Barney X Robin - Tumblr Posts
I gotta say my ADHD brain loves the backwards and forwards storytelling and misdirects of How I Met Your Mother
I love how Barney and Robin are together because of Ted and Tracy (Ted made them meet, Tracy basically convinced them to get married), while Ted and Tracy are together because of Barney and Robin (met at their wedding)

i love himym but the way it punishes both its leading women for wanting to pursue their careers over their relationships is very unsettling.
when lily leaves marshall for san francisco nobody seems to handle the situation properly (except for barney) and nobody seems to understand her motivations behind that action. not even career woman robin.
lily knows that leaving marshall for san francisco is a mistake but she says it herself that its a mistake she needed to make. it would probably haunt her for the rest of her life if she hadnt. that 'what if' scenario may even have caused rifts between their marriage if she hadnt closed that door before starting a new chapter with marshall. it sure would have been nice to see robin sticking up for her and convince them that if she truly loved marshall she would definitely come back for him.
and don't get me started on robins 'fairy tale ending'. oh god. no. its so bad.
it essentially hammers in the idea that any woman who might be ambitious enough to sacrifice romance is doomed for a lonely pathetic life. as if single and child free is a nightmare for women all around the world and the only way they can be happy is to sacrifice everything they worked for and decide to play second fiddle to a man.
There were only 2 acceptable endings for Robin in HIMYM.
1. She and Barney stay together because they are actually perfect for each other. They have similar values, they support each other, and they are an excellent laser tag duo.
2. Robin and Barney split up because as much as they love each other, their life goals are incompatible. Robin goes on to decide she prefers being single, and although she sometimes gets a little wistful about what might've been in her love life, she is enjoying the crap out of her life. She's an award-winning journalist who travels the world, meeting all sorts of interesting people and having so many adventures. When she's in NYC, she still spends time with her best friends- her family- enjoying their happiness while they enjoy hers.
Either of these endings would have been PERFECT for her. Instead, the writers decided to force Ted and Robin together, no matter how their ending splinters the story around them. Malvados...đż

Iâm not marrying some future possibility of starting a family. Iâm marrying a girl. Who means more to me than kids.


Please talk more about your love for Barney and Robin if you have time. For example, what were some of your favourite moments of the relationship?
Hmm, in no particular order
1. Rain Scene

2. âHoly crap, youâre beautiful!â

3. âReally, 16 noâs?â

4. First Time

5. Canadian Rehearsal Dinner

6. âDid I make you feel needed?â

7. Confession(s)

8. âDisaster Avertedâ

9. The Storage Locker

10. âIs It PossibleâŚâ

11. The Coat

12. I actually hated this dance but I liked this scene

13. 9x02 kiss

14. I mean a lot of their kisses actually

15. First Suit Up

16. âThe Robinâ

17. Their wedding, ofc

*none of the gifs are mine*

Underneath all of those lies is one true thing, one true thing that can support the weight of all the lies in the world, and thatâs the fact that I love you. And you know that when I say that, I am not lying.
Happy Anniversary Barney & Robin!
16 Steps in the ever growing relationship of Barney and Robin.
I worked on this all day so sorry about posting this so late I was busy today so Iâm posting this now. This is a super long post so sorry if itâs a bit much for tumblr but I wanted to do a long post of all the ranting Iâve done on this site so this is the post.
Friends, Bros, Best Friends, Lovers, Boyfriend and Girlfriend, Exes, Chemistry, Adventurous, Frienemies, Soulmates, Fiances, Roommates, Destiny, Husband and Wife, Family.
1. Friends

