Jiminie Smut - Tumblr Posts

You hated your life.
Not to say you were going to commit suicide or anything, but, you hated every breath you took.
Every blink of your eye.
Every step you made, you hated.
Because the world hated you just as much, if not more, than you hated it. And everyone in it seemed to hate you as well. You weren't a bad kid, not by any means. You always did whatever was asked of you and your reading and writing were wonderful as well. But no one seemed to care.
Your mother had you out of wedlock and was being shunned by the village because of her mistake, and she takes it out on you every single day. And the kids have been ruthless as well. Always picking on you, knocking your things out of your hands and calling you names. Now, your mother wasn't physically abusive or anything like that, but she constantly went out and left you alone, never giving you the love or affection she should. Leaving you to the wolves that waited outside in the cold.
One thing about you that scared everyone in your village was your odd eye color. They say the Gods cursed you with them so that everyone knew you were a bad omen. Your nickname around town was 'jag-eun manyeo', or Little Witch. There were days you couldn't go outside because of the children waiting for you to come out so they could taunt you. Normally your mother would force you to go out and 'play' with them, even though she knew well what it meant to go outside with them.
"Oma... Please... I don't want to go out there with them, they'll hurt me..." You'd say. Her cold, dead eyes would gaze at you as she'd respond.
"Let them. Let them hurt you all they like, you killed me long ago." Her ice-filled heart could no longer feel the maternal bond you two supposedly had.
The older you grew, the more you accepted your miserable life. But... Something bright came along that you had no idea could exist for someone like you...
His name was Namjoon and his heart was made of gold.
He showered you with sincerity and kind words until the early morning.
Your life was starting to have purpose.
Your life no longer was a stone cold place where you existed. It was were you lived.
"Namjoon..." You started, one summer morning in the flower fields near the village.
"Yes?" He responded, looking into your eyes as the two of you lounged against the hill side.
"Why do you spend your time with me? Don't you know the other kids in the village will hurt you?" You asked, staring at him in confusion.
"Their words hold no meaning in my heart. All that matters is that you have a friend. No one should be alone, ever. Having no one to turn to or no one to rely on is worse than death itself. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. Not even my worst enemy." He shuddered, looking paler than usual.
"Are you speaking from experience?" You asked him quietly, trying not to upset him.
"Yes. I have been alone before. Completely and utterly alone... But, now I have you and some other friends in my own village that I can put my trust in, and if I have you along side me. Then things will surely turn out alright, hm?" Namjoon said, hitting his shoulder with yours and smiling. His energy was infectious, because soon you were smiling as well.
He was right.
Being alone was worse than death. You feel as though you want to die, but even if you do, no one would care. No one would mourn your passing and your soul would be lost amongst the spirit realm for all of eternity.
Namjoon knew of your difficult life and upbringing, but always supported you no matter what you wanted to accomplish. He was such a positive part of your life and you always appreciated him, always.
To the very end.
When you were about sixteen, Namjoon started coming less and less. He always complained of sore lungs and not being able to breathe very well. But he never left you longer than a week. He'd send one of his other friends to come and get you to escort you to his village so you could talk and visit.
These were the days you lived for, when you could see your friend. But one day in particular was difficult for you.
Kim Taehyung was stood outside your door one morning with a solemn look on his face.
"___-ah. Are you ready to go see hyung today?" He asked, trying to keep his usual smile from faltering.
"What's going on?" You asked, already feeling the mood beginning to sour.
"Can we talk for a moment?" He questioned, gesturing to the path between your villages.
"Of course." You said, following him down the dirt road quickly.
"Namjoon-hyung's health has taken a turn for the worst... He can't get up on his own and he barely eats. He looks like a ghost whenever we see him, but he brightens up when you come around... Because he knows you have it so much harder than he does. His life is always full with us in it, but you don't get to see us everyday, so he worries... Would you mind coming by today and just sitting with him? We're worried that he won't make it through the night..." His voice cracked on the last word and you saw tears streaming down the mans face. You watched as he desperately tried to wipe away the tears that continued to fall.
"Taehyung-oppa... It'll be alright. Our Namjoon is stronger than any boar or ox! He will fight against this illness and win. Fighting." You said, trying to bring that familiar smile back to his face. Sadly, the clouds had hung over his eyes and the rain of his emotions continued to pour down in a salty river off his cheeks.
"Please... Come with me." He whimpered, looking into your eyes with his broken ones. You nodded your head, letting him lead you back to their village. The once bright day turning darker and darker the longer you walked in silence.
The two of you showed up to the hut and Hoseok answered the door with a similar gloom etched into his features.
"Hello there ___-ah!" He said as he tried to sound cheerful. You gave him a small smile and bowed your head to him.
"Is Namjoon-hyung here?" You asked, peaking around him.
"Is that ___-ah?" You heard a small voice ask, peeking around his hyung was Jungkook.
"Hello, Jungkook-ah." You said, giving him a little smile, which he returned.
"Hyung will be happy to see you." He stated. Hoseok moved aside and let you and Taehyung inside the home. Yoongi spotted you from his position in bed.
"Hello." He offered lamely, obviously not in the mood for a proper conversation.
"I know." Was all you said to him as he fell back asleep.
It felt different walking down these halls without Namjoon making jokes by your side or Jungkook running around rambunctiously with Seokjin chasing after him with his frying pan. Those were the boys you had come to know and enjoy...
But these boys were husks of them, simply existing like you once had.
Seokjin, or Jin, for short showed you to Namjoon's room.
"He's really weak right now, try not to touch him if you can help it. He's also very sore and we don't want to cause him anymore pain. He'll be happy to see you, we all are." He smiled, patting your shoulder and left you alone.
You entered the room and saw your once lively friend practically wasting away in his bed. The sheets looked dirty and so did he. Jin mentioned that he was sore all the time, so they probably haven't bathed him or washed his bedding in order to keep him from the inevitable pain.
"___... It's good to see you." He rasped out, reaching his hand out for you. You took it instantly and kissed his knuckles gently, holding his hand to your chest tightly.
"Why didn't you tell me you felt so ill? I would've called for an apothecary or a medicine-man to come to your aid. You're such an idiot, Namjoon..." You cried into his palm as he gently stroked your cheek.
"There was no stopping this illness I'm afraid. I've had poor lungs since I was a child, and I guess I never got better." He chuckled, which then turned into a horrendous cough. You scrambled off the bed to grab his cup of water that was sitting on the nightstand. He smiled as you handed it to him, careful not to choke on it as you helped him drink it.
"Oppa... Do you think you'll be alright?" You asked in a pathetically small voice as he handed you his empty cup. Namjoon looked at you surprised due to the use of the formality.
"___... I'm very weak, and I don't feel very well. But I will continue to fight as hard as I can for as long as I can so you won't feel alone. I promise."
But promises were made to be broken.
Two days later a group of sniffling and teary eyed men showed up at your door.
And immediately you knew what had happened.
"It was the middle of the night and Jungkook had volunteered to watch him first..." Hoseok started. "Suddenly we were all woken up by the sound of Jungkook screaming for us to get up quickly... Namjoon had started convulsing and acting as if he were possessed. Jin took Jungkook out of the room while Yoongi and I tried to calm the fit... But-But..." And the tears started flowing again. You went to the kitchen and grabbed a cool rag from the bucket in the corner and dabbed his eyes. Going around and dabbing each boys eyes and forehead tenderly, offering them as much affection as you possibly could.
"They came this morning and took him away... Just tossed him away as if he meant nothing at all!" Jungkook wailed, grabbing onto your waist like a toddler would their mother. You patted his head soothingly and tried to calm his tears. The older boys watched you comfort their youngest friend and began to tear up themselves.
"____-ah!" They cried as they all clung onto you. You held back your tears as best you could so as to not upset them more.
They stayed with you until the sun started to sink lower and lower into the sky. After some soothing tea and kind words, you sent them off on their way back home. Hoping that they would find the strength within themselves to get through this hard time...
You, on the other hand, were falling apart inside.
Nothing had prepared you for this empty feeling you had.
It wasn't pain, nor was it despair or sadness. You just felt numb. You had no emotions; you couldn't even cry for your dead friend...
These thoughts swarmed you for months until Yoongi showed up at your doorstep one afternoon.
"What do you need?" You asked as you saw him standing there with what looked like some bags.
"We're moving, and we want you to come with us." He stated firmly, staring into your eyes.
"Y-Yoongi-oppa... You know I could never do that." You said, dropping your gaze to your feet. He stepped inside and took you by the shoulders.
"You meant a lot to Namjoon, so you mean a lot to us. We want you to come with us, so you can get away from this horrible place and be happy. The memories of Namjoon are too strong with us here, so we decided to move closer to the city and hopefully find better work for ourselves. You wouldn't have to lift a finger, we'd make sure you'd live happy live until you married... Please, ____-ah... Come with us..." He said, stroking your cheek gently, much like Namjoon had when he was alive. You took his hand away from your face and held it in both of yours.
"I can't, I've already been courted by a boy in a village not too far from here. He's very kind to me and I don't want to abandon him... I don't want to abandon you either... You boys have meant everything to me over these past few months and nothing will ever change the fact that you're all my very dear friends..." You said, hoping that he would leave.
"Does this man make you happy?" He asked, looking dead into your eyes.
"Happier than I thought I could be after Namjoon passed away... Please, chase your dreams while I try to find mine. Write to me every week and if I miss a letter I will come running immediately. I will write to you as well. So, go, and please take care of your health, Yoongi-oppa." You pleaded, kissing his knuckles affectionately. Yoongi gazed at you fondly before wrapping you up in his arms.
"You'll always be our treasured friend as well. If you need us, please come to us or we'll come for you. A letter a way is all we'll be." You nodded as he patted your head and walked down the same dirt road all eight of you had walked before everything fell apart.
The letters came, every week just as promised. All of them would write their own sections and send it all together so each of them could talk to you separately. You wrote each of their letters on different pieces of paper so they all had their own to keep.
Even though the letters came, your days seemed to only grow colder and colder.
Your mother was suddenly struck down with an illness that appeared to have no cure. You sat by her bedside and watched her wither away to nothing, much like you had with Namjoon, but this time, you didn't feel broken inside when you watched her take her last breathe, you felt empty as always. If anything it seemed like it was a slight notch in your day.
The hearse came and took her away to be blessed and put into the ground where no one would remember her name nor her story of how everyone turned their backs on her for having a child with no husband. She would rot away and be lost to the winds of time with nothing left of her but you.
The letters came still.
Always they came.
You never mentioned that your mother had passed, they'd only show up on your doorstep the next morning ready to take you with them back to their home near the city. Somewhere you did not long to go. So you remained in the cold hut you had lived in all your life, watching as your hair grew longer and your face grow thinner.
Eventually you got a job at a sewing shop in a shop a few miles away. You worked there four days a week and got paid fairly well. You fixed dresses and watched as women came in day after day complaining that the weather was too hot, or their children were too much of a nuisance.
Complaint after complaint after complaint.
Nothing was ever good enough for them, and you began to slowly feel bitterness creep into your heart.
Why did they not care about their children?
Their children didn't ask to be here, but yet they are the ones who have given those horrid woman ulcers.
Children are to blame for everything it seems.
One day, after work you heard some young men coming up behind you on the path.
"Hey... if it isn't jag-eun manyeo, it's been years since we've seen you! Have you cursed anyone recently?" One of them asked.
"I've been well, thank you. I hope you both have had pleasant lives since we've last seen each other." They suddenly appeared in front of you with scowls on their faces.
"I broke my leg two weeks after talking to you last time, I think it's only fair that I pay you back for what you gave me." He said, encroaching in on your space.
"I haven't done anything to you, so please just leave me be." You said, trying not to get too annoyed with them.
"How's that man we saw you talking with a few months back... Namjoon was it? Has he been cursed by you yet? Have you placed your dreaded spell on him?" They taunted, closing in on you.
"H-He died... He had a long illness and passed away almost a year ago... Along with my mother soon after him." You said, hoping to gain leverage from their passings... As wrong as it was.
"Good, glad that disgusting bitch died. She was such a slag, sleeping with a man before marriage. Those kinds of women don't deserve to be happy. No wonder she birthed such a boar of a child. It was her punishment for giving into the pleasures of flesh." The pair of them snickered and watched as tears formed in your eyes.
"Oh look! We've upset her, how dreadful of us making a lady cry for no reason. Let us give her something to cry about, shall we?" They smiled impishly at you and began to beat you. Kicking and smacking until you went limp on the ground, hoping that somehow this would finally be the thing that kills you.
But alas, it wasn't to be. In what must've been a few hours later you woke up to a small child tugging on your hand gently.
"Noona... Are you okay?" Her small voice asked as she looked at your bloodied face.
"I'll be just fine, go find your mother or father... You're better off not associating with me. Get going." You ushered her in the direction she came as you stalked back to your home, a new fire burning within your heart.
Revenge is an ugly word, and even uglier when it nests inside of someone's heart. Making its home there, waiting for the day it can consume the person it's chosen.
You began to read and research about black magic and ways to exact revenge on those who have wronged you in your lifetime.
Finally, a solution had presented itself. A simple spell that would give you the satisfaction that you craved... Once you had what you wanted, you could leave this place and finally leave all of this sorrow behind... But first, you needed to give all of who have wronged you the payment they so desperately deserved.
A demon.
It was the perfect solution. You created the circle from lamb's blood on the floor of your home and made the symbols on the pieces of fabric as the spell instructed. You placed the offering of a chicken's heart in the center of the circle and started the chantings as the spell required.
