Get Help - Tumblr Posts

When you’ve always been seen as the strong friend (mentally or physically or both) it’s really hard to accept when you need help or when you can’t fill that position that others see you in. Sometimes you need to either accept or ask for help from those around you. Whether that’s from the medical side (which I know is awful right now like seriously why is it so hard to get what we need) or from friends and family, we need to start asking for help.

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6 years ago

Loki sketch dump

I was pretty bored today so I decided I do a drawing of Loki then it escalated into a sketch dump because I couldn’t be bothered to outline it. Oops

Loki Sketch Dump
Loki Sketch Dump
Loki Sketch Dump
Loki Sketch Dump
Loki Sketch Dump

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5 months ago

Gib tiddy pics

I’m a child….

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6 years ago


So recently, I got calls from the phone number, (937) 353-8319. They claim to be a job service, and one of their “employees”, Carrigan, is friends with whoever the call recipient is, and that Carrigan has recommended you for this $15.00/h “job”. I also got a text message from (937) 607-1493, claiming to be Carrigan, and that they need stuff to “win a scholarship”. I do not know anyone by the name of Carrigan and I know very well that this is a very dangerous scam. If you receive a call from a number, and they ask you if you would like a job for $15.00/h, HANG UP IMMEDIATELY. If you accept the “job” offer, and you go in for an interview, they will give you a drugged bottle of water and you will wake up somewhere you don’t want to be. These phone calls & texts are from a human trafficking service, and if you oblige to them, you will be sold to people and you will be raped, no doubt about it. So PLEASE PLEASE DO NOT ANSWER THESE CALLS OR TEXTS. I have listened to the voicemails, and allowed my dad to do the same, and he learned that anyone offering a $15.00/h “job” is a human trafficker. PLEASE SIGNAL BOOST THIS ALL OVER TUMBLR

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3 years ago

ok i cracked and made a uquiz... choose from these kpop boys and i'll tell you what your taste in men is

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9 months ago

this pop culture idea that “female rage” is just a woman who’s mad about something (literally anything) has been pissing me off for a while but seeing idiots like taylor swift claim her ‘woe is me i got caught cheating and lost my man’ album is “female rage” makes me physically ill. bitch, YOU ARE AN ABUSER. you abused your ex and chose a drug addict over him bc his depression meant you had to show him the love he showed you and that was just too much work for you. that is NOT female rage. that is abuser rage. and I’m tired of everyone pretending expressions, words, phrases, etc don’t have specific meanings. I’m tired of people using therapy language incorrectly bc they wanna sound smart and ruin it for people who actually have things like intrusive thoughts or ocd. I’m tired of quirky uwu white women calling every dickhead they ever dated a narcissist bc they were mean or assholish. and I’m so fucking tired of people with social power and sway feeding into this bullshit to make money.

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7 months ago

Never forgiving y'all for normalizing eds

Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438

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9 months ago

This poem is 2 years old now, written for mental health awareness week...

In the Depths

In the depths

Increased pressure

On my chest

Weight of water

Pushing down

Down down

Not looking up

Through fear

It will confirm

I'll never make it

Make it

To the surface

Look up

Through the gloom


Floating above

A hand thrust in

Reaching down

It is not easy to keep your hand in

The waters

The waters

Can be cold

Can't tell if we can see

That hand

Don't know if we can reach

Your hand


Your hand

Could be the difference

Between drowning

Or not

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1 year ago

Something I learned last night is that if you type ‘mental health help’ in the tumblr search bar a message will be sent to you from @kokobot which connects you with people who will sit and listen to you. They aren’t therapists and it’s not counselling but it lets you talk to someone if you need to

(I usually don’t ask for reblogs but reblogging this may help more people get help with their mental health so it would be greatly appreciated if you did)

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3 years ago

I’m going to give you the best piece of Adult Life Is Hard advice I’ve ever learned:

Talk to people when things go to shit.