Itâs a great thing that they started their relationship out on the friendship note because it made their over all relationship strong, they got to know each other through their friendship with each other and I think their friendship made them understand each other better. They, never judged or put each other down in any way they built the foundation of their relationship on their blossoming friendship in the beginning. Eventually, they became best friends, friends who can rely on each other (despite whatever you think they relied heavily on each otherâs friendship because they truly are the only ones who truly understand one another on a more deeper level and it was good that their friendship was so strong that they went to each other for support and a good conversation whenever they needed to be pulled back to reality). They, found this amazing connection with each other from the minute they met and had their first interactions, they built up a respect and understanding of each other. I believe that they were the ones in the small group of friends who opened up to only each other without judgment, they truly got each other because they are the same in that way. Their pasts taught them that they canât really rely on anyone so they rely on themselves to get by in life. They, are independent, that independence is the thing that they old against themselves very protectively that when they met they were both very closed off people and their friendship made them open up and trust each other in a way they never trusted in anyone before. This friendship cemented their over all friendship and relationship through out the series and made their whole relationship stronger and that made their feelings for each other that more true and real later on.
2. Bros

The, amount of fun they had with each other which I will write more about down this thread was such a joy to watch. It was light hearted fun, they never had the kind of relationship where they seemed to just let loose and be free whenever they felt like it. Their, friendship was built on the amount of fun they had together and made their broship that more believable because this showed how much they trusted each other and in each other to be a team. When, they played laser tag they were a team who helped each other win the game and they never failed or lost at the game of life because together they CAN and do anything and everything. I love their friendship because they always seemed so happy being carefree and having fun and that never went away it was always there and it was kind of something they also seemed to rely on in their life and relationship with each other. They, never had this with anyone else and I think itâs great that they were once so closed off to everything and anyone but once they are together having the fun they did together, like played laser tag, running around the museum, or making the bets they used to make challenging each other, that made their relationship stronger because they trusted each other so much that they are happiest when they are themselves, they are only themselves when playing around and having the fun they did and I donât doubt thatâs what they will do for the rest of their lives TOGETHER.
3. Best Friends

I know I talked about this already but I want to dive into their best friend status which seemed to happen quite fast. Not, only is their friendship and broship something they tend to rely on the most but that turned their relationship from just friends to best friends in only a few months of knowing each other. By the end of season 1 they were best friends, and they did refer to each other as that through out the show until maybe later on in the series when they were in love and wanting to spend their lives together. But, their friendship showed me and them how truly they care about someone when you donât even need to think to be there for your friend, like when she took care of him when he was sick. Barney, was there for all of his friends, I donât care what people say about him and I will always defend him to the point of protecting him. He cares so deeply and truly about Robin, while Marshall and Lily have each other and Ted does whatever he does. Barney and Robin have each other and their friendship showed me how much they support and are there for each other, that is what their best friend status turned their relationship into. I think the way they support and care about each other made them both grow individually and as a couple later on. Their, friendship is something they depended on in the earlier seasons of the show and you can see that more clearly in season 3. Barney and Robin went to each other for anything, for a conversation, for honesty, for a bit of fun, for a laugh, she was there for him with the whole stalking thing in season 3 and actually wanted to be the person he hits on to find the person who was stalking him. Then, obviously we donât have to analyze the Sandcastles episode to know just how much they care. Barney, stopped everything he was doing to comfort her when she was just dumped and felt devastated over that. He, was always there for her when it counted and he never ever wanted anything from her in return he did it because he cared and wanted to, not to get anything out of it, to hit on her or to date her. He did it only because he cared and knew she needed the support, kindness and caring he provided for her in that scene. And, their chemistry was empowering, not only as a viewer and a shipper but for them obviously it led to a kiss and them sleeping together which is another issue Iâm going to talk about.
4. Lovers

