Bucci Gang X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

How the Bucci gang tries to get readers attention when you first join<3

Bucci gang x reader

How The Bucci Gang Tries To Get Readers Attention When You First Join

His way of getting your attention is to literally just always be next to you

Riding in a car? giorno is sitting next to you!

On a mission? Giorno is coming with you

Tired? He has two open shoulders please use him as your pillow

The moment you mention a favorite flower or animal suddenly they are appearing all over the place, he doesn't need you to know it's him, he's happy just to see your smile

How The Bucci Gang Tries To Get Readers Attention When You First Join

Romantic asf

Kisses your hand whenever he sees you, opens doors, compliments you no matter what you do just a total gentleman

If you are in battle he is constantly putting himself in harms way so nothing bad happens to you

He knows you can take care of yourself he just wouldn't be able to live with himself if something happened to you <3

How The Bucci Gang Tries To Get Readers Attention When You First Join

Hahahahah he has no clue why he's trying to always get your attention till the very last minute bc he's emotionally constipated

His main way of trying to get you to notice him is keeping you away from giovana

If this man even sees you sitting next to the golden boy he will sit right in between you two he might offer you a chance to listen to music with him if you're lucky

Will give giorno the most disgusted glare if he tries to go in to kiss your knuckles

But he's just doing that because giorno can't be trusted right? Right???😳

How The Bucci Gang Tries To Get Readers Attention When You First Join

He's smart, but not around you

His brain has an error when ever your around

The way you smell, talk, and look is all just too much for this guy

He's TRYING to find a way to get your attention but he's to focused on trying not to pass out because your shirt is showing a little more of your chest than you usually do

Mista and narancia aren't help either, constantly teasing him

Unbeknownst to him all of his flustered-ness IS getting your attention so I guess he's not doing to bad 😉

How The Bucci Gang Tries To Get Readers Attention When You First Join

Wears his heart on his sleeve

It's sooooo obvious that he has a thing for you and everyone knows

Wants your attention all. The. Time, asking if he did good in the last battle, asking for help because fugo is being to mean,

Wants you to touch him (not in that way you weirdos) but stuff like, he has something on his face, or a ich he can't scratch he just likes to feel your hands

Wants special treatment which makes the other really annoyed but he's not complaining he just wants time with you

How The Bucci Gang Tries To Get Readers Attention When You First Join

Another person who makes it very obvious

Flirts with you and passes it off as a joke but in reality he wishes he could woo you over

The Sex Pistols are...well they're themselves

Even if Mista isn't open about his crush they most definitely are

"Y/NNNNN did you know mistaaaa loves y-" cue Mista trying aggressively to shut them up while his face is burning red

If any guy outside the gang so much as looks at you he goes full protective mode, he might even whip his gun out if they don't get the message

Tries endlessly to fluster you, by sitting really close, are whispering into your ear, or giving you compliments

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2 years ago

hiii! hope you’re having a good day so far! i just read your recent bucci gang headcanons and i loved them! i was wondering if i could have some headcanons of the bucci gang reacting to the new fem! reader who, despite being a bit introverted and shy, actually has a motherly side to them whenever the team’s severely hurt? like as soon as the reader sees a member injured, she’s immediately rushing towards them with the first aid kit, even before giorno could do anyting LMAO. and when she has the courage, she’ll scold the member for not being careful and might ask bucciarati to send them on team missions rather than solo missions (unless necessary). bonus points: the reader’s stand is sentient and is able to talk, and sometimes the stand will even scold the bucci gang, even as far as scolding the team’s stands too 😂 (reader’s stand also has a motherly side to it so sometimes whenever one of the member’s stands is out, she’ll go up to them, just making sure they’re okay before retreating back to the reader). ty!! <33

Ahhhh this is so cuteeee I love itt

Bucci gang with a motherly reader

Bucci gang x fem!reader

Hiii! Hope Youre Having A Good Day So Far! I Just Read Your Recent Bucci Gang Headcanons And I Loved

Bruno absolutely adores you, he relies on you to keep the team alive because god knows they can't do it themselves

I feel like your stand would have a mind of its own, slapping people when they got hurt for doing something stupid, it's not like you were going to slap them your soul just really wanted to

On that same note just imagine your stand going up to put bandaids on someone while you're still trying to fight, it just can't help it's self

You are going to get scolded by some of the more serious members (abbaccio and fugo) for not having any sense of self preservation, you are always running records whoever's hurt not thinking about the consequences that might have on you. They might seem mad at you but deep down they're just worried too and wouldn't want anything to happen to you

While on the other side mista and naranica are always thanking you and asking for bandages or pain meds because they stubbed their toe or something like that

Giorno has accidentally called you mom before and felt super embarrassed afterwards

Tysm for requesting something these really make my day so I hope you enjoy!