Heat spread throughout the room as you realized once of the candles had fallen onto one of your tapestries you'd made for this night. Rushing over to extinguish it you stepped on the chicken's heart and watched as more and more of your tapestries went into flames.
Scrambling quickly you rushed to find something to extinguish the fire with, but the bucket you had set aside had suddenly disappeared. The heat grew and you began to inhale the smoke that had settled as your home slowly caught fire. Your heart sank and you realized that your letters where dangerously close to where the fire was raging. Having no other choice, you ran over to desk and grabbed all of the papers and ran towards the door with smoke burning in your lungs.
Your head began to feel light as you slid down the door unceremoniously falling in a heap on the floor. Suddenly a bright light appeared in the center of your destroyed circle, and black smoke flooded the floor. But this didn't smell of real smoke, it smelt of... a man...? You let your eyes drift upwards as you looked at the man who had appeared in the middle of your ritualistic circle.
His hair was a silver color and his build was muscular. He had on fine clothing that appeared to be very modern, all in black. The man turned to look at you with smoldering eyes that burned you to the very core.
"Ah... It's not everyday I get summoned to the human realm. What is it that you would like of me, Jagi." He said, walking towards you purposefully.
"Y-You're really here? Am I dreaming? Did I die?" You whispered to yourself as the man crouched in front of you.
"You almost died because of your stupidity. Reaching for papers with nothing but simple ink on them, how useless. But, you did as the spell asked, so here I am. What is it you'd like of me?" He asked again. You stared at his face for a moment, taking in his sinful beauty. They say Lucifer was an angel once, but he fell from grace. But angels are all beautiful, and the demon before you was no acceptation to that rule. His eyes were a dark brown and his lips were plump and soft looking. His hair appeared to be soft, along with his beautifully tanned skin. Everything about this man was enticing, down to his scent. They say demons are beautiful to draw you in and to make you vulnerable to their desires, but if you can overcome their beauty you can make them do what you wish.
"I-I want you to get revenge for me." You said in a wavering voice, trying to hard not to lean in closer to this man-demon...
"Revenge for what? Is it the people who caused the bruises on your skin? Or the bruises on your heart? Tell me who deserves my wrath." He said, leaning towards you.
"T-They have bullied me since I was a child. They have beaten me to the ground and mocked my friend's passing. I want them to suffer as I have, I want them to feel completely and utterly alone." You said, letting the anger and frustration of the past years take hold of your heart.
"What an entrancing sight. A women that is so overcome with rage and betrayal, all she can do is cry." He said, looking at the tears you didn't know were falling.
You reached out for this man's collar and pulled him close to your face.
"Can you help me? Or not? If not, I'm prepared to go out and do it myself." You announced helplessly.
"Are you now? Then why summon a demon?" He caught you red-handed. You did need him for this revenge, and he was well aware of that fact. You dropped your hands from his shirt and let the grief consume you... All of the emotions you'd been bottling up and repressing for years had finally reared their ugly heads as you just sobbed into your hands.
"I just want all of the pain to go away... Please, take my pain away." You begged.
"It goes from revenge to pain relief in five minutes, you're a very strange woman. But I've taken a liking to you. Although, I can only do one of your requests. Which will it be? Revenge on all of those who have wronged you in your life? Or will it be relief from that pain they have caused you? Only you can decide... So tell me, what is it that you would like of me?" He asked for the third time that night. You gazed into his deep brown eyes and bit your lip.
"Please, take my pain away." You begged. "I don't want to be alone anymore." You cried into your hands. The demon eyed you curiously.
It was common for people to ask for their pain to be taken away, but there were various ways for the task to be accomplished. Some just needed money to get them on their feet and towards success. Others needed one to die so their pain would go away, such as an abusive partner. But you... You were so much different from all of them. Your pain slumbered within your very soul. It appeared as though your entire being was aching for affection.
"What is your name?" The demon asked you, pulling you to your feet.
"___." You said, wiping your tears away frustrated.
"Lovely name. I have a proposal for you, ___. But I will only continue if you consent." You nodded for him to continue. "I can take your pain away if you'd like me to, but you must accept the consequences that will come after I do so. Do you accept these conditions?" You nodded vigorously.
"Yes, I accept them." He smiled at you gently.
"Then you also accept that when the time comes, your soul will belong to me." He said, getting closer and closer to you. You pressed yourself as tightly against the wall as you could and stared at the man in front of you with wide eyes.
"I-I accept the conditions you've presented to me." You said, denouncing your afterlife with just nine words.
"Then very well, I will seal the contract with you and do my part to relieve your pain." He continued to get closer. You had no where to run.
"How do I seal the contract with you?" You asked, staring into his sultry eyes.
"With a kiss, our contract will be in place. Once it is, nothing can break the bond we have. Do you still wish to continue?" He asked, giving you one final chance to flee. You thought for a few moments before clumsily smashing your lips onto his. The demon in front of you hummed in approval as you felt a weird tingling sensation in your spine as his lips worked yours. As if he was trying to take the very breath from your lungs. Your lips separated with a 'pop' and he licks his lips sensually.
"O-our contract is now in place... Take my pain away." The demon smiled and went to kiss you again, but you put your hands up before he could.
"I am merely doing what you requested of me. Taking your pain away by giving you the love and affection you crave... Isn't that what you want, ____? To have a man touch you and show you how good your body can feel? Don't you want to feel my body on yours? I promise you'll enjoy it, I've never had any complaints..." He breathed, staring at your lips yearningly.
"W-We aren't married! We can't do that! I don't even know your name!" You shrieked, trying to remain calm.
"We may not be married, but you no longer have to live by God's rules... You belong to me now, and I will make sure you are taken care of. And you can call me Jimin." He added afterwards, reaching for your hips.
"I-I don't want you to take my pain away like this! I want it a different way!" You demanded, trying to push past him. A hand grabbing your wrist stopped you in your tracks.
"I cannot perform my promise to you if you don't let me give you my love. Your soul has been deprived of it your entire life and I wish to remedy that for you. If it's truly not what you want, then I will try to find another way to satisfy you." His hands wandered towards your shoulders, rubbing them gently and pulling you into his chest, your back molding to his front. You gasped in surprise but let his sweetly poisonous words flood your brain.
"Jimin-ah... I have no idea what I'm doing. I-I don't know how to accept love from someone..." You trailed off as his hands wrapped around your waist.
"But you do. You've let someone care for you before. Namjoon-hyung. Isn't that right? He cared for you like an older brother, and all of those other boys care for you as well. But the kind of love I'll be giving you will be a little different. I hope that's alright..." You felt his nose bury into your neck.
"J-Jimin-ah!" You whimpered as you felt his teeth sink into the soft skin of your shoulder.
"Sorry, I like to bite. Is that a problem?" He asked, licking the tender flesh. You gasped but shook your head, accepting the pain and pleasure that came along with it.
"N-No, that's alright, you can keep going." You moaned, letting his greedy palms begin to move further and further down until they were underneath your skirt. You gasped as his fingers found your most sacred place.
"Mmm, so warm." He groaned, kissing and teasing you until you backed up your backside into his front, grinding slightly against his growing erection.
"J-Jimin." You groaned, feeling his hands go inside your undergarments, softly playing with the delicate flesh that was there.
"God, you feel so good already. I can't wait to taste you." Jimin murmured against your shoulder. You began to feel like you had peed yourself, but you knew you hadn't. What was this wet sensation between your legs? And why did it feel so good?
"Taste me...? Are you going to eat me?" You cowered, fearful of this stranger.
"A part of you yes. But not in the way you think." He smiled, licking your neck and taking his hands out of your underpants.
"Why did you stop?" You asked, turning around to face this demon before you. His eyes had changed to a muted grey-green color that had you yearning for his touch. Everything about him drew you in, and you knew that's what made demons so dangerous. Their beauty and charming words, but you had no energy to fight him. How could you when you had lost so much already?
"Follow me..." He whispered, pulling you towards the one bedroom in the house. You didn't resist when he pulled you down on top of him in the bed, kissing you heavily and slowly drugging you with his lips.
"What are you going to do to me...?" You breathed when he took a break from swallowing your little whimpers to kiss down your jaw.
"I'm going to give you the affection you desire. In a way that will satisfy us both." He answered cooly, licking and nibbling your lips. You felt your resolve slowly slipping away. The sweet poison of his words leading you towards compliance.
"Jimin..." You whispered, feeling his hands gliding inside your clothes once more. His hands were warm and soft against your skin, something that no one had ever shown you before. People were always very rough with you and they didn't care about how you felt afterwards. But his hands, his delicate touch against your skin felt like paradise.
"I want you to get naked for me. Can you do that?" He asked, looking into your eyes. You could feel the blush creeping onto your face, as you began to comply with his demands. You stood up and grabbed your tattered skirt, beginning to wiggle out of it, feeling it drop off your legs and fall to the floor in a heap. Jimin stared at the newly revealed skin with such hunger it almost made you uncomfortable.
"D-Don't look at me like that..." You whispered, trying to cover up your legs with the shirt you were wearing. Jimin reached out and took your hands pulling you in between his legs where he sat on the bed.
"I can't help it. You look so beautiful and so tempting. I'm so hard already," he groaned, pulling on your hands. "Please, show me more..." He begged, biting his lip and looking at you desperately. With the pleading glint in his eyes, how could you resist? You found yourself pulling your shirt off and letting it join the skirt on the cold floor boards. Jimin's eyes brightened up at the sight of your almost nude body before him.
"I-I've never been this exposed before..." You said, rubbing your arms defensively. Jimin stood in front of you and embraced you in his arms.
"I know it's hard to bare all to a stranger, but let me into your heart. Let me give you all the affection you deserve. It's a wonderful thing to be loved, but you need to be willing to accept it before you will feel at peace. Let me love you, ____. Open your heart to me." He begged, kissing your shoulder gently. All of your defenses crumbled and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. And overwhelming sensation of warmth flooded your heart and you smiled to yourself. Jimin pulled away and his eyes held nothing but adoration.
Gazing at him now, he didn't feel like a stranger. He felt like someone you had know for your entire life. Someone you could trust. Being with him felt right, like you wouldn't be complete until you felt all of him against you. A burning need started to erupt in your womanhood that caused you to pinch your thighs together. Jimin took notice to this action and smiled knowingly.
"Is it uncomfortable? Do you want me to make it feel better?" He asked, pushing you towards the bed. You watched as he pulled your undergarments off in fluid motions, leaving you bare from the stomach down. His eyes drunk in the sight of you before him. You didn't feel shy or embarrassed. You felt as though he should be looking at you in this manner, and it made the ache in your core worsen.
"It's very uncomfortable... Please make it feel better, Jimin." You said, gazing at him under your eyelashes.
"Anything you want, darling." He smiled and grabbed underneath your knees and pulled you closer to the edge of the bed. Kisses were placed on your inner thighs, his lips tracing closer and closer to your pink center.
There were no feelings of anxiety or fear when his lips met your core, only pure, unadulterated pleasure.
"Ah!" You cried out as your back arched up off the bed slightly.
"Mmm, virgins are so responsive... I love it." He murmured as he licked a thin stripe up your center. Pleasure ripped through your lower body and you couldn't help the whimpers that erupted from your throat. You reached for his hand and interlaced your fingers with his as he began sucking and nibbling on your core.
"Jimin... Feels good..." You moaned out while he continued his assault on your center. Every flick of his tongue sent molten heat into your lower body. You could feel a coil start to tighten in your stomach the longer Jimin's sinful tongue worked your womanhood. Lewd sucking noises came from his mouth and the sound alone made the tension in your stomach greater.
Suddenly, and without warning you felt all of the pressure in your stomach release and you cried out and gripped Jimin's hand tightly. You'd never felt so amazing in your entire life. The pleasure overwhelmed you and the only thing that kept you grounded was the feeling of Jimin's hand in yours. Jimin placed soft kisses on your lower lips, guiding you through your pleasure.
"How was your first orgasm? Did it feel good?" He asked, moving up and hovering over your lethargic form.
"It felt really good... Thank you." You whispered, gazing at your interlocked fingers.
"No need to thank me, but I would like to get my own release, if you don't mind..." He hinted, grinding his clothed bulge against your wet core. The overstimulation almost hurt, but the pain lingered and made you want more. Jimin smiled and began undoing the buttons on his silk shirt, revealing beautiful pale skin to you.
Eagerness built up in your body and you sat up, feeling the lethargy leaving your form at the thought of him being just as exposed as you were. Jimin let the garment drop to the floor. You reached out for him and he moved towards you, letting your hands move over his torso. A pleased moan came from his lips as you slowly lowered you hand until they were resting on his pants buckle. Your eyes focus on the tent in his pants and you experimentally squeezed his bulge. A strangled moan escaped him and his head dropped back, his eyes trained on the ceiling. You smiled and continued to rub him through his pants, testing out different methods to give him pleasure.
After a particularly hard squeeze, he grabbed you wrist and brought your fingers into his mouth, sucking on them gently. You watched with fascination at he let your hand go before undoing his belt buckle and throwing it to the floor.
"Undo my pants." He said. It wasn't a command, but there was a firmness to his voice that egged you on. You reached forward and did as instructed, undoing the button of his pants and then pulling the zipper down as well. Jimin was quick to rid himself of the offending material, shortly after climbing back into the bed with you. His hands went to the last piece of clothing you were wearing, removing it with haste and finally showing your breasts to him. Jimin stared at your breasts with a desire and hunger that made you squirm with want.
"Jimin..." You mewled quietly, trying to get him to touch you once more.
