Bts Christmas - Tumblr Posts

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays 🎅🏻💜
25.12.2022 💫

It's the most beautiful time of the year🌲♥️
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Secret Santa

Genre: Christmas Themed, Fluff
Pairing: Yoongi/Reader
Warnings: old and short lmao
Synopsis: Your secret Santa gift practically brings you to tears. But your secret Santa won’t reveal their identity.
You carried Hoseok's gift in your hand as you walked to the studio. The paper and ribbon neatly prepared. You were glad you'd had the idea of Secret Santa among the group, because after buying and shipping gifts back home, you were living light, trying to save enough money to visit home in the summer.
You couldn't prevent the sadness that persisted. It was a week from Christmas and it was the first one you'd ever spent away from home. You'd miss the smell of the Christmas tree and cookies that blended together on Christmas Eve. Your mom would always let you open one gift the night before, almost always a new pair of pajamas to wear for Christmas morning.
You smiled at the memories as you entered the elevator.
"Hold the door!" you heard as the doors began to close.
You stopped the doors and Suga walked into the elevator. He acknowledged you briefly before pulling out his phone the remainder of the ride.
You and Suga had a complicated relationship. The members liked to joke it was because you were too similar, but you couldn't imagine being remotely like Suga. You certainly didn't hate him, he was talented and you admired his natural skill, but sometimes it was infuriating when he was working and became absolutely insufferable.
"Y/N, I have a verse I'd like to run by you if you have the time," he said, as the doors opened.
You nodded and placed Hoseok's gift in the empty practice room you'd all agreed to place the gifts in until the end of the day. You tried not to glance at the other gifts already in the room, but your eye wandered, noticing yours wasn't there yet.
Suga fingered your gift in his pocket. He preferred to keep it with him until the last minute to make sure it didn't get lost. But secretly, he was afraid it was too much, that he should've just gotten you a teddy bear and called it good.
He put the thoughts from his mind and slipped on his headphones to work on his latest song. Just as he was finishing the melody, you came in and set down food beside him. You knew it might be a while before he got to it so you sat down with your own lunch.
"You wanted to run that verse by me, right?"
Suga took of his headphones and nodded. He placed them on your head and adjusted the time in the song and pressed play. He started the second verse. Despite the fact you were there to learn about music production, you were often the guinea pig for their new album, hearing the rough versions of all the new songs.
You listened carefully to the lyrics and the melody. After the verse finished, Suga paused the song and looked at you expectantly.
"I like it," you said. "Is this the pre-chorus?"
He nodded.
"Hmmm...the melody doesn't seem to be leading into the chorus."
You thought for a second before grabbing a blank piece of paper and a pen. You sketched out the notes and then made a few edits and notes, tweaking where you thought the music could be altered slightly to lead into the chorus better.
Suga watched as you sketched and nodded.
"Good idea," he said, turning back to the computer. He added in a few of the elements you suggested and made a few of his own changes. "Now, listen."
The verse was significantly better and you smiled as he let it play into the chorus. You remembered them recording the vocals for this song and see it come so far excited you, especially knowing you influenced the final product.
"We work well together," you said, half-joking.
You didn't get a chance to see his reaction as your phone began to ring. You looked down you see your mom's name flashing across the screen.
"Excuse me, sorry," you said, leaving the room and finding an empty conference room.
There were tears in your eyes by the end of the call. Your family was happy, nothing was wrong, your mom had simply called to tell you that your presents would reach Seoul soon. You hated thinking that you'd have to open them alone in your apartment and you wouldn't get to see the joy as your family opened theirs. You'd have to settle for the small Secret Santa you'd set up with the boys.
You all gathered in the practice room at the end of the day. The boys had just finished a long dance practice for one of their upcoming performances. Everyone looked through the pile of gifts and found the one with their name on it and it took you a few moments, but you eventually found a small brown envelope with your name.
You smiled as they went around the circle, everyone opening their gift one by one. You laughed at Hoseok's squealing as he wrapped the scarf you'd gotten him around his neck.
It finally got to you. You carefully broke the seal on the envelope and pulled out two plane tickets. You were in disbelief at first, before you felt the tears. You didn't want to cry in front of the boys, but it soon passed as you felt as the Maknae line envelope you in a group hug.
"Thank you," you said. "Whoever this was."
"You're really not going to tell her?" Jin asked. He pulled down the covers on his bed as he climbed in.
"It's supposed to be a secret, isn't it?" Yoongi replied.
"You know that's not how it works."
Yoongi sighed.
"What difference does it make if she knows?"
"Don't you want her to?"
Yoongi stayed silent.
"What if she decides not to come back? She's not tied here and you know she could easily find work back home."
Your plane had just started boarding when you surprised to hear your name being called. You turned to see Yoongi standing to the side.
"Yoongi, how'd you get through security? What are you doing here?"
"It was me," he said. "I was your Secret Santa."
You didn't know what to say. But luckily, you didn't have to say anything as he pressed his lips to yours.
Christmas Special Fluffs