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2 years ago

For @horseys-blog <3

How the Bucci Gang reacts to having to sleep next too their crush

Bucci gang x reader

For @horseys-blog


Oh lord, he's not letting you go alone tonight, you were so beat up from the last battle it would be unsafe for him to leave you alone

But when you told him you only had one bed and INSISTED he not sleep on the floor he was shaken up a bit

Totally protectively grabbed you in his sleep and didn't let you go even when he woke up, he was lucky to get this close to you

Made you breakfast when he woke up


He didn't want to (he totally did) sleep next to you thats just how it happened you were stuck in the same bed because Mista had insisted he wasn't sleeping with narancia again so he was sleeping in the same bed as you, which was fine, right?


So now he was here, arms at his side, not moving, he was so glad you were asleep because now you couldn't see his red face

God he tried to be smooth but so close to you he just couldn't hold up the act anymore

He gently moved his arm closer to you, just like he had hoped, you grabbed onto him

He could die happy, his life is complete


Actually very chill about it

Bruno didn't have enough rooms? Alright he can sleep next to you.

Actually asks you if you want to move closer when you start shivering and you gladly curled into him

His arms were wrapped around you and your legs were tangled by the morning

Needless to say Mista and Narancia have pictures


This is fine, he is fine, he is toootally fine, is what he thinks


Noooope he is burning up so much he takes the blanket off, his mind says leave but his heart says "just hug themmmm"

He can't bring himself to do it so he's a bit glad when you move closer

"Umm uhhh" he's stuttering he can't think straight

But he might take Mista up on a dare again if it means being close to you


He is the one grabbing you this time

He has waited so long for this chance he is not letting it go

Probably boops your in your sleep, you're just too cute right now he can't help it!

He holds onto you for dear life, but he gets so red when you grab onto his shirt in his sleep, put your nose in his neck, he might pass away right there

Teases you about it for week


Unlike the others he invited you to sleep over!

Falls asleep while watching a movie, like full on on top of you, spread eagle

Wakes up and is about to apologize and move off but he sees you face he can't bring himself to move

You look so peaceful he doesn't want to wake you up!

So he just stays, comfortable and happy on your chest <3

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2 years ago

hey could I maybe get Jotaro, Kakyoin and Giorno with an S/O that has a soft voice and gets talked over often?

Ofc! Tysm for requesting

Hey Could I Maybe Get Jotaro, Kakyoin And Giorno With An S/O That Has A Soft Voice And Gets Talked Over

He's not that much of a talker but despite his rough exterior he loves to hear you voice

Something about it calms him and reminds him that you're here with him

So he get pissed when other people talk over you

He knows your quiet especially around others so he wants you to be heard as much as possible

"Hey! They were talking so shut the hell up and listen."

Hey Could I Maybe Get Jotaro, Kakyoin And Giorno With An S/O That Has A Soft Voice And Gets Talked Over

He understands that talking loud doesn't always mean you should be heard

He knows you have a lot to say, you're smart and kind, it's just hard to get others to hear sometimes

He's not the loudest person himself but he is quite chatty and wants you to be a part of the conversation as much as you want to

"*ahem* as you were saying dear"

Gives you space to talk and death glares anyone who interrupts you

Hey Could I Maybe Get Jotaro, Kakyoin And Giorno With An S/O That Has A Soft Voice And Gets Talked Over

Once again despite his calm and cool exterior he's totally unhinged on the inside

He finds your voice like music to his ears and could listen to you go for hours

Which is why he get upset when other people don't appreciate it

Every time you get interrupted he get more and more upset

"Once again I believe *they* were speaking"

Even if other don't listen he makes it very clear he is and only looks at you

But if you get talked over enough he gets fed up and threatens the other for having the Gaul to be rude to his significant other

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2 years ago

Um I was wondering if I could get a part two of Abbachios sister. Where she meets the rest of the gang. Please, if you don’t want to tho I understand

Ofc I would love the bucci gang is my favvv

Abbachios sister meets the bucci gang

Um I Was Wondering If I Could Get A Part Two Of Abbachios Sister. Where She Meets The Rest Of The Gang.