Okay, so they slept together there isnât anything wrong with that and Barney DID NOT break the bro code despite what he, Ted or anyone might think. He, was there for Robin when she needed some comfort and support and SHE was the one who kissed him. She, invited him over to watch the video, she moved over on the couch while he didnât move at all, she was looking at him through out that scene, she was laughing and commenting on the video with him and she KISSED him. He never did or would take advantage of her, Robin is his friend first who he cares about the most, more than anyone and he would never invade her like that in any kind of way. She, was the one who made all the moves no matter the amount of alcohol she had. But, that one night led to them falling in love and that has everything to do with their friendship, their very legendary friendship turned into a lifetime of love for them.
Having, that first go around with a relationship made that relationship and love grow ten folds and they never stopped loving each other. Their, summer together, I wish we were shown more of that summer but they looked so happy and carefree at the time and clearly having the time of their lives together, just being together, enjoying their time in secret together, they did what they wanted and I think thatâs how their relationship should go. They, do what they want, what they feel they want to do and they donât care, being together for them makes them happy and Iâve never seen them as happy as they are when theyâre together, and that is mainly to do with their strong friendship it just turned into something more: a lifetime of love, support, caring and itâs better if theyâre together than apart because they are themselves, they make each other happy by just being themselves and they only could do that with each other without being judged or put down because they understand the other one and know when to let the other one be who they are. They, never had that with anyone and when they became lovers/boyfriend and girlfriend they started to change the way they were when theyâre just single individuals and become a supporting team, teammates, soulmates, mates that are in love and make each other strong and happy.
5. Boyfriend and Girlfriend

Despite how brief their season 5 was, they were already boyfriend and girlfriend in their secret summer together they just werenât defining it and they didnât need to because they got by without labeling their relationship, they clearly did have a great fun time together then and were clearly in love to the point of a brief engagement. More, on that down thread⌠But, this first go around at a relationship made them both grow, before this or with anyone else they never grew or changed who they are or what they want in life for anyone else. They are lone wolfs who like their freedom but they are lone wolfs who canât live without each other, I donât call living for them being apart, they need to be together and this first relationship showed just how much they love each other and want a life together. After, their summer they defined the relationship however forgetting the breakup for a moment. They were pretty committed to each other, she had her things at his place, went to his place most of the time, they seemed to be attached to each otherâs hips that whole time so much so that they got engaged despite being on the cusp of breaking up. They, got engaged and I think that was key to the reason they had to get engaged when they got back together because they were/are in love and thatâs why they were trying to hold on to their relationship. They, didnât want to break up but they had some growing to do and learning before getting back together and knowing what they want. But, their first relationship showed just how strong this love really is.
6. Exes

I think it wasnât necessary to break them up but that is just my opinion however I also think the break up actually was a good thing for their relationship. It saved their relationship from becoming unrepairable. They were miserably unhappy after their breakup and it was clear that they werenât over each other, how it ended, they regretted the break up as I said in another post. Barney and Robin were complete messes after they broke up and it took years, not just months to get over that, the pain was real and it was heartbreaking to watch. They were dragging their feet getting back together when they still loved each other, both were in pain and went through a lot to get to being engaged again and came out of all that mess in the wake of their breakup better and their relationship was so much stronger because of that heartbreak. The, other relationships they had with other people never did or will compare to each other, they never stopped thinking or loving each other and through their friendship they repaired their relationship through season 6 and it showed just how much they need each other in a lot of many ways. They broke up and were messes but they overcame that and their friendship and relationship was more stronger because of their breakup.
7. Chemistry

Through the show, they built up a relationship with each other but their chemistry was a whole other thing. Itâs important that their friendship was built around their chemistry and that never went away or will go away because their chemistry is something that was naturally there from the beginning. Lily, has said they have chemistry that never goes away I believe that is true, it never did or will go away it remains apart of their relationship forever, they never had that type of chemistry with anyone. I think itâs great that Neil and Cobie made something out of nothing just from their chemistry alone both on and off screen and that cemented Barney and Robinâs entire relationship and makes me believe that this chemistry will forever pull them back together IF they ever broke up again. I will not mention the failnale but itâs true their chemistry has always pulled them towards each other and always will that never goes away. They are physically and emotionally connected to each other through their chemistry and it was something that was always there and strong in their relationship from the beginning.
8. Adventurous

