Biopanik - Tumblr Posts
Ante, 9
You call my takes questionable, but you are one of the biggest degenerates (pos) I know irl.
Everyone, meet mom. She'll shower you with alcohol and dotes on you like a sweet heart and every experience she joins in will immediately become 10 times worse but in the most fun way.
I'll start with the sappy shit for her and her only: when I first moved I was very unsure of whether I was gonna have any friends at all. But then I met her and from the first 10-20 minutes of us talking, I immediately knew that it was gonna be okay, and that I was worried for nothing. And that has proven to be true. Her house is the one Cass, Lilibet and I all meet up at, and the one I laugh the hardest at. And that is a thing to treasure.
Also she's like "uwu Noel says he'd kill for me and that is so sweet" BITCH!! THERE'S A REASON FOR THAT!!
Anyway if Cass is extremely fun to see get passionate, Rei is 10 times that. She is also extremely passionate and extremely stressed, but she has so many thought and she WILL express all of them, and that is always fun. It is never not fun.
Back to the thing I said about experiences with her automatically becoming worse: I don't know if we're like a chemical reaction waiting to happen, but if she's either a) on her own or b) with me, whatever is happening will become a wattpad story draft, like I shit you know. So many story times of us together are comedy slice of life worthy. We almost missed our flight cuz she shoved her... personal possessions in my bag to be allowed through TSA. We stayed up until 4 am watching yaoi. We watched creepy pasta AMVs together. We made it a family tradition to watch bad soap operas together. There is never a quiet moment.
Anyway, bullying her is extremely fun. But only when I do it. If I catch any of you bitches bullying her, it is on sight.
Also her biggest red flag is that she likes Neon Genesis Evangelion and trap music. Pick a struggle.
This little shit is older than me, but we have established that he is me and @rayleighscumdump 's (divorce at first sight) son, because he's short asf. They mistake him for a 15yo at airports. We're college buddies, same major, same mental illness. Now let's dig in
His mind is occupied by gender discourse takes that he shares over burgers that count as cheddar overdoses (he is miraculously still alive), concert mania and whatever hyperfixation he has going on. The dude is a punk culture pioneer so he has sick taste in clothes and music, questionable ship taste though. I can relate to him a lot over the terminally online shared experiences of 2017 Wattpad.
He's a very sweet soul, very kind, very loving when he's drunk to the point of threatening my bf (<3<3). He says that his neurodivergency doesn't always allow him to understand emotions very well, which is true, but he has always been very supportive and empathetic with me. He only gets a little uncomfortable but manages well when the other person is having a nervous breakdown (the airport episode/the gay club episode/the Patisia episode). He will listen to you, and offer to kill the bastard who hurt you. He is a short king who can take an entire mosh pit up his ass AND in a fight SIMULTANEOUSLY. So there you have it, he's a ray of sunshine.
For more information, see the fanwiki descriptions for Edward Elric and Jesper Fahey. They're carbon copies.
I Love My Autistic Son.
whyz my hand doing that,,,
Exposing the fam aka ekklhsia tou dhmou aka THE REPUBLIC (??? Group chat name)
Ranking the shit we have done either together or in duos/trios @rayleighscumdump @fifteenth-entity @voidstation
1. Visiting a small town that we thought would be butt-fuck-nowhere, Ohio and running across a gay waiter
2. Going to a cheap live show where an emo rapper around our age took off his shirt when his 16yo fangirls stopped caring about him
3. Cass and Noel screaming about which fictional man they wanna fuck and showing each other porn in public
4. Reading Reddit stories in class with Lilibet and the professor finding out
5. Lilibet having a cultural shock at 5am at a Eurovision party
6. Cass and I getting hate crimed by cops at a pride function 💀
7. Lilibet and Cass collecting beach rocks while I swim in cold water
8. Yaoi saga with Noel at 5am
9. All the comic cons. Literally, all of them. We all lost each other. Lilibet danced a lot of DDR, fr
10. ROASTING books together to the point where we are starting a bad book club
11. Taking drunk Noel to his bestie/roommate by bus and him yapping about Babel by RF Kuang
12. REALLY BAD COSPLAYS, like really bad. I apologise to Lilibet's sister for seeing the goth lolita
13. My birthday 🌈🥳💀😱
14. I would add drunk me but that's a constant state of mind already. Cass says he saw me come back home, I tucked him in and waddled around