Shark At Bondi [Max Ayshford]
Shark At Bondi [Max Ayshford]

Description: Y/N gets attacked by a shark trying to chase it away from the beach.
Warnings: Shark attack, blood, cpr, cursing.
A/N: Watch Bondi Rescue. It is so interesting!
"You see that shadow? Maybe a hundred meters out in between the flags." Y/N points out to her boyfriend, and fellow lifeguard, Max. The couple and Hoppo were in the tower, keeping an eye on the beach.
"Yeah, what do you suppose it is?" Max asks.
"Could be a seal, group of catfish, could also be a shark." She replies. Max picks up the radio and calls for Jesse.
"Bondi Central to Jet Ski. We've got an eye on a dark shadow. Could possibly be a shark, but we'd like to investigate."
"Clear mate, I'll keep an eye out." Jesse responds.
Just then an urgent knock on the door catches their attention. Y/N stands up and gets the door.
"Hey, I've just seen a shark, in between the flags. He's huge. I have a video on my GoPro." The man says, and shows the camera to her.
"Hoppo, he's got a picture of the shark, it's a Great White." Y/N says. Hoppo, without needing anymore evidence sets off the shark alarm.
"Jesse come to shore, shark sighting has been confirmed. We're going to chase it off."
"Clear." Jesse responds.
"You two go with Jess." Hoppo orders.
Y/N and Max take their pullovers off, and then they start their run down to the water through the crowd. Once they finally reach the jet ski, Y/N jumps on the mat, while Max jumps up with Jesse.
"Let's go chase off a shark Jessifer." Her nickname for him makes Jesse laugh as he starts taking the Jet Ski out to the sharks last known location.
After ten minutes of searching the bay for the shark, the helicopter shows up to help search, and they immediately find the shark.
"Bondi Central to Jet Ski. The helicopter has informed us that the shark is making a beeline towards the rocks at South Bondi. Head over there to chase it off."
"Clear mate, we're going now." Jesse replies. Then, they take off.
"Holy shit, his dorsal fin is huge." Y/N says as they approach it. She scoots up higher on the mat so she can get a closer look at the shark.
"Oh hell, it is." Max says.
Jesse turns the Jet Ski around and chases after the shark. They eventually get it out a couple hundred meters before they lose sight of it. The boys had stood up to see if they could see it and Y/N kept an eye out for shadows. After ten minutes they were about ready to call it quits, but then Hoppo comes over the radio.
"Guys, the helicopter has eyes on the shark, it's circling you. Be careful."
Jesse revs the Jet Ski and it doesn't scare the shark one bit. Y/N started to move up towards the boys more, and Max grabbed her hand, but once her back was turned, the shark jumped up and bit her side. The bite wasn't a clamp down and pull, but the sharks razor sharp teeth dug into her right side and definitely did some damage.
Y/N screams and the shark lets go, only to come back and bite her thigh. This time Y/N fights. She uses her leg that isn't being bitten, to kick the shark in the nose, eye and gill.
After the strong kicks were delivered the shark swam off. Y/N flops onto the mat, crying in pain and Max starts to go back with her.
"No, just go Jess." Y/N grunts through the pain and grabs the handles so she doesn't fall off.
"Call an Ambulance and get ready for us!" Jesse shouts into the radio strapped to him.
Max couldn't say anything. He was in shock, and couldn't believe he'd just witnessed his girlfriend getting attacked by a shark.
They were about a quarter of the way in when Y/N's voice beat the sounds around them.
"Guys I'm goin-."
Max barely had any time to react before Y/N let go of the handles and then fell off of the mat, straight into the ocean.
"Y/N!" Max shouts and Jesse breaks hard. Max jumps off and goes under the water to grab her unconscious body.
With all of the blood that was pouring out around them he knew why she'd gone unconscious so quickly. She was losing a lot of blood, and fast.
Jesse has turned around to get closer to the couple, so Max didn't have to drag her and he helps him get her on the mat before Max straddles her back so she doesn't fall off again.
Once they finally make it to shore, Max grabs Y/N and carries her onto the sand. He sets her down and a few of the lifeguards surround them.
"Check for pulse." Harries tells Bacon, who is up at Y/N's head ready to start bagging her. Bacon puts his pointer and middle finger on her carotid artery and shakes his head no.
"No pulse, start CPR." Jake starts doing compressions, while Bacon uses the Ambu Bag to breathe for Y/N and Harries gets the defibrillator ready to go.