As, mentioned above they like to have fun and challenge each other both in life and for fun. They, love the thrills of what life can bring, they like to have fun, play games, they act like children sometimes because they didnât have a childhood that normal kids have, so they use their lost childhood as adults, they explore life together. Donât tell me that Barney doesnât love adventure or traveling because that is so laughable. Just, because you grow doesnât mean youâre going to lose who you naturally are and always was. He, has lived his life on the edge, likes to have fun, he even has a whole book on the thrill of picking up women. He loves the play in life, the women not so much. But, the thrill he loves and the only woman he likes the thrill of adventure with is Robin. She is the only person in his life who is equally adventurous and likes to have fun and they found that in their relationship. When, he asked her to do crazy stuff on the news when they first met she did it, not because she was afraid of losing her job or would be embarrassed, she did it because she wanted to and maybe a little because Barney wanted her to. But, mostly she does stuff with Barney because she loves to hang out with him and be around his out going personality which she also has and has lost or was taken from her when she was a child. They, never had the kind of childhood that young kids have or the parents who loved and supported them so as adults they found that they can be fun, silly, act like children and be what they werenât or couldnât be as children. They, enjoy life and they donât like being in one place, they donât like boring and they arenât going to ever be that apple picking, white picket fence, suburbs, sitting on the front porch type couple. And, I believe they wonât be sitting around bored in hotel rooms or hating traveling because that is not who they are and they will never be the Marshall and Lily kind of couple. They, are who they are and they love who they are, they donât want to change that or who they are to actually be happy together.
9. Friends/Enemies

Okay, I wanted to find a word that goes along with this relationship but couldnât think of anything. However, the word enemies was used in Barney and Robinâs wedding invitation on the HIMYM wedsite back at the end of season 8 so I thought this is the right word to use in this post. Frienemies, first of all they are not enemies they are friends who had gone through hard times together who love each other, they had times where they werenât talking to each other like season 7 and times when they were mad at each other but they are not enemies who hate each other so that word is so odd to me even now, like 5 years after that post on the website was posted. Anyway, they are friends first and foremost but I wanted to talk mostly about what they had gone through to get to the point of getting engaged and actually wanting a life together.
They, went through so much before they met, after they met, before they got together both times and in between but they came out of all of that unscathed and more aware of who they are and what they want. They, found an amazing connection since they met and formed a great union together as a team who are always there for each other and love to be around each other, they care and support one another and have their unforgiving and forgiving moments but over all they arenât programmed to hate each other and they never will. Not counting any failnale stuff, they arenât those people at all however they arenât perfect and they have their moments but as a couple theyâll get through it as long as they donât hate each other, that wonât happen but we as shippers we do love some angst and boy did these two have their share of it. It was both fun and sad but they made it and were better because of it it shows how strong this love is.
10. Soulmates

Barney & Robin are the very rare definition of the word soulmate, or words soul mates. They are friends, they are partners, they are in love and they are apart of each other. âThey, are your best friend, and your soulmate, you canât wait to spend your life with them.â And, it was true for them, they couldnât wait to spend the rest of their lives together however they took their sweet time realizing that they want to be together because both were terrified that it wouldnât work out again and it will end like the last time. Robin, never had doubts about her love for him or his love for her but she did have doubts about if they could really make it, if they can go the distance that was her main issue. I also think she thought he would never really be ready to make that commitment to her that she wanted from him, and thatâs why she took so long to realize that she actually wants to be with him but is scared that she could lose him and for her she doesnât want that to ever happen, they are both so lost and donât know what to do with themselves when theyâre apart or arenât around each other. They are anchors, book ends, they canât live without the other one there by their side in whatever situation and I think thatâs a really real life thing, living without that other half of you gets you nowhere in life and makes life less fun, it stalls life, it makes them miserable. They are happiest when together, they arenât happy being apart and the amount of time they spent debating, thinking, being confused, unsure and unaware made them both miserable for along time. They, are true soulmates who always find their way back to each other and that chemistry will always forever pull/push them together in every situation no matter the situation. They, are in love and always will be and that kind of love should never be tested, discarded, forgotten, destroyed or not taken seriously, because even if life moves fast, your life can stall and for a while they stalled on getting back together because of the fear of losing each other, they almost did a few times but in the end they got it right getting back together when they did or they would have still been fighting their feelings and pretending they arenât in love at that time so The Robin made sense for a push to get them to come to their senses. The, real sad thing isnât that tragic failnale itâs the fact that these two found each other and lost each other in that horrible universe and were miserable. The, point of being soulmates is you canât actually have a life with anyone else or be truly single because you will always be connected to that person who is your soulmate, for them itâs each other and always will be.
11. Fiances

