Boomer Shooter - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

Love that trope in video games where they turn something you can buy at a hardware store into a primary weapon.

Quake’s nailgun, Doomguy’s chainsaw, Gordon Freeman’s crowbar…

Love that shit every fucking time.

It’s just another aspect of putting yourself into the character through diegetic stuff. You can go buy that nailgun, you can get a crowbar at your local hardware store and be that guy.

These aren’t just hard-ass dudes. Their original purpose, in these games inceptions, were that they were meant to be you. YOU, the player, are slaying monsters.

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1 year ago
As My First Post On This Website, I Feel It Necessary To Post Something That Reflects My Heart And Soul,

As my first post on this website, I feel it necessary to post something that reflects my heart and soul, something that tells the world who I am and what I stand for, thus:

Revenant with Troll head

Anyways, follow me for memes, nonsense, Ultrakill, Kirby, general queer shit, and maybe even something that has more quality than whatever the hell this is

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10 months ago


you guys ever played Goldthorn. pretty good doom-like. False Prophet is still so frickin' hard to beat though, I'm surprised that they've made such a difficult (albeit rewarding and fun) doom experience when it's usually a blast about tearing everything in your way. It reminds me of Shrine 1 and 2 by Scumhead (cool free game). heavy Chrisitianity in it too, so that's cool.

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9 months ago

DOOMBOTS concept

— Everyday is the last day here —

In an unknown, distant future, the remains of earth are stuck in an infinite loop where everyday is doomsday, red skies over everything as its inhabitants struggle to make something out of a life where everything ends with pain and starts over again. Pure humans, the ones that are mainly biological have seemingly abandoned their planet or disappeared, machines, robots, automatons, and highly evolved cyborgs being the only things left. These are the doombots.

So far the only defined character I have in this world is Allmaster Rix, a sort of stoic automaton that acts as king of a faction.

The doombots are prone to infighting, with cyborgs being one of the most separated groups as they are driven the most by their emotions. I’m sure being one of the last biological beings in this world would make them want to stay away.

Some bots have become insane or mindless beasts that tear apart whatever comes into their view. Of course, the loop makes it impossible for one to be permanently dead within the world of the doombots. Very few cyborgs become maddened, and most of the time they can snap out of their crazed rampage once the loop resets. It’s more rare for a maddened bot to gain back its sanity.

Some parts of the remains of earth (the doombot world) become more unfitting for surviving as a day goes on. Some caves may freeze over until the metal of your body becomes brittle and some vital motor becomes stuck. Some places simply quake so much that you easily fall into a ravine. They worst of places are the ones where the atmosphere is so weak that the brightness and burning heat of the sun becomes to much, eventually overwhelming the cooling system and overheating. If your alloys and systems are strong enough, you might survive longer, but eventually you will melt and your body’s integrity and strength will falter as it melts and breaks apart.

ya’ll can play and do stuff with this comment or whatever. Please. With sprinkles on top.

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1 year ago
Finally Made And Artwork For Pride Month

Finally made and artwork for Pride Month

Happy Pride!

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9 months ago

I'm open for boomer shooter doodle reqs and asks rn I'm super bored teehee

Leave any reqs in the ask bin I'll get to it soon don't be shy just send em I won't bite

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