentre lui ti masturba
55. Farti toccare la figa in pubblico, di nascosto
56. Sveltina con la mano sulla bocca così non urli
57. Leccare le palle
58. Stare a terra, in ginocchio, sul tappeto, con i piedi di Daddy sulla schiena, stile tavolino umano
59. Fartela leccare mentre sei al telefono con qualcuno e non puoi gemere troppo
60. Prendere il cazzo e strusciartelo in faccia
61. Ogni quanto ti tocchi?
62. Ti piace sentire lui che ansima?
63. Andresti in giro con il lush dentro?
i need a masc or a butch to dom me.
i need you to hold my chin with your strong hands to make me look into your eyes... your lips look so pretty as you talk, as you whisper everything you will do to me and what you will use to make my brain melt.
I don't care if it's in public or in private I need you to tear me apart and make me yours.

Ok but Nathan was being a huge sub in this
I wanna make you cum over and over again until your begging. There’s nothing better than hearing you beg to cum and me edging you until your a sobbing mess. I wanna peg u until u see stars and immediately cum in my hand but then ofc u would drink it up like a good boy
Making my good boy explain everything that he wants and him getting all flustered and even more frustrated
I didn’t tell they guy how I feel but he BLUSHED when I said strap on he dead ass BLUSHED and tried to play it off with a COUGH A FUCKING COUGH
Like excuse me?!!! Boy imma ram your ass until your so overstimulated to the point where you’re crying for me to stop and just giving you a smirk the next day when you can’t walk straight and limping
See having a baby boy squirming in front of me begging to have the simplest thing a small kiss just cause he knows he will have to earn his little pathetic dick a little hand job which he knows will not last cause I’ll just keep edging him until he’s sobbing begging me to stop. But isn’t it what u wanted? “s-s-stop mommy is to much I’m gonna cum” “oh my little slut is going to cum?” to bad. And is again locked in chastity for another month, maybe I’ll even take you out in public just in your cage with a collar and leash. Now everyone will know that your just a dumb slut that follows me blindly. how does that sound?
I want you guys to be in my dms like who’s telling how gorgeous I am and how I could do literally anything to them and they would say thank you I’m horny and I need a slut to play with so… who’s down?
Shame I’m only talking to one slut when hundreds could be shame no one wants to get humiliated like the dirty lol slut they are a real shame
Sooo Ive gotten into supernatural and GIRLLLL that sex dream w Sam and bela ugh like fuck me right there and then bro I couldn’t stop squealing like a fucking whore plus I’m rly stoned rn so hope u enjoy this and I probably will forget what I. Writing I like 3 mins but what ever
Imagine cuddling with Sam and just hearing him whimper like trying to get ur attention so ofc u turn and what u see would make the normal person freak out (I think idk I’m not normal). You saw sam sitting their on his side panting holding his side after a hunt and him obviously being a fucking rag doll (how do they not break their backs) but u also saw something else and heard some fun stuff
“F-fuckk….ohhh go-god” you gasped” holy shit!” When he turned to you you tried To look asleep slowly u open your eyes still trying to be still “what the fuck” you thought
“Oh fuc-ckkk ugh..ahhhh..nooo..y/n no st-stop”
WHAT THE FUCK your like officially freaking the fuck out so you look around seeing if this is a fucking prank. but as you look he grabs u pulling u onto his chest..oh fuck… immediately u try to get off but he hold u on grabbing your ass holding u on and still trying to hump u now moaning while clutching your head and braving my hair between his fingers pulling you closer.
Sam-…Sammy wake up…hey wake up” After jostling his head around u Decided to slap him “HEY!”slap “AHH Y/N WHAT THE FUCK”
“Ah good your awake take care of your problem or you’ll be on. The. Fucking. Floor.” He hesitates and doesn’t understand so you do a lil nut tap and he immediately folds and moans while looking into your eyes ngl it did turn u on but he was to hurt for that rn maybe tmr.
“OW FUCK.. oh shit I’m so sorry.. Uhh. Give me a minute I’m so fucking sorry” he runs to the bathroom in his underwear. thank god dean was fucking some other girl in her hotel.
After 10 mins has passed since he ran to the bathroom and u were starting to get worried and since he was so close it would make sense that he would’ve come out A long time ago “fuck what did I do?” you whisper slowly u get yo and walk over to the door
“Hey Sammy? Hey look I’m sorry I should’ve said that and done that I’m rly sorry” you plead but on the other side u hear moans “y/n-… ugh fuck..I need help” he unlocks the door and u slowly open the door only to find him on the floor panting and kinda crying but also painfully hard STILL “help.. it hurts so much yn please do something” he cried as I sat down next to him.
“Ugh god I’ve been waiting for u to come out…… ha no pun intended “ he looked up to me with the most dashing puppy eyes ever with tears in his eyes begging u to do something. “God please please I’ll do anything not is working it’s not going down and it’s just hurting so much it feels like my balls are gonna explode” he cries trying to Jerk off but just crying cuz it hurts so bad.
“Please jerk me off pl-please I can’t take it anymore” “oh love it’s ok” u reassured him trying to figure out ur next move
I mean u basically had him awake cognitive and wanting you to jerk him off bc he’s so painfully hard for u.
Slowly u look at him and look at his dick especially the tip it was brick hard and boiling hot grabbing it in your hand then and there he looked in less pain and was looking very very pussy drunk he slowly reached out his hands for your boobs slowly u leaned towards him immediately he latched onto your tits and not letting go
Even tho this was a suprise jerking him off is better but him suckling your boobs was a very close Second.
Fuck mo-mommy” still sucking and while I’m still jerking u off he stops and I stop
He tries to get up but I immediately grab oud duct tape and wrap his hands legs and mouth up
“HmMHMM!!” “Protesting is useless “ nod yes or no did u call me mommy and did U like it?”
He nods rapidly moaning trying to cut through your duct tape to touch u but u already prepped for that so u brought out rope and chains “oh bad boy it’s ok tho I’ll just do this” you wrap the chains all over him so he can’t even turn his head oh and u also have a prong collar on him with the leash in your hand
“Oh no baby boy did u get locked up?” He’s looking at you with so much just pure sex and neediness you’ve ever seen in a person.
“Fuck mommy please!!” You hear under the tape “ugh sry baby I can’t hear u” you smirk and walk away leaving him in the tub fully tied up and a sweaty moaning mess
Lmk if u want a part 2?❤️🩵
Dude I just had the best orgasm ever I started just wasI g but then grabbed my fav vibrator and started humping but then I stated to just moan and lurch over and stated to just hump my bed and blankets and presented my ass and everything god I need to be fucked it’s insane I’m literally 17 and a fucking virgin 😭👍