I said above that they were engaged before, and it counts as a brief detour back to each other by getting engaged by getting back together. I donât know if getting engaged first was a good idea however I loved their engagement and the meaning of The Robin because it showed just how very keen Barney is about the real Robin and I think that is the real meaning of naming this play The Robin. He, knows the real Robin, every move, everything she says and does he knows who she really is and the fact that he knew that she was fighting her feelings for him shows how he really knows her. He, planned this play for only two months however, I think as a head canon he was planning it since he met her and I never doubted that Barney is very aware of how she works. Who needs Robin 101 when you have The Robin as proof that he knows her better than anyone. He knew that she was in love with him but was scared to make a move and tell him how she felt so he had to push her to make her realize just how much she was killing herself by not being with him when she wanted to for at least two years. It truly amazes me as a shipper to watch Robin come undone through The Robin play but end up being really completely happy, and happiest when Barney was down on one knee proposing to her. He was committing in the biggest way possible in a relationship, itâs something she always wanted and doubted that he would actually want from her. The fact that he was trying and committed to her in season 5, the first time they were together can be kind of a test for the relationship however he was very committed and in love with her so he committed and once he proposed all worries stopped and she said yes because she couldnât waste anymore time being apart from him and fighting her feelings because it really was destroying her, and made her run and be in denial for along time not in just two months but since they met.
They, fell in love through their friendship and it opened their eyes and hearts to only each other and I think itâs the whole point of that scene in âRing Upâ at the end when she realizes that Barney is all she really needs to be happy. He, gets her drinks, he opens the doors and holds them for her, he is there always for her, is aware of who this woman truly is and thatâs all Robin needs to be fulfilled and completed in life.
12. Roommates

Even when they were dating Robin was practically living with him as I mentioned above she had her stuff at his place and he never minded or cared that she had her things in the Fortress. It shows the commitment he was making even then and it also showed that she was making a commitment to him by just being with him, being his girlfriend and not just sleeping with him and having her fun. They, made this commitment to each other very surprisingly quickly without even defining the relationship and it worked for them. They, never complained or changed each other to suit whatever the other wanted and donât want and itâs really important to their character development which I believed started with Barney falling in love with Robin after they slept together and her feelings just became so powerless and emotional for her, she truly was scared of losing him and that says a lot about how much she needs him in her life and as her partner, they care so much that even something as simple as bringing personal belongings to the other ones place says how committed they are. Iâm considering this the first of many character developments of their relationship and as individuals since they had already been growing individually for sometime but neither had a relationship that they really committed to. I mean, they just seemed to come together way before they actually got engaged (this S5 engagement not counting) but the real one and the one that matters to both of them. They, grew up so much after they dated and it helped them settle into their engagement very easily and know what works and doesnât work for them. They, did things differently than season 5 and that was good for their lifetime commitment to each other later on.
13. Destiny