Fandom: BTS Pairing: OT7 x Female Reader Genre: Fluff Notes: It’s a collection of Christmas special one shots of each member in different situation with the reader (not poly). I know, I’m late. A lot of things were going on and I couldn’t manage to write. Sorry about that. Anyway, a very late Merry Christmas to you all...

Sweet Sorry - Kim Namjoon

My already messy apartment now looked messier than ever. As I looked at my tired boyfriend on the couch, I regretted to have agreed to his plan of decorating my place for the Christmas.
“Ugh” Namjoon groaned, “my back hurts so much.”
“Don’t forget that it was all your idea.” I reminded him.
Namjoon shook his head, “I didn’t think your place was such a trash.”
“Well, you can’t blame me.” I shrugged my shoulders, “At least, I warned you.”
I sat down beside him and put my head on his lap. I could feel that my body ached too. Namjoon started to play with my hair. It was one of his favorite things to do.
I looked up at him, “Or we could stop if you want.”
“No, darling!” Namjoon smiled, “Like I had promised, we’re going to make this place look like a heaven.”
And we were back at work; dusting and cleaning the floors, walls, ceilings, windows, arranging the misplaced items, collecting the dirty laundry from different corners of the house, putting the books back to the shelves etc.
A short break. Then, we started to work on the decorations. It was my first time decorating a house for Christmas and my excitement was too much. We made the bed with white and red bed sheets, put different flowers and wreaths all around the place and hung special items on the wall.
Finally, it was time for the best thing among all, decorating the Christmas tree. We put on the fairy lights around it, hung little gingerbread men and other cute items on it and lastly, we needed to put the biggest star on top of it.
“It’s too high. I can’t reach it.” I said, “And also, I don’t have a ladder.”
“But you have me.” Namjoon said with a smile.
I thought he meant to do the job himself as he was much taller than me. But instead, he lifted me up, holding me firmly by my waist. His cheesiness was making me blush. I still managed to set the star in the perfect place.
Taking a look around the place, I was really satisfied with the result. My place had turned to a whole different one. It looked like a heaven indeed. But as soon as my eyes rested on the tree, I frowned.
“Something’s missing.” I said.
Namjoon looked at it’s direction, “What?”
“Of course,” I gasped, “the glass baubles.” I facepalmed myself to have forgotten about my favorite piece of decoration. I looked at Namjoon, “Could you please bring it for me? It’s in my closet.”
Namjoon went straight to the bedroom. As he was returning with the box full of red and white glass baubles on his hands with a smile that showed his dimples, I remembered just how much I loved him.
But the next thing he did was tripping and falling to the floor along with the box full of red and white glass baubles. The smile that had grown on my face earlier disappeared within a second as I heard the glasses being shattered inside. I remembered just how much I hated his clumsiness sometimes.
“I’m so...” Namjoon began but I cut him off.
“Don’t speak.” I said boldly. “It’s done anyway.”
I raged out of the living room and sat down on my bed. I realized I was very exhausted by all the works I had done this evening and I just wanted to sleep. I tried to clear my head. I didn’t want to think of the disaster that just happened.
I could hear Namjoon cleaning up the mess outside. It sort of broke my heart. Minutes later, he peaked into my room. I still couldn’t bring myself to say anything. He came to sit beside me and said, “I’m sorry.”
“I know.” I answered.
He placed a soft kiss on my cheek and said again, “I’m sorry.” It was one of my favorite things that he did. I still didn’t budge.
He kissed me once again and said, “I’m really sorry, darling.” He was whining like a little child at this point. And I couldn’t help but laugh. Namjoon’s worried face beamed with relief.
“Alright!” I said, “I think we can go one Christmas without glass baubles.”
Grandma’s Special Recipe - Kim Seokjin

