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Recently I just found out that at an EXO concert/fan sign, one of the fans brought a sign that told one of the members to rape her. THIS IS NOT OKAY. Not only could this trigger another person there if they had been a victim of sexual assault/rape, this is also very rude, creepy, and disconcerting. DO NOT THINK IT IS OKAY TO DO THESE THINGS. Just because they are your bias or favorite does not mean it is okay to do these things. It is never okay to bring these signs or says these things. Please respect them enough and respect yourself enough to never do this or stop this if you see it happening.
Recently I saw a video of a man trying to kidnap a female idol and another man trying to flip a female idols skirt up. THIS IS NOT OKAY. This is rude, perverted, and invasive. Just because you like an idol or group does not give you the right to treat them that way. In another video there were fans calling out to a male idol telling him to unbutton his shirt more and to take off his shirt. THIS IS RUDE. THIS IS INVASIVE. THIS IS PERVERTED. No matter the gender, race, or age of an idol it is not okay for you to say or do these things to an idol. This is called sexual harassment and is extremely frowned upon. Just because they are famous and are idols does not mean it makes dehumanizing them okay. They are people with feelings and emotions so please never do this and if you see it happening please try your best to stop it.
Please remember that while its okay to not love every member in a group or have a favorite member that you like over the others it is not okay to hate on the other members. Just because you don't personally like them does not give you the right to tell them rude things, ignore them, hurt them, send them death threats, or insult them. Please stop hurting/insulting members or even entire groups that you don't like. There is nothing wrong with having personal preference but there is something wrong with being rude and inconsiderate. Please don't do such hurtful things to any singer/band/idol/actor etc. They are people too and they all have feelings and emotions too.
Please be respectful of your other fans. Just because you don't enjoy the same ships or even the same groups/idols/actors, doesn't mean that you have to be rude and disrespectful. We can all coexist online and in real life peacefully and happily. please don't let personal preferences get in the way of experiencing and enjoying other things to letting others experience and enjoy other things. We’re all human and deserve the right to like and listen to whomever we want.
Please don't send death threats to idols/actors/rappers etc. It’s rude, hurtful and in some places illegal. Most people send death threats because they feel entitled to the fact that they can. Thats all. because the can they do. This is wrong and needs to STOP. If you see someone sending threats such as these or any threats to anyone not just idols please stop them or tell someone else who has the power to stop them.
Ive noticed that a lot of times you see fans chasing idols and crowding them while they walk through the airports or down the street. Often times the idols get hurt wether minor or major because of the crowding and chasing. THIS IS NOT OKAY. However it is okay to approach your favorite idol/actor/band calmly and from a distance. Please be respectful to them and especially during their time off, but even while they are working/performing. There is no need for the amount of pushing/chasing/shoving/crowding/fighting that happens between fans or towards idols. Please just be respectful and kind and understand that they are human and deserve to have personal space.
So recently I've noticed that a lot of times international fans will get angry when Kpop idols and actors say the they want a girl who is Korean or another type of asian. This is very rude and inconsiderate. And in thinking about it it makes sense. A lot of people like their same skin type/color in a relationship partner. I understand as an international fan myself it can be a little disheartening to know that they prefer people of their own race, but its also their decision and deserves respect. Please stop hating on idols or idols partners simply because they prefer their own skin type/color. They love us as fans and that should be enough.
Male idols get a lot of hate simply because they where makeup. Please stop this. It is rude and in certain cases sexist. ALL idols wear makeup to enhance their features and there is nothing wrong with that. It does not make male idols girly or unmanly or super feminine simply because they wear makeup. Even if they didn't want to its part of their contracts. And in most cases they dint mind wearing makeup, some even preferring the effect is has on their features. So please, stop the hate towards male idols wearing makeup, its rude and hurtful and needs to stop.
Dear non Kpop fans, just because we like Kpop doesn't mean we support North Korea. First of all, Kpop is from South Korea not North, and second, we can like something without supporting another aspect of it. So please, stop saying that we support North Korea simply because our idols speak Korean. If you're going to hate please educate yourselves on what you're hating on.
Please stop sexually objectifying your idols. Seeing them or coming online and saying things that are inappropriate is rude and inconsiderate of their feelings. They are human and don't want to be talked about in that way. Saying that they're hot or sexy is fine, especially since it is often said in a polite or respectful way, but writing vulgar and rude things about them needs to stop. Please, they have feelings and thoughts of their own and I doubt you would want to be treated that way either.