Harries goes around Jake so he can expose her chest and wipe the water off, so the defibrillators pads will work. He places them onto her and then the defibrillator talks.
"Stop CPR. Do not touch the patient. Checking rhythm."
Max stands a few feet away with Harrison. Harrison had to keep him out of the others way so they could get her back.
"Shock advised. Do not touch patient."
"Clear?" Harries asks.
"Clear." Both Jake and Bacon reply.
Harries presses the button and Y/N's body jumps.
"Check pulse."
Harries checks her radial pulse, and Bacon checks the carotid again.
"I've got a pulse!" Harries exclaims.
"Pulse is strong. She's back!" Bacon confirms.
Max lets out a sigh of relief and tears start falling down his face. Harrison engulfs him in a hug and pats his back.
"She's alright, mate. She's a strong girl."
Y/N's eyes shoot open and she starts to cough up the water in her lungs. The boys turn her on her side until she stops coughing.
Then Jake gets a tourniquet and places it above the bite on her thigh, and Harries holds pressure on her side. Bacon grabs a few blankets to cover her up.
Finally, Yak makes it through the crowd. The paramedic needed to check Y/N to make sure nothing major was going on. Harrison quickly briefs him and Max just stares at his girlfriend.
Her lips are blue, she's pale, and shivering, even though it's at least forty degrees.
Yak walks over to Max and puts his hand on his shoulder. "I know this is scary, but right now I need you to be strong for her and talk to her, because she's hypothermic and has lost a lot of blood. She can not close her eyes, so distract her. Alright?" Max nods and sits down besides Y/N.
"H-How bad is it?" She asks.
"Not bad at all baby. Just some gashes, but you'll be alright."
"It-It's c-cold. Hutts said h-he was getting me a bl-blanket."
"Then we should tell Hutts to hurry up then, huh?" He presses a quick kiss to her temple and she smiles.
"No, he-he's ok. He is try-trying his b-best." She responds.
"You love Harrison, don't you? Probably even more than me." Max jokes.
"He's my b-buddy, and-and I love all of y-you guys. Es-Especially you."
"We love you too."
After the ambulance arrived and gotten Y/N up to the road where it's parked, they decided to load and go, but Y/N wouldn't leave without Max.
"He comes with or I-I'm getting out, a-and driving my damn s-self." Y/N states firmly.
Everyone looks at the paramedics. She waits a few seconds and no one answers, so she goes to grab the IV in her arm.
"Ok. Ok." The paramedic says and pushes her hand away. "Max can come with."
"Ok, thanks."
The boys laugh and Harries pats Max on the back and yells him to update them before he leaves.
"Love you Y/N/N, and Max!" They yell.
"We love you too guys!"
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More Posts from Xofern
Panic [Stiles Stilinski]

Description: Stiles and Y/N crash.
Warnings: Panic attack, blood.
It was storming. The car that went around the curve was speeding. The headlights weren't on. He should've known better than to speed like that.
Stiles opened his eyes and groaned. His body felt like it had been thrown against a brick wall a thousand times. He finally looks around. He is hanging in his seat, only restrained by the seatbelt. Something shifts on the passenger side and lets out a whimper
"Stiles? Are you alright?" Stiles turns his head to his girlfriend. She's laying on her side, surrounded by shattered glass, blood and clutching a wound on her stomach.
"Oh god. Y/N you need to stay awake, help is coming!"
"Stiles, I don't know how much longer I can do that."
"No you're going to stay awake." Stiles maneuvers himself to where he can jump down without landing on her and sits beside her. Y/N's eyes are closed, and her body is limp.
"Stiles?!" Sheriff Stilinski called out for his son. This has always been his worst nightmare. To be the first on the scene of a bad crash to see his sons blue jeep. Now that nightmare is a reality.
The jeep is laid on the passenger side with shattered glass laying all around it. It is smashed and scraped signaling the points as to where it fell before it came to a complete stop by the rock wall.
"Dad!" Stiles voice comes from inside the jeep. The older Stilinski runs over, climbs on top of the jeep and peers down through the drivers door. Stiles is sitting on the ground holding pressure on Y/N's abdomen where blood is still gushing out. "You have to help her. Please dad!" Stiles cries.
The car directed its hit into the passenger side, where Y/N is still buckled in laying on her side unconscious.
"It wont stop! I don't think its supposed to be coming out this fast!"