I was weeping for the past few minutes as the nostalgia of my childhood hit really hard. Earlier I had found an old diary of my grandma while cleaning the house. There weren’t much personal but more like important business stuffs written on it.
But among them, I had found my grandma’s recipe for making the famous gingerbread house we used to make every Christmas. Reading that reminded me of my late grandma and our memories together. I couldn’t help but cry at the sudden overwhelming feeling in my heart.
My fiancé, Jin, came back from work at that time. As soon as he saw me he called, “Jagi!” I quickly wiped away the tears and tried to smile at him. I didn’t mean for him to see me like that.
He held me in his arms and asked, “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah!” I sniffed, “I’m fine.”
“What is it, jagi?” He looked at me again, trying to read my face. Then he suddenly gasped, “Oh my God!”
I looked up at him in confusion. He beamed with sudden joy and asked the dumbest possible question, “Are we going to have a baby? Are you pregnant?”
“What? NO!” I was shocked at his stupidity, “It’s just that I found my grandma’s diary and it reminded me of her.”
Jin just replied with an “Oh!”
I went back to my bed and held up the page of the recipe for him to see. He took the diary from me and checked it. The recipe was cut out from an old newspaper and there were hand written notes of my grandma everywhere, making changes where she had thought was necessary.
Jin let out a chuckle and said, “Jagi, this sounds like a lot of fun. We should try it this Christmas.”
I was so glad to hear that. “Really?” I asked, “Do you think you can do that?”
“Of course!” Jin said with confidence, “Though I won’t say it will be exactly like your grandma’s one. But I will do my best.”
Even though I wasn’t very good at baking, I still tried to help Jin in every possible way. I bought the groceries myself and prepared all the necessary utensils needed for the procedure. I also promised Jin that I would do the dishes once everything was done.
Jin started to work, yelling me orders in between. But my mood was too good to be ruined by his little insults. I worked rather enthusiastically. I stirred the mixture on the stove, batted the dough, cut the little doors and windows, even helped Jin with the icing.
After hours of much works, it was done. The house had been decorated perfectly. It looked almost like my grandma’s. I clicked a picture before cutting the gingerbread house. At first bite, the smell instantly reminded me of older times, though the taste wasn’t exactly the same.
“What do you think?” Jin asked curiously.
“It’s great.” I nodded, “Thank you so much for doing this.” I wrapped my hands around his neck. “Tell me what can I offer you in return?”
“You know exactly what I want.” Jin smirked at me.
I gasped, “You mean, a baby?”
Jin gave me a warm smile and spoke, “Nope. I want you to do the dishes, instead.”
Peppermint Love - Min Yoongi

“So tell me, why am I finding it out just now and that too, from Hoba?” I could hear Yoongi from the other side of the phone call. His voice suggested that he was really annoyed.
Basically what happened was this; Yoongi was delaying his Christmas plan, which was to be with his family, because I had no one for my Christmas celebration this year. Since, it was our first Christmas after getting together, Yoongi wasn’t very happy leaving me alone. But I had forced him to go because his family had been planning for a special party and it wouldn’t look nice if their youngest son was absent there.
But the worst happened. I fell sick the day before Christmas. It was a seasonal sickness for me but still pretty bad, as always, to handle. The fever and the blocked nose wasn’t making me feel very Christmas in my lonely hours. Still, I didn’t want to spoil Yoongi’s mood. So naturally, I kept my mouth shut.
“I thought I could trust Hobi for once.” I said, equally annoyed.
Yoongi sighed. “Is it too bad?” his voice was soft now.
“No!” It was definitely a lie since I could feel that a headache was also added to my list of discomforts.
“You shouldn’t have forced me to come to this party.” Yoongi said, “I would rather be with you.” Before I could say anything he already hung up.
As the hours ticked by I realized how terribly lonely I felt. Yoongi was in a whole different city and my own family was at the opposite side of the continent. I was also hungry but wasn't in a shape to make anything for myself. So, I called the Pizza place near my house and ordered my favorite one, the pepperoni.
The bell rang. I had to get up from the bed and slowly head towards the door. My whole body ached even at the slightest effort. But behind the door, I didn’t meet the delivery guy but my boyfriend instead.
“Yoongi?” I was surprised.
He shook his head in mere annoyance and hold up the huge bags he was carrying on both of his hands. “Let me put this things down first.”
He went straight to the dining room and put the bags on the table. I still couldn’t believe it. Yoongi had driven more than a hundred kilometers road on the Christmas Eve and he left his family to be with me instead.
Yoongi turned to me and said. “Let’s eat the food before it gets cold.”
That was when I hugged him right away. Yoongi let out a sigh and a few seconds later, he embraced me into his arms.
I was overwhelmed by his presence in my lonely state. I took in the warmth and his familiar soothing scent. The smell of his perfume mixed with the after-shave was intoxicating.
I finally let go and informed, “But I’ve already ordered Pizza.”
Yoongi smiled, “A little more food during Christmas won’t hurt.”
The table was set and the hot food served. We ate and talked and laughed and cried out of too much laughter. It was such a merry time that I almost forgot I was sick.
But my fever rose at the end of the night and I was curled up in my bed, shivering. Yoongi touched my forehead to detect the amount of heat and frowned. Then, he went to the kitchen to prepare something special.
Peppermint tea, something I never quite liked. But as I had a cold and the tea was warm, I accepted it rather gratefully. A soft ‘thank you’ left my mouth as I took the cup from his hands. Yoongi sat beside me and watched quietly as I sipped my tea. I wondered what I had ever done to deserve this.
Wrapped - Jung Hoseok