"Fuck I can't wait anymore, I need to be inside of you." He groaned, pulling his underwear off, exposing himself to you. Shock and desire flooded your core as you watched Jimin stroke his length a few times.
"I-I don't know what to do... What do I do, Jimin?" You asked quietly, looking to the man before you with innocent and pure eyes.
Guilt gnawed at him for a few moments. He knew what he was about to do to you, and he knew that the moment he entered your pure flesh that your soul would be damned... No amount of prayer or blessings would ever save you, and he knew full well that your soul would belong to him. He'd never felt such remorse in his life as a demon... Why was it starting now?
"Once this happens, you can't turn back. You're soul will be damned to hell. This is your last chance. I'll undo the binding I've placed on your soul, this is the last chance you have at heaven." He admitted, biting his lip and looking at you. You sighed and wrapped your arms around his neck, kissing his lips slowly.
"Take my soul, it's yours. Take my body, it's yours as well. Everything I have can be yours as long as you love me. Please, love me." You begged, feeling the familiar sting of tears in the corners of your eyes. Jimin's cold heart softened at the sound of your voice and he nodded.
"This will hurt, I'll be as gentle as you want and let me know if you want to stop okay?" You nodded your head and tightened your grip on him, urging him to take you. Take everything you had, because it didn't matter anymore. You wanted affection, you wanted love. He promised that he would give you that, and it was time for him to deliver.
You felt Jimin's hot member poke at your entrance before slowly easing inside of you. He was large and the stretching sensation was uncomfortable. Suddenly a white hot pain flashed through your body and you cried out in pain. Jimin froze, feeling his heart drop at the sound. You were so tight and warm around his length her found it extremely hard to stop, but he did and looked into your eyes.
Tears were streaming down your face as you bit your lip harshly, trying to ignore the pain coming from your center. Breathing hurt and you didn't know how people could find this enjoyable. Jimin kissed your collarbone and neck, trying to ease you through the pain as he tried to stave off his pleasure.
"It's alright. It'll be over in a few minutes, just take deep calming breaths." He cooed, petting your hair affectionately. The two of you waited while the pain subsided. It took only a few minutes for you to experimentally shift your hips towards his, causing Jimin to let out a croak of pleasure.
"Try moving, I think I'm alright now." You said, resting your hands on Jimin's shoulders. He took your words of consent and began to move his hips slowly against your own. It felt odd, having someone else sharing their body with you. The feeling of him slowly, but surely driving himself in and out of you was building a familiar tension in your stomach. Jimin kissed you gently, moving his hips slightly faster against you.
"Fuck you're so tight... Feels so good." He moaned, continuing his pace. It didn't feel good, but the sensation wasn't bad either. The pressure was slow to build, but you could feel the tightening in your lower stomach. Jimin noticed your silence and began to still his movements.
"Why'd you stop?" You asked as Jimin settled his hips against yours.
"Does it not feel good? What I'm doing?" He asked, trying to hide the pleasure in his voice.
"It's nice, but I liked it better when your mouth was down there." You blushed at the phrasing, but Jimin looked almost upset at the admittance.
"If it doesn't feel good, you need to tell me. This is all for you, my pleasure is just a bonus. Do you want it harder?" He asked, thrusting into you rather harshly, causing an ache to flare up in your womanhood.
"Ah! No-no..." You whimpered, grabbing onto him. He seemed to mull over this statement for a few moments before coming to some kind of decision.
"Deeper perhaps. Not harder." He said, slowly pushing his hips into you firmly, causing you to feel a filling sensation deep within your core. The feeling struck a chord within you and you felt a small moan come from your lips. Jimin smiled and did it again, pushing deep within your center waiting for your reaction.
"Oh... That... That feel good." You moaned, grabbing his biceps tightly. Jimin groaned at the thrill of having your nails digging into his skin. He continued his deep thrusts within your center. You felt as though he was ripping you apart and mending you back together at the same time, creating a delicious buzz of excitement fill up your abdomen. Every movement he made further tightened the coil that was threatening to break at any moment. But every time you felt the sensation of an orgasm near, his member retreated from your body, leaving you empty once again.
"You're moans are so delicate... I wonder what it would be like to have you scream my name..." Jimin mused, trying to work you up even further, feeling his own ending drawing near.
"F-Faster Jimin, I want you to go faster..." You pleaded, fearful of the pain but too lost in your current sensations to care if the discomfort returned. Jimin looked down at you for confirmation and picked up the pace once he saw the hungry look in your eyes.
The new pace caused a momentary tenderness to flare up, but it wasn't there for long because soon pleasure took over your senses. Jimin began to feel your walls tightening on his member, provoking his demonic tendencies to arise. But he fought hard against the need to finish to bring you to your end before him. Something about your story touched his blackened soul and he knew that he needed to make this moment count, because it was going to be your last...
"Jimin! Jimin I can feel it! It feels so good, please! More! I want more!" You screamed, grabbing onto his face and pulling him to your lips for a desperate kiss. Jimin molded his lips to yours, putting his hands on either side of your face, boxing you in. He felt his release getting dangerously close. So he reached down to where you were connected and began to rub at the sensitive bundle of nerves he knew would send you over.
Once his fingers swirled around your little nub a few times, your walls clamped down impossibly tight around him, drawing him over the edge. The two of you cried out your climaxes. You felt a piercing heat flood your womanhood and you knew that he had finished as well. Jimin collapsed on top of you, trying desperately to hang onto his human form. The last thing he wanted to do was frighten you, but the end had arrived, and it was time to pay your debt.
You were blissfully unaware of the battle being raged inside of the man atop you as you stroked his hair affectionately. Jimin felt your small hands caressing his hair and the guilt he was feeling reared its ugly head once more. You didn't deserve what was going to happen to you, but he had no choice. You'd made your deal, and he had to collect.
Jimin pulled himself up and looked down at your sleepy face. He sighed and gave you a sad smile.
"Darling... You have to pay your end of the bargain now." He uttered, stroking your cheek gently.
"What do you mean?" You asked, looking into his eyes in confusion.
"The deal we made. Your soul belongs to me now, and I have to take it from you." He said, feeling the dread piling up in his stomach. What killed him even more was the smile that graced your face after he told you of your demise.
"You wouldn't be taking it, I'll give it to you willingly. I won't fight you. But, can you do two more things for me?" You asked, taking his hand in yours.
"Of course, anything you want." He complied almost instantly.
"First, I would like you to tell me the one thing I want to hear more than anything in the entire world... Please tell me." You implored, hoping that he knew what you wanted.
"I love you, ___. And I hope that the act we have just committed proves that to you. I love you," he said in such a sweet tone. You felt sincerity, but knew it was a lie. "What is your next request?" You smiled and closed your eyes, presenting your lips to him in a cute manner. Jimin returned your smile and kissed you tenderly, holding your face in his hands.
"I love you, Jimin... Take what I have promised." You said, keeping his hands in yours. Jimin knew he had to do it now. But he couldn't bare the thought of killing such an innocent creature. He had tainted you, but you had wanted it... There was no denying the crime you had committed, and there was nothing he could do but reap what you had sewed.
"Those will be your last words, I hope that you felt truly loved. Now please, accept your crime and death with open arms. It's the easiest way... I'm sorry, ___..." He said, reaching off the bed and grabbing a knife from his pants pocket. You stared at the blade with fear, but looked at the terror in Jimin's eyes and touched his hand gently.
You didn't say anything, what could you possibly say to him?
Thank you?
Thanks had no place here.
I love you?
You had already uttered that more than once.
Please, spare me?
You had made a contract, and it was time to pay in.
All you could do was accept your fate and let Jimin kill you.
The cool metal of the blade graced your neck and you looked into Jimin's eyes and saw remorse that was there. You simply smiled and felt the knife pierce your delicate skin and draw thick red blood from your body. Jimin dragged the blade across your neck in a quick motion, severing your jugular and causing your blood to flood from your body out onto your sheets. You gasped for air, how could you not? Your life was flashing before your eyes and everything that you had ever experienced came back to haunt you.
Jimin watched in horror as you convulsed and twitched before him, still naked from the sex you two had partook in. His eyes watched as your body became paler and paler. Your eyes became darker and he could see the life leaving you.
Soon, the blood stopped flowing and you became still.
It was over.
You were dead, and Jimin saw your soul beginning to rise from your corpse. He reached out and grabbed the small white orb in his hands and caressed it affectionately. He kissed it and then let it drop through the floor boards and down to hell where you would spend the rest of eternity.
Jimin gathered his clothes and redressed himself before walked back to your dead body. A single tear fell down his cheek as he stared at the woman he had just made love to. He realized it was true. You had made him feel loved for the first time in his long life as well. He wished it didn't have to be this way. Maybe in another life you two could've been happy... You could've been married and had kids. You both could've died together, instead of him killing you...
He walked towards your corpse and gathered the blankets around you and wrapped your still warm body in the bloodied sheets. Jimin carried your lifeless remains to the living area. All of your items from the ritual that summoned him here were still there, although charred from the fire you had started. He couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at the memory of you desperately scrambling about trying to keep the site from collapsing and saving the ridiculous letters from your friends from burning as well.
Setting your body down in the middle of the floor, Jimin gathered his power and blew hot fire onto the floor, beginning a blaze. In a sudden burst of affection, Jimin walked through the inferno unscathed until he arrived at your corpse. He kneeled down and held you close to his chest and continued to do so until there was nothing left in his arms but ash. He still found it hard to leave, even when your body was gone and the house was beginning to collapse.
"I curse this land and all that will inhabit it. Anyone who lives in this village and caused you pain, will suffer. I will make that oath to you, ___. And the love that we never could live."
Out of Work

Hello everyone! It’s been a while!
So sorry about that.
Anyways I’m back on the rack and ovula-
We’re not going to go there. But anyways enjoy some Jimin smut.
I don't know if I can go through with this," you murmured to your agent as you sat in the dressing room.
"Well, it's not too late to call this off. But, Jimin is one of the best pornstars in the industry and it would be good for you to work with him. He's worked with a lot of people and you would do well to keep up appearances here," she said, rubbing your shoulders.
The nerves were stemming from the fact that you were so new to the industry and that Jimin had a reputation that was nothing short of incredible. All of the women that had the pleasure of fucking him said that they came probably three or four times.
"Well, he wants to meet you, so... If you don't want to go through with this after you meet him I'm certainly not going to make you. It's all up to you dear. I'll see you afterwards," your agent said before leaving the room.
You had only been in three adult movies before and they were kind of shit. The guy wasn't that great and the people you were working with weren't the nicest.
Your agent decided that you were made for the higher up in production value movies. That were actual movies. You managed to snag the main role in this film and it was your first day on set.
The character you were portraying was the young apprentice of a very power wizard. You are in love with him and want to get him to have sex with you. Your character brews a potion and gives it to him in a drink and suddenly he fucks you.
If you were being honest, you were getting wet just thinking about Jimin.
He was well known and you had been dying to work with him... But.
You were very new to the industry and you didn't want to disappoint him. God forbid he get flaccid in the middle of a take.
Also, having sex in front of a camera still made you a little nervous.
You were insecure about your body and had all of the insecurities that most women did. You were worried about your weight and the way that you looked when you left the house.
A knock on the door shook you out of your thoughts.
"Come in!" you shouted, looking towards the door.
You stared in amazement as Jimin walked through the door with a beautiful smile on his face.
"Hey! You're ___, right? It's so great to meet you!" he said walking over and offering you an embrace like you were an old friend. You stepped into his arms hesitantly, but gave him a timid little hug.
Once he pulled away he chuckled.
"W-what?" you asked, curious as to why he was laughing.
"Oh, sorry. It's just, I can see why they picked you for the role. You're so shy, and so is your character. But, I just wanted to come in and ask for a safe word and things that are off limits," he said, sitting down.
You chewed on your lip and nodded, sitting down as well.
"Uh... Thank you. And, um, no degrading language other than what is scripted. Being called a slut and a whore don't turn me on at all... No anal... Biting is fine and encouraged. Blood play is fine also. Finishing inside is also fine, seeing as how it's scripted. Also, no choking please," you said, listing all of your normal rules.
Jimin was listening intently the whole time.
After you were done he gave a nod.
"So, no degrading language other than what's scripted. No anal. But biting is something you like," he winked after that, sending a rush of heat through your body. "As well as blood play, something not a lot of people are into, interesting kink. And finishing is scripted inside but if you aren't on any kind of contraceptive then I'm pulling out. And no choking. That's not something I like either. Hurting other's isn't really my thing. But, thanks for sharing all of that! I feel like I know you a little better know as well," he gave another adorable smile.
He was way too cute to be in the adult film industry.
"I-Is there anything you don't want me to do? Consent goes both ways," you stated, looking up from your knees.
"Ah, so kind of you to ask. Um, just don't try to stick anything up my ass and I think we'll be fine... Also, no teeth on the blow job part please? But, that's kind of a universal isn't it? But you didn't tell me your safe word," he pointed out.
"Oh! It's stop with three taps from my hand," you said, giving him the information he wanted.
"Stop with three taps. I'll make sure that you won't have to use it," he gave another smile and you were wondering how much pain he would put you through before the pleasure would arrive.
Seriously, those smiles were killing you inside.
"Do you have a safe word?" you asked, wanting to make sure he had the right to stop if he wanted to.
"End. Simple enough. Although, I haven't had to use mine yet, have you?" he asked, getting comfortable in the chair across from you.
"Yeah, a few times. People in the cheaper movies are way rougher than necessary," you commented, rubbing your elbows.