Stiles could feel it coming on. His pulse is raised. His breathing is fast and ragged. It's been happening a lot lately.
It is a panic attack.
"The ambulance is on its way. Are you okay?" Stiles has a few cuts and bruises, but other than that he is fine.
"I'm fine, I-I just need to get her out of here."
Eventually Y/N was pulled out of the jeep and rushed to the hospital, but Stiles stood in front of the jeep looking down at his hands.
Still covered in her blood.
Scott showed up and was talking to Parrish when he heard Stiles' heartbeat and breathing. He walked over to his best friend and put a hand on his shoulder.
But Stiles was in his own world, trying to calm himself down.
"Stiles!" Stiles grabbed his chest as hit heaved, trying to get a full breath in.
"I-I breathe. I can't." He took a shaky breath and tried again.
"I cant breathe."
Big Sisters [Debbie Gallagher]

Description: Y/N is ready to beat someones ass to protect her little sister Debbie.
Warnings: Cussing.
The summer breeze was flowing through the house, people scattered all over. Y/N Gallagher herself was sitting at the counter looking at some bills and deciding which one to pay first.
The front door flew open and slammed shut. Y/N looked up to see who it was, but the person had already stomped up the stairs and slammed another door. She picked up the bill and the cash she had set out and walked out into the living room.
"Carl who was that?"
"Don't know."
Y/N rolled her eyes at her younger brother.
"Well can you keep an eye on them while I go find out please?" She gestures to the children sitting around the room.
Y/N makes her way upstairs and immediately spots her door, that wasn't shut when she was up there 15 minutes before. She walks over and softly knocks on the door.
"Debs? You okay?"
She doesn't get a reply but she hears her sniffles coming through the door. "Debbie, open the door."
Y/N backs away from the door and it pops open. She pushes it in all the way and sees the younger Gallagher sitting on her bed, still in her sundress and bikini, now full on sobbing. She kneels down in front of her sister and grabs her hands.
"Hey, what happened? Did someone hurt you?"
"They humiliated me!"
"Who? What did they do?"
"These girls at the pool. I just wanted to fit in."
"Debbie. What. Did. They. Do."
"They made it look like I had my period. It was just ketchup! Everyone laughed Y/N. Everyone." Debbie continues to sob. Y/N brings her sister into a hug
"Hey, don't let them get to you. You're a Gallagher, we're tough little bastards."
The next morning Fiona walks into the girls' room, but it's empty. So, she walks over to Lip's room, but he says he hasn't seen either of them. The other boys say the same thing. Fiona then walks downstairs into the kitchen where Mickey is drinking Orange Juice from the carton.
"Hey, have you seen Y/N and Debbie?"
"Yeah, left about 30 minutes ago."
"Did they say where they were going?"
"Yeah Y/N said she was going to beat a bitch."
"And you didn't stop her?!"
"No, she looked pissed off. Why the fuck would I get in the middle of that?!"
"Lip! Ian! Get down here we have to go to the pool!" Fiona yells.
Y/N is the nicest Gallagher, but she's scrappy. Especially when it comes to Carl, Debbie or Liam. They are little, they can't protect themselves.
"What the hell is going on?!" Ian asks as he, Lip, and Carl run down the stairs.
"Y/N and Debbie went to the pool."
"Hey, she also took the bat." Mickey nonchalantly adds.
"Oh shit."
Debbie sits on the lounge chair holding the bag as Y/N stands beside her pointing girls out.
"That one?"
"That one?"
"That one?"
"Ok. Stay here."
Y/N then proceeds to walk over to the other side of the pool where the girls are standing.
"Hello." Y/N smiles.
"What do you want?" The blonde asks.
"Why do you get off on humiliating pre-teen girls?"
"Excuse you?" The brunette chuckles.
"No. Excuse you." Y/N brings her fist up and clocks her in the face, knocking her down to the ground.
"Hey-!" She then pulls the blondes head down to her knee and knees her in the face. She then proceeds to grab her by the hair and toss her into the pool.
The rest of the Gallagher clan arrives just as Y/N knees the blonde in the face.
"That's gonna hurt."
Lifeguard [Ethan Dolan]

Description: Ethan keeps running into a beautiful lifeguard at the beach.
Warnings: Dislocated knee. I think that is it?
Their encounters had started months before. He was a surfer who liked to get himself into tricky spots, and she was a lifeguard just doing her job.
