Baukgo Katuski X Reader - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Doesn’t Hurt pt. 3

Tokoyami x Reader, Bakugo x Reader, Midoriya x Reader Warnings: Angst with a happy ending Requested by: @hains-j , @encryptedheartz , @nitricflame and an Anon who made me cry from being too nice, I love you all! Thank you so much for liking my writing, it fuels me to keep going

Part three to Doesn’t Hurt, where Y/n finally understands what a relationship is, and birds don’t belong to be locked in a pretty silver cage

AN: Death to Y/n (No y/n usage)

!Please Read!:   Part One   Part Two 


Edited: feb. 29 2024

          They say that the heart was made to be broken. It was stuffed down your throat in every bad poem you’d had read, in every story that never knew when enough was enough, it was a bitter pill that was overused. And yet, it had slowly started to make sense.

As you laid down in bed with Katsuki by your side, you could feel ice start to form over your heart. It was like frost over a window, and it took less than an hour for the cold to be all you could think of. Why am I so cold, when I used to burn for you?

You’d spoken to Fumikage again the night prior, and it was almost like your mouth became a faucet, and the droplets of words turned to a steady stream which couldn’t be shut off.

He had you inside one of his largely oversized sweatshirts, and you couldn’t have stopped yourself from leaning deeply into his heat.

“You’re so warm,” you’d whispered, leaning into his shirt-covered chest. It vibrated heartily as he chuckled. You’d gotten used to each other’s presence, and, while it had taken a long time, things were so comfortable the first names just seemed to flow. After all, how long can you stay acquaintances with someone you’ve shared a bed with? 

“You know you’d be a lot warmer if you dressed for the weather,” he’d whispered; it hadn’t taken long for Tokoyami to figure out that his new midnight friend was shocked by loud noises. He had many theories as to why, but he never had enough evidence to feel comfortable asking you about them.

“Why would I do that if I have a personal furnace with me?”

“Hah! Sometimes I think that’s the only reason you keep me around,” he teased her rarely, but when he did it would catch you so off guard that you would have trouble getting serious again.

 “No- I keep you around because you’re the only person I think I can really talk to,” you had looked up at the stars, oblivious to the stares he’d leveled on the back of your head. 

If only he could tell you how he felt, he would cherish you like the muse he knew you truly were- he was so much better than the evil spirit you associated yourself with. But, for now, he would have to disguise his compliments as well as he could with friendship.

“You were breathtaking during your presentation today,” 

“Oh! Uh- thank you, Fumi! That means a lot coming from you,” a smile had taken over your face, and it was as bright as the stars you oh-so admired. 

Tokoyami loved it when you smiled. He brought his arms around both of your bodies, and he pressed them closer together, as he rested his forehead on the top of your head, leaning slightly to the side as to not hit you with his beak.

“Aww,” you cooed at him and nuzzled closer to his chest, “someone’s feeling awfully brazen tonight.”

“No, not brazen. Just cold,” He lied. He hated lying, but he couldn’t exactly tell you the truth now, could he? What would he say? ‘I know you’re in a relationship, but I think I’ve fallen so deeply in love with you that if you told me the sky was green, I’d believe you without a second thought, and I’m worried you don’t know how much power you hold over me,’ 

You would freak out, and he’d never be able to hold you again. You would stretch your wings and fly away, as you were already hovering just out of reach. He knew it was wrong, it’s immoral to covet another person’s treasures, but when they treat them like paper-weights, is it truly wrong to try and save them?

He kissed the top of your head, “You’re too good for anyone,”

“Are you anyone?”

“I don’t know, am I anyone to you?”

“This seems like a dangerous game,” you had sighed and turned around to face him. You knew that the moment you looked into his poisonous eyes you’d be hooked. His eyes wouldn’t let you go without a struggle. 

“You’ve never been one to walk on the path of easy decisions and smooth pavement,” he challenged you, daring you- begging you to say something, anything to prove he stood a chance. 

“I don’t know. I feel like I’m taking the easy route in almost anything I do nowadays,” 

He grabbed your hands and held them in his own, “You’re hurting, it’s natural to shield yourself from anything that could harm you further,”

You were rarely left speechless, but with his intoxicating words and deadly eyes, it was hard to form a response worth saying.

“I’m starting to think you’re a bad influence,” You whispered, and you put your noses together.

“Believe me, that was never my attention,” he tilted his head lightly, and he was so close you could feel his breath on your lips; you were sure he felt the same.

You looked from his beak to his eyes. If he had lips you doubt you could have have been able to resist kissing him, but you was given the opportunity to second-guess yourself. 

His crystal eyes shined through the clouds, like the beacon on the pier, they always seemed to beckon you closer. They dared you to sail towards them, it was almost like they held the secret to the world.