Shopping for all of them who were coming to our Christmas party was exhausting. But the worse was wrapping them in gift papers by ourselves. Since it was our first Christmas together after we had moved in together, my boyfriend Hoseok wanted it to be a special one. And hand-wrapped gifts sounded special indeed.
“Do you have any idea how long we’ve been doing this, Hobi?” I asked, a little annoyance in my voice.
“C’mon, goldie!” Hoseok said in the cutest tone, “Don’t talk like that. We should be doing this with joy.”
“Joy, my foot.” I muttered.
“Uh-uh.” Hobi did another cute sound effect while moving his index finger side to side, indicating I shouldn’t have said that.
I didn’t respond. Instead, I walked out of the living room to my bedroom. I waited for a moment to see if Hobi followed me. When I was sure he had gone back to work, I did what I had been planning the whole evening to do.
I hid Hobi’s Christmas gift, a fancy watch, which I had bought secretly from the shop today, in his closet. So that, next morning he would find them himself while I’d be fast asleep.
Then, I went back to work along with my hard working boyfriend. We finished them all by midnight and arranged them neatly under the Christmas tree. Wishing each other merry Christmas and kissing goodbye, we went to bed.
“Holly Molly!” Hobi exclaimed in the morning and I woke up with a start. “What did my little bumble bee bought without me knowing, huh?”
I sat on the bed and smiled, “Check it yourself, my little sunflower.”
Hobi opened up the present, giggling like a little child. His eyes were shining when he saw what was inside.
“Did you like it?” I asked.
Hobi beamed at me and said, “What are you talking about? It’s fabulous.”
Everyone was busy searching for their gift and opening them. There was a lot of chaos among our family and friends. Watching them liking what we had got them, made me feel like it was all worth it.
“Hey!” Taehyung called me, “Here’s one addressed to you too.”
“For me?” I asked. At first, I was a little confused. But then, I realized that Hobi had planned to hid my gift among all the others. I took the small box from Taehyung.
Hobi hugged me before I could open it and whispered in my ears, “Merry Christmas, honey!” Inside the box was a ring. My head stopped working for a while. Looking back at Hobi, I almost teared up.
He was on his knees.
Sexy, Cutie, Lovely - Park Jimin