Neither believed in destiny, they laughed at things that are couply they hated being attached in a relationship, they didnât like exposing themselves to others mostly those they didnât trust but with each other they found each other without trying. They, found each other through their friendship and the moment they met was the moment their destiny to each other started and just meeting each other changed each other in a way they never changed for other relationships. They are true soulmates, theyâre destiny, they met, become friends and just seem to find this ease with each other that they never had or will have with anyone else. They fell in love, I mean they could have remained best friends without the romance but with the chemistry they have, how deep they care and the love they have for each other it was bound to happen no matter what and at many times during the series including season 1, yes season 1 when they just met. But, the moment they brod out together was the moment their destiny started and it was even part of their soulmate montage, itâs so beautiful that they bonded early on however they could have had a relationship that was more than friendship at that point and âZip, Zip, Zipâ proofed that they have a very strong connection and that chemistry was just out standing and fun to watch.
14. Husband and Wife

They, are truly married. Truthfully, Iâve never seen them happier than they were when they were up at that alter getting married, it was like nobody was there around them, it was just them gazing lovingly at each other and knowing they want to spend their lives together. They went through hell and came out of it better and happier than ever I believe that the couple up on that alter was destined for happiness together, they were even a little giddy with her jumping up and down beaming happily as they were pronounced man and wife, his smile was very real and not faked for public show, he was truly happy and was beaming as well, they laughed and smiled the entire ceremony and never took their eyes off each other. That, is a showing of a truly happy, settled, committed, legendary couple getting married and those smiles never left their faces after the ceremony and I truly think these two will have fun, crazy, Â adventurous times together and that will never end it will get only better as a married couple. They, are just getting started when they got married, sure life has downs but it also has ups but together, as long as they have each other they can make a lifetime of happiness and new memories. No matter what happens in their lives, they have each other and I will never believe these two people who canât live without the other one there by their side would want to lose that and lose it all by losing each other. Barney IS not the guy in that failnale and that was NOT Robin Scherbatsky, maybe lesbian Robin or some other weird chick but that was not Robin Scherbatsky, the cool, fun scotch drinking, laser tag playing, gun using, independent, awesome, caring, supportive, loving Robin who was always there for Barney and cared about his happiness ahead of her own. This love shall never stop, fade or end not forever anyway, they will go on in life happy and committed to only each other without losing themselves because losing themselves means losing who they truly are and those two people in the failnale, those were not the awesome, fun, loving couple weâve seen in the show it wasnât them. Theyâre in love and thatâs never going away, it only grows and finds new ways of how much they love and need each other.
15. Family

As, this post ends finally lol I wanted to talk about them as a family and not just friends or a couple. While, Marshall and Lily have each other and Ted has Tracy eventually, they are the only ones left if they never got married so they would somehow end up together in any situation. But, the moment they got engaged is the moment they arenât just a couple they are a family who support and love each other. Barney is Robinâs family because heâs not only her husband but her best friend and she already thought of him as her family being part of the group, the gangâs friendship was the thing that kept her in NY and it was Barney who she wanted as her husband so heâs automatically her family. Her friends are her extended family and the family who were always there for her unlike her own family her friends are her family and she will never leave that no matter what and she would never leave Barney and he would never leave her, he wanted to marry her for a reason and that reason was to be with her for the rest of his life and Robin wanted to spend her life with him and never really wavered on wanting a life with him and would never want to be apart from him, if she had to travel for work he wouldnât always go with her but it would never be a problem for them, they both love adventure, they love to explore new things because new is always better and they hate being apart, thatâs the point of wanting to spend forever together. They, married so they could no longer be without each other and itâs clear thatâs what they wanted for along time, they wanted to be together forever and the love they have would never just let them give up and he would never complain about her job. He, fell in love with the independent Robin Scherbatsky, he fell for the whole package not just an image so in a way he would follow her anywhere and every where as long as heâs with her heâs happy. In, any other relationship Robin would easily give up her marriage but not with Barney the only person she actually cares about on a more deeper and real level and canât live without. They, literally seem to really be lost with themselves without each other there by their side in life and thatâs the reason they wanted to get married and wanted a life together. Their, happiness is important and not something that should be tested or given up on they should live their lives the way they want to, with love, support and as a team which they have been since they met.
16. Forever

