Bayonetta X Y/n - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago


For Platonic Yandere Bayonetta


Plot summary: Bayonetta being a platonic yandere, and how she'd fare should you perish.

This Contains: Overbearing behaviour, angst, character death (receiving). Possibly OOC

Note: you're probably wondering why I haven't posted for a long time! Well, truth be told, I've been... Lazy. But! I've been trying to get back into the swing of things, get back into writing. Here's some headcanons for Bayonetta! To tide youse over until I post again. Tbh, this was going to be shorter but.... I ended up making it longer and sadder then needed. So yeh, enjoy~

She will protect you with her life, that is a given. You mean the world to her, for you are her little one.

Whether you were born from her or simply a child she found later on, Bayonetta would feel no different about loving, caring, and raising you as her own.

Will tease you, I'm sorry. She just likes pushing your buttons a little. But it's nothing severe, and she just adores when you laugh or giggle at her antics.

Never have any doubts about yourself, little one. Mother Bayonetta is your absolute wingwoman. You're perfect, and should never be ashamed of yourself.

Will encourage you to flaunt your natural beauty. After all, you are the child of the famed witch, shake what your mother gave you!

Should you have the spiritual energy required for it, Bayonetta would train you like an Umbran Witch, making you especially efficient in the Bullet Arts. Despite her confidence, she knows she can't always protect you, so it's better you learn how to defend yourself as well.

Should you not, then Bayonetta will be extremely protective of you. Will not want you leaving her side much at all, especially when the threat of angles are always around the corner. She can't afford anything to happen to you. She won't let anything happen you, she swears it.

If you were alive during the Witch Hunts, then Bayonetta (or Cereza) would absolutely refuse to leave you be. Even if you're a capable witch yourself, she won't leave you for even a second. You, Bayo, and Jeanne will be going together to find Rosa. No exceptions.

If you died during that time, Bayonetta would be heartbroken. Her darling, little one, just... Killed. Like some animal. She wouldn't be the same, not after losing her brightest joy in the world, and that added onto her mother's death will push Bayonetta over the edge. She'd simply give up, unable to fight anymore. All her confidence, all that self-reassurance, gone with the winds - just like you.

She can't even say you're in a better place now, as it's extremely likely you're wandering the depths of inferno, forever. And that thought alone will crush her even more. She had failed you.

Even in the future, where all her memories are forgotten, Bayonetta still feels empty inside. There's this subtle sense of sadness in her, something no one, not even herself, can tell why. She can feel the ghost of your memories in her heart and yet, she can't exactly recall who you are.

In this scenario, Bayonetta's assault against the angles are just that much more brutal and ferocious. It's abnormal for her to express her anger in such an overt way, there's barely any teasing or flirtatious remarks. Just pure slaughter.

When she does remember who you are, she will allow that confident walls of hers to crumble down in the dirt. Bayonetta is a woman who keeps her negative emotions in the back of her head and yet, with you, she can't help but let her grief overcome her. It's at that one moment she will feel all the more hopeless. What is the point of this battle, if she won't ever see you again? Her little one is gone forever..

But she can't give up. No, she can't. Your death would be for nothing if she did. She's pushed into a fury powered by your death, Rosa's death, and that of the Umbra clan. She will avenge you, she will. Bayonetta will not fail you again.

Baldur and Jubileus' defeat is especially gruesome.

There will always be a hole in Bayonetta's heart. She could move past the near-eradication of the Umbra clan, she can move past the death of her mother, but she cannot leave your death behind her. That is something that will always haunt her.

Bayonetta will carry you with her always and forevermore. You will always be in her heart, that precious smile and adorable memories permanently engrained. There will be days where having your memory with her will be maddening, causing her raw nature of confidence to falter at the seams. But not once would she trade them away. Always and forever, Bayonetta will keep your memory alive within her.

Her little one, forever in her broken heart.

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2 years ago

Bayonetta coming down to the inferno just to get us back ohhohohohohoho

If Bayonetta got even a smidge, a sliver of info that said you were still alive in inferno, she would race down to the firy depths in her heels and tear it apart herself if she must. We've seen how far she was willing to go for Jeanne, imagine what she'd do for her little one? She will shoot, she will slice, she will stomp, and she will wickedweave any foe that tries to stop her from rescuing her child.

I'd imagine Jeanne is also a platonic yandere for the darling, she and bayo were best friends(or lovers?) so it's likely she and her shared caretaking duties with you. Hell, she's probably the one who helped train you when bayo couldn't. If she did, then you two would be even closer. She was just as crestfallen when news of your demise got to her, and just like bayo she's willing to fight the very gods just to save you.

Two umbran mothers ready to tear down anyone for the sake of their baby. May Jubileus grace their souls.