“I can’t kiss you, Fumi,” you whispered. You eyes had clenched shut, as you tried to stop the tears that were beginning to show themselves. You can’t do this, this isn’t you.

“Why not?” He asked, his heart was falling apart, and it felt like he was being burned.

“I can’t leave Katsuki, he’s done nothing wrong,”

“He’s done nothing right,” he interjected as soon as you finished talking. “You shouldn’t stay with someone who makes you doubt your worth,”

Your phone rang from inside you dorm. You ducked under his sweatshirt and sighed. 

“That’s him, isn’t it?” He asked. He wasn’t mad, just very frustrated. 

“I think…” You looked away from him, “You should go to your room.”

You left him on your balcony, and you answered your boyfriend. He watched as you shut the door, you didn’t lock it. Did she want me to ignore what she said and go in? Was this a test? Or did she really want me to leave? 

“Dammit!” He huffed before going up to his room. Why did he have what he wanted, what he deserved? Bakugo couldn’t keep you, does he not see how sad you are with him? A real man would leave on his own.

That night, four people cried themselves to sleep. A prince who lost his princess before he even had the chance to pull out his sword, a storm that destroyed the peace-wrecking everything it touched, a lighthouse that only wanted to guide the lost back home, and a white dove that couldn’t stretch its wings- forever trapped in her cage. 


Bakugo’s hand rested on your waist as he slept. You had been watching a movie before he passed out, and he was un-budging. It always shocked you, how he used to keep you so warm.

He would hold you in private, as soon as you had a moment alone he would squeeze you tight like he never wanted to let go. It was such a powerful hug, that it almost hurt to let go. You had loved those hugs. 

Now there were no hugs, no stolen moments. Now he watched you freeze hogging all his warmth for himself. 

Could it be… that he gives his warmth to somebody else? No- you can’t think like that, Bakugo’s not a heartless cheater. He’s not you after all.

But was it cheating? Was it wrong? When Bakugo destroys everything you has created, how can you not learn to lean on the eyes that watch over you?

A soft groan snatched your attention. You looked over to the blonde boy, and he seemed to be stirring in his sleep. You quickly relaxed your body and shut your eyes.

He peered through his eyelids and reached out, running his fingers up your hip and the side of her torso and back down following the natural bend. 

“Babe, I’ve got to go,” he voice was so smooth, he was so close to having complete control over you, and he would never know. 

You hummed in response and stretched reaching your arms up. “Do you have to?” It came out as a whisper, and it was so soft that Bakguo’s heart fluttered hearing it.

“It’s past curfew,” He responded, getting out of bed and grabbing his school bag and jacket, which had been tossed on the floor when they were prepping for the movie.  

It’s now or never, girl! You’ll never get this chance again! 

“Katsuki?” You called out, almost regretting it when you locked eyes with him.

“Hm? What?” 

“I uhhhh,” Don’t lose your nerve, “I want to go on a date tomorrow!” 

“Sure,” He offered, has he always been so casual?

“Really?” It was hard to hide the surprise and disbelief in your voice, but your not entirely sure what you were expecting. 

“Yeah, of course. Why not?” He threw back, as he walked to the door. “Where do you want me to take you?”

“Somewhere sweet. I’d like to be able to hold your hand, so we could take the train across the region?”

“Anything for you. Goodnight babe, be ready by 6 tomorrow, I’ll see you then,”

“I’ll see you then,” 

Once he had shut the door, you started squealing in delight. You ran through outfits in your head, and a bright smile never left your face. You can’t remember exactly how long it had been since he had been taken out on a date, but it had been way too long.

Rejecting the offers that other boys had given you wasn’t something you had anticipated- you’d never thought that highly about yourself.

However, you grew to realize that class 1A truly did care about you, or at least they acted like it. It was strange to think people seek out your company, but the knocks on your door became a constant in your life, you became used to people coming to talk to you late into the night. 

You had grown accustomed to knocks on your door, but recently you haven’t been answering them. You’re not doing it consciously, but your late-night-chats with Tokoyami have taken you outside far more often, and you can’t hear the door from there. 

With the memories of the night before still present in your mind, you went and stood outside. You were out there for five minutes, and you grabbed a hold of yourself once again. You hadn’t felt cold outside for a long time- Tokoyami always kept you warm. 

Is he not coming? Did I ruin my chance to be near him? Can I even blame him for not wanting to be with me?

Though it might be harsh- as all things were when you were talking about yourself- you looked out to the stars, and you couldn’t pinpoint when things became so messed up; it was so sudden, or maybe it was just like that the whole time. 

But one thing was different, Fumikage was different. He was always there for you, he would listen to you- keep you warm. He was so different than what you was used to, and you would be lying if she said that she didn’t love it. 