Jimin got a look of anger on his face. "That's ridiculous. Just because the funding is less doesn't mean that you deserve to get treated like a piece of meat, what the hell happened?" he questioned, seeming to want to know more.
"Uh, well... He ignored my choking rule, so we had to stop. We didn't finish filming because I wasn't comfortable enough to continue," you said, trying hard not to let the bad memory affect you.
"That fuckhead, you better not give me his information cause I'll royally screw that guy over," he growled.
You'd never seen someone so angry about the situation before... Your parents had passed on and you didn't have any siblings. It makes working in an adult industry much easier. Seeing as how you didn't have to face anyone about working in it.
"Honestly, I just try to leave it behind me. I trust you, so, let's do a good job today. Yeah?"
You offered your hand for him to shake and he took it, before leaning down and kissing your hand gently. Heat rushed to your cheeks and Jimin smiled brightly.
"You're so cute. Just a kiss on the hand and you're blushing. So sweet. I can't wait to do our scene today."
And with a mysterious look, Jimin got up out of the chair and left the room.
You were drenched in your panties and he didn't even kiss you or anything. His hands were strong and his arms looked incredible. His lips were so plush and everything about him seemed to lure you in.
A few minutes later your agent wandered in the door. You looked up at her and she was staring at you with a look on her face.
"You want to do it now?" she asked, raising her eyebrow.
You nodded hesitantly and gave her a sheepish smile.
"Uh, he's really nice. I think we'll do really well together," you said, trying to avoid the tutting that was sure to follow.
"I told you. He's the best, and he's the best for a reason. His charisma is unmatched. His sex appeal is through the roof and the ladies love him. But, the goal is for the men to love you. You need to make sure that you affect him just as much as he affects you. Remember the audience," she stated.
Another knock at the door rang through the room. You and your agent looked up and saw the director standing there.
"Hello ladies! It's time for us to get started! Are you ready?" he asked, placing his hand on his hip.
You nodded and stood up, fixing your robes and such to fall correctly. He gave you a smile and ushered you out the door to the set.
It was hot under the lights and you and Jimin had been filming the actual movie portions all day.
Right now, you were giving him the potion that was supposed to make him want to fuck you.
You poured the water in a glass of grape soda. Jimin was reading some books with glasses on in such a way that was dangerous to your heart. He looked so serious sitting there.
"Ah, thank you. You can set that right here," he said, gesturing to his desk. The desk you were going to be bent over in a few minutes. You did as you were told and put the glass on the table.
As Jimin drank the drink you sat down in the chair sitting opposite the desk. He finished the drink and set the glass down.
Suddenly, Jimin started getting flustered. You knew that it was going to be time soon.
"Alright and cut! Jimin go get yourself hard and come back," the director said. Jimin nodded and walked out of the room. "Do you need anything, ___? Water or something like that? Lube?" he asked, looking genuinely concerned for your well being.
"No, I'm alright," you smiled.
Jimin came back a few minutes later with an obvious tent in his boxers. You swallowed hard and tried to fight back the blush that threatened to rise up on your cheeks.
"Alright, we'll stop after the blow job. Improv from you to as long as it goes within the script parameters. Audio running. Standing by. ACTION!" he shouted.
You watched as Jimin shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"Um... sir? Are you alright?" you asked, following the script for as long as you could.
"Don't call me sir, it makes me think some inappropriate things about my apprentice..."
You flushed pink and bit your lip seductively.
"W-what if I said that I was alright with you thinking inappropriately about me?" you asked. Jimin's head snapped up and he looked at you with dilated pupils. You pushed his books off his desk and crawled up on the table and straddled him.
Jimin wrapped his arms around your waist and gave you a nervous look.
"I can't do this... You're my apprentice, this is wrong," he breathed, running his hands over your body. You took his hand and placed it on your breast, gaining confidence as you felt his erection pressing into your thigh.
"It's not wrong if we don't tell anyone... I won't say anything. If you promise not to say anything, then we'll be safe. I need you so bad sir. Please, fuck me," you whimpered, rubbing your center against his. Jimin let out a strangled moan.
Without much else of a warning, Jimin was stood up. You squealed lightly and clung onto him so you didn't fall and ruin the take. Jimin wrapped an arm around you, securing you in place. The sound of books falling to the floor startled you, although you remained in character.
The wood pressed into your back as Jimin set you down on the desk. You reached forward and connected your lips to his in a shy kiss. He was eager to respond, mashing his lips with yours in a seductive manner.
No wonder women couldn't get enough of him. If you had full time access to his lips, you'd probably be in heaven.
His lips wandered down your throat and to your chest. Jimin pulled at the outfit and managed to pull the robe off of your body. The lingerie piece that had been selected sat delicately on your frame. Jimin swallowed hard and you relished in the fact that you had that effect on him. Either that or he was an exceptional actor.
You watched his eyes dilate in lust and desire as his lips reconnected to your flesh. He kissed down your stomach and made it to your panties. You knew you were drenched, but he stilled looked up in surprise.
"You're so wet..."
A flush of red went through your cheeks. Jimin was staring unabashedly at your center with longing.
"Y-you'd better do something about it," you whispered.
Jimin seemed to come out of his daze and attached his mouth to your core. A startled moan escaped you as you felt pleasure rip through your center. His lips were so plump and hot against you that you could hardly speak.
Even with your panties on it felt incredible. You could hardly wait for when all of his clothes came off as well.
"Take my panties off sir, I want to feel your mouth on me. Please sir, I can't wait," you whined, tugging on the sleeves of his robes. Jimin smiled at your eagerness and complied with your demands.
You watched as he slowly dragged the intricate material down your legs and onto the floor. He touched your legs and looked at you for confirmation to continue. You parted your legs and watched as he took in what lay between your thighs.
You'd never seen such a good actor. He was so entranced by you. You were drenched and in desperate need of sorting out and Jimin was rock hard against his thigh. It was so painful and he needed to get off, but you came first in his mind.
His lips came down on your center and you managed a strangled moan. His mouth was so hot and he was obviously talented in this particular area of sex. You cried out as his tongue swirled around your bundle of nerves and sneakily dipped into your sex for a moment. Jimin's hands rubbed up your hips and wrapped around your thighs to keep you in place.
"Mmm, you taste amazing... How have I kept my hands off of you for this long? I deserve a reward," he mumbled into your core.
"You're getting it right now," you whipped back. Jimin cocked an eyebrow at you and seemed entertained by your remark.
"And I intend to enjoy every moment of it," he said, pulling away from your sex. You keened in annoyance. Jimin simply smiled at your whining and pulled his robe over his head.
Oh sweet fuck...
Was that ever an incredible sight.
You watched in amazement as his stomach flexed and his arms were revealed to you. He was ripped. You could hardly believe that this was the same guy who was giving you adorable smiles in the dressing room as you chatted.
His boxers didn't stand a chance against you. Without much more hesitation you lunged forward and yanked his underwear down and your hand was on his cock within an instant. Jimin let out a delicious little moan that you got on your knees and swallowed as you latched your lips onto his.
He wrapped his arms around your waist and groaned in pleasure as you ran your hand over his throbbing length. You could feel him bucking into your palm as you made out on the desk. Everyone in the room was dead silent and the only thing you could hear were the fans that were going to keep your cool and the sound of Jimin and you making out.
Finally, Jimin pulled his mouth away from yours. Not before biting down on your lip and pulling. You moaned and gripped onto his shoulder. He smirked and grabbed your hand on his cock.
"I know something that would be better than your hand on my cock, baby," he said. You nodded and got down on your hands and knees.
It didn't take another word between the two of you before your mouth was enveloping his dick. Jimin let out a low groan and pulled your hair away from your face. He wanted to watch every little motion you did. Every wince from his cock being too big for your mouth. Every choke as you tried to take more and more of him in your gorgeous mouth.
You hummed on his cock and watched as his knees trembled ever so slightly. His back arched a bit and shoved more of his length into your mouth. You gagged and your eyes watered and Jimin backed off, letting you breath for a moment. He even went as far as to clean the spit off of your mouth before easing his length back in.
Eventually the crew gave you two the go ahead and Jimin pulled his cock out of your mouth.
"And cut for the beginning portions! Lets fix her make-up a big and Jimin keep yourself up. Set the blanket in the shot so we can see it."
The director kept going on about what he wanted and where it was. Jimin was still hard as fuck and you couldn't keep your eyes off of him.
Your make-up woman came over and fixed your running mascara.
Once everything was touched up, Jimin came back over and picked you up in his arms. You wrapped your arms around his neck and kept yourself in an appealing position.
Everyone got into place and set up for the remainder of the shoot.
"Alright. No more stopping until we get the finish inside. Audio rolling. Camera rolling, standby... ACTION!"
Jimin grabbed the blanket on the shelf and threw it on the table, while still managing to hang onto you. After he adjusted the blanket he set you on your back and walked in between your legs.
"Is this really alright? I don't want to do anything you don't want to do," he said. You nodded and pulled him in for a kiss. It wasn't scripted, but you honestly couldn't pull yourself away from his lips.
He took it as your consent and started running his fingers over your lower lips, spreading your wetness all over your womanhood.
"Please hurry sir, I need you," you whimpered, gripping onto his shoulder.
Jimin nodded and pumped himself a few more times before pushing inside of you. You groaned at his size and length as he slowly eased inside of you. Jimin groaned and gasped as you clenched and adjusted around him.
"Jesus Christ you're so tight. How could you be so tight around me, baby?" he asked, licking his lips as they dried. You bit your lip and tried to think of something to say back, but all you could do was moan.
Jimin didn't seem to mind as he started to ease back and work himself into you. His dick was incredible inside of you. He was brushing against your G-spot immediately. You cried out and and arched your back into him.
Finally, you felt Jimin's hips meeting yours.
"Oh fuck... You alright? Because I need a minute," he whispered as he bit into your neck. You moaned and wrapped your arms around his neck and played with the bottom of his hairline and kissed his jaw.
"I'm okay," you whispered.
After a few moments Jimin started moving his hips in shallow thrusts. You cried out in shock and covered it as a moan of pleasure. There was slight pain at the adjustments but otherwise it felt incredible.
He knew what he was doing, that was for damn sure. Every little movement of his hips felt so good as he worked himself in and out of your tight heat. Jimin was becoming wrecked very quickly, although you had heard things about his stamina.
Was this just an act?
You weren't sure.
All you knew is that he felt amazing and you could feel the startings of our orgasm approaching quickly.
After a while, Jimin seemed to get tired of the position you were in. The director nodded and the two of you changed it up.
Jimin had you get on your hands and knees and he entered you from behind. He felt much larger inside of you than he did before and he was hitting spots that you didn't even know existed.
Another thing that was turning you on was how much Jimin was playing to your kinks.
He would bite your shoulder and your neck, giving you that twinge of pain that made excitement pool in your stomach.
He was so large inside of you that you felt he was going to ruin you, but you didn't particularly care at this point. It felt too good for you to care about anything but him.
You didn't even know that you were filming anymore. All you cared about was the pleasure you were experiencing and the pleasure that Jimin was receiving from you as well.
Where were you?
Who were you?
Did it matter?
Did anything but you and him matter at this point?
Jimin seemed to be thinking similar things as he picked up the pace behind you.
"God you feel so good, I can't resist you any longer... I-I need you to be mine," he groaned.
The lewd sound of skin smacking on skin filled the room as you cried out your pleasure.
"I want to be yours! Make me yours sir!" you cried out, trying desperately to remember any parts of the script guidelines to talk about.
"I'm gonna cum baby, where do you want it?" he asked, even though it was already predetermined.
"Inside, cum inside me, please," you pleaded, running your nails across the desk you were set on.
Jimin kissed your back, before giving it a stingy little nip. You gasped as he did so.
Suddenly, he started pounding into you at an alarming rate. He was going so hard you thought he was going to fuck you off the table. But you didn't particularly mind that fact, it would be a work related injury anyways.
What a trip to the doctor's office that would be.
To snap you out of your humorous thoughts Jimin smacked into your pussy harshly. Your elbows collapsed and you fell against the table with a groan. Jimin was startled, but gripped onto your ass and started going even harder than he was before.
You could feel the pressure rising, getting closer to snapping. Jimin reached around the two of you and pressed his fingers into your clit, giving you that extra bit of pleasure to fall over the edge.
You cried out and started shaking and clenching around him.
"Fuck baby," he croaked out. You felt hot warmth splashing inside of you.
You shook with pleasure and collapsed on the table once Jimin pulled out of you.
After a few moments the crew started cleaning up and you were given a wash cloth. Jimin walked over with a serious look on his face.
What was wrong?
Did you do something wrong?
You didn't hear his safe word!
"You're going to be out of a job," he said.
Your stomach dropped and you didn't know what to do.
Just as you were about to burst into tears, Jimin rushed forward and kissed you with such a fierceness that you hadn't expected.
"You're going to be out of a job because no one but me will be fucking you ever again."
Feel Good
Did somebody ask for a really long story oriented smut?
Well, shit.
Here you go anyways.

It was the worst day of your life.
Everything hurt and you weren't sure what was up and what was down.
You were desperately hungry and thirsty.
Trying to get your bearings was incredibly hard and nothing seemed to be going the way you had wanted. Your tail hurt and it felt like you were being ripped in half. You looked down and there they were.
Two, limb, things...
A yelp escaped your lips and you looked around to try to gauge where you were.
There was sand, and the water was right there. Maybe you could get to it if you tried?
You had run into some dangerous waters and gotten thrown against the shore it appeared.
That's what the things that replaced your fin were! It wasn't a lie! You really could become human!