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2 years ago


Yan!mum Egyptian!Bayonetta


Plot Summery: General platonic yandere headcanons for the Egyptian variant of Bayonetta, known also as "The Cloistered Witch"

This Contains: ‼️SPOILERS‼️ yandere themes (no violence towards reader), character death, unhealthy mindset, not proofread.

Note(s): sorry for the absence! I might end up making more of these, since I LOVED the multiverse, but I'll also be interested in doing some DC stuff eventually! Assuming I can muster up the motivation to do them pfft-

Egyptian!Bayonetta is a very loving and kind yandere. She is especially affectionate and adoring compared to the other variants, but has a level of self-control they lack. For the most part.

Overprotective and more obsessive then most variants. Though a softer variant of Bayo, she's arguably one of the most manipulative ones there are. She's a guilt-tripper, using her lack of conviction and timidness to pull on the heartstrings, even shedding a few tears. Worse yet, most of the time she isn't even aware that she's doing this, as it all comes from a place of genuine insecurity.

Absolute spoiler as well. Whatever you want is yours, especially if you butter her up a bit. She's a literal princess, she can get anything and everything you want. That said, though rarely, she'll also remind you of these rewards whenever something should go south. Also uses her privileges as ruler to keep an eye on you.

If you possess the spiritual power needed for it, you might end up being trained in the Dark Arts like your mother, much to her dismay. She begs you not to partake in them, as umbran training is extremely demanding, but just a few promises of taking it carefully and puppydog eyes will change her mind. She will be training alongside you though, and Jeanne will be the one teaching you both (may also be a yandere for you)

Do be warned: any scratch you sustain will be instantly met with extreme amounts of maternal love and attention, a lot of kisses and smothering, and a few pleas for you to no longer aspire to be a witch.

I like to think the Malphas' have an affection to you as well. They'll drop you many shiny things they've found across the desert, ranging from coins to golden towers and more. Also think they'd want you to fly on them.

When Singularity attacks and Jeanne is taken, Bayonetta demands that you stay behind, the first time she's ever directly commanded to do something. It's an action born out of fear and desperation, because god knows what she'd do if you were to die. You could reason with her though, that this interloper is a threat no matter where you are. Reluctantly, she'll agree to take you with her as she adventures to rescue Jeanne.

Lord forbid you're the Arch-Eve/Adam of this world. She'd be hysterical, especially if you were to challenge Singularity head on. She'd absolutely demand, beg you not to do it, at least not alone. Will fight you if she must to ensure you won't be killed.

Bayo is devastated having to kill Jeanne but has some comfort and relief knowing that you're safe. When Brave!Cereza is knocked unconscious and is sucked into the black hole, she gives you one last embrace before chasing after her origin. In this scenario, you'll be left in the care of Brave!Cereza, who'll vow to take care of you to honor her variant (likely becomes a yandere for you too).

If you're the Arch-Eve/Adam, she'd never forgive herself for failing you, letting you get harmed, let alone having to kill you, even if you begged her to. Knowing that your blood is on her hands will drive her insane, and breaks her heart completely. It's only due to Brave!Cereza that she doesn't completely give in to despair at first, but it isn't permanent. Thus, when Cereza is knocked unconscious, she gladly sacrifices herself for her variant.

As she's sucked into the black hole begotten by the powered Spider Demon, her thoughts are with you and Jeanne. She feels no fear, she feels no uncertainty. She's content in her last moments, lips swayed in a saddened but genuine smile. Her eyes look towards the sky one more time as she speaks her final words.

"Jeanne...Y/N... did you see? I won."

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1 year ago

Hi I saw your request are Open can I request

Yandere French blonde Bayonetta x daughter reader x brave Bayonetta x her daughter head Cannon

Like it when brave Bayonetta gos to fight them

And not only rosa getting possess it also the reader who is a power 12 year old with her own dragon Demon and what her action to her daughter death from brave Bayonetta. And then Bayonetta with her younger daughter reader dieing and joining her in a dance with her joining her in hell ( brave Bayonetta daughter is 18


Yan!mums Bayonettas (+Rosa) with an Umbran Witch Daughter

Hi I Saw Your Request Are Open Can I Request
Hi I Saw Your Request Are Open Can I Request
Hi I Saw Your Request Are Open Can I Request

Plot Summery: B4 Bayoverse This Contains: ‼️MAJOR SPOILERS FOR BAYONETTA 3'S PLOT‼️ Major character deaths (reader death/character death), angst, yandere themes, violence. Not proofread. Note(s): This was really fun to write for! LOVE the scenario.

