Blue Lion - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago
I Was Playing With Colours And Accidentally Made The Lion Majestical

I was playing with colours and accidentally made the lion majestical

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7 years ago
My Entry For The 2017 Shance Zine! I Had This Inked With 4 Pages Before Season 2 Aired, And After Watching
My Entry For The 2017 Shance Zine! I Had This Inked With 4 Pages Before Season 2 Aired, And After Watching
My Entry For The 2017 Shance Zine! I Had This Inked With 4 Pages Before Season 2 Aired, And After Watching

My entry for the 2017 shance zine! I had this inked with 4 pages before season 2 aired, and after watching I edited it to have 5 pages to fit in more dialog. The end of this sure goes places fast….

BONUS alternative ending (nsfw text):

My Entry For The 2017 Shance Zine! I Had This Inked With 4 Pages Before Season 2 Aired, And After Watching

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7 years ago
Azure-Blue: I Dont Think Were In Equestria Anymore, Toto.
Azure-Blue: I Dont Think Were In Equestria Anymore, Toto.
Azure-Blue: I Dont Think Were In Equestria Anymore, Toto.
Azure-Blue: I Dont Think Were In Equestria Anymore, Toto.
Azure-Blue: I Dont Think Were In Equestria Anymore, Toto.

Azure-Blue: I Don’t think we’re in Equestria anymore, Toto.


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7 years ago

Okay you guys are now in space?? What how when? Is everyone okay???


Azure-Blue: Not just space. Deep space.

Sunlit Honey: No, no. Not okay…


Prince Silverwing: I don’t recognize any of these constellations…


Azure-Blue: Well at least that ship isn’t chasing us anymore…

Azure-Blue: And it’s not hovering over Terrein either.

Luxfite: Hey, I have a question. Where are we, and where are we going?

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7 years ago

Woah woah. Sunlit, are you okay?


Sunlit Honey: I have regrets.

Sunlit Honey: Motion sickness is about 8 of them.

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7 years ago

Nice flying Azure-Blue! You got everyone safely away from the battleship. I don't think I've spotted your cutie mark yet. Do you mind showing us what it is?


Azure-Blue: Of course~ Only the best for my beautiful Blue Lion.

Azure-Blue: Unfortunately, I cannot show you! It is so incredible and awe-inspiring that it isn’t on the visible light spectrum! You would be blinded instantly!

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7 years ago

Let's dance boys

Cat, It’s a kitty cat!


and it Dance Dance Dance,

Dance Dance Dance!

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7 years ago

Go to that planet you might find something!


Pigeon Catcher: So where are we going?

Azure-Blue: Wha- Oh!


Azure-Blue: Blue… says we should go down to the planet. 

Pigeon Catcher: Why?


Azure-Blue: I- I think they’re heading home.

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7 years ago

So what do you think is on the planet your going to?

Pigeon Catcher: Well, statistically speaking, the most likely outcome is Bacterial formations at best.

Pigeon Catcher: But-!


Pigeon Catcher: Oh man, what if there’s aliens?! Actual, real life aliens?! Bonafide, non-hostile ALIENS?! A L I E N S?!

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7 years ago

Luxfite: But no, where are we going?

Azure-Blue: I’m guessing that castle up ahead?


Pigeon Catcher: a l i e n s.

Prince Silverwing: Approach cautiously.

Azure-Blue: Is something wrong?


Prince Silverwing: Not yet, but I’ve already lost one crew to aliens. I’m not losing another.

Prince Silverwing: Keep your ears open, and your eyes peeled.


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7 years ago

Sunlit Honey: Wha- Oh Sweet Celestia, it’s going to eat us-!


Blue: ~*ROAR*~

Sunlit Honey: This is how we die-!


Azure-Blue: Or they could just be opening the door for us! Come on, Honey Hunks~!


Sunlit Honey: Wha- oh! I’m sorry, for misjudging you then, Blue!

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7 years ago

Heydi ho, it's time to get the lions!...where are they exactly?

Coran: The Yellow and Green lions appear to be on planets on differing sides of the universe.

Heydi Ho, It's Time To Get The Lions!...where Are They Exactly?

Coran: But the Red Lion doesn’t seem to be locatable for the moment.

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7 years ago

Coran: Silverwing and Pigeon, you two will take a pod to fetch the Green Lion. Azure and Sunlit, you two will take the Blue Lion to get the Yellow.

Coran: Silverwing And Pigeon, You Two Will Take A Pod To Fetch The Green Lion. Azure And Sunlit, You

Coran: Now, Allura can only hold the Teladuv open for about two vargas. If you’re not back in time, you’ll be stuck on the other side.

Coran: Silverwing And Pigeon, You Two Will Take A Pod To Fetch The Green Lion. Azure And Sunlit, You

Coran: Luckily, both planets are peaceful! So they’ll be nice places to spend the rest of your lives!

Coran: Silverwing And Pigeon, You Two Will Take A Pod To Fetch The Green Lion. Azure And Sunlit, You

[in unison]

Prince Silverwing: Wait, what-

Azure-Blue: Hold on-

Sunlit Honey: I am suddenly way less okay with this whole idea-

Pigeon Catcher: You’re kidding, right-

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7 years ago



Azure-Blue: Peaceful?! He calls this PEACEFUL?!

Azure-Blue: Does Peaceful mean something else out in space?!


Sunlit Honey: Urp- Luna’s Light, can you try and keep this thing steady? There’s not exactly grips back here.

Azure-Blue: I’m trying, don’t puke on me.


Blue Lion: Prr~!

Azure-Blue: Wha- Oh, Sarsaparilla! 


Sunlit Honey: It looks like the Yellow Lion is down there, where they’re digging for ore! Or maybe they just got here, and are digging for the lion?

Azure-Blue: Hold on, evasive maneuvers!

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4 years ago

Black: They’ve made their decision. 

Yellow: ?

Black: Theyve Made Their Decision.

Black: We Fight.

Black: Theyve Made Their Decision.

Green: What do wings and horns count as? Hands? Quintessence sensitive hands??

Black: Theyve Made Their Decision.

Black: I do not know.


Black: Theyve Made Their Decision.

Black: I have not chosen a Paladin.

Black: I have not made that decision...

Black: Theyve Made Their Decision.

Black: I do not know if I will.

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4 years ago

Azure-Blue: How’s that?

Luxfite: It’s the size of Sunlit Honey...

Azure-Blue: Hows That?

Azure-Blue: You’re right...

Azure-Blue: Hows That?

Azure-Blue: Make it bigger.

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