I don’t just mean get it off your chest, although that’s good. I mean: Something’s wrong with your paycheck/you lost your job/you had unexpected emergency car repairs and now you’re broke so your credit card payment is late. Like, not just 15 days late. We’re talking, shit got crazy and now you’re 90 days late with compounded interest and late fees and the Minimum Payment Due is, like, $390, and you’ve got about $3.90 in your bank account. Call the credit card company. 

I know it’s scary. I know you feel like you’re going to get in trouble, like you’re gong to get yelled at or scolded for not having your life together. But the credit card company isn’t your parents; they’re just interested in getting money from you. And you can’t squeeze blood from a stone or money from someone who doesn’t have any. So what you do is you call them. You explain you’re experiencing temporary financial hardships, and you’re currently unable to bring your account up to date, but you don’t want to just let it get worse. Can you maybe talk to someone about a payment plan so you can work something out? Nine times out of ten you’ll be able to negotiate something so that at least it’s not just taking a constant, giant shit on your credit score.

- Can’t pay your power bill? Call the power company.

- Can’t pay your full rent? Talk to your landlord.

- Had to go to the hospital without insurance and have giant medical bills looming in your place? Call the hospital and ask if they have someone who helps people with financial hardships. Many do.

- Got super sick and missed half a semester of class because flu/pneumonia/auto-immune problems/depressive episode? Talk to your professor. If that doesn’t help, talk to your advisor.

You may not be able to fix everything, but you’ll likely be able to make improvements. At the very least, it’s possible that they have a list of people you can contact to help you with things. (Also, don’t be afraid to google things like, “I can’t pay my power bill [state you live in]” because you’d be surprised at what turns up on Google!) But the thing is, people in these positions gain nothing if you fail. There’s no emotional satisfaction for them if your attempts at having your life together completely bite the dust. In fact, they stand to benefit if things work out for you! And chances are, they’ll be completely happy to take $20 a month from you over getting $0 a month from you, your account will be considered current because you’ve talked to them and made an agreement, you won’t get reported to a collections agency, and your credit score won’t completely tank.

Here’s some helpful tips to keep in mind:

1. Be polite. Don’t demand things; request them. Let me tell you about how customer service people hold your life in their hands and how many extra miles they’ll go for someone who is nice to them.

2. Stick to the facts, and keep them minimal unless asked for them. Chances are they’re not really interested in the details. “We had several family emergencies in a row, and now I’m having trouble making the payments” is better than “Well, two months ago my husband wrecked his bike, and then he had a reaction to the muscle relaxer they gave him, and then our dog swallowed a shoestring and we had to take him to the emergency clinic, and just last week MY car broke down, and now my account’s in the negatives and I don’t know how I’m gonna get it back out.” The person you’re talking to is aware shit happens to everyone; they don’t need the details to prove you’re somehow “worthy” of being helped. They may ask you for details at a certain point if they have to fill out any kind of request form, but let them do that.

3. Ask questions. “Is there anything we can do about X?” “Would it be possible to move my payment date to Y day instead so it’s not coming out of the same paycheck as my rent?” The answer may be “no.” That’s not a failure on your part. But a good customer service person may have an alternate solution. 

Anyway! I hope that helps! Don’t just assume the answer is “no” before you’ve even begun. There is more help out there than you ever imagined.

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3 years ago

I want this on my mood board.

lilac-sunx - Of Greens and Eden

lilac-sunx - Of Greens and Eden

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1 year ago

Go back to the hole you came from you disgusting troll. bre wouldn’t have went crazy if it wasn’t for you.


Go Back To The Hole You Came From You Disgusting Troll. Bre Wouldnt Have Went Crazy If It Wasnt For You.
Go Back To The Hole You Came From You Disgusting Troll. Bre Wouldnt Have Went Crazy If It Wasnt For You.
Go Back To The Hole You Came From You Disgusting Troll. Bre Wouldnt Have Went Crazy If It Wasnt For You.
Go Back To The Hole You Came From You Disgusting Troll. Bre Wouldnt Have Went Crazy If It Wasnt For You.

Anyways, Bre has done this hit before, she's been fucking crazy. That's a her issue 🤭

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1 year ago

How do you (“how does one”) shop for a therapist?

