Baseball Bat - Tumblr Posts

No one would ever know what happened to Billy. He suddenly disappeared one late night in Hawkins. Well one person did know what happened to him.
Steve had just smashed in a skull of a demogorgon with a trusty new baseball bat he made. Well made is a stretch. One time in the Upside Down, Steve found what appeared to be an old really old book. And what he found was incredible. An old book that seemed to be full of dark power. He saw one particular line of text that intrigued him a lot and decided to try it. And recently Billy had been totally pissing him off so much. So he tried it on Billy.
Steve approached Billy one late night and read the line of text while imagining a baseball bat with nails in it. Suddenly Billy seemed to yelp and feel pain. His body started literally turning to wood, and shrinking and breaking down into itself. Within a minute Billy was gone. Well not gone, but changed. Steve smiled as he picked up a baseball bat. It felt alive, and it was. Billy was this baseball bat, trapped as it. And unfortunately for Billy, the page in the book that tells Steve how to reverse the change was ruined.
Billy's senses were all in tact, he could smell. He could feel. He could hear, he could taste, hell he could even see. But speaking? That was something he'd never get to experience again. Steve could tell all this and regularly uses the handle of that bat like a dildo up his own asshole, and let his mates use it in the same way. He'd go out smashing in monsters in the Upside Down. Every impact with it caused Billy extremely unimaginable pain. It was like he was getting his skull smashed in non stop, and his balls being smashed in non stop. Steve could feel Billys torture and loved it so much. He loved his new baseball bat and no one except Steve will ever know its actually Billy.

I finished my end of an art trade with @fofafa, who runs the @daily-toph account! This is my drawing of their character B leaning on a motorcycle. It was tough drawing the motorcycle, as this is the first time I’ve ever drawn one, but I think it turned out alright.
Check out their end of the trade!
B © @fofafa Art © me
And for anyone who is interested, art trades are open!

Inktober day 12- blunt weapon
Drawing Negan! ψ(`∇´)ψ Because he’s so cute and sweet (*´꒳`*)
And yes, the shirt is a reference to Eugenes "Virginia" shirt. I don’t know if I saw an edit that was like that or if I literally just was tweaking and I misread it (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

I don’t own the characters, all rights belong to the creators of the comics/TV series.

Something's not quit right...
Read Lucidstuck Here.

Inktober Day 3 - Bat
Kel's 14th birthday
Kel stood in his room. What day was it? What month was it? Did it even matter?
He heard a knock at his door,followed by someone yelling his name. He went downstairs to check who it was.
It was Aubrey. She really changed her appearance a LOT in that one year. She bleached her hair,she seemingly ran out of toner half way through though,so it had orange patches. She wore her bow as a hair tie,somehow.
She had a box of a dozen cupcakes. They resembled white bunnies with pink bows as bows.
"Uhh,you okay,Kel??? You look kinda disheveled..." Aubrey said,snapping Kel out of his trance.
"Uhh,yeah,I'm fine! Come on in!" Kel blurted out. He quickly looked at his hair. It was more matted then a mat,well,it would be considering that he didn't brush or cut his hair for one YEAR.
Aubrey entered the house,and shut the door.
"Kay! Want some??" Aubrey says,offering the box to Kel.
"Sure!" Kel took a bite out of one of the cupcakes...they were really good! When did Aubrey learn to bake?
Aubrey was already stuffing her face with 2 of them.
"Aubreeey." Kel gave her a playful glare,earning a laugh out of her.
"Sorry- These are just really good!" Aubrey said with her mouth full,spraying crumbs all over the couch.
"Woooow,way to compliment yourself!" Kel playfully told her off.
"Bleh,whatever!" Aubrey said,crossing her arms.
"...So,what do you wanna do?" Kel asked.
"Wanna bake something?"
"Yeah! What do you wanna bake?"
"Garlic bread!"
"You be one of them aces?" Kel asked,giving Aubrey a curious glance.
"Hell yeah!" Aubrey half-yelled,throwing her arms in the air.
"Me too!" Kel said,smiling.
The two got up,and proceeded to start making garlic bread. They started eating it like they hadn't eaten in 4 weeks.
After that,the two layed on the couch,and fell asleep. Kel moved like a damn rotiserie chicken until he found a comfortable postion,meanwhile Aubrey was laying right on the edge,about to fall off.
What more can I say? This was how Kel's 14th Birthday went.
Kel:Only I can annoy Aubrey!
I frickin love this manga