Seven Seas - Tumblr Posts

Second to last girl . Big Breasted Bookworm !

Last of the girls a Power Hungry Princess

Two sketches of my classic beauty. 1 her opinion of people (scum) and 2 playing with her favorite body part after a kill

Sailor Moon !

Misao key-chain/sticker

Ib Key-chain/sticker

3 of my girls for a new comic I am doing.

Mayu , Yuka , and Seiko corpse party departed

Weiss and two extra sketches
So I texted my dads mom
Me: Just filled out 6 job applications and dropping them off tomorrow! Send me good luck vibes and hope they want to hire me!
Dads mom: I’m sending you fairies thats all you need.

Poster I found in town today . ♡♡♡Tekkonkinkreet♡♡♡

These are my exact feelings right now

Headless ( day 2: decapitation ) ( accidentally did day 2 of the 33 day guro challenge first....But this is the first post in the 33 day Guro Challenge !

Yuno cosplay progress♡ bow done and skirt on its way

Guro Challange Day 1: ( Technically day 2 ) Amputation !
Look at these lovebirds