Artist and Music Producer out da Bronx, NYhttps://linktr.ee/teach_or_trav.
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SIMPLEXITY [yes i made this word up]: Simplexity for me is when art 🖼️ is executed in an individualistically complex manner but its final product is simple enough for any person to understand.
Sometimes I want my music to just hit you with a feeling no words. Other times I’m just talking my shiid cuz I know we all want to in our own ways.
But recently I’ve been trying to take a step back and reflect on what I have completed and released so far so I can decide ok where do I go from here. What do I want to achieve with each new track I make?
I am constantly asking myself questions…
Are these levels too high? Should I cut this part or that part? Can a beat have melodies and counter melodies and still go hard af? Is this too much compression? Are the dynamics building up to something? Etc.
At the end of it all though I find myself saying. Have I achieved Simplexity? Is this simple enough to digest while still expressing the little orchestrative lines I wish to include.
Its a process. It takes as long as it takes. I'm enjoying the grind tho. 💯

how i want my days to look like

SIMPLEXITY [yes i made this word up]: Simplexity for me is when art 🖼️ is executed in an individualistically complex manner but its final product is simple enough for any person to understand.
Sometimes I want my music to just hit you with a feeling no words. Other times I’m just talking my shiid cuz I know we all want to in our own ways.
But recently I’ve been trying to take a step back and reflect on what I have completed and released so far so I can decide ok where do I go from here. What do I want to achieve with each new track I make?
I am constantly asking myself questions…
Are these levels too high? Should I cut this part or that part? Can a beat have melodies and counter melodies and still go hard af? Is this too much compression? Are the dynamics building up to something? Etc.
At the end of it all though I find myself saying. Have I achieved Simplexity? Is this simple enough to digest while still expressing the little orchestrative lines I wish to include.
Its a process. It takes as long as it takes. I'm enjoying the grind tho. 💯

Crispy af 🔥💯🔊
Not to be that music producer but this was so crispy I had to do The Thing

I realized recently (again) that in order to get to the next level as an artist/music producer/musician I need to become a version of myself that is capable of getting there.
So, I started Analyzing myself, good habits, bad habits, and triggers.
Have you ever thought about what triggers you to behave in a manner that is inconsistent with the person you want to become?
If not, I highly recommend starting yesterday before its to late.
#personaldevelopmentjourney #habits #teach_or_trav

I be trying, but when I feel right I really think 🤔 I am. Im a student at heart but the shiid is still harr tho 😂

Beyoncé | Donk (2013) prod. Pharrell - unreleased
Credit @callmedangofficial
This is incredible work!

From Ratatouille (c. 2002) Different drawings of Gusteau’s office in his restaurant, before it became Skinner’s office. Some of the earliest design work I did at Pixar under the guidance and mentorship of Production designer, Harley Jessup.

War and Music
War is Music
The wrong 360 deal, an atom bomb to the soul of an artist
Music’s War an assasination of the artists’ dream which had previously been deferred.
The war of music is fought on the battlefield of instagram growth.
Its casualties have stopped creating altogether.
Some, are zombies, creating only content, feeding the algo god. [A false deity an idol ]
Look within yourself artist.
That is, if you are bold enough to call yourself that.
I’ve been using the arpeggiator function recently on my mpc. It’s pretty dope once you set your chord progression because it opens up all melodic instruments and synths to way more possibilities!

I just started this book “The Artists Way” ask me how my morning pages are going? 😂😹😻
I’ve been using the arpeggiator function recently on my mpc. It’s pretty dope once you set your chord progression because it opens up all melodic instruments and synths to way more possibilities!
In “The Artists’ Way” Julia Cameron is adamant about prescribing weekly artists dates to take time to be present and heal your artistic soul.
This week I decided to go to a rooftop spot in the city that always brings me joy and peace. I did nothing but allow my self to experiment with sounds and play on my #mpclive2
[Shoutout to Akai Pro]
I’m glad I took some time for myself to do this because normally I wouldn’t. It was a stressful week and I was not in the mood to create or go to a different borough iykyk.
I found my flow there and for a few hours, release from all my worries and anxieties. It was dopeful.