Rachel Roth - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago


Please refer to my main Masterlist for my request/writing boundaries!



Richard “Dick” Grayson (Robin/Nightwing), Jason Todd (Robin/Red Hood), Rachel Roth (Raven), Cory Anders (Starfire), Garfield Logan (Beast Boy).




Supportive Girlfriend - Boyfriend!Garfield Logan x Girlfriend!Reader

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10 months ago

@robbed-ghost 's tags-

@robbed-ghost 's Tags-

Yes! It's like DC is trying to mess up their relationships (with each other and with damian's girlfriends).

I'm using raven as an example bc I don't know enough about the other people he was with - they literally aged her down just so that he could have a gf? And I don't think they worked that well tbh (no hate to people who ship it ofc)

They just need one really good writer to fix it all.

They're gay for eachother your honor. Your honor pls listen. I said they're gay-

When I was brand new to the DC fandom I didn't really care much about damijon and didn't get why so many people wanted it canon. Now every single fact I find out makes me more annoyed that it isn't official.

What the actual shit do you mean they're raising a child together?? And bicker about it like an old married couple? They live together? Jon called him honey?

And DC figured out we wanted this really bad and went "Okay, Jon's bi! But he likes someone else sorry lol. Damians straight though"

When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many
When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many
When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many
When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many
When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many

Honestly I think they'll be canon eventually because seriously how is DC still calling this platonic?

And DC tried to avoid the two-gay-dad implications by saying Lizzie (the kid) thinks of Damian as her brother but honestly the scene where she says it is so parent & child-y to me

When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many
When I Was Brand New To The DC Fandom I Didn't Really Care Much About Damijon And Didn't Get Why So Many

Your honor, I plead gay. Thank you for listening.

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6 months ago

Part 3 of my DC/Danganronpa crossover!

(Part 1 , Last , Next , Masterlist)

If this is the first one you've seen - I'm making a crossover of DC comics and Danganronpa by assigning the characters a vigilante that I think suits them

The Teen Titans/Outlaws using sdr2 characters

Robin - Hajime Hinata

I'm using the second robin instead of the first because Hajime fits better with these characters! I explained Hajime being Jason in part 1 if you missed that

Starfire - Chiaki Nanami

- mostly just seen as a love interest to one of the robins/protags

- not great at social ques

- I kinda needed her to be star because the other outlaws in this are Nagito and Hajime so no one else would've felt right

Raven - Sonia Nevermind

- A (occasionally evil) princess being the daughter of an overlord felt right to me

- Both occult fans

- Dating an extreme animal lover

Beast Boy - Gundham Tanaka

- Animal Boy

- This is the only thing that feels right for either of them

- Dating occult-y princess

- Often speaks in a way used for comic relief

Cyborg - Kazuichi Souda

- mechanics, very skilled with robotics

- often shipped with animal boy (at least in ttg and the og tt cartoon)

Arsenal - Nagito Komaeda

Not really a teen titan (usually) but I didn't see the point in making another part for the outlaws bc they're all here already

- Mildly explosive at times (Nagito with the bomb and unless I'm misremembering Roy also had explosive arrows?)

- Pretty okay with murder, surprising his friends

- I'm not sure how to explain this one but it feels so right to me

Edit: Kid Flash - ?

So he's Robin 1's best friend but does makoto really have one? Kyoko's already Oracle and Byakuya rlly doesn't fit KF

Aoi is a really fast swimmer and her and KF are pretty upbeat characters so maybe her? Lmk what you think because I have no idea

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9 months ago
Vorona Raven X Magik

Vorona “Raven x Magik”

Artist: Phil Cho

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5 months ago

I just have a dream about Raven being resurrected (considered it's the aftermath of reading Teen Titans 2003 before I slept), and then someone shout "Oh no, she's 16!" then Trigon came to Earth

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4 months ago

Garfield: Do you guys ever imagine stabbing yourself?

Rachel: No, Gar…I haven’t. Who would even think that?

Wally: I occasionally do.

Dick: I do too.

Garth: Same here. It ultimately depends on my mood.

Roy: Sometimes I think of stabbing myself just to spite Oliver. He’s always on my ass because he’s my ‘father.’

Kory: In planet Tamer-

Donna: What the hell is wrong with you guys?

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10 months ago

they're finally letting Clark age and for Jon to replace him, and Bruce is starting to act more like the middle aged dad he is, with Damian being his obvious successor. of course there are always going to be Classic Young Guys Bruce And Clark comics for Money Purposes, but the main timeline seems to finally be accepting that Bruce and Clark are in their 40/50s

full kudos to the writers for letting Wally, Starfire, Raven, Donna, and Victor age in the new Titans series. I hope they continue to have characters age up- they've made a lot of improvements in the last few years

stop making characters with important historical backstories immortal or completely changing their backgrounds so they're "young"

charles and erik keep their original birthdates but continue to fight, argue, and age as the years go on eventually figuring out who they are and that they love each other in the early 2010s they foster children (there are so many mutants who have estranged parents)

being disturbingly powerful, they live into their early 100s, and one dies first with the other following a few years later. their children, of all various ages, must deal with the power vacuum and legacies of their foster parents. plus all the issues that come with living in the 2020s/2030s- climate crisis, current wars, rise of authoritarianism, etc.

see how easy it was to keep their backstories and let them age? see how there are new problems that naturally arise? Marvel could never

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5 years ago

TITANS – packs

── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜

── don’t clame as your own.

©: @. caotichuman

(𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓)

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5 years ago


── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜

── don’t clame as your own.

