Bbrae - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago
My Fave Characters From Teen Titans. Really Like How They Turned Out Here

My fave characters from Teen titans. Really like how they turned out here💚💜

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2 years ago
Dont Know About Her Real Name But Her Super Hero Alias Is Wild Claw Or Smtg Like That

Don’t know about her real name but her super hero alias is Wild Claw or smtg like that

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7 years ago

Beast boy and raven + A4


did A3 instead cause A4 was already used!


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8 years ago
A Bust Doodle Of My Childhood OTP- BBrae. Man I Loved Teen Titans So Much- Shame I Was Young Enough Not

A bust doodle of my childhood OTP- BBrae. Man I loved teen titans so much- shame I was young enough not to remember that much of it. I know I grew up to be a weird mix of Raven and beast boy though, which I'm fine with. More than fine really. Enjoy my dears! Please respect artists! I put hard work and personal time into my work- reblog, don't repost, give proper credit if reposting somewhere else, and report anyone you see posting this without credit please! And don't remove the source!

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5 years ago

Yeeees! Thanks

Rewatching Teen titans makes you realize bbrae really was nowhere to be found. There was no romantic tension between them no interest or pining for eachother nothing. Robstar had a lot of build up and it really surprised me how much build up there was for robrae but never did Raven and Beastboy seem like anything more than a brother sister relationship complete with sibling bickering.

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5 years ago
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps
Raven And Beast Boy Screencaps

Raven and Beast Boy screencaps

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5 years ago

I’ll Be Your Wolf

Based on the pre-Flashpoint Teen Titans era.

“Why did they name you Raven?” Her fingers stopped tracing lazy patterns on his chest. He really shouldn’t have noticed, for her touch was featherlight and gentle, but with his enhanced senses, he did.

“The monks called me that. They didn’t name me. I guess it kind of stuck, after being called that for seventeen years.” She resumed tracing the outlines of his muscular chest halfheartedly, and continued, “they called me ‘the raven’. To them, ravens were a creature of prophecy. The monks never quite told me if said creature of prophecy was good or bad, but I suspect that they believed it was bad.”

A growl fought its way up his throat and she looked up at him, concerned.

“You aren’t bad,” he insisted.

Raven closed her eyes, knowing better than to argue with the topic of whether or not she was good or bad-aligned with her husband. It was one of the many traits that Garfield had. Yes, he was witty, charismatic, and a capable leader, but he was also stubborn. Once he was set on a goal or objective, he wouldn’t stray from it.

“You…” he paused, thinking. “You’re like a raven. Dark and misunderstood. People think of you as a sign of evil or death, but those who really stop to get to know you, they can understand you. Once you can look past the outer shell of the bird, you can see it for what it really is — elegant and beautiful.”

Garfield gingerly took Raven’s left hand in his own, his thumb rubbing against the diamond she wore on her ring finger. “And you know ravens mate for life.”

She smiled, even though his eyes weren’t on hers, and gently ran her fingers over the tip of his pointed ear before placing it on the base of his neck. His lips met hers and she felt his bare chest press against hers. She could feel his emotions running wild and his heart beating double-time when she dipped her tongue into his mouth.

The only reason the kiss was broken was the need for air, but Garfield opted to bury his face in her hair, breathing in the smell of her, while she rested her head on his shoulder.

“I love you,” he whispered into her neck, his breath tickling her skin. “I just want you to know that, Raven.”

“I know,” she replied, lifting her hand to cradle his face in her hands. “I love you too, Garfield.”

He kissed the side of her neck, and slowly worked his way down her jawline, planting sweet kisses into the crook of her neck before he reached her lips once more. He could taste the salt and mint on her lips every time he kissed her, and he felt one of her hands against his chest in the way Raven knew that he liked.

“Wolves and ravens depend on each other in the wild for survival,” Raven added softly, her lips brushing his. “The ravens find the food and when the wolves eat their prey, they share some with the ravens. Their relationship keeps them alive, in a way.”

He was quiet for a few seconds, considering her words, before he propped himself up on his arm. His glittering emerald eyes met her amethyst irises in the darkness of their bedroom, in a way that reminded her of a cat’s eyes glowing in the dark. When he spoke, his voice was low and husky.

“Then I’ll be your wolf.”

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5 years ago
What Is This I Found On The Wikipedia Page For Young Justice:Outsiders?

What is this I found on the Wikipedia page for Young Justice:Outsiders?



“Nevermore” is a recurring line in Edgar Allen Poe’s poem The Raven. Could this be??

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5 years ago

Marv Wolfman approves the ship!