A sharp pain ebbed in your side... You looked down and there was a decent gash in your side that was bleeding. How could you go and get help like this? Would this be where it all ended for you?
That was impossible.
Your brain was scrambled and nothing was making any sense, no matter how hard you tried to keep yourself together.
All of your thoughts were melding together and your vision was becoming blurred.
"Hyung! There's a girl down there!"
A voice echoed through your cloudy thoughts.
You looked up and saw a man with light blonde hair looking down at you with beautiful eyes.
"Hyungs! Hyungs!" he shouted, running away from the cliffs.
You waited for him to return, to see those beautiful eyes again, and you waited. But it felt like forever.
No one came...
Just as you felt yourself slipping into unconsciousness, there was the sound of feet and yelling.
"My God how did she get down there?"
"Is she alright?"
"There's blood!"
"Omo! What do we do?"
"She's naked."
"I've got the rope, Jimin, you're going down, wrap her up in this," a man held out something to the younger one, who you were guessing was Jimin.
Was he going to descend the cliff to come and get you?
It appeared as though he was planning on doing just that as they all got around him and started helping tying the rope.
You were getting light headed and everything was starting to blur. But you watched as they all started to help Jimin be lowered towards the bottom of the cliffs.
He finally made it to the ground safely and he made a bolt directly towards you. As he made it closer, he saw that your side was really badly injured.
"Jesus... Something really nasty must've happened to you, let's get you covered up and we'll get you some help. Don't worry about a thing, we'll take care of you," he said, smiling at you with such kind and beautiful eyes that it would be impossible to refuse him.
The feeling of fabric wrapping around your skin was foreign and strange, causing you to jump slightly at the sensation.
"Sorry, does it hurt?" he asked, looking at you with concern. You simply stared back, unable to get over the look in his eyes.
Was this love? Is this what your father had warned you about?
The fluttering in your chest didn't calm when Jimin eased you into his arms. After a lot of coaxing and shushing he finally had a hold of you well enough to pick you up. You watched as he walked back toward the cliff, further and further away from the water.
You gripped onto his shirt with a panicked look on your face.
"It's alright, we'll keep you safe. Don't worry about anything," he said with such a sweet tone it was like a drug. You could feel yourself relaxing, even without you wanting to.
The ocean was getting far away now, and you could feel an ache in your heart as the familiar place was being ripped from you. However, getting in the water now would be a death sentence.
The sharks would smell the blood on you instantly, and then it would just be a waiting game until they found you. Your best option was to go with this man for right now and wait until you were healed before escaping back to the ocean.
Jimin made it to the rope and tied it around himself then wrapped his arms around you tightly. You watched as the men above you started pulling with such a force that even you were impressed. And you had watched whales fight before.
The cliffs loomed over you with such an authority that all you could do was look at the ocean with a broken heart.
Although, being held by this attractive man wasn't such a bad deal... You studied his face as he walked up the cliff face with the help of his friends. You could feel the muscles underneath his fabric at work. You'd never really seen a human before. You knew that they could be dangerous, but they weren't all bad.
A friend of yours had gotten freed from a fishing net from one a few years back and she has always been grateful towards humans since then.
Finally, you made it to the top and you were handed off to a younger looking male. Being separated from Jimin made you panic, so you yelped and reached out for Jimin with a frightened expression.
He came over and shushed you, taking you back in his arms shortly there after.
"It's alright, calm down. Jungkook wouldn't hurt you," he said, directing your gaze to the younger male with a shy smile on his face. The look in his eye was of sheer innocence and you knew immediately that you could trust this man with anything. He wouldn't hurt you.
The anxiety in your stomach settled before Jimin set you down on the ground.
"Jin-Hyung, she's got a cut on her side that looks rather bad, should we take her to your clinic?" he asked, looking up to a man with plump lips and kind and playful eyes.
"Yes, we'll do some cleaning up in the back of the van, but she seems to be a little skittish, so Jimin just come with me. Everyone else, get into the car and keep your dirty eyes off of her."
The men all seemed to listen to this 'Jin-Hyung' and started moving towards the direction of some large, shiny thing on the cliff.
Was that the 'van' that Jin had been talking about?
Jimin lifted you into his arms yet again and you took comfort in his now familiar embrace. He carried you closer and closer to the van. You gripped onto his shoulder out of fear, but he patted your leg comfortingly, letting you know that everything was going to be alright.
Jin had everything set up by the time you were back there and even had some fabric for you.
"Here's some clothing that you can change into once I've got you bandaged up. What's your name, love?" he asked, getting out a lot of white looking materials.
What is clothing?
You felt the fabric and smiled at the soft feeling it had. You'd seen fabrics and textiles before in the sunken ships around your home, but they'd never felt like this. Is this clothing? If this is what all clothing was like, you had a feeling you were going to enjoy it very much.
Jin's voice came through to your senses and you looked up in acknowledgement.
"Alright, so you can hear... That's good at least. Can you speak? Do you know where you are?" he questioned.
You didn't particularly want to answer him... You wanted to be back in Jimin's arms again. That's where you really liked to be. You wrapped your arms around Jimin and tugged him closer. Jimin chuckled lightly and gently pushed you away from him.
"You need to get your side looked at first, then I'll hold you the whole ride home. Does that sound fair?"
A smile graced your features and you nodded quickly.
"So you can understand us?" Jin asked, looking at you for confirmation. You nodded your head. "Is it alright if I take a look at your side? I'm worried about it getting infected," he mentioned, showing genuine concern.
Another nod.
Jin took that as your consent and peeled the canvas material away from your wounded side. He was very careful and seemed to be knowledgeable in what he was doing. His hands never wandered and neither did his eyes. Jimin had turned his back to make sure that you were being respected.
These men were very kind people it appeared.
Humans, as far as you were concerned, were great!
Jin dabbed at your skin with some cold liquid that stung and you yelped. He apologized and continued to clean your wound with a different cold liquid. This one bubbled and fizzed and it made you smile as you watched.
Finally, he was done and he wrapped a white looking material all around your middle section. He pinned it and clapped his hands.
"There you are, now lets get you dressed," he said, pulling the 'clothing' over your head.
It was warm and comfortable against your skin. Jin dressed you and then Jimin turned around once more.
"Alright, come here," he said, picking you up and climbing into the back with you. He sat you in his lap and held you there while Jin loaded all of his things back into some sort of clear container.
When all was said and done you were sat alone in the back with Jimin and six other people were in front of you.
You were happy to be back in Jimin's arms and snuggled against him.
"You're very affectionate... Do you have a name? I know that Jin-Hyung asked you, but, maybe you'll tell me, huh?"
You opened your mouth to speak, like he was doing, but all you could do was squeak. Jimin gave a small giggle at that and patted your head.
"That's alright. We'll try again some other time, but we do need to look for your family. They must be worried sick about you," he said, giving you a sad smile.
You rolled your eyes just thinking about your family. They probably didn't care one way or another if you were there, dead, or simply just gone.
You had five other sisters and three brothers, no one was going to miss you very much. Plus, that was in the ocean, and this was land. There was no way anyone would try to claim you here.
Eventually, the movement of this van made you tired, and you were lulled to sleep by the motions...
You woke up to Jimin gently touching your shoulder.
"We're at the police station, we need to make a report on a found person, alright?" you shook your head and grabbed on to the van tightly. "Now don't be like that, be a good girl for me and come here," he said, opening his arms.
Your weakness had turned out to be those arms. They were so warm and comforting and you could be in them all day if he would let you.
You were certain this was love.
Mermaids fell in love rather quickly, and it was permanent. Once you'd chosen the one you want to be with, that's who it was going to be... And you'll die if they don't love you back.
Although, you thought there was no harm in going in. They'd never find your family anyways.
You complied and got into his arms without incident.
"Do you think you can walk?" he asked as you got closer to the door.
What does that mean?
You wanted to impress him, so you nodded.
Jimin smiled and set your feet down on the ground. The feeling of this stone on your bare skin was slightly painful, but you were determined not to complain.
You were wobbly, so Jimin kept a hand around your waist as you tried to walk forwards. You had watched Jimin move his legs, so you certainly could as well...
As you placed one foot in front of the other, you could feel your new knees buckling underneath you.
Jimin was quick, though, and grabbed onto you before an incident could occur. He wrapped you up in his arms and sighed, lifting you up off the ground.
"Well, we'll work on the whole, walking thing, yeah?" he said with such an adorable smile it made your heart melt.
One of the other men held the door open so Jimin could walk through with you in his arms. There was an older looking police officer there who had cold eyes and a firm face. You knew that he wasn't a kind person, right away. There was no sincerity in his eyes.
He frightened you.
Jimin seemed to sense your hesitancy and rubbed your leg gently before setting you down in the chair.
"What seems to be the issue here gentleman?" The police officer asked.
"We found her off the cliffs at the north side of town, she has an injury on her side. We wanted to file a found persons report," Jin said, coming forward.
"Alright, what's her name?" he asked, getting out a colorful blue square and a long red stick of some sorts. You reached out and took the stick from him, looking at it with curiosity.
"Oh! J-Jagi, don't do that," Jimin scolded, taking the item away from you and handing it back to the police officer. "Sorry sir, she's a little scattered," he apologized, bowing his head. Since you did the wrong doing, you bowed your head as well.
The officer seemed to let it go and was ready to write down your name.
"Ah.. You see, she can't speak, so we don't have her name," Jin said, giving the police man a sheepish look.
"Okay kid, I can't file a found persons report if I don't have a name," the officer said with annoyance evident in his tone.
You tugged on one of the men's sleeves and pointed towards the stick object that the other gentleman was writing with. It looked like a type of writing tool from where you're from. If it was the same, then the blue thing was some sort of parchment.
The man seemed to understand what you wanted and piped up.
"Sir, she wants to write down her name for you," he said, pointing towards the objects he was holding.
The officer handed them over and you took them in your hands. You wrote down your name and gave it back to the officer.
"Ah, ____, alright, I'll put that in, how old are you?"
You gave him eighteen.
"Then I'll just need a picture of you incase someone comes looking for you and needs confirmation that it's you."
Jimin helped you stand up as you tried to walk after the officer.
"Can she not stand on her own? Is she some kind of cripple?" the police man asked.
"No," Jin spoke up. "I gave her a full examination and she's in good health, other than her side. It's probably just shock right now and some weakness due to malnutrition. We don't know how long she was on the beach for so, it all could be a factor to why she can't stand right now," he said, giving a full explanation.
"I didn't need that description kid, I really don't care. You, hand onto her while I take a picture. Make sure she faces towards the camera."
Jimin pointed towards the 'camera' the man had mentioned before. You gave it a confused look before a bright light went off. You squeaked and covered your eyes. Jimin rubbed your back before taking you back to sit down.
Time passed slowly as you went through the task of getting put into the database and everything of the like that Jimin tried to explain to you, but all you wanted was to be back in his arms again.
Eventually it was over and the police officer released you under Jin's care.
"Jimin, grab her and we'll go home," the man who's sleeve you'd pulled earlier stated. Jimin did as he was told and picked you up and headed out the door.
"So, ____? That's a pretty name, suits you," Jimin said as he climbed into the back of the van with you again.
You found yourself smiling as the police station got further and further away.
The van stopped and everyone piled out.
Jimin picked you up and carried you towards this large structure that looked kind of like a house. You'd seen some from the cliffs and your friend had told you that all humans live in one.
They lived in a very nice looking one as it turned out.
"Jimin, put her on the couch and call Eun Sol, tell her to bring some clothes for ___. Yoongi, go and get the spare room ready for her. Jungkook, get some ramen cooking, this girl looks like she's going to pass out before much longer."
He was right. You were up right ravenous at this point. Everyone scattered and started doing as Jin instructed. The man who's sleeve you pulled at the police station turned out to be Yoongi-hyung and Jimin called him.
Another person you felt like you could trust.
"Hi there," a man with a boxy smile said, sitting down next to you on the 'couch' as people kept calling it.
You waved and gave him a shy smile.
"I'm Taehyung, but if you ever speak, just call me Tae," he said, smiling. He was so sweet that you could imagine loving him as well. Sadly, Jimin had already taken his place in your heart.
Were all human men around their age so attractive? They were so handsome that it almost hurt to be in their present.
"Alright everyone! Lets get introductions out of the way!"
Jin yelled and everyone filed into the room.
"I'm Jin, I'm the oldest."
"I'm Min Yoongi," said one with dark black hair. He was the one who got you the writing instrument from the police officer.
"I'm Jung Hoseok, please call me Hobi!" Said another with a big smile.
"I'm Jungkook, I'm the youngest," he said with such a sweet smile.
"I'm Taehyung, we just spoke," Taehyung said with his boxy smile wide on his face.
"I'm Namjoon, I'll help you wherever I can," he said with sincerity.
"And you know me! I'm Jimin!"
Everyone was smiling so you smiled back and nodded.
There was a sound at the door and you looked at Jimin with worry in your features.
"That's probably Eun Sol, I'll get it," Jimin said, walking towards the door. You wanted to get up and follow him, but you didn't trust your own legs.
A beautiful woman appeared behind the door and your heart sunk into your stomach when you saw her bring Jimin in for what you were told was a kiss...
That meant that the people who were sharing the kiss were in love...
Tears welled up in your eyes and Jin took notice.
"Omo, what's the matter ___?" He asked, rushing to get a tissue for you.
Jimin turned around and saw you crying and walked over to you, leaving the girl at the door with a pout on her face.
"What's the matter, ___? Did you remember something?" He asked, placing his hand on your shoulder.
"Don't you think it's a bit inappropriate for her to be living here with you? Let me move in with you and she can take my apartment," this Eun Sol girl said.