He immediately sees the similarities between you and your brother when other people see you as complete opposites

Takes it upon himself to introduce you to the gang and make sure your comfortable

He does a head count to make sure everyone is there and gets extra panicked when he sees your not there

Attempts to stop abbachio from teasing you but it hardly ever works


He's so sweet so you have no idea why your brother seems to be so angry with his all the time

He tries to spend time with you and make you feel as welcome as possible because he know how hard it is to be new to the group

Tells you *the story* of what your brother did when he first met him and gets a kick out of you scolding him

Loves to take walks with you and tries to convince you to take your gas mask off at least a little bit to smell the ocean air


Very interested in your stand and its abilities

Sees you as a younger sibling as well and doesn't mind cleaning up after you

Much more tolerant to you than the rest of the gang but isn't afraid to scold you when you do something stupid with Mista and/or Narancia because it always seems to be the three of you getting in trouble

Mista and Narancia

They Immediately asks you for story's of what abbachio was like when he was younger and tease him for it

Always trying to pull you into whatever stupid thing they're up to

So so happy that your healing doesn't hurt like giorno's does

Just like the whole gang they accept you as one of them and are happy to see how abbachio has mellowed out just a bit now that you're here with them

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3 years ago

If you’re comfortable with it could you please do bucci gangs reaction to s/o telling them that there pregnant?

why would i ever turn down such a sweet request! sorry for the wait anon~! i hope you enjoy this as much as i enjoyed writing for it! 🍒💖

Bucci Gang Reacting to Pregnant s/o

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

██████ 100% *_♡_*

If Youre Comfortable With It Could You Please Do Bucci Gangs Reaction To S/o Telling Them That There

Giorno Giovanna:

-The time you confessed you were pregnant was when Giorno got home from an entire day in the office.

-You confronted him as he started to take his coat off and unwind from the day. The stress showing in the small yet noticeable eye bags. Honestly, he was running on autopilot.

-When you dropped the bomb, it took him a few moments to register it. A couple of clueless blinks before he rose up, his arms dropping to his side forgetting what exactly he was doing.

-By the time it clicks in his brain and the longer he stares at your unsure look, he slowly makes his way towards you.

-His arms wrap around you as you feel the curling of his lips against your neck exposed skin.

“I’m so glad mia cara, this new gift of life being further proof of our undying love.”

If Youre Comfortable With It Could You Please Do Bucci Gangs Reaction To S/o Telling Them That There

Bruno Bucciarati:

-It doesn’t take him a long time for him to notice, not with him being a walking lie detector.

-Bucciarati will catch onto the nervous glances you give him, even if they are small and subtle. After years of being involved with the mafia, he knows when a person’s moods shifts.

-The confrontation starts with him watching you cook the evening’s dinner. Sitting at the kitchen counter silently, just watching you.

-You turn around slowly asking whatever he meant by his offputting comment, although you can’t hide it for long and just decide to spill the beans.

-He is ecstatic and makes his way over to you. Enveloping you into a loving embrace, he asks why you decided to hide such an amazing miracle from him.

-Please give this man a child already.

“You cannot believe how happy I am bella, we can finally be the family we always dreamed of.”

If Youre Comfortable With It Could You Please Do Bucci Gangs Reaction To S/o Telling Them That There

Guido Mista:

-I just want to say that he is probably the one who least expected any of this to happen. He just wanted to try one session (actually many before without it) without protection and you can probably guess how it happened. Who guess that would have happened?

-He is astonished and in pure shock when you drop this nuclear missile on him. His eyes bulge out of his head and you see no thought behind those dark pupils of his.

-For a second it scares you before he scopes you up in his arms, engulfing you and laughing like a madman. It also scares you because you have no idea if he went off the deep end or he is just genuinely this happy.

-He assures you that it was out of pure joy and that this was something he looked forward to.

-Mista overall is just so happy and then actually become overprotective for the next nine months

-Good luck :)

“Don’t look at me like that babe! I can’t help myself from imaging our little future family!”

