Battison - Tumblr Posts
Okay so I have no idea if it's actually true, but this article mentioned that the knife/batarang that makes the bat symbol on Battison's suit is made from pieces of the gun that killed his parents, and I am 100% choosing to believe it because it's giving me So Many Emotions about him using it to cut the live wire at the end.
Cutting the wire could have very easily killed Bruce, and we can see that he knows this. Even if the shock didn't kill him, he could have been killed by the fall or drowning in the water below. It was very much a move of self-sacrifice (even though he didn't ultimately die) in an attempt to save the people below. More than that, it was his first act in recognition that his quest for vengeance was simply continuing the vicious cycle that had victimized him. His first (in my opinion) true act as a hero as opposed to a vigilante. And the fact that he did it using something made of the pieces of the literal thing that killed his parents- a physical reminder of his trauma and (an admittedly poetic) weapon in his quest for vengeance- is an absolutely beautiful piece of storytelling. It's a fucking POIGNANT way to express the movie's ultimate thesis of breaking the cycles of violence and trauma. Matt Reeves you goddamn genius, how DARE you make me feel these emotions
I really, really want an incident where Battison has to publicly interact with Penguin as Bruce Wayne.
Just imagine. It's maybe a year or so after the movie. Bruce has become more of a public presence in Gotham and has started a lot of charity and donation work, but is no less weird and socially uncomfortable. Penguin, meanwhile, has taken over Falcone's operations and has truly started to come into his own as the head of Gotham's criminal underworld. They're both at some sort of gala or memorial or something, where Penguin is schmoozing with the wealthy elite and Bruce is trying his best to sink into the floor. Everyone is tiptoeing around Penguin, nervously polite smiles and conversation, terrified of both him and his reputation.
And then he approaches Bruce.
Everyone's holding their breath, assuming Bruce is going to be TERRIFIED. This man is terrified by small talk, there's no WAY he's going to be able to handle a full conversation with Gotham's most feared mob boss. No one has any idea how this interaction is going to go, but they doubt it's going to be good.
Bruce is just staring at the floor. It's been almost two days since he last slept, he doesn't want to be here, and now goddamn PENGUIN is coming up to talk to him. Why. He does NOT want this and absolutely does NOT have the bandwidth for it right now. So he just. Walks away. Penguin walks up, opens his mouth to speak, and Bruce is just like "no" and shuffles off. This happens multiple times throughout the night. He never even lets Penguin get a full word out. Why would he? Wayne Enterprises is never going to do business with Oswald Cobblepot so he doesn't have to preserve that relationship. He spends the entire rest of the event shuffling around the room, pointedly ignoring Penguin's increasingly baffled attempts to talk to him
Bruce's cryptid status IMMEDIATELY skyrockets. Social anxiety of Local Disaster of a Man overrides self-preservation when talking to notorious mob boss. Everyone is DELIGHTED by this. Bruce Wayne keeps getting weirder by the day and the entire city of Gotham is living for it.
Okay I already ranted in the tags on another post about this, but I'm having enough Feelings about the scene in the hospital between Bruce and Alfred that it's getting its own post (I got the gifs of this from the wonderful post by @magnusedom which is, coincidentally, the post I was ranting in the tags on)
The entire scene is very emotional and features excellent acting from both Robert Pattinson and Andy Serkis, but I want to focus on Alfred's facial expressions at two particular points during the conversation:
First, when Bruce admits he doesn't care if he himself dies

This is Alfred's face directly after Bruce tells him this. The absolute HEARTBREAK- I get the sense that Alfred isn't necessarily surprised that Bruce feels this way, but suspecting something and knowing something are two very different things. Alfred has been a part of Bruce's life since he was born and raised him after his parents died. He's spent the past 20 years watching Bruce, someone he loves as a son, spiral and struggle with very clear mental health issues and the lingering effects of a very severe trauma. And more than that, Bruce has actively pushed Alfred away during this; while their relationship isn't necessarily overtly antagonistic, it's clearly very tense and fraught. Even knowing all that, Bruce is- probably for the first time- openly expressing what is AT BEST passive suicidal ideation and we see how crushing it is for Alfred to hear those words coming from Bruce himself.