"I don't think that's safe," Jin said, coming forward with some tissues. "I don't know how mentally sound she is, so it'll be better for us to keep her here until we know how much she can function on her own. Currently, she can't walk or talk," Jin said, helping you wipe your tears.
"You sure she isn't just trying to mooch off of you guys? Just because a cute girl shows up, doesn't mean she doesn't have a motive."
"She was on the beach off of the cliffs and she was bleeding rather badly, I don't think there was any motive involved there," Jimin defended.
This Eun Sol came over and started examining you.
"I brought the clothes like you asked, I don't know if they'll fit her though, she might be a little too big," she said as a back handed slap to the face. Your face dropped and Yoongi seemed to notice.
"Hey, apologize. That wasn't called for," he said, giving her an icy glare.
"Jesus, it was a joke, she'll definitely fit in them," she appeased. You looked down at your legs and didn't return any of their gazes.
"Thank you Eun Sol, we'll take her shopping tomorrow if you want to come with us," Jimin said, taking her by the waist.
"I could always go for a shopping trip," she said with a seductive smile on her face. The look she was giving Jimin made your blood boil and you wanted to push her off the cliffs that Jimin had saved you from.
However, the way Jimin looked at her made your heart shatter.
He was in love, and the girl wasn't you.
You just might be done for.
That night rolled around and you had been fed. Everything they presented to you was different and you were really enjoying the meal. They were all being really nice to you, even Eun Sol. It seemed like you were just a group of friends that were hanging out after a day of swimming through the reefs.
"So if she can't walk, how are we going to do shopping tomorrow. Jimin, as strong as you are, I don't think you can carry her all the way, she'll need to learn at some point," Eun said, giving you a pointed look. "And she has to wear heels, that's a must," she also commented.
What are those?
Eun Sol seemed to sense your hesitation because she went on.
"Only the most beautiful women can walk in heels gracefully, and not fall on their faces. What do you say? Want to give it a try?" She asked, pulling off her shoes and placing them before you.
"Hang on, let's see if we can't get her to walk without torture devices strapped to her ankles," Hobi said, pointing out the flaw in her plan.
"If she can master walking in heels, then walking with regular shoes on will be no problem. Honestly, I don't see what the big deal is," she said shrugging.
You looked down at the shoes and gave them a thoughtful look. Without thinking about it much longer you reached down and pulled them on your feet. Jimin smiled and clapped his hands as you did it on your own.
"Let's see if you can stand on your own before you try walking," Jin said, walking over and getting ready to spot you.
Jimin walked in front of you and held out his arms for you.
"See if you can walk to me, Jagi," he said, giving you a beautiful smile.
You hopped down from the stool and held onto the counter top for support. Your legs were jutted forward by the shoes and it immediately threw you off balance. Not that you really had any to begin with.
Eventually you could take your hands away from the counter top and stand there with a little bit of confidence.
Everyone clapped at your performance and Jimin then urged you forward.
"Come here Jagi," he said in his lovely tone.
Even though you had just met these individuals today, they were so kind to you.
You knew you were going to like being here with all of them, and hopefully you could get Jimin to fall in love with you while you were at it.
Mermaids had this thing of falling in love quickly. You see, you love, and they love back, or you die. It was a harsh cycle really, but if they loved you back, it was supposed to be the strongest love out there. There would be nothing in the world that would be able to keep the two of you apart.
That's what you wanted more than anything, someone that needed you just as badly as you needed them. It was that connection that you wanted. And you wanted it to be with Jimin.
You took one shaky step forward and your knees immediately buckled. Jimin rushed forward and caught you, wrapping you up in his arms until he was certain that you weren't going to collapse.
There was laughter from Eun Sol, but it was barely there in your mind. The only thing you cared about was Jimin and his beautiful eyes.
He truly was a work of art. You would have to thank the Gods for creating this masterpiece, because you could marvel at him all day...
A cough erupted from the room and Eun Sol had walked over to you and pointed at your feet.
"You can't do it, so give me those back," she said with a harshness that wasn't in her tone earlier.
"Hang on, she only took one step, give her a chance before you start forcing the shoes off her damn feet," Yoongi said, rubbing his head in annoyance.
"Quit holding her like that! I'm your girlfriend, not her!" She said with a whiny tone.
"Sorry, Eun, but she trusts me most, I was the one who went down and got her. Try to understand here," Jimin reasoned, helping you stand back up.
"Make someone else do it, not you," she demanded.
"For christ sake, I'll do it if it twists your panties that badly," Yoongi said, walking over to you.
Jimin gave him and odd look, but let go of your hands. You gave him a confused look, but he backed up and wrapped his arm around a fussy Eun Sol.
"Come here," Yoongi said, opening his arms. You looked at Jimin with concern in your eyes.
"It's alright ___, he doesn't bite," he said, giving you a thumbs up. You decided you wanted to show up Eun Sol and took one wobbly step forwards. Yoongi gave you a softer look and the more you did the further you seemed to go.
"Look at her go, it's like she's a natural!" Hobi said from the counter top where he was sitting.
Finally, you made it to Yoongi's arms and he caught you as you stumbled a bit. You looked at Jimin and his arm was almost uncomfortably tight around Eun Sol's waist. His jaw was locked, but he kept a smile on his face.
"There! You did it!" Jin said with such a bright smile gracing his already angelic features.
You couldn't help the smile that came over your face as well.
You had walked and you had done it in heels.
Yoongi helped you take off the heels and gave them back to Eun Sol who was still a little fussy after Jimin holding you.
However, after that, the rest of the night passed rather smoothly.
You yawned as it started to turn into the later hours of the morning.
Jimin was still awake, working on something in the kitchen, and Eun Sol still hadn't left yet. You didn't want to fall asleep until she was gone and you knew she and Jimin weren't doing anything dirty.
She was hanging all over him and that really pissed you off. What right did she have to hang over such a beautiful man like that. She wasn't that pretty...
Okay, she was drop dead gorgeous. But you had to hate her, she was your rival for Jimin's love, and that was something you weren't going to take lightly. Your life was on the line here.
After what felt like forever, Eun started heading towards the door.
"We'll all gather tomorrow and go shopping for her," Jimin said with a smile on his face.
"Honestly, does she even have any money to pay for the clothing?" She asked. Jimin's face dropped a little and he looked like a young child doing something he wasn't supposed to be.
"No, we're going to pay for it. When she finds out who she is and where her family is she can pay us back..." He said in a small voice.
"Don't pay for her, that'll just make her think that you'll pay for everything. And that's not alright. She needs to pay rent and everything like that if she's going to be staying with you. No free passes, you all work too hard to have a free loader in your house."
Sick of her insults and simply just wanting her to go away you gasped and held onto your side like you were in pain. Jimin turned around and looked at you with concern.
"Jagi?!" He asked, rushing over. "Where does it hurt? Is it your side? Do you need some medicine?" He questioned. Eun Sol slammed the door and finally you were alone with Jimin like you'd wanted.
He was fretting over you and you smiled when he picked you up.
"I'll take you upstairs," he said.
After a few minutes of silence he made it to a room with a white door. He opened the door and carried you in. The room had a theme of the sea and you knew it was perfect for you. You smiled when Jimin placed you down on the bed.
"I know Eun Sol can be harsh sometimes, but honestly she has a good heart in her..." he said as he tried to gather up your sheets and blankets together.
You nodded and gave him a small smile.
As much as you wanted to believe him, you knew that the girl he cared for was bad news. If only you could tell him...
Although, this bed was comfortable and you could feel your eyes drooping without your say so...
And eventually, you had fallen asleep.
It had been seven months with living with the boys, and you had grown incredibly close to all of them.
Especially Jimin and Hobi.
Hobi was like the older brother you'd never had. He was always there when you wanted to laugh and took you out whenever you wanted to go. It was a fantastic relationship between the two of you and you were really close.
Jimin was...
Well... Everything you could've ever wanted an more. He was sweet and kind. Always wanting to help you when you needed it. He still carried you around, even though you were more than capable of walking, even in heels now.
But that didn't matter to Jimin, he wanted to make sure that you were alright no matter what you were doing. He was very protective over you, no matter who it was that was threatening you.
You remember that he and his now ex-girlfriend had gotten in a large fight over you recently. But he still wasn't treating you any differently than before. And that was a major set back to your plan.
Eun Sol was never kind to you. You wondered why Jimin was with her when she was so blatantly rude to others. Jimin wasn't like that. Jimin was always willing to help and Eun Sol always had to know what was in it for her if she was exerting the effort to do something that didn't benefit her.
However, that particular day, you weren't feeling very well. It was your heart. You were away from the ocean for too long. And Jimin wasn't reciprocating your feelings. If you didn't hurry, you would die. But for right now, the boys had you sat up in bed, trying to feed you some of your favorite things. But you couldn't eat.
Everything hurt and you just wanted to rest.
"Come on, noona. You have to eat something," Jungkook said, trying to coax some food into you.
"I'll go get Hobi or Jimin. She'll eat for them," Jin said, walking out the door.
Jungkook still tried though, working on getting you to eat at least two spoonfuls of sweet porridge.
Jimin came through the door with Hobi at his back.
"Jagi, Jin tells me you're not eating. Why not? Do I have to feed you?" He asked with a sweet tone, helping Jungkook stand before taking his place.
You were still hesitant to eat, but it was Jimin... You had to.
Jimin brought the spoon to your mouth, you hesitated for a moment before taking the spoon in your mouth and eating the food.
Everyone seemed to breathe a sigh of relief before Eun Sol slammed through the door, a disgruntled Namjoon following her in.
"What the fuck is this?" She asked, glaring at you.
"She's been sick in bed all day and she wasn't eating, we don't want her to starve," Hobi said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
"And we'd appreciate it if you kept the language PG in here," Jin said, also looking less than pleased.
"You're not my parents, but you," she said, pointing at Jimin. "Are my boyfriend, what the hell do you think you're doing!? You treat her more like your girlfriend than you do me, how messed up is that? Do you love her? Are you sleeping with her?" She accused.
"N-No! I-I would never cheat on you!" Jimin said, standing up.
"This really isn't the appropriate place for a lovers quarrel," Yoongi said, rubbing his forehead and walking over to try and get you to eat.
"She's been living here for a month now, I think she needs to start pulling her own weight! She's just mooching off of all of you, why can't you see that!?" She yelled.
You could feel the familiar burn of tears in your eyes, something that was common whenever Eun Sol was around. Yoongi placed his hand on your shoulder, trying to comfort you.
"She does pull her own weight! She helps clean around here whenever she can, and she comes back with her own rent," Jimin defended yet again.
"You're defending her and not your girlfriend. This is your problem Jimin, when you're dating someone you don't realize how great the girl you're with is. I haven't had sex with you since she got here! How twisted is that? What's the deal, am I not attractive?"
"You're beautiful, but-"
"Do you not love me?"
"I-I, um-"
Eun Sol didn't like that at all. She walked over and grabbed the piping hot porridge and poured it all over your head.
You screamed in pain and Yoongi was quick to stand up and pick up Eun and throw her over his shoulder. Jimin followed them, probably going to attempt at salvaging whatever relationship there was left.
Hobi rushed over to you and helped you stand up.
"I'll take her to the bath, get her cleaned up," he said, inching you out the door.
You trusted Hoseok... But did you trust him enough to reveal your secret. You tried to fight him a little bit, showing hesitation towards the water that wasn't even there yet.
"You really don't like water do you, kiddo?" He asked as he started the bath.
You shied away, even as the porridge slid down your back in a disgusting manner.
"Don't worry, I'll just help you wash your hair and then I'll get out of here," Hobi said with a kind smile on his face. You were very grateful for his kindness, but it was dangerous for him to be this way considering your true identity.
You shook your head firmly.
"What?" He asked.
Again you shook your head and placed your hands on your shirt.
"If you want me out that badly just say so, aish. Take it easy in here and be good," he said, patting your shoulder.
Once the door was shut, you sighed and heaved your self against the door and locked it tightly. No one was getting in here if you had anything to say about it.
Well, silently protesting was more like it.
You lowered yourself into the water and sighed at the relief it brought you. Your fin hung out of the tub and you smiled as the familiar feeling sunk in. As much as having legs was great, being in your true form was the greatest feeling out there.
You washed up and got all the goo off of yourself and finally you felt good enough to get out of the shower.
Once you stood up legs appeared beneath you. You stood there and felt a burning in between your legs.
An ugly face appeared inside of the mirror. You tried to scream but you realized there was nothing you could do, but stare at the face with sheer terror echoing through your entire being.
"_____, you must heed this warning from the depths of the ocean..."
Your heart was racing, but you continued to listen.
"If you do not get the one you love to bed you in thirty days, you will be returned to the sea by force and the one you love will die," she said in a scratchy and ominous tone.
Jimin would die?
Omo... You couldn't let that happen.
You nodded to the face in the mirror and it slowly dissipated.
There was a knock at the door.
Jimin's sweet voice rang through the door, "Jagi? Are you alright in there? I'm so sorry about what happened... Can we talk for a minute?" You rushed to put a towel on and answer the door.
You stood in front of him in nothing but a towel, your damp hair sticking to your face. Jimin's eyes didn't wander, they stayed firmly on your face.
"Jagi, your father called and he wants you to come home to him... W-we're going to help you pack up your things. You leave in the morning," he said with such a sad tone.
Your father? Your father had come on land to get you? What the hell was he doing here anyways?!
You shook your head. Jimin sighed and placed his hand on your shoulder.
