Beatmaking - Tumblr Posts
Ya know, I was so close to staying an educator. Sometimes tho, when provoked, I can become an instigator to my own detriment.
I had a studio setup at my last school that was dope af. Had a pair of Yamaha HS 8’s with the SUB. ( Really fucking loud crispy speakers 🔊 with a bass that can shake the foundation of an entire building.)
As I became more agitated with certain situations (admin *cough* *Cough* eh em) I guess I cooked 🔥 this up in @soundtrap as a creative outlet.
Then of course I found any reason to blast it and turn the bass up 😂👀. Moral of the story…
Dont FWT(F*CK With Trav)!😤
PRODUCERS! There are free beat packs and sample packs courtesy of Unison Audio waiting for you!
Link in Bio 💯🙏🏾🔥
“We talking bout practice!”
-Allen Iverson
Just a little neosoul typebeat as I practice on my Akai_Pro mpc.
In “The Artists’ Way” Julia Cameron is adamant about prescribing weekly artists dates to take time to be present and heal your artistic soul.
This week I decided to go to a rooftop spot in the city that always brings me joy and peace. I did nothing but allow my self to experiment with sounds and play on my #mpclive2
[Shoutout to Akai Pro]
I’m glad I took some time for myself to do this because normally I wouldn’t. It was a stressful week and I was not in the mood to create or go to a different borough iykyk.
I found my flow there and for a few hours, release from all my worries and anxieties. It was dopeful.

Just some music production notes from beat academy.
Just a lil finger drumming practice on my mpc live 2…