The first time they met was when he got smashed in big surf. He'd resurfaced and grabbed onto his board, but didn't get on, so she paddled out to check on him, fearing he might've suffered a concussion or a spinal injury.
"Are you ok?" She asks once she stops paddling and sits on the rescue board.
"Yep, just sucking up my pride, or what's left of it." He lightly chuckles and jumps up on the board.
"You sure? No pain in your head, neck or back? You were smashed pretty hard." She questions, but also hints that she'd seen him wipe out.
"Yeah, I'm all good. Thanks though." She nods and then turns to catch a wave back in. He watches her as she turns to go over to a swimmer holding onto a boogie board. She gets the boy on the board and gets the boogie board secured before taking them both back into shore.
This happened three more times over the course of two weeks.
The next time they met was again, in the water. This time she'd just gotten off duty and was heading back to the tower, but then her radio goes off, her coworker telling her there's been a incident in the water, and she needed to book it out there. She grabs a board and runs in. She quickly makes it out there to see the same guy she'd paddled out to multiple times a few weeks earlier, holding up a guy with a dislocated knee.
"Dislocated your knee?" She asks. The man nods with a grimace on his face. "Alright, could you give me a hand getting him up on my board?" She asks the man. He nods and she jumps into the water. "Get him on his side and then we'll roll him." They get the man on his side and place the board behind him. She supports his leg and the other man rolls the board so it's sitting normally. "Thank you for your help."
"I'm coming with you. He's with me."
"Alright. If you see a big set warn me!" Then she turns to the man on her board. "I'll try not to get a big wave so it doesn't toss you around." The man nods. Once they get in they help the man up and over to the ATV. "We've got an ambulance on the way. How's the pain?"
"A four or five probably."
"Don't act tough Jake, you know it's hurts like a bitch." The other man laughs.
"Shut the fuck up Ethan." Jake groans. She laughs and gets a splint.
"Alright, I'll put this on so you can't move your leg around and I'll drive you up to the tower."
After sending his friend off, Ethan walks back over to her.
"So this is the fifth time I've met you, and I still don't know your name."
"Yep." She nods.
"So, you gonna tell me your name or do I have to do my research?" Ethan jokes.
"Y/N." She answers.
"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." Ethan smiles and winks at her.
She was going to reply with a sarcastic comment, but got called away for another first aid on the board walk.
They ran into each other two days after. But this time not at the beach. In the gym.
Y/N was training for the upcoming lifeguard challenge and would continue through recruitments, so she was halfway through her two mile run when a familiar face jumped onto the treadmill beside her.
"Didn't know lifeguards liked running." Ethan says as he turns the treadmill on.
Y/N looks over at him. "We do, we just like the water better."
"Are you training for something? I've never seen you here before." He points out as he starts jogging.
"Annual lifeguard challenge. I've got a meal for two at Cheesecake Factory on the line, so I have to at least beat Quinn, but winning the whole thing would be great too."
"Meal for two? Who are you taking out?"
"Either my little brother, or I'm pigging out." She answers, and Ethan just laughs.
It'd been a month since Y/N and Ethan had seen each other. She'd won the Cheesecake Factory bet and gotten second place in the Lifeguard challenge. She'd also finished the yearly fitness assessment for already hired lifeguards with flying colors, and the recruitments were the week before.
The head lifeguard had informed her that she was getting a new trainee, the other lifeguards love getting newbies to pick on, but she loves teaching people. Teaching them about rips, different rescue techniques, just the basics. So when she heard the knock on the door lifeguards use, she jumped out of her seat. She opened the door to see her boss and he smiles.
"Hey, your trainee is changing, he will be over in a minute." Y/N nods and stands outside with him.
After a few minutes of talking her boss says her trainee is walking over. She turns around and sees him.
Of course.
"Ethan, this is one of my senior lifeguards, Y/N. She will be showing you around this week."
"Hi." Ethan smirks.
"Hi." Y/N replies.
Her boss looks between the two and holds back a laugh.
Ethan's definitely got a crush on her.
And Y/N is definitely oblivious to it.
"Have you two met before?" Her boss asks.
"Yeah, we've bumped into each other a couple of times." Y/N replies.
"Alright, well I am going to leave you here with her." He says to Ethan. "Just don't piss her off and you'll be perfectly fine." Then he walks away and Ethan turns to Y/N.
"Why shouldn't I piss you off?"
"One, I'm your boss. Two, my sister is a boxer. I've got a nasty right hook."