And then we get this:

This is how Alfred looks at Bruce when Bruce admits that the thought of losing Alfred evokes a fear and emotional response on par with what he felt when he lost his parents. And again, given their tense relationship throughout the film up until this point, this is probably the first time Bruce has ever openly expressed this. Holy emotional confessions, Batman! The absolute love and affection and WARMTH in Alfred's expression is BEAUTIFUL, ESPECIALLY in the context of the fact that Bruce literally just admitted he doesn't care if he himself dies. Bruce is telling Alfred that, despite their disagreements and the tension in their relationship, he cares more about Alfred's life and safety than he does about his own. That's how important Alfred is to him. And we can see just how profoundly Bruce's confession impacts Alfred.
And then, after two confessions that we see profoundly emotionally impact Alfred, we get this absolutely BEAUTIFUL moment:

Bruce has just been more open and honest with Alfred than he's probably ever been in the past 20 years, about both his own pain and trauma and about how important Alfred is to him. After 20 years of reaching out only to be pushed away as Bruce struggled and spiralled, Alfred reaches out again. And, for the first time, Bruce reaches back. It's a massive and hugely important step forward in their relationship. Bruce's pain doesn't magically go away. He's still traumatized and depressed and full of so much anger and hurt and fear. But he's finally come to a place where he can accept Alfred's love and support and can admit to himself that he loves Alfred back, even if that opens him up to the potential pain and loss inherent in caring for someone. It's such an impactful moment with so much emotional depth and a huge turning point for Bruce's character, and I think Andy Serkis' acting is really an important part of what drives it home
So I finally saw The Batman yesterday and as much as I love the idea of himbo!Bruce Wayne (and I do love it lol), I absolutely LOVE the idea of Bruce Wayne never really becoming any more social adept. After he realizes he needs to be a symbol of hope rather than vengeance he starts using his family’s money to help the city the same way he does in other iterations of Batman- charities, donations, funding infrastructure and public programs. He starts doing a lot of good and making a very real impact and becomes beloved by the citizens of Gotham for it, but at no point does he ever become a more Socially Normal person. He still rarely leaves the manor. He’s soft spoken to the point of almost being inaudible half the time and avoids eye contact like the plague. You can visibly see him trying to desperately escape every social interaction he’s in.
It’s the perfect cover honestly. No one would ever think that Bruce Wayne of all people is Batman. I mean, have you met the man?? Yeah he has the money to theoretically be Batman, but Batman is tough and intimidating and powerful. Bruce Wayne has the vibes of a stray cat left out in the rain. The man can barely handle a five minute conversation without looking like he’s in physical pain, and you think he’s fighting dangerous criminals every night??? What, are you insane??? Bruce Wayne and Batman are both Beloved Gotham Cryptids, but there’s absolutely no way they’re the same person
And the best part is, it’s not even really a cover. He really is just Like That, and it just so happens to be the best cover he could have asked for

Day Off

Trapped Together~
Martinez Headcannons:
•full name is Daniel Angelo Martinez(also goes by Dani)
• He has about 8 sisters,1 older brother and is the youngest. He was practically babied his whole life,also has about four niece’s that he absolutely adores
•Dani is really good with kids and people in general,and I mean good.He adores babysitting his nieces and loves to teach them about what he does at work and sometimes brings them to the precinct.He has a soft spoken voice when talking to kids or people.
•He loves animals,especially dogs. He has a Labrador retriever named Ace(decided that he would be the one who adopted him).Daniel loves to pet any animal that he can(makes sure to ask the owner first)and makes sure to bring treats with him just in case. all the police canines adore him.He does not like any animal abuser and had once punch some in the face for it.
•I see him as a trans man in my au(female to male).He is also pan/poly and has donated money to the LGBTQIA community. Bruce has also donated large amounts of money. Three of his older sisters,including his mom and uncle are also apart of the community. He came out as trans to his family at the age of 6.
•Dani loves to cook,especially blueberry sweets,since those are Bruce’s favorite. He likes to experiment with different dishes and enjoys making some of the foods his grandma used to cook for him.Bruce also loves to taste test his food. Bruce loves the blueberry cookies the most.