He was so warm and so present. It never felt like he was shying away from you without reason, and you learned to bask in the light he shined on you, but there are two sides to every coin, and this was no exception. You could never get too used to him, because at the end of every day, you are with Bakugo, and the cycle continued. 

You rested your head on your palm and sighed. Why couldn’t something go right? And just when all apparent hope was lost-

“You know if I’m going to have to stop spending time with you at night, you’re going to have to invest in a sweatshirt,”

And you couldn’t bring yourself not to smile. And Fumikage couldn’t bring himself to look at you. 

“If you could have anything,” you whispered, “If the world was your oyster and you could do anything,” tears started to fill her eyes, “what would you do?”

He paused- the thought had never crossed Tokoyami’s mind. Why was she so strict in how she used her abilities?

“If every time you had said out loud ‘I wish-’ and whatever followed came true, how different would your life be?”

You had never been so serious with your words- and it caught him far off guard. Millions of thoughts ran through his head, and he couldn’t bring himself to say any of them.

“What is it that you wish, princess?” He finally approached you, grabbing your elbows and looking deep into your eyes.

“I can’t say it,”

“Why not?”

“Because,” your heart broke just a little more, “If I say it out loud, and it’s not already true- than I will have ruined one of the most important moments of my life,”

He paused and bit his tongue, “I hope my love is what you wish; because, you possess it completely,”

“I’m dating Bakugo,” you whispered soft enough that he almost didn’t hear it.

“And yet you love me,”

“Who could love a cheater?”

“We haven’t even performed the most innocent act of romance, how could you have been unfaithful?”

“Cheating with the heart will always hurt more than cheating with the body- I've betrayed more than our relationship I took advantage of his trust.”

“Than break up with him, so I won’t make a cheater out of you,”

“You say that like it’s easy,” and to him, it was the easiest thing- he loved you.

“It will be,”

“He loves me,”

“Then where is he?” Yes, it was a low-blow, and Tokoyami knew it. You had told him on many occasions that you wished her boyfriend would stand outside with her in the cold, but Bakugo thought it was stupid and a waste of time. He used to, he’d even met you on one of your sky-watching sessions. It hurt to think that he would use their past conversations against you, but where was he wrong?

“He’s probably asleep,”

“Then you should sleep, so that you may do one last thing as a couple before he loses the title,” The woman he was completely in love with just told him he has a chance, and he will never forgive himself if he ruins this.

“That’s harsh,”

“If love be harsh with you, be harsh with love,”

“Did you just misquote Shakespeare at me?” You couldn’t stifle the small laugh that escaped your lips. Fumikage always had a way to make you smile at the most peculiar of times, and trust him to throw the charged tension for a loop.

“Perhaps I did,” He teased you lightly, and shook his head. 

“If I broke up with him, if tomorrow night I was out here by myself, and every other night from now to eternity, would you keep your warmth for yourself? Would you get sick of me? I’m so fucked up, I don’t even know what a secure attachment style is. How long am I going to hurt like this?”

Tears had regathered in your eyes, and your lips had fallen to quiver. Your body shook, and it would never be known if it was from the cold in the air or the cold in your heart.

“Quote the raven,”

“Hah,” you wiped your tears with the palms of your hands, “You read poetry?”

“Only the good kind,” he thought back, and he knew their first encounter like the back of his hand. Had your lips been as prominent back then as they did now? Were you crying then too?

Your eyes flickered between his crimson eyes, as you searched for a sign, anything that told you that he wanted this too. He stepped closer, and his breath hitched. Was this finally happening?

They were an inch away from each other, and you drew your lip between your teeth, as Fumikage put his forehead on yours.

He murmured your name.

You hummed in acknowledgment, and you locked eyes.

“I love you,” he took a breath in before lacing his fingers into your hair, and he pulled you a little closer, and you kissed. Your shared heat shielded you from the painful cold that was biting at your skin. Time seemed to stop as you basked in each other’s warmth.

Even as his eyes were closed, your crimson lighthouse had finally done their job, you were home. You were hidden by the dark as night cloaked the world. And, in your own little bubble, you missed your ringing phone. And, in their own little bubble, you never heard the storm knocking on your door. 

And so, as the clouds give way and the thunder travels further and further away, the ship had managed its way to the lighthouse. And the princess had been freed from her tower while the prince laid in bed, broken and alone. And the pretty little dove was saved by a raven, and together they spread their wings and flew away.

And, with all things considered, can you really blame a person for getting involved, if it was love? Even if they knew someone could get hurt? Even if the dove is already in a cage, is it really so wrong to want to fly alongside her?

You held Tokoyami close that night, and you stayed together until early morning. Until the birds began to chirp and the owls had fallen asleep, and you finally realized that being in a relationship doesn’t have to hurt to be real.


I hope you all enjoyed this three-part series! It took a while to finish, but I am overjoyed with the support you all have shown it! 

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