If Youre Comfortable With It Could You Please Do Bucci Gangs Reaction To S/o Telling Them That There

Narancia Ghirga:

-Just like Bucciarati, you are a little frightened to tell him. You don’t know if he’ll react poorly or not, you didn’t want to take that chance.

-Narancia will notice this and recon with Bucciarati at first. He thinks that you lost feelings or something else that dire happened.

-When the confrontation begins, he can’t help but fidget and break out in small beads of sweat as you continue to stare at him.

-The moment the words “I’m pregnant” leave your mouth, his jaw drops. Bright violet eyes stare back into your own as you try to read his expression.

-After a few minutes of awkward complete silence, you are then tackled by Narancia’s arms. He strongly grips onto you as if you would disappear any moment.

-Small tears are shed as he chuckles and whines about how happy he is. He then rants on how much you and him would make amazing parents.

“I-I’m just happy…! This is all I could ever ask for, thank you so much y/n!”

If Youre Comfortable With It Could You Please Do Bucci Gangs Reaction To S/o Telling Them That There

Leone Abbacchio:

-Out of all of the Bucci gang, he is probably the one you most likely would be intimidated to tell. His silent abrasive behavior being the side of the coin you wouldn’t want to receive.

-He would, just like Bucciarati and Narancia, would be the one doing the confronting.

-It comes off more of him barking at you (not like a dog you people who think that), but him being that way because he braced himself in advance thinking that you were going to break up with him or something.

-He takes a step and goes through the whole shocked anime protagonist moment as if he just got outsmarted by his opponent.

-You frown at the prolonged silence and walk away into the other room to lay down to sleep away from the previous encounter.

-You fall asleep to be wakened by strong arms wrapped around your stomach. Hands wandering around and slowly caressing that area.

-Abbacchio apologizes for the way he acted and confesses how happy he is on how life was merciful enough to bless him with you and his future child.

“To think after everything I’ve done and yet I am granted with another chance to be happy with the person I love the most”

If Youre Comfortable With It Could You Please Do Bucci Gangs Reaction To S/o Telling Them That There

Pannacotta Fugo:

-You decided to confess it to him when you are having your small tea and reading session.

-While Fugo is sipping on some tea and getting really nose deep into the book, you tell him and all that tea just splatters on the table.

-He is a gawking mess before cursing to himself on how much of a mess he has made.

-He then diverts his attention to you and begins an interrogation on how long you’ve been, why decide to tell him now, are you okay that he was the father, etc.

-You notice the look of hesitance in his eyes and reach out to hold his quivering hand.

-Now it’s Fugo’s time to confess his insecurities he has a father and it turns out with the both of you comforting each other.

-You two sit next to one another as you hold each other in a locked embrace. The feeling of his skin through the occasional holes throughout his suit, comforting you with the small tender warmth.

“With you by my side, I believe that we will be happy in this new chapter in our life.”

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2 years ago

Hey there! I absolutely LOVE all your content; it’s just perfection! I don’t know if you’ve done this already, but if you could do the Bucci gangs reaction to their S/O while sick or on their period I would be forever grateful!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)╯♡

i think i’ve gotten your ask before love! i’m sorry it has literally taken me so long to post this and other works. i’ve been like mega busy and writing is like a hobby i do so please don’t be mad. I’m also on my period rn, i just got a few days ago and it really sucks ;-;

okay anon i present you this…please like it 👉👈💖

Bucci Gang Dealing with S/O on their Period

⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙

██████ 100% *_♡_*

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Giorno Giovanna:

At first Giorno wouldn’t know or pick up on the early signs that your period is coming. He is busy with work although it doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend time with you, just the small things don’t come to mind when he is enjoying the time he can have with his s/o.

Him, Bucciarati, and Trish are the type to pamper their s/o when they are on their period.

For starters, he would grant you any type of food you are craving and make sure to keep you warm wrapped in the fine fluffy covers of your shared bed.

Totally stocked with napkins and tampons of all kind just to make sure that you aren’t leaving a pool of red in your bed or the expensive silk nightgown he bought for you. Giorno just doesn’t want you frolocking in your own blood :/

Giorno keeps the room scented of fresh flowers and is the total type if your having cramps to get you up to walk them away. Moving and exercising your body is more healthy than laying there all day not getting the blood flowing.

He understands when your sore, bloated, and of course having mood swings.

Picnic dates. When I said he will make you go outside, he would also take you on picnic dates that are surrounded by flowers to get your mind off of icky stuff.