• The police station adore him,he is literally a ray of sunshine. He even brings in some sweets he’d bake for his fellow officers.He is everyone’s favorite,despite him not knowing that. They tease him from time to time,if anyone ever hurt him, the whole entire station will definitely be throwing hands(especially Bruce)
•He has met Selena. She goes to the same cafe as him ☕️ and helps out at the same shelter he works at(they actually get along pretty well even though they think differently at we’re the funding should go to,cats or dogs)other than that they actually enjoy each others company
•Alfred and Dory absolutely adore him,especially since he is such a good influence on Bruce.When he figured out that Bruce is Batman,Alfred is not all that surprised(he was going to find out eventually,he might not look it but he’s pretty good at deduction skills)it was a small thing but the chin does not lie.Alfred is also glad that he isn’t the only one to take care of Bruce and smiles softly when seeing Dani bandaging Bruce’s wounds
•Daniels father was not a good person,even hurt his mother once.When his father found out that he was trans,it got worse(good thing he out of the picture).His Uncle acted more of a father figure to him than his father could ever be
•He and his sisters are all half Latino,half Italian,and has a little bit of british but not that much
• Since he is such a trusting guy, Daniel is the one guy in the precinct that all the female officer can rely on and trust they even include him in girls nights. Trust me when I say he would throw hands if anyone tried to mistreat them or being bias(sometimes he doesn’t even need to punch the person,he knows his fellow officers could kick there ass)
•When he gets anxious especially if it’s a cause of his diphoria of his body, he will clench his hands to together in a tight fist(Bruce and his sibling are the ones that help comfort him and helps remind him that he is great just the way he is)
•When Daniel’s sister and brother found out that Bruce Wayne is dating him, they all get super protective(his brother and mom especially). Trust me when I say Dani’s mother can get super scary especially when it comes to her babies
•He actually enjoys drawing from time to time(is good at is,he likes to draw Bruce when he’s not looking)and likes to read books,mostly books that are historical ,horror,scientific and even reads romance
•Daniel knows that Bruce can take care of himself,even though he’s Batman but he makes sure that Bruce gets plenty of rest, makes sure his make up is cleaned up and eats. they than like to cuddle and watch movies together
•There have been times where he has been seen trying to fight more dangerous villains out of his league ,mostly because he gets tired of seeing them hurting innocent people. He also likes to be sassy when encountering them.has a sassy attitude when insulting them(some villians are scared of him,since they know what would happen if they ever tried to harm him)
•Bruce is so close to breaking his code,He manly wishes that Martinez would stop trying to fight people more bigger than him(I mean is actually pretty short especially compared to villians like Falcone,Gordon and half of the entire police station.He’s a short king 👑)
•Not Surprisingly,he actually gets along well with the female villians and has even been invited to hang out (Harley and Ivy enjoy his company).Daniel even punched joker in the face one time for mistreating Harley and can see that there relationship is toxic(decided to base it off of the dc comic ) Personally though he know that Ivy and Harley like each other and think that there cute together
• Forgot to mention that all his sibling have left Gotham to pursue their own dream jobs and is proud of every single one them
The Martinez Family
Elijah(Ally,33yrs)- Actor
Elena(Ally,32yrs)- Doctor
Lucia(Les,31yrs)- Police Officer
Bianca(Ally,30yrs)-Fashion Designer
Andrea(Bi,29yrs)- Fashion Model
Britt(Ally,26yrs)- Artist
Charlie(Ally,going to be 26 soon) - Hairstylist
Alicia Marinez/Mom(Bi,45)
David Martinez/Uncle(Gay,42)
Alfred Pennyworth(Bi,40)
Daniel is gay and 25yrs old(based on the real actors age)
Bruce Wayne is Bi and 31yrs old
@wixiany @1n-bl0om @and-so-he-rambled
I would be the same way Damian. I’d be the same way.
Student #1: ugh Damian is just so ugly, and thinks he's better than us, we should show him who's boss.
Student #2: yeah!
Dick: planning on doing what to my little brother?
Jason: touch my little brother, I'll fuck you up.
Tim: I'll just leak your browser history to the school board and your parents if you try.
Duke: I don't care if he can handle himself, you'll feel pain!
Cass: *sightly making threats*
Stephanie: funny you think you can hurt my little bro and live.
Jon: my mom said your not to start fights, luckily for me she's not here!
Dawn and Don: try us.
Billy: oh so you think you can hurt someone? They think they can hurt people. Not today!
Colin: oh we're fighting for Dami? Okay I'll make it look like an accident.
Bruce: I would call Alfred for advice but see your going to have a long talk with me.