Christmas this year was full of snow. And there was no way we could step out of our house in this weather. So, Jimin and I had planed for a movie marathon night. Being the movie freak as I was, the job of selecting the best movies came to me.
You could imagine how pissed I was when Jimin started to act uninterested through the second movie. At first, he tried talking in between scenes. When I refused to join his unfitting conversation, he started to complain about how all the movies I chose were so boring, even though it was ‘Home Alone’ which we were watching at that time.
“You can go and sleep.” I said, “I’m gonna finish my boring marathon alone tonight. And I’m perfectly happy to do away with you.”
“What?” Jimin pretended to look cute while being shocked, “you’re abandoning me for these movies?” I gave a stiff nod and he started to whine and threw a tantrum like a child.
“Acting cute will take you nowhere, Park Jimin.” I stated flatly.
He put his head on my lap and said with a smirk, “But it took me to your heart.”
“Stop being a cringe and move out of the way.” I pushed his head.
After minutes of doing puppy eyes and pouty faces, when I still didn’t budge, Jimin walked away from me. But he was back within a minute wearing his night gown which I had commented he looked sexy in ages ago.
“What does it suppose to mean?” I raised one of my eyebrows.
“It means,” Jimin threw himself on the couch next to me dramatically and said, “I’m getting ready for bed.” The last word, he said in a whisper, clearly indicating the obvious.
I scoffed in reply and kept my eyes fixed on the TV. Jimin moved on the couch in a certain way to get closer and carefully snaked his hands around my waist. I knew what he was capable of doing to me. But I refused to give in.
I slapped his hand and said, “Stop bothering me.”
Jimin took away his hands, a frown growing on his forehead. Then, he walked away stomping his feet, muttering “Stop this! Stop that!” I almost laughed out loud.
After half an hour of watching the movie alone, I realized it was indeed boring. No offense to my all time favorite ‘Home Alone’ but I was missing Jimin beside me. I sighed and turned off the TV.
Jimin was already fast asleep. He looked like an angel in this innocent state of unconsciousness. I could look at him for the whole night and still wouldn’t get bored. I smiled to myself.
“My lovely Jiminie!”
You’re My Boy - Kim Taehyung

Apparently, five layers of clothes weren’t enough to keep you comfortable on a snowy night out on the street. I wasn’t foolish enough to have come out into the open at this time either. But unfortunately I had a boyfriend who was extremely stubborn. I knew, I wouldn’t be able to lift his mood up the whole Christmas if I didn’t come out to play with him in the snow just now.
So, here I was, struggling to throw a single snow ball at my childish boyfriend, who had been continuously throwing enough of them at me by which I could have built a huge snowman.
“Please!” I begged him as another ball hit my shoulder, “Stop it already. I’m so tired.”
Taehyung came running at me with a smile on his face. “You’re not fun to play with.” he tried to mock me.
“I know!” I huffed out, “Can we do something else? Something fun?”
Taehyung thought for a moment. Just before I could offer him to play a nice game of monopoly inside our warm room, he yelled in excitement, “Let’s make a snowman!”
“What?” I asked in disbelieve, “No way!”
But Taehyung always had his way. So, we were rather doing what he had suggested instead of what I had thought of even if mine was a rational decision anyone would have agreed upon.
Building a snowman was harder than it looked. I remembered to have done it when I was just a kid. Those times, I always had my sisters and parents to help me. The shapes were never right. Taehyung wasn’t satisfied with them at all and we had to rebuild it from the base every time.
Finally, we managed to make the perfectly symmetrical balls, the upper one half the size of it’s base. Taehyung nodded his approval and I sighed in relief. I was grateful that Taehyung let me do the most interesting works; putting the buttons, eyes, mouth and the carrot for a nose. I finished the final task perfectly and looked back at my boyfriend.
And there it was. The boxy smile. When my eyes stopped at his perfectly wide grinning face, I felt like the time had slowed down. The snow was falling rather dramatically. My surrounding suddenly looked more romantic than it did even a few minutes ago.
Taehyung looked at me and tilted his head in confusion. “Baby?” he called, “Why are you staring at me like that?”
I suddenly realized what I was doing. I chuckled and shook my head to let out those romantic thoughts away. I decided that the romance could wait. Instead, I let his inner child enjoy this rare moment for now.
First Mistletoe Kiss - Jeon Jungkook