"Jagi, I know that you've come to like living with us, but... You need to go home to your family. I'm sure they miss you more than you realize and... You can always come and visit. Anytime you need us, we'll be there. I promise you," Jimin said, the smile he forced not reaching his eyes.
You couldn't leave, not now!
There was so much you had yet to complete and you still needed to get Jimin to bed you! You needed his love to continue living. Being forcibly returned to the ocean is as good as a death sentence when you're away from the one you love. You will live but... it will be as though you are numb. No feeling will flow through your veins.
You shook your head again.
"There she is."
"Kiddo, why are you just standing there in your towel!?"
"I've got her clothes!"
All of the boys came huddling around you, Jin handing off a pile of nice warm clothing for you.
Quickly you went to change and when you came out, everyone was still standing there waiting for you.
"Are you feeling a bit better after your bath?"
You had completely forgotten about the pain in your chest, it was gone now. Like a wave against the sand it had receded. However, you had a different plan to fulfill.
"Kiddo? You alright?" Hobi asked, coming forward. You nodded and fiddled with your fingers.
"Aren't you happy to be going home?" Taehyung asked, giving you a smile. You sighed and let your head drop. You couldn't go home, not after all of what's gone on. You've certainly come too far to turn back now.
They all gathered around you and gave you hugs, some even to the point of lifting you up off the floor. Jimin was last and gave you a tight hug.
"Be good Jagi, we'll be taking you to the police station in the morning. Sleep tight, you'll be home soon..."
With that, he was gone up the stairs to his room. Not even carrying you up with him. Your heart ached and you clutched the front of your shirt in agony. You laid down on the floor and felt the hot tears streaming from your eyes.
Your heart hurt so badly.
You felt as though you were dying.
Did Jimin reject you? How could he when he doesn't even know your true feelings? Breathing in hurt, it was all so painful.
It was as if your blood was boiling.
You needed help, desperately.
You needed to get to Jimin.
As much as it pained you, you stood up, still clutching the front of your shirt. You stumbled around like an infant animal that you'd seen in the zoo that Yoongi had taken you to.
You climbed the stairs, stumbling and tripping on every other step.
Finally you made it to your floor.
The pain was immeasurable. The slightest movement hurt, and you could feel yourself starting to pass out.
Why was there so much agony? You were fine only moments prior!
It had to be the thought of being away from Jimin... If only you could get close to him now.
You were outside his door and started knocking on it.
You knocked and knocked until you were certain your knuckles were bruised. But that didn't matter. You needed Jimin to help you...
Eventually, you resorted to kicking his door. You could hear his bed creaking as he stood up.
"What the fuck is going on?!" He exclaimed, flinging open his door. He looked around until he saw you on the floor, tears streaming down your face and pain evident on your features.
His heart lurched and he thought he would be sick. You looked like you were dying. Sweat pinning your hair to your forehead and a pale hue falling across your face.
"Jagi, what's going on? Are you still sick? Holy shit..."
Jimin was on his knees next to you in a moment, wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his lap. You looked up at him and were certain this was how you were going to die. Maybe you were exaggerating a little bit, but what a nice way to go.
Your heart was still in pain, but now that you were next to Jimin, it was bearable.
"JIN-HYUNG! YOONGI-HYUNG! GET UP!" He yelled throughout the house. Doors started opening and shutting and suddenly Jin was next to you, placing his hand on your head.
"She's burning up, we need to get her to the hospital," he said. Jimin nodded and lifted you into his arms. You clung to him and rested your head in his neck.
"I'll get the car ready," Namjoon said, rushing out the door. Taehyung and Jungkook came up behind you and held onto your hands.
You looked at Jimin's worried face. He looked much older than he normally did. You weren't sure if you liked the look of worry on his face. You always wanted his angelic smile on his face. Always.
Jimin looked down at you and gave you his best smile.
"You're going to be alright, Jagi. You hear me? You're going to be just fine," he said, holding you close in his arms. You looked into his deep eyes and felt yourself slipping into unconsciousness...
The pain was ebbing away. You could feel someone's warm hand intertwined with yours.
You wondered for a moment who was holding your hand, but, you knew how it was... Without even opening your eyes you knew that it was Jimin's hand locked with yours.
Slowly, ever so slowly, your eyes opened. You were greeted with the worried face of Jimin and how he looked after getting probably next to nothing for sleep.
You had made him worried.
It made guilt settle in the pit of your stomach. Knowing that you had caused so much distress for anyone. You never wanted them to be troubled with you, and you were really trying hard not to be a burden...
"Jagi! Guys, she's up!"
Soon, a group of worried looking men were gathered around your bed.
"Thank God!"
"The hell did you scare us for, aish."
"Are you hungry?"
"You look like shit."
You gave a sheepish little smile and tried to sit up. Jimin rushed to help you and placed his hand on your lower back. A chill ran down your spin as Jimin's bare skin touched yours, the hospital gown you were wearing doing little to protect your skin. Jimin, however, seemed unfazed by the contact.
"You scared me so bad, Jagi! I thought you were dying!"
"Scared us, so badly, hyung," Taehyung reminded.
"Right, scared us. Thank God you're alright though, we would feel terrible. Considering we just found your father and all. He's already signed everything over, you're all set to leave with him, okay?"
You panicked. Pure fear was written across your face. How could you convey to them that you were utterly terrified of leaving them? You didn't think your father would come from the ocean to make you come home!
Namjoon came over and rested a hand on your shoulder.
"You need to be home with your family. They love and miss you. You should've seen your father when we told him you were safe. It was like his whole world was right again. Trust us, you'll be safe and you can come visit us whenever you feel the need to, okay? Take it easy, for us," he said, removing his hand.
You looked to Jimin who was standing up. The rest of the boys left the room and Jimin grabbed some clothing for you to change in to. He turned around and let you get changed while he waited to take you to your father.
Fear gripped your heart.
What would he say?
What would he do?
Would he force you to erase Jimin and everyone's memories of you? That would certainly kill you. Jimin looking dead into your eyes and not knowing who you were... It would be devastating to you.
Maybe you could force a kiss on Jimin and make him see how much you truly love him?
Bad plan.
Cry and plead?
Certainly won't work.
You could try and tell Jimin that you don't want to leave. But you couldn't speak, what were you to do?!
You turned around and tapped Jimin on the shoulder.
"There you go Jagi, we told your dad that your voice is still a little weird, so hopefully the two of you can figure out something with that. I'd love to hear what your voice sounds like someday. But, this is goodbye, for now," he said, holding his hand out to you.
You stared down at the appendage with a mix of sadness and hopelessness. After this, you were likely never to see Jimin again.
What was the harm in one little kiss...?
Not wanting to give yourself the chance of backing out, you pushed Jimin's hand away and wrapped your arms around his neck and planted your lips firmly against his. Jimin seemed shocked for a moment while you kept your mouth against his. You pulled away and looked down in embarrassment.
You actually did it!
You had kissed Jimin.
He was looking at you with shock on his features. You gave him a soft smile and went to walk past him. At least you had done it. You had kissed him the way you had wanted to for a very long time.
Suddenly a hand shot out and grabbed your wrist.
You looked up and saw a man who didn't resemble your father at all.
"There you are, my darling ____! I thought we had lost you! Everyone is waiting for you back home, come come. It's time to get going!"
The stranger wrapped his arm around your waist in such a way that made your skin crawl. You looked back to Jimin with panic written all over your features. He was still in shock and touched his lips for a moment.
Fear gripped your heart as the two of you made it outside. The man had ahold of you and was practically dragging you towards his car.
"Don't worry kid, when we're done with you, that precious boy back there will pay to come and fuck you any way he wants. What do you think? A bunch of rich men offering money just to stick their dick inside of you. We can charge even extra cause you're obviously tight. It'll be perfect. You'll be the perfect fuck toy."
Your heart was beating erratically.
You didn't want to be a toy, you were a person! You had feelings. Feelings for Jimin that needed to be spoken. You had to call for help. You opened your mouth, but no words came out. Everything was spinning and you thought you were going to pass out for a moment. But thankfully, you got a hold of yourself before you fainted. It would've been easier for him to carry you off that way.
The only thing on your mind was Jimin. You needed to find him. You had to get away and return to him. Being with him was where you belonged. And you knew that. You knew it the moment he spotted you on the sand, naked and alone.
All of the boys ran through your head.
Jin, with his sweet and caring attitude. Always ready to help you if you needed it. Yoongi. Even though he was quiet most of the time, he would always defend you. Always.
Namjoon. He had such a kind heart and a big smile that was always welcoming. He was so kind to you especially.
Hobi. Your brother that you never had. He was there for you whenever you needed him and treated you like his younger sister. You cared for him greatly and knew that if you needed him, he would be there.
Taehyung, the cutest thing you'd ever seen. He always offered such a big smile when you were down and did the nicest things. He was certainly a dear friend.
Jungkook. The youngest and most adorable thing you'd ever laid your eyes on. He was so innocent and eager to learn that you found his grace and poise incredible. He was always there if you needed him and was a kind soul.
Then there was Jimin...
Where did you begin with him?
He'd saved your life. He'd given you a family and a place to call your own. He had cared for you and taught you so much over these months you had spent together, and you could never repay him for that. Your love for him was real and strong, never faltering, not even once. You knew that the love you felt for him was strong, and that if he even reciprocated a small fraction of your affection, it would get you through anything and everything you would have to face.
Jimin made you want to live, and being without him was like losing your heart.
The man that had claimed to be your father was getting closer and closer to his vehicle. You knew the moment you were in there, you were dead.
So, you fought back.
You planted your foot into his knee and heard a popping sound. The man yelled in pain and released you.
"Ah, you little bitch! Get back here!" he growled. You took off and tried to find Jimin. The parking lot was big and you couldn't see the car you knew they brought you in.
Had they left already?
Was it that easy for them to leave you behind?
You kept running, if you could just out run him, there was a way you could get back home.
The wind was sharp on your face as you ran through the strings of cars that were parked in varying fashions.
All you could think about was getting away, and that was becoming harder. The pain of being away from Jimin was getting stronger and that caused you to run slower. You weren't going to be able to get away from him much longer. You had to find a place where you could hide.
There was a car parked at an awkward angle a few rows down, if you could just make it there in time-
The man yanked your collar back and pulled you into his embrace.
The smell of cigarette smoke reeked on his breath and clothing. The rancid scent piercing your nostrils and making you want to gag. Just like the man holding you right now.
"Now little bitch, that wasn't very nice. We're going to have to teach you some lessons when we get home. I think I'll be the one to break you in. You're too much trouble to give to our clients. Hope you like it rough baby."
You were getting dragged by your collar and hair. You prayed that someone could see what was happening, but it didn't seem like anyone could. Or if they did, who cared? It wasn't their problem.
You mustered up everything you had in you and screamed at the top of your lungs.
Soon you were on the ground, the disgusting man holding you up by your collar.
"If you scream one more damn time I'm going to bust that pretty face in, you hear me doll-face?"
Tears were streaming down your face and all you wanted to do was be in Jimin's arms again.
The older man cocked his fist back and was ready to swing down to hit you when he was pulled backwards and punched.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing huh?"
Jimin's voice was filled with anger and you were even slightly frightened of the expression he had on display at the moment.
"I asked you a question shit-face. What the fuck do you think you're doing to her?"
The man whimpered a reply and gave into Jimin quickly.
Yoongi came up and grabbed him by the arm, Jungkook stepping in to help as well.
Namjoon was on the phone and Jimin was on his way over to you.
"Jagi, I'm so sorry..." he whispered, looking down in remorse. You sobbed loudly and threw your arms around his neck.
"Jimin. Jimin. Jimin," you repeated over and over again.
All you could think about was him. That's all you wanted to think about.
You held onto him and he kept you wrapped up in his arms as Namjoon was speaking to the police. Jimin pet your hair and rubbed your back soothingly.
"It's alright, Jagi... We won't let you go again. I promise," he whispered.
You nodded and buried your face in his chest and let his words sooth your racing heart.
It had been about a week since the incident with the fake father and Jimin seemed to have forgotten that you had kissed him.
Things went about as they had been for a long while and you were a little less than pleased that Jimin seemed to be ignoring your feelings for him. Had your kiss been nothing?
You had been certain that only people who liked each other did things of that nature.
For the past couple of days you had been watching some romantic movies to give you some inspiration to get Jimin in your bed. You knew that you were attractive. You could see that Jimin found you pretty, because he always looked at you for a little while longer than you thought the other boys did.
Perhaps you were over thinking something simple, but it matter that Jimin be with you romantically, and you wanted him to love you the way that you loved him.
You were wearing particularly short shorts one day.
It was all part of the plan to see if Jimin was really interested in you.
You were sitting on the counter in the kitchen with your legs cross as you were looking through a book that Yoongi had suggested to you a few days ago.
The sound of feet coming down the stairs captured your attention more than the words on the page. Jimin came around the corner and saw you perched up on the counter top. A soft smile graced his face as he approached you.
"Good morning Jagi, how are you today?" he asked, getting closer to you.
You gave him a thumbs up and smiled as well.
"That's great, what are you reading?"
He walked over and looked over your shoulder, placing his hand on your waist. The feeling of his hand on your body made your skin tingle with pleasure. Jimin seemed more interested in the book that you, but you leaned back into him. He supported your weight and continued inspecting the book that you were holding. You wondered if he really was that interested in what you were reading or not, but you decided to not think about it that deeply.
You set the book down on the counter and Jimin helped you down. He started a conversation about a movie he had watched recently and was telling you his opinions on it when you casually knocked the book off the counter behind you. You made an exasperated sighing sound and Jimin laughed lightly. You turned your back to him and bent over, grasping the book in your hands.