Honestly. He could’ve written in the script anyone else to contact her. Wonder Girl (Cassie) was one of her close friends in pre-Rebirth Titans.

By the way, does anybody know what happened to Cassie? Haven’t seen her in a while.

Raven Contacting Beast Boyin RAVEN #6 (2017) -Finale
Raven Contacting Beast Boyin RAVEN #6 (2017) -Finale

Raven contacting Beast Boy in RAVEN #6 (2017) -Finale

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5 years ago


Theme partially inspired by a story written by @fireflyxrebel , called Cold Front (although not smut). You can also check out her stories on AO3 as AvaChanel. This can be seen as either taking place in the comics pre-Flashpoint or in the animated series.

If she had a choice, she would have asked to be somewhere else, anywhere rather than here.

But of course she didn’t have a choice. Nobody did. The ranks were thinned out, everyone else doing several different things across the world. She was needed here, and so she was placed here. This war was going to end, one way or another.

She’d much rather prefer that it ended sooner. With them as the victor. She was needed here, in the Arctic, to keep tabs on one of the Society’s “hidden” bases, despite Richard knowing that she wasn’t accustomed to cold climates.

“You should come inside soon,” a voice said behind her. “The storm’s supposed to hit in about thirty minutes.”

“I’ll come back in a little bit,” she replied.

Victor sighed. “I got the fire heated up in the cave. Some soup, too, if you’re hungry.” Snow crunched under his metal feet as he turned away, heading back into the nearby cave that they took shelter in.

Raven withdrew a small photograph from the pocket of her coat, staring down at the faces in it. He had a wide, goofy grin on his face, with an arm slung carelessly across her shoulder, and she had the small ghost of a smile on hers. She ran the pad of her thumb over the film.

She wished she was there, with him, in the Amazon. Of course, he was there simply because he was fit enough for the job, but it still worried her that he was deep in the jungle, alone, with help thousands of miles away. She tucked the picture back into her coat and headed inside the cave, joining Vic near the fire. Food sources were scarce here, and at temperatures as low as they were, no animal in their right mind would be outside in the frigid snow. So instead, the team flew them in with a few crates full of everything they needed — firewood, non-perishables, water, a pot, and a lighter, among other things.

She wished that Richard had packed her tea.

Vic had the soup pot hovering over the flames of the fire. While he didn’t require food as much as she did, only his ration-like “protein paste” and a recharge every so often, the same couldn’t be said for Raven.

She ate the soup in silence, Vic sitting across from her and leaning on the wall, before her companion spoke up.

“I have some news for you. I was able to contact Dick earlier today. He said that he has a different assignment for me. He’s going to come by later with some more food for a few more days, pick me up, and drop off someone else to take my place. When I asked him, he said that he’d pack some of your tea, enough to last for the rest of the three days here.”

Raven nodded. “Any update with Garfield? Is he okay?”

“Dick said that he’s almost done with his mission. He’s doing fine, had a scare when he came into contact with an anaconda, but he’s okay. Dick was right, he was made for the jungle.”

“He was made for everything,” she added. “If he was here, he wouldn’t even need to sit by the fire. He would just turn into a…a polar bear or something.”

Vic let out a small chuckle. “He’s like your celebrity crush.”

Raven shot him a look. “Not quite, Victor. The seven thousand dollar, ten gram ring on my finger says that he is more than just a ‘celebrity crush.’”

Vic laughed. “What is on that thing? A purple diamond or something?”

Raven looked down, suddenly shy at the mention of a subject of both her and Gar’s marriage. “Actually, it’s a 925 silver ring with small diamonds embedded on the side, with a half emerald, half amethyst replacing the traditional diamond, with the word “wolf” engraved on the inside of the ring in calligraphy,” she said quietly.

“Fancy,” Vic said.


They sat in silence for longer until Vic suddenly raised his head in alarm. He stood up and said, “I think our boy’s here.” At her questioning look, he added, “I can hear the engine.”

They walked out of the cave together to find a silver plane start to touch down a few meters away, the engines emitting a low hum while on stealth mode as to not alert the enemy to either of their prescience on the mountaintop. The loading bay hatch started to lower, revealing a man standing in front of the descending door, dressed in black and red, holding a small crate in his arms.

Nightwing started down the hatch and shouted a greeting to the two senior Titans over the sound of the howling winds. Raven followed him into the cave while Vic ducked into the plane to help unload the few crates.

“How are you doing, Raven?” Her leader asked.

“Getting by. Barely,” she answered. “Why anyone would want to live here is beside me.”