Wally: you guys got it I'm taking Damian for ice cream!
Damian: wallace-
Selina: sweetheart please go with this nice man, okay?
Damian: so that ice cream Wallace?

Trick or treat with Battinson and Dick

bruce wayne x black widow! reader. this is based on the gotham verse but you can picture any bruce you want :3.
playlist: i did something bad - taylor swift, bellow the surface - griffinila, you don’t own me - saygrace, cardigan - taylor swift, static - steve lacy , dark red - steve lacy , softcore - tnh
[ a widow is trained like a machine, meant to have no emotions, no chance of feeling love…. but what if bruce wayne, the man she is protecting teaches her how to love. ]
[october 1st ]
“number 001, enter” dreykov called out to you, he was the owner and founder of the red room. the place you had trained at since you were a child, sat next to him was oswald cobblepot aka the penguin. you entered the big office room and you bowed your head to both men. “001, this is my friend and our new client, penguin.” dreykov smiled at you.
“hello mr. penguin, how may i be of use.” you turned to him and you saw his face light up. dreykov gave you the look. the look was kinda like a green light of sorts, like a code for ~go ahead show off your skills~. dreykov whistled and two big men entered the room, you walked down to a corner of the room, the men followed and when dreykov banged his fist on his desk you got to work, you punched and kicked and flipped both dudes until they dropped on the floor.
they were both bloody and bruised while you didn’t even have a scratch on you. “she’s amazing, my god!!” oswald clapped and laughed like a mad man. dreykov grinned. penguin looked at you ignoring dreykov. “what else can you do.”
“karate, judo, kung fu, wrestling and i’m trained in acrobatics.” your voice sounded almost emotionless and that’s what oswald liked most about you. “she’s skilled in every combat style, she’s a master assassin” you nodded. “I might know of a certain billionaire who might be interested in her” penguin smiled. “bruce wayne? he’s mere boy. what could he use my widow for?” dreykov rolled his eyes.
“all these villains want to kill him. a widow will do him good.” penguin laughed. you swore to god that dreykov gave a genuine smile. “why did u request 001. she’s fresh. i have more experienced widows.” he was right, you just started getting missions at fifteen. other widows like yelena have had over twenty eight years of experience. so why did he want you?.
“bruce is a man of particular taste, y/n is a young beautifully… dangerous woman, just his type”. after about ten minutes of discussion, dreykov dismissed you and told you to pack your things. if things go according to the plan bruce wayne would bid on you and win. you didn’t know why dreykov and oswald wanted bruce to bid on you? but you were raised to follow orders not to question them. widows just do. they don’t ask why and they never said No.
that night you returned to your chambers and started packing your things. all your belongings fit into one medium sized suitcase. you’ve done research on bruce, how his parents died. how villians want him dead. the things he cares about the most some theif named selina kyle, his butler alfred pennyworth.
it was the night of oswalds auction you changed into your stealth suit. it was black with a red hourglass logo on the belt. all widows had white hourglasses on their suits, but dreykov made yours red you never knew why. a handler woman named lorna came and escorted you outside where a limo was waiting for you. you grabbed your suitcase and opened the door. on one side it was the penguin and dreykov.
you sat down on the right side of the limo and sighed. this was going to be a long mission. Oswald cleared his throat “don’t worry, this is only temporary, right?”. dreykov nodded grinning a bit. “right. you’ll be back in two months.” he grabbed champagne and poured himself a glass.
you were tucked away in a corner with dreykov watching bidders bid on top of the line weapons, historical paintings that should have been givin to the gotham museum. you kept your eye on bruce he was bidding on some painting, all night he was just reckless spending money. “I LOVE ART. I LOVE IT! YEA” he screamed you weren’t even close to him at all but he was still so loud. “that kids an absolutely brat but he’s definitely gonna love you.” dreykov glanced up at you patting you on your shoulders. “why? does he need to love me.” you cleared your throat. “all in good time my dear.” he chuckled.
you heard bruce and a woman with a white bob have a bidding war over a knife. a knife for god sakes. “woah ms kean. that’s a lot of money, for someone like you” bruce shouted. what an asshole you thought. “TWO MILLION DOLLARS”. bruce just spent two million dollars on a stupid looking knife. you saw oswald run to the stand and bang the wooden gavel. “SOLD! to mr. bruce wayne” people applauded. dreykov chuckled. penguin gave dreykov the signal. penguin was going to go get him interested in well basically renting you.