In this universe, you work alongside your mother and grandmother in reclaiming ancient umbran treasures. Though you're only 12, you are an exceptional witch, excelling in areas even fully mature and trained witches struggle with. You even contracted your first demon, a draconic entity notorious for its unbelievable power in Inferno, who also seems to hold an unimaginable possessiveness for you. Your mother and grandmother were extremely hesitant to let you in on their mission, but your skills and powerful kitty eyes won them over eventually.

French!Bayonetta, aka B4 Byonetta, is colder then most of the Bayonetta variants are, but she absolutely loves her daughter. She's always looking out for you, and is viciously possessive and protective. French!Rosa is the same, if not even more smothering. She absolutely adores and is proud of her granddaughter, loves her to bits, and will protect you with her life should the need ever arise.

If you share a semblance to Baldur (who's theorized to have died in Rosa's place in this universe), like having his blonde hair, sharp features, or anything else like that, then Rosa and Bayonetta's protectiveness increases tenfold.

When the Chaos Gear is stolen by the group of Stratus, you and Rosa are on hot pursuit, you ignoring the calls from French!Bayo as you chase after it. She sends Mictlantecuhtli after you both, giving the demon strict orders to look out for you specifically.

Meanwhile, Brave!Cereza has just entered the alternate universe and has witnessed a glimpse into this world's past. Seeing you and Rosa together stirs emotions inside of her. Seeing you interact with your grandmother, a luxury she'll never get to experience herself, is extremely bittersweet. Moreso if Prime!Y/N is with her at this time.

When Cereza and you finally these variants, she's mortified at what she sees; B4!Y/N and Rosa completely taken over by Singularity's vile homonculi. Rosa and B4!Y/N waste no time in engaging in battle, even as Cereza tries fo reach out to you. Eventually, you both are separated from one another, leaving B4!Y/N to Cereza, and Rosa to you.

Deep within her mind, Rosa is fighting a battle she cannot win. She's trying her hardest to fight against Singularity, fighting so that she won't hurt you. But it's entirely fruitless. Thus, when she does break through Perlucidus' control, she begs you to kill her so that she won't try to hurt you anymore. And as her umbran clock breaks into a thousand pieces, she thanks you, and falls into the void.

Meanwhile, Cereza is forced to fight B4!Y/N, which is extremely taxing on her both physically and emotionally. Even if you aren't her daughter, you are still a version of her, and a younger one at that. She tries her hardest to get through to you, but it's pointless as the conflict grows even more intense, the might of which tears away at the city's very structure. Even now, you're able to match up with Cereza's power, defeated only by the sheer impact of the fight.

Cereza watches as you fight an unwinnable battle against the parasite within you. She tries to hold you, begging you to fight, but it isn't enough. Hearing you cry through the control is so unbelievably painful for her.

It's hard for her to put you down, but she knows she needs to. Loading her gun, she fires a concentrated beam of magical energy through your chest, sending you back. Her arm drops as she watches you writhe for a few moments, and then as the demon arms pull your unflinching body into Inferno. She apologizes to your corpse for her incompetence "I'm sorry, little one..."

French!Bayo is absolutely livid when she learns that both you and Rosa have perished because of these multiversal interlopers. She's brokenhearted and in grief, but her core emotions are rage and bloodthirsty hatred. She will avenge you, she promises you that.

If she finds the main variant of you, be prepared to be in for a devastating battle. She won't hold back, and she'll be aiming to make it hurt. In a better state of mind, French!Bayo may have been more reasonable, but in the state she's in, she'll only see you as a mockery to her little one and an accomplice to her death. The battle between Cereza and her will be that much more intense.

Cereza, seeing how beaten you're getting, is quick to jump in and defend with great ferocity. The battle is harsh and destructive, but it plays out just like the game. French!Bayo gets taken over, Cereza powers up Baal to summon Baal Zebul, and French!Bayo is ultimately defeated.

Cereza wishes her variant well in the afterlife as she watches her break apart into nothing.

"May you be reunited with your mummy and your little one.."

The battle has left you greatly injured and drained and Cereza is smothering over her daughter, trying her best to tend to you. But there isn't much time to focus on that as the B4 universe is consumed by Singularity. The two of you are forced to leave, and focus on saving the rest of the multiverse. Cereza preys that you'll be safe.

...but her wishes only travel so far. By the nearing end of her journey, during her final battle with Sigurd... her luck runs dry.

Cereza, gravely beaten and injured, watches as you, her beloved daughter, gives it your all to protect your mummy from Singularity. Your own wounds have worsened and this battle only pushes that severity, but you push back against the pain and give this fight your all.

Singularity is unshakened from your attacks, although he didn't count on you trying to save the day. He brushes them off like dust in the wind. Cereza reaches her hand out to you, her voice no more then a whisper "no...d...don't..." is all she can say while she forces herself up, exhausted but fighting to get to you. To save you, like you wanted to save her.