Can you call up a therapist and be like “hi, I’m therapist shopping”? Can you schedule an appointment with a therapist and then be like “actually I have some questions and I want to spend part of this appointment talking about your practice and whether or not it is garbage?”? Are you expected to phone interview/screen your therapists if you are shopping around for a therapist?

If you’re seeing one therapist are you supposed to/not supposed to tell them if you start seeing another therapist? Is it possible to cheat on your therapist?

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6 months ago
wtfiamdoing - ✨Anxiety queen✨

wtfiamdoing - ✨Anxiety queen✨
wtfiamdoing - ✨Anxiety queen✨

Yay finally a hater 🥳🥳

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5 years ago
Something I Posted On My Instagram Yesterday:
Something I Posted On My Instagram Yesterday:

Something I posted on my Instagram yesterday:

— how my life has changed in 2019

So I promised to make a caption about this, and while I’m here right now listening to the Dear Evan Hansen Soundtrack and crying about it, I decided to finally write it all down. I have always been rather open about my private life on this account, because I like to be honest and true and I’d like people to know me as I truly am. One thing I mentioned a few times but never went into detail about is my mental condition. I have social anxiety and I’ve probably had it all my life (according to my parents) but it got worse during my early teenage years, due to a toxic friend (according to my therapist). I’ve only come to admit this condition to myself about two years prior. I got a therapist and I’ve been in therapy ever since with sessions every once in a while and it did help me a lot. What helped me even more though was a fresh start, which is what leads me to this year.

At the beginning of this year my ex boyfriend of two years broke up with me. I haven’t realized how much I attached myself to him and relied on him until I was truly on my own again, and god did it help me to get more independent and myself again. A few months later I graduated, so once again one chapter of my life that was behind me. I had to get into university. But before that I had months to find myself, and god did this summer make me happy and confident. I went to see my therapist more often again and he encouraged me to take more risks (risks as in talking to people more often, forcing myself out of my shell, take the anxiety with me and push through it) and I did. I also spend a lot of time reading and painting/drawing which helped me, too, because it calms my nerves and helps me escape my life for a bit.

University started and I knew no one. Awful conditions for someone with social anxiety, great for someone who’s fighting it. I’m still struggling with making friends to this day, but I am learning and I can see and appreciate the progress I’m making. I try to go out more often and take risks and text people even though I’m terrified. I try to go to people I know from class and talk to them, even if it’s just “hi” and honestly it makes me feel powerful, because finally I’m not just letting the fear push me down but instead I’m pushing back, fighting with all my might, even if that might is just a shy “hello, how are you today?”. I try to go out more often, to parties or even on dates or trips from my university. I show up to my classes and lectures as much as I can. I even go to the loo in the middle of class and raise my hand to participate even though I have only known my classmates for a few months instead of years. It’s baby steps, but it’s something. I’ve still got a long way to go but I’m working on it and I know eventually I will get there. This year is solid proof for that, and I’m so incredibly thankful for everything and everyone that helped me get where I am today.

Another thing that changed besides my anxiety is how I view myself. I used to dislike me and my looks like any broody teenager. I’ve grown up. I appreciate my body and everything it does for me. I try to keep it healthy and changed to a mainly plant based diet and go for a lot of long walks. I’ve lost a lot of weight through that, which is good if you keep in mind that I was on the cusp of being overweight for quite some time. I’m now a healthy average weight for my height. I feel so much better and more beautiful and healthy.

So as you see, a lot of things changed this year for the better for me and even though there was a lot of stress and anxiety and heartbreak, it was absolutely and completely worth it and I couldn’t be more grateful.

You will be found, hopefully, and most importantly, by yourself.

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1 year ago

The barbs are literally so delusional. They were reveling years ago with "Drop a tear," during Megan's court case, that whole Christopher Reaves bar about horses, and an apparent diss in FTCU. Now that Megan has finally responded after years of slick shots, they're flying off the rails and using Megan's assault against her after not believing her.

Celebrity worship is disease, and it's running rapid over them.


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