Jimin stopped laughing.
You picked the book up and straightened up and turned to see a very wide eyed Jimin.
"A-Ass- I mean as! As I was saying..."
And with that, the whole encounter seemed forgotten.
It had been a few more days and you were tired of pretending. You wanted to tell Jimin. You wanted to tell him what was going to happen to you if you didn't sleep with him. He had to know.
You wanted to tell him what your true identity was and who you really were.
But how could you?
How could you put that kind of pressure on the one you love?
'I'm a mermaid from the ocean and if you don't sleep with me by tomorrow I'll be dead.'
Yeah, like that doesn't have any negative connotations to it.
Your chest was aching again, like it had been for the past couple of days. Ever since you had kissed Jimin, it seemed to be getting worse and worse the longer the two of you were apart. It really was hard to disguise, purely because of how painful it was. You would gasp in pain and everyone would look at you, ready to jump into action if it mean helping you in any way.
However, this was your last night here.
If you didn't get Jimin to sleep with you, when the sun rose the next morning, your heart would stop.
Namjoon and Yoongi were out of town for a few days, working together on some project that they had been collaborating on for the past few months.
Taehyung, Jungkook and Hobi were all out at a hockey game for the night and wouldn't be back until the next day.
And Jin was at a meeting for his insurance company that he had gotten invited to. He did invite you as well, wondering if you wanted to be his date, but you had declined, saying you weren't feeling that well.
It was just you and Jimin.
It was all too cliched really, but it would have to do.
You had to show him.
And you had to do it now.
Jimin's door looked intimidating down the longer you looked at it. This was going to be the make or break moment.
Your hand reached out shakily to knock on the door.
You waited.
Jimin appeared behind the door a few moments later. Once he saw you a bright smile took over his features. You returned the expression and pointed towards the stairs.
He seemed to understand and follow you.
Once the two of you were in the living room you grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote:
Jimin, I need you to do something for me.
He read over your words and looked up.
"Sure Jagi, anything you need."
I need you to sleep with me.
You handed the paper back over and Jimin almost dropped it in shock.
"W-What do you mean sleep with you? Intimately? I can't do that Jagi, it would be wrong."
Jimin, I'm different than you. And if you don't sleep with me, I'll die.
He scoffed when he read your words and placed the paper on the counter carefully.
"Jagi, wanting to sleep together is a serious commitment to another person. It's only reserved for people you love and cherish. And what do you mean you're different?"
He didn't believe you...
You knew he wasn't going to right off the bat, but still, his words stung. Grabbing the paper, you wrote again.
Let me show you.
Jimin sighed and set the paper down.
You held up your hand and grabbed his wrist. You lead him to the bathroom. He seemed confused, but remained silent.
Without giving any warning, you began to strip.
Jimin raced to cover his eyes and was shouting protests at you, but you continued.
You had drawn a bath and set foot inside of the tub. The feeling of the water racing up your legs and creating your fin caused you so much joy. It had been a while since you were in your truest form.
"Jimin," you said, as it was the only word you could properly pronounce.
He peeled his hands away from his eyes for a moment and saw your fin and gasped in surprise.
"W-what... Jagi?" he gave you a questioning look, although, came closer.
He kneeled down next to the bathtub and took in the sight of your fin. He was admiring you... Not judging like you had prepared yourself for.
His hand reached out to touch your fin, and you allowed it. You watched as he ran his hand along your scales, reveling in the sensation it gave you.
"Y-you're a-a mermaid?" he asked, looking into your eyes.
You nodded and smiled, finally able to show him who you truly were.
"That's why we found you naked on the sea shore... A-And why you can't speak and... everything makes so much sense now... Oh Jagi, I'm so sorry for everything we've put you through, it's our fault. Forgive me," he said with remorse in his voice.
You reached out and placed your hand on his cheek, gently stroking it with the pad of your thumb.
Jimin leaned into your touch and you were happy to see him in such a manner.
"Wait, what was the whole sleeping with me business about? Why will you die if you don't?" he asked.
Always questioning everything he was.
You pointed towards the pen and paper out in the kitchen. Jimin raced to fetch it for you, bringing it back like a dutiful pup.
Because I love you. And if mermaids don't consummate their relationships within a certain time frame, our heart stops, from lack of love.
Jimin read your words carefully and he seemed to be at a loss for what to say.
"You love me...?" He asked, looking up with such a sweet expression, it almost hurt.
Of course I do... You saved me, Jimin. And I will forever be thankful for you. My heart will always be yours.
Once the words were written, Jimin quickly took the paper back from you and read it rapidly.
He was silent and still for a long time.
You were curious as to what he was thinking about. You comically waved your hand in front of his face.
Suddenly, he threw the paper pad down and smashed his lips against yours.
Shock overcame your body.
Jimin was kissing you. He was kissing you from his own free will.
Without much warning, Jimin was pulling you out of the water and into his arms. He rested his forehead against your for a moment, breathing heavily.
"How long does it take for you to get your legs back? Cause I really need to be between them," he said in such a smooth tone.
You could feel the pulling sensation. It was happening right now. Jimin seemed to notice because when he looked down at where your fin had been previously, two bare legs now took it's place.
"Thank God."
With that, he was heading towards the stairs. You hung on and kissed his neck gently, giving him little nips and love bites every so often. Jimin groaned when you pulled on his hair lightly. You smiled and bit down on his ear, pulling slightly.
You were really just going off of what the movies had shown you. This was rather normal for the beginning portion..
Wasn't it?
Jimin had made it to your room and kicked open the door and walked in. He set you on the bed carefully and hovered over your frame with desire building behind his eyes.
You felt heat rushing in between your thighs and you were so excited for what Jimin had in store for you.
His lips trailed down your body, touching the bare skin that was already revealed to him.
"You're so beautiful. I noticed it the moment I saw you from the cliff, I saw your hair and beautiful body and knew that you had to be saved... God you're perfect," he groaned, kissing your legs gently.
A soft little moan escaped you as he started getting closer and closer to your center. A wave of shyness came over you and you brought your legs together hesitantly.
Jimin smiled and pressed a kiss to your lips.
"You can trust me Jagi, I will make love to you tonight," he said.
You eased your legs apart and did as he asked. Jimin pressed a soft kiss to the inside of your knee and then the inside of your thighs.
Then, his lips touched your core. You moaned loudly and Jimin smiled as he licked a stripe right up your slit. The sensation was wonderful, you could barely take it. If this is what sex was all about, you were wondering why women always said it hurt the first time. This felt incredible. Jimin took a finger and eased it inside of you, not realizing your virgin status. A sharp pain erupted inside of you. Jimin looked at you with curiosity, then it seemed to click. He was going to be your first.
"Wait, Jagi... Have you never done this before?"
You shook your head and Jimin gave you an endearing smile.
"I'm going to make you feel so good Jagi, I promise," he said kissing you as a means to seal his word. You smiled and wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him even closer.
His body seemed to mold to yours and he felt so warm in between your legs. His fingers started to ease into you again, causing the aching pain you had felt earlier to resurface. You grabbed onto Jimin's shoulder and dealt with the pain.
Jimin seemed to notice your expression and pressed down on a little bundle of nerves at the top of your sex. You gasped as pleasure erupted through you, making your mouth drop open. Jimin smiled at your expression and kissed your jaw lovingly. The sensation of his fingers inside of you became more and more pleasurable the longer they were there, making you wetter and wetter. Jimin seemed to notice your slick center because soon, his mouth was attaching to your core.
You grabbed onto his shirt and tugged on it as indescribable amounts of pleasure went through you. The feeling of Jimin's lips on your center was incredible. The soft, plushness of his lips was heavenly against your womanhood.
Immediately, he swirled his tongue around your bud. He made lewd sucking sounds as he tried to bring you pleasure.
Jimin was effected just as much as you were because he was groaning into your center. You watched as Jimin's eyebrows lifted and his eyes closed. He looked so innocent, considering what he was doing. His taste buds were full of you and that's all he cared about. Finally he could do what he wanted to for months. He was with you intimately.
The sensation of his mouth against your lower lips was wonderful, but he pulled away rather quickly. You whined at the loss and Jimin silenced you with his lips.
He wrapped his arms around your body and pulled you over him. You smiled and started pulling on his shirt. Jimin understood and got his shirt off quickly. You stared at his form in front of you. He was incredibly strong and his body was lithe and beautiful. You were almost jealous at how his skin shone in the moonlight.
Suddenly, a sharp pain erupted in your chest. You gasped and looked at the clock. It was five minutes to midnight.
There was no more time for foreplay, you had to get going. Jimin looked at you with concern and you pointed towards the clock. He understood and got you on your back yet again. He pulled his pants and boxers off quickly, revealing his
Then he was grabbing a small box, which you could only assume were condoms. He rolled on the rubber and approached you.
No nerves wracked your body like you had expected. All you could feel was love and affection coming from Jimin, and that made your decision to be together that much sweeter.
You felt Jimin's hot member brush against your core and you moaned loudly. Jimin smirked and kissed your neck, then up to your lips. The pain in your chest was getting worse, but Jimin was about to save your life.
"This will hurt, Jagi... There's not much I can do about that, but, it'll feel good in a few seconds," he said before starting to push inside.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and bit down on his shoulder. A pressure inside of you was burning and it hurt rather badly. How did women enjoy this?
Jimin was easing inside of you, careful to not hurt you more than he could help. Finally, he hit the barrier inside of you. He looked into your eyes, as if asking for permission, you nodded.
He understood and pushed past it, breaking your virginity. You yelped in pain and Jimin kissed you deeply. Tears fell from your eyes as you kissed him back. All the emotions from the past months were finally free and you couldn't feel better. Other than the throbbing pain inside of your core.
You felt Jimin's hips meet yours and he came to a stop. You two were connected.
"Fuck you're so tight... Holy shit," he moaned.
A smile graced your features as Jimin lost himself above you. He gave you a few moments to catch your breath and to adjust before he eased back and then pushed himself forwards again.
The sensation was odd, but not off putting. You moaned silently, still feeling the sting of your lost innocence. But, it was starting to give way to pleasure. The feeling of his large length massaging your inner walls was starting to become and overwhelming sensation. The longer Jimin pushed his hips against yours, the more pleasure you felt.
You started moaning a bit louder, really feeling the pleasure from his ministrations.
Jimin seemed just a wrecked as you were, he was biting his lips in pleasure and groaning explicit phrases into your ear as he made love to you.
There was a distinct difference between fucking and making love.
Fucking was something done for pleasure, something to get each other off. Or just one if your partner is a dick.
But making love was different. It was all about the connection between the two people partaking in this event. Not all couples make love, but you and Jimin were.
You were curious for how long he had held feelings for you, but you didn't ask. You simply let him pleasure you and you to him.
Because all that mattered was the two of you.
No one else would know what you felt right now, besides yourself. Jimin's length was large and it was buried deep inside of you. You looked down and saw where the two of you were connected and you moaned at the sight. Watching his cock disappear in side of you was such an alluring sight. Making your mouth water with the eroticism.
Jimin looked down as well, watching your lower lips swallow his length, now with much more ease than at the beginning of this experience.
Every subtle shift in your frame, Jimin could feel. That's how tight you were to him. Everything you did, every breath you took was something that he could experience second hand. And he wasn't sure how long he could take that for.
Jimin bucked inside of you a little harder, testing the waters to see what you could take and what you couldn't. You let out a yelp of pleasure, gripping onto his shoulders.
He decided it was time for a change of position. He pulled out of your dripping center and pulled you into his arms. He moved so your back was to him and so that you were sitting on his thighs.
Slowly, he helped you ease yourself down onto his cock yet again. The full sensation being a welcome friend at this point. Jimin groaned into your neck at the feeling of you wrapped around him.
Together, the two of you bounced up and down to get you closer and closer to your highs that were approaching rather quickly.
It was almost depressing. You didn't want this experience to end. But, the pleasure was getting to be too much. Jimin was so large inside of you and you couldn't help the tensing coil that was inside your center snapping when it did.
Your orgasm hit you like a ton of bricks and you trembled against Jimin. He couldn't take your squeezing and finished as well, bucking into you, helping prolong your orgasm.
The two of you were gasping for breath as you slowly were lowered down onto the mattress by Jimin. He went to the bathroom and cleaned himself up before coming back to you and wrapping you up in his arms.
You looked at the ceiling in astonishment and exhaustion when you felt Jimin's lips against your neck. You turned and looked at him and saw a sweet smile on his face.
"You're so beautiful... I-I love you, ___."
Your heart almost burst with joy. The words you had so desperately wanted to hear for the past seven or eight months had finally been uttered.
His name on your tongue was like a drug, he knew he would never want to stop hearing it. He pulled you close and brought you under the covers. You smiled and kissed his toned chest.
You felt more at peace with your self than you had in a long time.
And that felt good.
Out of Work

Hello everyone! It’s been a while!
So sorry about that.
Anyways I’m back on the rack and ovula-
We’re not going to go there. But anyways enjoy some Jimin smut.
I don’t know if I can go through with this,“ you murmured to your agent as you sat in the dressing room.
"Well, it’s not too late to call this off. But, Jimin is one of the best pornstars in the industry and it would be good for you to work with him. He’s worked with a lot of people and you would do well to keep up appearances here,” she said, rubbing your shoulders.
The nerves were stemming from the fact that you were so new to the industry and that Jimin had a reputation that was nothing short of incredible. All of the women that had the pleasure of fucking him said that they came probably three or four times.
Keep reading