"Noted." Ethan nods. Y/N laughs and opens the door.
"I'll introduce you to the team. We all work the same shift, unless someone calls in sick, so you'll have to deal with us for the rest of your time here." He follows her into the medical bay and up the stairs to the lookout. "Ethan, this is Quinn and Max. Quinn, Max this is our new trainee, Ethan."
The lifeguards introduce themselves and ask Ethan about himself, but eventually they need to get back to work. Y/N takes him down to one of the ATV's sitting down in front of the tower, and shows him how to drive it, how to use the megaphone, and the lights and sirens. She drives him down to the shore and introduces him to everyone else before she starts going over protocols with him.
By the end of the day, Ethan has performed one rescue and helped with two first aids, all by Y/N's side. Now at pack up time Y/N lets Ethan back the ATV in.
"You know, when I first met you I thought you were just a beautiful lifeguard, but you run this place so smoothly. I'm impressed." He compliments.
"Thanks. When I first met you I thought you were just a sucky surfer."
"Yeah, that was a pretty nasty wipeout, wasn't it?" Ethan laughs.
"Nasty? More like horrific."
Sickness [Asher Adams]

Description: Asher takes care of his sick girlfriend.
Y/N walked into the school and cringed when the doors shut behind her. She shook her head and started walking towards her locker. She tried putting her combination in about five times, but her eyes couldn't focus. She sighs and leans her head against the cool metal, and cringes again when someone slams their locker.
Why does everything have to be so loud?
She stands there for a few minutes, willing the migraine to go away.
"Yo Ash. You coming over tonight?" Jordan asks and pulls Asher out of his head. He'd been watching his girlfriend since she walked in the door, and somethings definitely not right.
"Uh, I'll let you know." Then he walks over to her and grabs her bag off her back. He sets it on the floor and turns Y/N to face him. "Are you ok?"
"Yeah, my head just hurts, but I've got a test in Science that I can't miss." She whispers.
"Did you even sleep last night?" Y/N shakes her head and leans against Asher and he wraps his arms around her.
"I just have to make it till two thirty. My dad can pick me up then."
"You didn't drive?"
"No. I just got my car back from the repair shop from when that kid from Chatsworth keyed it. I'd rather not wreck it."
Asher nods and sways a bit. "Tell you what, you take your test and then I'll take you home."
"You don't have to. I'll manage."
"Baby, you couldn't even open your locker."
"Yeah. Can you do that?"
"Sure princess."
After struggling through an hour long test, that's she's about ninety percent sure she failed, Y/N met Asher by her locker.
"Are you sure you can take me home? You're not going to miss anything?" She asks as Asher hands her the bag she put in her locker earlier.
"Yes babe. I'm sure." He chuckles lightly. "You got everything?" Y/N nods and Asher grabs her hand, leading her to his car. He opened the door for her and made sure she had her seatbelt on and was settled before getting in and starting the car. He didn't turn the music on, so he just started the drive to the Y/L/N household.
Once they got inside Asher took notice of the sweat forming around Y/N's hairline.
"Wait, come here." She stopped and turned back to him. Asher put his palm on her forehead. "Are you sure this is a migraine?"
"Yeah, Ash. I just got dizzy walking." Y/N mutters.
"Ok. You go get comfy and lay down. I'm going to get you some water and medicine for you to take when the food gets here." She nods and makes her way into her bedroom.
For as long as Asher's known Y/N, She has never ate anything besides the signature soup from a place called "Al's" she swears it helps her get better, so he ordered her soup and their bread, and he got himself a sandwich. He walks into her room and sets the food on the trays he'd gotten out earlier, and Y/N immediately digs in. They sit in the dark room in silence, and once they're done Asher takes the trash and dishes into the kitchen, then grabs her medicine when he walks back in. Y/N takes the medicine and then lays down in her bed. Asher scoots in next to her and holds her hand.
"You feel any better?" He asks quietly, playing with her fingers. Y/N lets out a deep breath and puts her head in the crook of his neck.
"A lot better, thank you." She replies. Asher nods. "You know me so well Ash."
"Someone has gotta take care of your stubborn ass when your dad's not around." He chuckles lightly when she slaps his chest. "I love doing though. I love you."
"I love you too Asher."
Pick Me [Stiles Stilinski & Isaac Lahey]

Description: Stiles is in love with Y/N but she’s not in love with him.