bruce’s pov:
“i do love seeing that woman lose.” oswald laughed and applauded me. i gave him a fake cocky smile. i was still supposed to be acting like a complete brat after all. he came closer to me and whispered. “a little piece of friendly advice. barbara kean does not give up easily” i nodded pretending to be looking concerned. “she will be coming for that knife. i would just,uh, keep a close eye on it if i were you” oswald grinned. “or you could pay someone else to do it. like a highly trained assassin. she’s the best of the best. they call her a widow. im auctioning her off for two months.” oswald whispered even lower. now he kinda was peeking my interest. “i think you’d like her. you could use a henchman or in this case a henchwomen.” he patted my shoulders and walked back up to the stage. who was he talking about?
“well there’s a new wrinkle, isn’t it?” alfred sighed. “we should stay for the last item. i’d like to see her.” i turned my head back to the stage. “her? you do have a taste for the dangerous. don’t you master b” i rolled my eyes and chuckled. “i do need as much help as i can get against ra’s al ghul” i whispered.
oswald brought up a girl in a black jumpsuit on stage. she was well gorgeous , h/c hair, e/c eyes and a beautiful complexion. she had a a gun strapped on her left thigh. a red hourglass logo was on her belt. “a trained widow assassin. two months of safety guaranteed. she’s made to kill.” oswald laughed. the girl had said nothing. not a word. “can i get a thousand dollars.” i was about to raise my hand to bid but then a old guy in a red suit came close to the auction stage. “three thousand dollars.” the old guy muttered oswalds face changed to an annoyed look.
“five thousand dollars and 89 cents.” i raised my hand but this creep kept bidding more. “fuck off” I told him. i don’t know why but i needed to be near her. “a million and fifteen cents” oswald winked at me and raised his gavel to bang it on the desk. “SOLD! to mr bruce wayne again.” some people clapped, the others gave me dirty looks.
dreykov grabbed your suitcase and your hand and escorted you to bruce . you kept a smile on your face and you had your hands to the side, almost dangling over your gun. “mr. wayne. congratulations this is 001. my personal favorite widow” dreykov chuckled a bit. “so she’s a bodyguard?” alfred questioned. “yes and so much more. she has many different talents, ill pick her up november 30th unless you decide to rent her again. you bowed your head before speaking. “mr.wayne, i am at your service.” he smiled and shook your hand.
you shook alfreds hand and greeted him. “mr pennyworth” you bowed. “no need for that child.” he smiled. you were put off by it, it’s like a fake smile. maybe he felt bad for you. but you didn’t really know. you haven’t felt anything. only anger and fear. “so i’ll let you get going.” dreykov handed you your suitcase and left, probably going to find penguin. you clutched your suitcase but suddenly alfred grabbed your suitcase from your hands. “alright master wayne. miss 001. let’s get going.”
the car ride to bruce’s home was really awkward. he kept asking you questions about dreykov and about widows, you gave him very vague answers. “why do they call you 001?” he asked. “i don’t know. dreykov picked it out.” you said blank faced. “widows don’t have names?” he asked like a curious boy. a complete 180 from what u seen him act like at the auction. “some do. dreykov gives us names when he thinks we deserve it.” you sighed it was chilly in his car. alfred watched you two from the rear view window. “alfred when we reach the manner could you prepare tea, i have a lot of questions for 001”
“don’t you feel that its dehumanizing that dreykov auctioned you off.” bruce sips his tea as alfred pours you some. “well i don’t really feel much of anything really. dreykov is like a father. this is how i repay him.” you bowed your head to alfred and sipped your tea. “how long have you been um- uh?” he choked on his words. “widowing? since I was fifteen so 4 and a half years.” his eyes wandered around your face. “you’re alovely miss. why become something so deadly” the older man asked while taking a seat next to bruce at the dinning table. “girls are often under looked by men. i use my lovely face to manipulate men and then I shoot them dead” alfreds eyebrows raised.
you really shouldn’t be sharing any of this with bruce but you did anyways it just felt natural talking to him. “i noticed at the auction earlier. that you have a red hourglass on your belt.” bruce placed a scone on your plate with some tongs. “it’s a symbol all widows agents have but only mine is red.” it wasn’t necessary to tell him the last bit, yet you did. “the black widow has an red hourglass marking” he bit into his scone. “i like it. that spider is deadly” you grinned “the name suits you well. 001 the black widow. doesn’t it alfred?”. “yes sir but she’ll need a name we won’t be calling her a bloody number.” alfred chuckled.