Dear Bias,
Many people say that I love you simply because of your looks, and they aren't completely wrong. Your looks are probably what caught my eye in the beginning and made me interested in you, but, you are so much more to me than that. It might have started with your looks or your voice but my feelings are much deeper now. Its the way you smile when you're happy and the way you laugh that brings light into my world. Its the fact that when you smile I smile, and when you cry I cry, because your feelings are so real in those moments it cant help but take my breath away. Its the way you sing as if you pour your whole heart into the words, its the way you rap about who you are and what you came from. Its the small grins and the love you hold for all of us that stand next to your stages and stare at our computers just to see you. Its the inside jokes that we’ve made together over our time together and the things that make us laugh when they shouldn't. Its the memories that you've made with us, good and bad, through happy tears and sad tears, through winning and losing. So yes, maybe it was your looks that caught my attention at first, but it was who you were inside who made me fall in love.
Ok, ive noticed a lot that when people like a band and they only like certain members or only a single member whenever they post or tweet or whatever about them they leave out the other members. now I'm not saying that you have to always talk about all the members in band or that you cant dislike certain members or have favorites from the bunch but leaving the other members out of everything is not okay. THERE ARE MULTIPLE MEMBERS. So please when you talk about or tweet or post or whatever about the band remember that their are more than just one or more than just they few you bias. They're called a BAND for a reason, they're not solo artists so stop treating them like they are.
Never let anyone tell you that doing something because of your bias is wrong. I am taking Korean because I enjoy Kpop, I got a job to pay for band merchandise, I started working out because a member that I love said he likes girls who work out. Despite the fact that I know I’ll probably never even get to meet him it kick started me being healthier. I now am almost fluent in Korean which will help me later on in life, I now get a paycheck every week that covers more than just band merchandise, and I now have a healthy body because of an interest in Kpop. Never let someone tell you you're wrong for learning or doing something simply excuse the interest sparked through Kpop.
I hear a lot of Kpop fans say that idols having to enlist in the military is unfair and that they shouldn't have to because they're idols. This is whats actually unfair and this is very rude. ALL men have to enlist in the military and do their service for two years, not just idols and it would be unfair to the other men in the country if idols were excluded from that. Also a lot of idols want to do there duty to their country and take pride in it. They are Korean citizens and they must follow the Korean laws. I understand the sadness of not being able to hear or see them for two years, but as it is the law and something they must do please don't make it harder on them because of your own feelings. Please respect your idols enough to step. back and not complain when they exist for their two year service.
I think the reason why Kpop attracts so many people and fans is because Kpop stars and idols are held at a higher standard. they have to dance, sing, act, model, etc. simply to become a singer so they're more entertaining to watch especially live where in most other places live singers stand still or walk around in Kpop they're dancing and jumping and its well choreographed. There’s also the aspect of the moral high ground I guess you could say. There’s few to none sex scandals, there’s little to none drinking under age or smoking illegal substance or anything like that. Which makes it a happier genre of music most times without it being covered in a slew of inappropriate behavior. Also stars are trainees first and train for months to years to debut and become a star which is a better system of creating stars than in most other places as the stars are trained and grow accustomed to the life their industry is setting up for them and it teaches them how to act in the public eye. This is just my opinion but this is one of the reasons why I love Kpop so much!
If you're trying to stop an addiction or trying to do something, something I find helps me is to think my bias wouldn't want me to do this. I know it sounds crazy but out helps. My bias wants me to stop smoking, my bias wants me to get better grades, my bias would want me to take care of my mental health. Trust me, it works, at least for me!
Please, whenever you go to concerts or fan signs or airports to see your idols please pick up after yourselves! Meeting or seeing your idol is great but I promise you it doesn't take that long to pick up after yourselves. Just spend a couple minutes picking up the area around you and thats good enough! It will not only help the staff but it will also help the idols image to have such a good fanbase!
I really enjoy when male Kpop idols get close to each other and its not really because I ship them, its more because they're not afraid to get close to each other. Theres no imaginary rule that says because they are both guys they cannot be close or hug each other or cry and comfort each other. And thats really nice to able to watch them have fun nd interact with each other without believing in toxic masculinity.