©: @. caotichuman

(𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓)

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5 years ago


── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜

── don’t clame as your own.

©: @. caotichuman

(𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓)

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5 years ago


── 𝙄𝙛 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙪𝙨𝙚: 𝙡𝙞𝙠𝙚/𝙧𝙚𝙗𝙡𝙤𝙜

── don’t clame as your own.

©: @. caotichuman

(𝒄𝒓𝒆𝒅𝒊𝒕𝒔 𝒊𝒏 𝒕𝒘𝒊𝒕𝒕𝒆𝒓)

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5 years ago

I’ll Be Your Wolf

Based on the pre-Flashpoint Teen Titans era.

“Why did they name you Raven?” Her fingers stopped tracing lazy patterns on his chest. He really shouldn’t have noticed, for her touch was featherlight and gentle, but with his enhanced senses, he did.

“The monks called me that. They didn’t name me. I guess it kind of stuck, after being called that for seventeen years.” She resumed tracing the outlines of his muscular chest halfheartedly, and continued, “they called me ‘the raven’. To them, ravens were a creature of prophecy. The monks never quite told me if said creature of prophecy was good or bad, but I suspect that they believed it was bad.”

A growl fought its way up his throat and she looked up at him, concerned.

“You aren’t bad,” he insisted.

Raven closed her eyes, knowing better than to argue with the topic of whether or not she was good or bad-aligned with her husband. It was one of the many traits that Garfield had. Yes, he was witty, charismatic, and a capable leader, but he was also stubborn. Once he was set on a goal or objective, he wouldn’t stray from it.

“You…” he paused, thinking. “You’re like a raven. Dark and misunderstood. People think of you as a sign of evil or death, but those who really stop to get to know you, they can understand you. Once you can look past the outer shell of the bird, you can see it for what it really is — elegant and beautiful.”

Garfield gingerly took Raven’s left hand in his own, his thumb rubbing against the diamond she wore on her ring finger. “And you know ravens mate for life.”

She smiled, even though his eyes weren’t on hers, and gently ran her fingers over the tip of his pointed ear before placing it on the base of his neck. His lips met hers and she felt his bare chest press against hers. She could feel his emotions running wild and his heart beating double-time when she dipped her tongue into his mouth.

The only reason the kiss was broken was the need for air, but Garfield opted to bury his face in her hair, breathing in the smell of her, while she rested her head on his shoulder.

“I love you,” he whispered into her neck, his breath tickling her skin. “I just want you to know that, Raven.”

“I know,” she replied, lifting her hand to cradle his face in her hands. “I love you too, Garfield.”

He kissed the side of her neck, and slowly worked his way down her jawline, planting sweet kisses into the crook of her neck before he reached her lips once more. He could taste the salt and mint on her lips every time he kissed her, and he felt one of her hands against his chest in the way Raven knew that he liked.

“Wolves and ravens depend on each other in the wild for survival,” Raven added softly, her lips brushing his. “The ravens find the food and when the wolves eat their prey, they share some with the ravens. Their relationship keeps them alive, in a way.”

He was quiet for a few seconds, considering her words, before he propped himself up on his arm. His glittering emerald eyes met her amethyst irises in the darkness of their bedroom, in a way that reminded her of a cat’s eyes glowing in the dark. When he spoke, his voice was low and husky.

“Then I’ll be your wolf.”

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5 years ago
What Is This I Found On The Wikipedia Page For Young Justice:Outsiders?

What is this I found on the Wikipedia page for Young Justice:Outsiders?



“Nevermore” is a recurring line in Edgar Allen Poe’s poem The Raven. Could this be??

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5 years ago

Marv Wolfman approves the ship!

Honestly. He could’ve written in the script anyone else to contact her. Wonder Girl (Cassie) was one of her close friends in pre-Rebirth Titans.

By the way, does anybody know what happened to Cassie? Haven’t seen her in a while.

Raven Contacting Beast Boyin RAVEN #6 (2017) -Finale
Raven Contacting Beast Boyin RAVEN #6 (2017) -Finale

Raven contacting Beast Boy in RAVEN #6 (2017) -Finale

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5 years ago


You want to come to our party, anon? Come in and meet the hosts.


bbrae sucks, its abusive. raven slaps and assaults bb. and your header is disgusting. what a cursed looking family. animals.

Me: Reads this message. Laughs. Goes get lunch. Goes home. Plays with my cat. Watches TV.

Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking

Me: Oh right this guy.

Here’s a challenge to all bbrae fans! Reblog this with random bbrae moments! Any universe, friends or something more. Let’s see how many times we can make angry anon get notifications for bbrae spam on their ask. 😂😈

Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking
Bbrae Sucks, Its Abusive. Raven Slaps And Assaults Bb. And Your Header Is Disgusting. What A Cursed Looking

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7 years ago
Sketch Dump!

Sketch Dump!

Raven from the Teen Titans. Both as a demon and her normal self.

Click for better quality.

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7 years ago
A Quick Redesign Of The Teen Titans Raven Aka Rachel Roth

A quick redesign of the Teen Titan’s Raven aka Rachel Roth

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7 years ago
Its Been Awhile Since I Worked With Markers... ~Raven Redesign~

It’s been awhile since I worked with markers... ~Raven Redesign~

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6 years ago
Continuation Of My Raven Redesign This Time Featuring Her Demonic Self
Continuation Of My Raven Redesign This Time Featuring Her Demonic Self

Continuation of my Raven Redesign this time featuring her demonic self 

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