“im sure we will come up with something but in the meantime we will call her widow. is that ok with you.” he looked to you. “of course sir.”
[bruce’s study ]
it was big and rustic looking. lots of books on fancy looking shelves. he sat down on his chair in front of a desk. you adjusted your a suit a bit and made sure your gun was loaded and ready, as well as your escrima sticks. “do you ever have days off?” oh god more questions you thought. “nope. i love this job.” eh it was half true. “i don’t really know you but something tells me that i want to”
“mr. wayne there’s nothing to know.” you sat down on the couch near the desk. “on the contrary. i think there’s much to learn.” he grinned. bastard. you were feeling things you shouldn’t have. COULDN’T HAVE. widows don’t get butterflies in their stomachs. they don’t deserve it. love. you wouldn’t even know what it’d feel like. widows are basically like machines.
“i think i sense something sir. don’t be alarmed but im going to turn off your lights. stay put.” you walk over to the light switch and switch it off.
you stood very close to the window. you signaled to bruce to keep quiet. a couple seconds later a shadowy figure appeared in his study. you ran up and used your thighs to flip her over and on top of the ground. bruce turned his desk lamp on. “selina?” bruce said slowly like he wasn’t sure. “should I finish her off sir” you reached for your gun that rested on your thigh. “no. let her get up” you did as you were told. “ow! so this is the tramp you hired huh?” selina chuckled . “watch how you address her. she’s my widow.” he raised his voice just a little bit.
you felt a vibe between them. maybe they used to go out you thought. “apologies. we were expecting some else” bruce sighed. “who?” selina scoffed. “doesn’t matter. what are you doing here?” he sounded genuinely curious. you walked over to bruce’s side. you clutched your gun in you hands. you don’t trust the street rat you hear he is so infatuated with. “i heard about penguins auction” selina looked at you up and down. “so barbara sent you for the knife. figured i’d just hand it over” listening to these two bickering was hilarious. “something like that.” she smiled. “why’s it so important to her?”
“how should i know? she was supposed to get it for some client. a pretty dangerous guy.” selina huffed “and that if you were smart you’d hand it over and save yourself the trouble.” selinas eyes were calm. meant that she didn’t see bruce as a treat. that’s how she was able to talk to him so causally. “I spent two million dollars on it i think I’ll keep it” he began to raise his voice. you kept your words to yourself.
“why are you acting like this.” selina crossed her arms sounding a bit hurt. “me? what about you. are you barbara keans errand girl now.?” he stood up from behind his desk. “I’m her partner but she won’t see me as equals unless you do me this solid.” selina pleaded with him. “widow. you may be dismissed. there is no threat” you bowed and left the study leaving bruce and selina alone.
about an hour later alfred helped you settle into your bedroom. it was big and had plenty of room. alfred brought you some clean sheets and fluffy blue towels . you thanked the elderly man and bowed. “goodnight young miss.” he smiled and left you alone. you made your bed and unpacked some of your jumpsuits into one of the many closets. you grabbed a blue towel and went to shower.
you wanted to wash the guilt away. you grabbed your pill bottle and took two. dreykov would scold you if you didn’t take them. you packed a black pair of shorts and a tank top. a widows favorite pajama set. another thing you sneakily pack was a pair of pink pointe shoes. you didn’t enjoy much of anything but you did like ballet, tho you’d never say it out loud.
after you got out of the shower you brushed your hair into a tight bun. two knocks were heard. “widow.” it of course was bruce wayne. you closed your eyes and sighed walking to the door. “hello sir, do you need anything” you smiled. “no. i just want to let you know that im four doors down. and alfred’s room is downstairs. if you need anything.” he smiled.
“thank you sir” you bowed your head. “bruce is fine. tomorrow me and alfred have some errands to run but you are free to use the kitchen,gym and living room. alfred will set up a tv for you tomorrow” his voice was soft as silk, as sweet as red whine. “goodnight” he touches your arm and pats it. “night.” you said in response. he left leaving you feeling very much confused. how would you last two months?