Finally, the party was over and all the boring people left the house. When I had done my share of cleaning up, my mother allowed me to go to bed. I picked up my phone as soon as I reached my room and locked the door.
“Oh shit!” I swore. Five missed calls and a text! And all of them were from the same person; Jeon Jungkook.
Jungkook was my neighbor and I had known him for a year. I had liked him since day one. Little did I know that he had liked me as well until last week when he had asked me to be his girlfriend. Naturally, I said yes. But over the week, I got to know the Jungkook behind those doe eyes and bunny smile. He was quite stubborn and possessive in nature.
Five missed calls on Christmas Eve from him could mean disaster. I hastily checked the text.
“I don’t want to be that clingy boyfriend asking for attention when you’re having fun. So, I’m texting you instead. Merry Christmas.”
I got the tone of the message. Jungkook had a habit of always ending a text with calling me love. But he hadn’t done that here. Especially when it was supposed to be a merry Christmas text. That was not a good sign.
Since I had a pretty strict family, the fact that I had a boyfriend before I graduated high school was a secret. So, I checked whether my parents had already gone to bed or not before calling Jungkook right away.
“Wow!” I heard Jungkook speak, “You remembered me!”
“I’m so sorry. kookie!” I pleaded in a half whisper. “There were so many people. And you know my mother. She doesn’t allow phones in front of the guests.”
Jungkook remained silent for a while. Then he spoke again, “I wanna meet.”
“What?” I raised my voice unexpectedly, “You mean, now?”
“Yes!” Jungkook said, “Don’t you dare say no! I’m not going to bed without seeing you.”
I thought for a moment. Everyone was tired as hell. There was no way my mother would come to check on me at this time. I decided I would take this risk. “C’mon!” I told myself, “It’s Christmas!”
“Love?” Jungkook called.
“Meet me at the store.” I said, “And don’t forget to buy me Cheetos.”
Jungkook was waiting with a packet of Cheetos by the store door. A big smile spread across his face when he saw me. I gave him a quick hug and started complaining about how bored I was during the whole party and how much I had thought of him.
Jungkook kept on smiling and feeding me the Cheetos in between as I was too busy ranting about my misery. I stopped when I realized that Jungkook hadn’t spoken at all.
“Don’t keep staring at me like that.” I said.
Jungkook chuckled and said, “I can spend a whole lifetime hearing you talk.”
“That was cringey!” I said as I felt heat rushing to my cheeks.
“Look!” Jungkook pointed up to a mistletoe hanging above the store door. “It’s not every Christmas you get to stand under the mistletoe with your boyfriend by your side.”
I knew exactly what he meant. I was rather doubting if it was a coincidence at this point. The thought of Jungkook wanting a kiss from me sent a shiver down my spine. I looked down in embarrassment.
“Wait a minute!” Jungkook said, “Haven’t you ever kissed under a mistletoe before?”
“Actually,” I mumbled, “I’ve never kissed anyone before.”
A visible shocking expression spread on Jungkook’s face. When recovered, he cleared his throat, “Let me be your first, then.”
Carefully, he closed the distance between us. Then, he cupped my face on his hands and asked, “May I?”
When I nodded my ‘yes’, he gently kissed my lips. He let go and whispered softly, “Merry Christmas, love.”

My Masterlist

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25 Days Christmas Romance Challenge
Anonymous said to @alloftheprompts: Do you have any Christmas Prompts that could be used for romance? I was hoping for like a 25 days of Christmas writing type thing but I can’t find prompts that could be used for mini romances
I hope these help! ♥
Character A and Character B, sworn enemies, are chosen to prepare the company Christmas Party.
Character A’s best friend rigs the Secret Santa, because they know Character A has a crush on Character B.
Character A works as a Santa’s helper. Character B has a small sibling/child.
Character A is desperate to find a particular item (book/toy/etc.) as a present for someone, but it’s been sold out everywhere. Character B helps.
Character A and Character B are co-workers, but they barely know each other. But they both have to work through the holidays.
Character A and Character B meet in the ER on Christmas Eve.
Character A can’t wrap gifts to save their life. Character B is thir neighbor and can help.
Character A’s ex will be at the Christmas Party A is attending. Character B poses as A’s fiance.
Character A vows to do something nice for a stranger during the Christmas time. Character B is that stranger.
Character A and Character B both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project to exchange postcards.
Character A and Character B broke up, but now they meet at a Christmas party.
Character A is stuck working in coffee shop on Christmas Day and Character B is the lonely soul spending their whole day there.
Character A’s little sibling/child wants to meet their favorite celebrity/writer/person for Christmas. Character B is said “Christmas present”.
Character A can’t travel to see their family on Christmas, so they invite their grumpy loner neighbor Character B.
Character A and Character B compete in Christmas house decoration.
Character A bakes too many Christmas cookies so they share it with Character B.
Character A has to dress up as Santa for Christmas.
Character A and Character B have to save Christmas.
It’s Character A’s first Christmas since a tragedy.
Character A returns to their birth-town for the holidays. Character B is their estranged childhood best friend.
Character A is pretending to be their friend’s lover for the sake of the friend’s family. Character B is said friend’s sibling.
Character A loses a bet and has to wear a different ugly Christmas sweater every day till Christmas. Character B works at a clothes store.
Character owns a struggling toy store. Character B is looking for a Christmas present.
Character A doesn’t feel the Christmas spirit but Character B, who lives above them, keeps playing Christmas carols really loud.
Character A overhears Character B’s Christmas wish and decides to fulfill it,

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