Dick laughed, setting the box on the ground. “Well, look on the bright side. You only have four more days left here, and then I’ll probably have to send you somewhere else. No more colder climates, I promise. I just didn’t have much choice; not a lot of people were available to take this post.”

“I know, but it’s just really miserable here. How did the Society even build a base here?”

He shrugged, standing up again. “How did we build a fifteen story tower shaped like a T?” He countered, pausing before he continued. “I understand that Vic told you that we were coming?”

“Yes. He told me that he was needed elsewhere, and that you would come by to restock, pick him up, and drop someone else off here to take his place.”

“Right,” he said, looking up as Vic entered the cave, holding another crate in his arms. Sitting on his shoulder was what looked to be a snowy owl, but the color of its feathers were almost exclusively green.

The wide green eyes of the bird focused on her, and he flew off of the cyborg’s body, changing shape in midair. The graceful wings of the raptor began to elongate while its little legs and body grew in size. The unique features of the owl’s face began to recede, its beak and wide eyes shrinking, as the feathers on its body disappeared. The entire transformation took less than a second to transpire, and as quickly as the bird had leaped off the metal man’s shoulder, a human male took its place.

The man stood six feet and five inches tall, with a lean build. His skin was unnaturally green, as was his hair and his startling cat-like eyes. He was clad in a purple and white uniform, wore black steel-toed combat boots, and purple-colored Kevlar around his collar, sides, waist, and sleeves. His ears ended at the top with a tip resembling that of a forest elf’s, and his hair was spiky and long enough to cover his eyes.

Raven threw herself at the newcomer, wrapping her arms around his shoulders in a crushing hug. Surprised by the sudden action, the young man stumbled backwards a few steps, but was able to regain his footing and returned the hug. The woman in his arms was short enough compared to him that he could rest his chin on the top of her head, looking over her shoulder to flash a look at Dick, still standing exactly where he was when Vic and his companion came in. Both he and Vic left the cave to leave the couple to themselves.

“I was worried about you,” Raven whispered in his chest when she was certain they were out of earshot.

“Geez, Rave, I’ve only been gone for ten days,” he protested lightheartedly. “Or did you miss me that much?”

“I had reason to worry, you were alone in the Amazon. If you were injured or, Azar forbid, dying, it would be hours, days at the most, before help could arrive,” she said, stepping back to look at him.

“You don’t give me much credit,” he answered. “I’m green. So is eighty percent of my surroundings. If a poisonous snake bites me, I could turn into an animal that’s immune to it. If I was being attacked by a jaguar, I could turn into a gorilla. All that’s there is animals. My only mission was to investigate a lead on the Society there. I mean, there is such a thing as animals who are naturally green. Mostly reptiles, but the Opheodrys aestivus isn’t that hard.”

“The what?”

Gar laughed, the sound like music to the empath‘s ears. “Rough green snake. I mean, they’re not native to South America, but hey, it’s green, I’m green, no big deal.”

Raven was about to come back with a witty response, but a round of shivers cut her off. Gar looked behind him to find the fire starting to die off, and he moved to the crate that held the firewood, throwing a log onto the dying flames.

“Did you eat?” He asked softly.

She nodded, and Gar silently cursed Dick for sending her to a frozen climate despite knowing that her temperature ran cooler than most people. He scooped her up in his arms and reclined against the wall closest to the fire, holding her close to him before he changed into the fluffiest animal he could think of.

Raven felt his body shift from behind her and looked up to find the face of a green snow leopard staring back at her. She reached back and began scratching the big cat who had replaced her husband’s form behind the ears, and he began to purr loudly. His tail thumped against the stone floor of the cave, and he wrapped it around her body. He had altered the transformation so that he was bigger than a regular snow leopard and so that Raven could easily tuck herself against him.

“Thank you, Gar,” she said. The snow leopard that was her husband tilted his head to the side and licked her cheek gently enough to not draw blood. Raven felt her eyelids begin to grow heavy with the warmth of both Gar’s body heat, the fire, and his thick coat of fur. He moved his front leg so that the paw was directly on her waist, pulling her closer to him.

She fell asleep to the sound of his gentle purring in her ear.

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5 years ago
Found This Little BBxRAE Gem In The Flash (Vol. 2) #245. Granted, Its Not Much, But In Days Like This,

Found this little BBxRAE gem in The Flash (Vol. 2) #245. Granted, it’s not much, but in days like this, you gotta take everything at face value.

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5 years ago


You want to come to our party, anon? Come in and meet the hosts.


bbrae sucks, its abusive. raven slaps and assaults bb. and your header is disgusting. what a cursed looking family. animals.

