Book Christine - Tumblr Posts

Petition to get book Jeremy to not kill his computer dad and to stop pursuing the judgemental girl who clearly doesn't deserve or like him

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Book squip: Jeremy, spend $40 on Eminem merchandise; my quantum processors predict that he is going to die in a hockey accident and you can use it to win pity points. Reserve the $100 because I can see that Rich is going to demand payment in the future.

Also book squip: Maybe if you act like a rabid dog, Christine will think you’re cute!

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I think the book did a better job with that “be yourself” message

I’m not even sure if that was the message that was supposed to be sent, but it was much more prevalent within the book.

So here’s the gist of it: Jeremy had two main goals: being more popular and getting with Christine.

First, being more popular. It’s pretty clear that Jeremy needed the squip to be more popular in both the book and the musical. In both, he’s a pretty unpopular kid at the bottom of the food chain. In both, the squip helps him to get more popular and be with the cool kids. However, in the book, a lot of the actions the squip makes Jeremy do makes him end up in even more trouble, whereas in the musical, even after all of the things the squip makes him do, things turn out more or less fine. In the book, things ended up worse for Jeremy when he changed himself, whereas in the musical, things ended up better.

Second, getting Christine. I think the difference here is more drastic. In the musical, Jeremy and Christine’s relationship after he got the squip, while it did not improve that much, was certainly not worse. And at the end, Jeremy ended up getting with her, which probably would not have happened were it not for the squip. But in the book, Jeremy had all of his best interactions with Christine when he wasn’t under the squip’s influence. Even though I doubt that he would ever actually get together with Christine, they at least seemed as though they were going to be friends. But then Jeremy started following the squip’s instructions, which messed things up more. Even the squip said that Jeremy didn’t need it to be with Christine. Eventually, Jeremy’s acting out of character got Christine to hate him.

So, in essence, in the book, Jeremy’s not being himself caused him to end up in a much worse situation, whereas in the musical, it ended up overall improving his life.

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Conspiracy theory

Book squip knew that Christine wasn’t good enough for Jeremy so it purposefully messed with him so that he wouldn’t get with her

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Christine's interactions with Jeremy in the book give off such an "I don't want to talk to you but I don't want to seem rude so I'll keep talking" vibe

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I kind of liked how the book ended with Jeremy not getting with Christine, and I kind of hope he doesn’t afterwards. He didn’t respect her boundaries and she didn’t really respect him as a person, and I don’t think they would have been good together. Also, it’s a nice change from the whole “main character wins the girl” trope.

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