But she isn't fast enough to stop Singularity from grabbing you by the neck and holding you in the air, his clutch on you squeezing the air from your lungs. You try feebly to fight back at him even now, but they do nothing to stop him. Cereza raises her guns and fires them at him "LITTLE ONE!!" But her attacks, like yours, do nothing. Singularity, bored of this fight, stares you in the eyes one last time before breaking your throat in his hold.

That sickening snapping sound rings through Cereza's head as she watches your body, once so full of live and the fighting spirit of an unbran witch, go limp and drop to the floor. She can't pry her eyes away watching as your body is swallowed by Inferno.

Her knees feel weak, and her throat is dry. "No..." is all she can whisper. It's small and it's quiet, so unlike the witch who was loud and big. She doesn't react, or maybe chooses not to, as she's held into the air by fallen debris.

As she's about to meet her end, a bullet frees her from her stony prison and she lands knees-first on the cold ground.

Her glasses are pushed up by the gunslinger, and she sees someone she hasn't seen in many, many centuries. The woman smiles down on her as she speaks to her little one, her red ribbons floeing gently..

"you didn't cry while I was gone, did you?"

When Singularity is defeated, Cereza is taken by Inferno. As she feels herself being pulled into the hellish depths, her thoughts drift to you.

In the end, your souls reunite. A dance between mother and daughter, one of grace, of emotion, of passion, and of loss is done. Cereza and her daughter dance as the multiverses are restored, one by one. B4!Bayonetta and her mother and daughter are reunited once more, clasped in an embrace neither one wishes to break off of.

And when the dance reaches its conclusion, Cereza holds your form in her arms. She gently caresses your hair before the two of you shatter into roses, fading away into Inferno.

Cereza and her little one. Together until the end.

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1 year ago

I wonder if Bayonetta would be able to share her child with identical clones of herself...

All these Bayo clones all have the same goal: to protect and keep you safe, so they work well together -- even if they can occasionally clash due to their fierce personalities.

It's stupid, really, for anyone to try and harm you. One angry could crush a planet if she needed, but multiple versions of her? All knowing that something harmed you? Oh, it's not going to be good. A torture attack will look like mercy by the time they're all done with the enemy. And when they are, they come to you, holding and caring for any of the harm which befell you.

You're safe how little one... they won't let anything hurt you again.

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1 year ago

If you're still doing bayonetta, could you do some headcannons of tokyo!bayo with a reader that wants to Rollerblade/skate but is a bit clumsy? I loved roller blading/skating and I fall a lot after not doing it for a long time. The relationship can be platonic or the reader can be bayos child.

Bite-sized Imagine:

Learning to rollerskate with Tokyo!Bayonetta

If You're Still Doing Bayonetta, Could You Do Some Headcannons Of Tokyo!bayo With A Reader That Wants

Plot: Tokyo!Bayo teaches you to skate!

Contains: Yandere (nothing shown.)

Notes: I hope you guys had an amazing Halloween! Been super duper lazy :/)

B1 Bayonetta, Shibuyanetta, or simply Tokyo!Bayo is very encouraging of her darling's endeavors. I see Tokyo!Bayo being more like a sister-figure then a mother figure, as she seems to have more of a teen street-kid personality then the other Bayos.

Your clumsiness is something she both finds cute and concerning. Cute, because you look adorable and funny whenever you trip over yourself, and concern because of how frequently you hurt yourself. You remind her of Luka sometimes.

She's happy to teach you to rollerskate or relearn to rollerskate. She encourages you to keep going after every fumble, but she will tease you here and there so be ready. It's never mean-spirited, though.

When your skating improves, Tokyo!Bayo will definitely skate with you more frequently. She'll show off a ton of her tricks to you, many of which you probably won't be able to replicate. Any praise you give her gets a cocky smile from Tokyo!Bayo.

The moments you two have to yourselves as you skate become a bonding thing for you both, cruising the streets of Shibuya on your rollarskates.

If you're a witch/sage, contracted with the same demon/similar angel, these skating moments definitely become apart of your angel/demon hunts. Tokyo!Bayo will definitely have a competition against you on who can get the most kills with their rollarskates first.

To add onto that, she'll definitely have a race against you. Now, she'll go easy on you -- especially if you're not magical -- but will definitely make a lot of playful comments during all of it. She does still get a bit concerned if you trip a lot still, but she'll always be there to give you support no matter what.

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1 year ago

Bayonetta - open

-Platonic Yandere Bayonetta with a deceased darling

-Platonic Yandere Egyptian Bayonetta

-French Bayonetta & Rosa with a powerful daughter darling

-Learning to skate with Tokyo!Bayonetta


-Saving Darling from Inferno

-Bayonetta with identical clones

Bayonetta - Open

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