In, the end however they are happy and in love they came so far why would they ever want to go back to that. Barney, has said he was miserable and unhappy with the single lifestyle he was living for along time and Robin was always so focused on her career to care about a relationship but Barney was the exception, she created a life with him that she seemed to not want to end and she was so sad and lost for along time, after they broke up she was in so much pain that she couldnât even date anyone and usually that isnât her, but with Barney. She, truly fell in love with him so much so that nobody else made her commit, she had other relationships and she seemed to commit but she was never really in love with those other men. It was always Barney and will always be Barney, she would never give that up for misery and loneliness. Barney doesnât either, losing each other isnât an option, if they get to a bad time in their marriage/relationship they should never give up, they would go to counseling and try more harder and realistically to keep their relationship and marriage from collapsing. Giving up is what they did in season 5 but season 8 and 9 they were totally different people who werenât going to just up and give up on their relationship, this love will always be in tact despite all the problems they might face along the line, they never would give that up for the life they used to live, the life they both felt lost and unfulfilled with. They, made this commitment and thatâs something both never wanted at one time but they just couldnât live without each other. It says a lot about two very independent people who will always be independent especially Robin. This relationship can always be repaired and this love will never end or be forgotten itâs forever remembered as their box of feels from their relationship had said. She used to not care about photos or things from other relationship, she even said she never kept anything minus her dogs from past relationships but I donât doubt she kept pictures and items from their first relationship and thatâs the reason she brought that up to him, it shows that sheâs not only still in love with him, she canât give up things from the relationship and never will this includes the man himself. Losing, him or discarding him would never happen because that is just not who Robin is at least not with Barney.
This, love is forever and just gets more and more interesting and real as they spend a lifetime together never giving up on the relationship again because that worked out so well the first time they broke up. Their, marriage will last and I believe with character/personal growth it will only get better and they would be there when they need each other and go through life together thatâs part of the reason I love this relationship itâs a very real, interesting relationship one that isnât normal in TV but should be used as an example to other relationships on TV as a couple who grew and overcame so much in their lives to end up with a happy ending in a very real, realistic way and neither wanted to give up on each other itâs why they always remembered their first go in a relationship.
Welcome to "I ship two fictional people so much it's driving me insane and LITERALLY ALL I think about is them and my grades are failing and my social life is on the edge of collapsing but idc bc oMFG THEY SMILED AT EACHOTHER" anonymous
âŚwho would like to share first?
5 Shows I stopped watching before they could ruin my favorite ships
1. Jackie & Hyde (That 70's Show)

I didn't watch the final season and didn't watch the writers ruin this relationship.
2. Zude (Hit the Floor)

Again I didn't watch the final season of the show. I liked the way season 3 ended. Jude and Zero being the King & King of the LA Devils. I know that Adam Sean (Zero) didn't return for the final season what I would have enjoyed is if that the left Zude alone in the final season and kept them together.
3. Robron (Emmerdale)

Robert and Aaron are one of my favorite ships. I stopped watching before Robert got sent to prison. I think that Robert & Aaron would have lasted until the end of time. I know they weren't perfect especially at the start of their relationship but they were growing together and had plans for the future. Can't believe the way they ended.
4. Swarkles (How I Met Your Mother)

Barney and Robin were really cute together and I loved their dynamic. They were had similar interests, better suited, and overall better together. I didn't even bother watching the last couple episodes.
5. Jarry (Hollyoaks).

James and Harry were a dysfunctional pair at the beginning but overtime the love that the felt for each other was evident. Even on Harry's Wedding Day, all Harry could think about was James and how he was getting married for the wrong reasons. I think they would have been able to withstand the on slot of angry and hurt from the Ste and Tony. I think they would have been a Hollyoaks power couple if they had been given the chance.
Hiya it's been a hot min with life and everything but quick question...
Fandom: How I Met Your Mother Pairing: Barney and Robin Song: âLose You Nowâ by Lindsey Stirling and Mako Spoilers: All 9 seasons Video by: equixen