"He is so cute." Y/N thinks as she watches Isaac Lahey stands next to Scott on the Lacrosse field. She didn't normally sit there and watch them practice because that's creepy, but Stiles needed a ride home because Roscoe is in the shop, so she waited for him. Stiles was currently practicing his shots and kept bouncing the ball off of the goalies helmet. Isaac and Scott laugh at her friends attempts at making a goal. "He has an adorable laugh, beautiful heart, gorgeous face and he's snarky, just like me. We'd be a perfect match." She thinks again.
After a while Coach Finstock finally calls practice for the day Stiles trudges over to his friend.
"Good practice Stiles." Y/N says with a smile.
"Yeah, ok." Stiles snorts.
"Oh come on Mieczyslaw, you're human. Cut yourself some slack. Scott and Isaac are on werewolf steroids, so that's not really fair." Stiles looks at her for a second before nodding. He shoves his gloves in his bag then turns to her.
"Again with the first name. How many times do I have to tell you to stop saying that." He whines.
"For the rest of our lives Mieczyslaw. See, rolls right off the tongue." Y/N chuckles. "Anyways, did Isaac say anything to you about me?" She asks hopefully.Earlier, Y/N and Stiles made a deal, that if she gave him rides until his Jeep was finished, he'd ask Isaac about her.
"Yeah, he uh, said it was sweet of you to give me rides and you look nice today." Stiles says as he rips his cleats off. He doesn't want to do this, but Y/N really likes Isaac and he'd never be able to tell her no. Y/N blushes and looks down at the ground. "We should go. I have homework." Y/N nods and grabs her bag. She leads Stiles to her car and gets in after putting her bag in the backseat.
On the way to Stiles' house Y/N turns to him. "I feel like I should talk to him. Should I talk to him? It might be a bad idea." She rambles. Stiles looks over at her and smiles. They have a lot in common.
"You should. I think he likes you." He says.
"That or it's his flirty personality." Stiles thinks.
"Are you sure? I really like him and I don't want to screw everything up."
"I am 99.9% sure he has feelings for you too." Stiles sighs. After that Y/N pulls up in front of Stiles' house and he gets out immediately and throws a 'Thanks' over his shoulder. "Why can't she be in love with me." He mutters.
Y/N pulls away and starts thinking. "I feel confident. I should probably do this now." So she turns onto Scott's street.
Once she makes it to Scott's, after sitting in her car for a minute, making sure she looks ok, she walks up to the front door. She hears music coming from inside, so she rings the doorbell. After a minute she rings it again. After three minutes she puts her hand on the doorknob and turns it to find out it's unlocked. She walks in and closes the door behind her. Obviously the music is so loud Isaac can't even hear over it, even with his enhanced hearing. She follows the sound up to Isaac's door and knocks on it.
"Isaac, it's Y/N, can I come in?" After no one answers she gets worried and twists the handle to push the door open. Her eyes immediately land on Isaac on top of Allison, who is shirtless and has one bra strap off. They are making out. Y/N drops her keys that she'd held in her hand and puts her palm over her mouth. "Oh my god."
Isaac jumps up and looks over at her. He turns his music down and Allison covers herself up.
"Y/N, what the hell?! Don't you know how to knock?!" He yells.
Y/N bends down and grabs her keys quickly. "I did. I'm sorry. I-I rang the doorbell and no one answered and I got worried so I walked in and you didn't answer when I knocked so I thought you were hurt or something." She rushes.
"I'm fine. What do you want? I'm kind of busy here." Isaac replies in a cold tone.
He's never been like this.
Y/N stares at Isaac before opening her mouth. "Nice to know we feel differently about each other." She snarls. She turns and runs down the stairs. She slams the front door on her way out and her tires screech as she pulls away from the curb. All with tears running down her face.
"He lead me on! He acted like he had feelings for me! When does a boy ever give flowers to a girl he doesn't like?" Y/N rants to Stiles. Stiles just sits on his computer chair as she paces his room. "No guy will ever love me. Am I that bad?"
"I do." Stiles whispers, he didn't think she'd hear it, but of course in true Y/N Y/L/N fashion, she did.
"What was that?" She asks.
Stiles' eyes widen and he decides this is it.
He's finally going to tell her he loves her.
"I do. I love you!" He exclaims and pushes off of his chair. "So, pick me. Choose me. Love me." He says.
Y/N looks at him for a few seconds before dropping her eyes to the floor. "Stiles. I can't."
"Well there goes my heart."