Me: Reads this message. Laughs. Goes get lunch. Goes home. Plays with my cat. Watches TV.

Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking

Me: Oh right this guy.

Here’s a challenge to all bbrae fans! Reblog this with random bbrae moments! Any universe, friends or something more. Let’s see how many times we can make angry anon get notifications for bbrae spam on their ask. 😂😈

Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking

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5 years ago

Do you still take requests? If so, how about a bbrae reconciliation after issue 100? Make it fluffy or smutty, your choice.

Do You Still Take Requests? If So, How About A Bbrae Reconciliation After Issue 100? Make It Fluffy Or

“So, how does this work, exactly?”

It was like they were in each other’s heads. Neither of them knew where to go from here. Not here, anyways.

A few words, a kiss, and now they didn’t know what came next.

“I guess we can pick up where we left off?” he offered, but he wasn’t entirely certain, either.

“Garfield…it can’t be that easy.” Raven sighed. She did that thing she did whenever she was flustered with him. A crease in the brows. Closing her eyes, exasperated. Usually it meant that he’d said something stupid which required more explaining than she cared to do. “I don’t even know where we left off.”

“Hmm, I seem to recall some kissing by the sunset. We could always continue that.” He puckered his lips and a genuine smile lifted a corner of her mouth.

“You know what I mean,” she reminded him. Raven stared emptily into her lap, at the lines of her palms, her hands gathered there. “I feel as if…there’s more to discuss. More to apologize for. More…everything.”

Gar waved it off. “There’s nothing to apologize for, Rae. It’s all in the past now. We both made mistakes…said things we didn’t mean…The important thing is, that we’re here. Now. In the present. Together.” He meant it. It was like yesterday didn’t matter. His life before her was a void, something to fill the space and time until he was with her again.

All that mattered was today, and the promise of tomorrow. He was so in love with her, he’d almost forgotten about everything else. And he didn’t care to remember.

Raven’s gaze softened when her eyes fell on him. There was love there, too, even if she were a bit more reluctant to show it. “I’ve missed you something awful, I think.”

Funny, how she could miss someone she’d been around most of her life. But it wasn’t quite the same thing. Being with him and being around him were two seperate states for Raven. Only one of them brought a sense of peace to her soul. “So, that’s it then? Is it really this…simple?”

Gar grinned. Big and toothy and handsome, the way she always remembered. He plucked a dandelion from the grass nearby and reached over to tuck it behind her ear. Raven closed her eyes at his briefest of touches, the moment intimate despite its innocence. He could make her skin flush cherry red with a graze of his fingers anywhere. “Yeah…it really is that simple, Rae.”

And then he leaned in and captured her lips with his in a tender embrace. As soft as the golden yellow of the dandelion in her dark hair…

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4 years ago

Since I won’t be posting my main bbrae fanfiction here anymore, here is a handy-dandy link!

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4 years ago

Watch what you crosstag on AO3, please.

Watch What You Crosstag On AO3, Please.
Watch What You Crosstag On AO3, Please.

Is it that hard to refrain from putting a ship tag in your fic that doesn’t even show up?

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4 years ago

A follow-up to my previous crosstagging post

A Follow-up To My Previous Crosstagging Post

This is why you shouldn’t cross tag.

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4 years ago

Damirae shippers are so salty under that tweet about bbrae new comic. They really live in a parallel universe just like their dead ship lmao. Raven is Dick's and all the other titans age! Accept it is a creep ship and doesn't work in the main universe.

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4 years ago
As Someone Whos Strongly Against Problematic And Abusive Ships I Dont Understand Where The Idea That

As someone who’s strongly against problematic and abusive ships I don’t understand where the idea that BBrae is toxic and abusive comes from when it’s Beast Boy’s and Raven’s healthiest relationship. Their relationship is especially health in the comics.

Most people know and ship their relationship from the cartoon and it’s still good in the cartoon but their relationship is much better in the comics. Raven and Beast Boy’s relationship is develop better in the comics. Their relationship is very different in the comics. They actually don’t have that opposites attract thing like they have in the show, they actually have alot in common in the comics like having a tragic past and messed up family but they deal with it differently which helps each other out. It made sense to make them a couple when they became canon in the comics. They have great chemistry together. Beast Boy is always there for Raven. They bring out the best in each other.

I understand being against toxic relationships but the people who say their relationship is toxic and abusive don’t seem to be genuine cause no else calls BBrae toxic and abusive, not even the people who call out problematic ships call it toxic. Only the people who hate BBrae call it toxic. They’re only calling it toxic cause they hate it and hate that its popular. BBrae isn’t toxic or abusive it’s a very health relationship.

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