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Bruno Bucciarati:

A sweetheart. You want a doting man to pamper and be at your beck and call, well you have Bruno Bucciarati.

Will 100% drop work unless it is really important, although you're more important to him than work itself.

Everything is completely stocked up and he makes sure to have special linen for you so you are comfortable and not maybe accidentally staining the cotton bedsheets.

Bucciarati would make you take pain reliefs and give you a complete list of what you can and cannot eat. Sure you may have cravings, however, you can’t just give in to all of them especially if they don’t help your bloating or cramps.

He watches your favorite movies and shows while holding you in his warm embrace.

To be honest I see Bucciarati enjoying the time you on your period. He doesn’t like seeing you in pain or stress, yet he loves the excessive time he gets to spend around you.

Loves when you lay there curled up and he can lay you on his lap while playing with your hair or fiddling with your hands he loves so much.

Why need a heating pad when you have this lovely man.

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Leone Abbacchio:

Well, I wouldn’t say he would be the best to be around on your time of the month. I feel like he would lack that understanding that your cramps or mood swings are uncontrollable and may lash out at you for them.

Over time he gets more sympathetic and would begin to understand what you have to go through. He yells less, is less harsh and abrasive, as well tries to surprise you with things that would make you happy.

Out of all the bucci gang members, he would be the best to cuddle with. He is tall, big, warm, and that chest of his oh my…

Abbacchio doesn’t really like the sight of blood and doesn’t like to deal if you accidentally have a leak on the sheets.

Also, is confused when you ask him to buy your products from the store. He kinda stands there awkwardly and his pride won’t allow him to ask the employees for help. Expect random brands or packages with him claiming that they were all the same and what he could find.

Also is the most chill to be with during your period because he doesn’t talk too much or is too jumpy like Narancia would be around.

Very pleasant and calming to be around, plus he would make you some nice tea.

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Guido Mista:

There are times I sometimes can’t take Mista seriously and sometimes I can. This is one of those situations.

He would honestly try to help you, but it would always turn out badly.

Mista’s definition of helping you get through your period is doing some um NSFW things to help your flow.

Sure he would like to hold and cuddle you, but to be honest he can only lay down for so long before he gets antsy.

The type to tell you “I understand how you feel baby” then next minute asks you if you would like to could the dinner for the night.

Mista is also on the same boat as Abbacchio and Narancia. He would get to the store and start sweating from the variety of products. Would probably come out with nothing.

Although Mista does feed into your cravings and even sometimes joins you on them. He is a curious man and he thinks it's cute sharing the same food with them curled up in a buddle of warm blankets from the heating pads.

The best thing Mista does when you are on your period is honestly when he pulls you into his broad arms and gives you the cutest cuddles.

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Narancia Ghirga:

I’m going, to be honest, your going to have to explain to him what a period is. He has no idea or clue about it.

Narancia sits there like a little kid soaking up information that seemed so bizarre to him.

At first he would joke about it until he sees you literally actually go through it. He would be like “oh shit” and rush over to you.

Blood isn’t really a big thing with him, but he gets scared still knowing that you are technically bleeding.

Joining the Gang of Pad/Tampon Explorers, he would also be so confused. Fugo refused to help Narancia, by refusing he was in another fit of anger and Narancia thought it was towards him.

The employees notice him wandering cluelessly and will help him out. He is the first out of the 3 to be able to bring the proper merch back.

Also joins food splurges and things like that. He is super affectionate and if you get irritated easily, he could be a tad bit annoying.

He just wants to be around you and comfort you through these times. Not only is he able to take off work, but he gets to spend it with you <3

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Pannacotta Fugo:

Fugo would be in the middle. He knows and has learnt about a menstrual cycle, just hasn’t experienced it firsthand.

Not going to lie, it made him panic at first. Of course he kept his cool composure and masked it with that cool facade of his, but we all know that inside he was going haywire.

Makes sure to definitely bring you the proper sanitary items you need for your cycle.

He isn’t one for physical touch most of the time so you’ll need to really be pushy or talk about how much pain you're in.

He’ll feel guilty and apologize before bringing you in his embrace with his face beat red.

Fugo wouldn’t let you leave the little comfort room he made for you. He talks about how it wouldn’t be a wise idea since they all couldn’t understand you like he could even though Trish is a female too.

He is also the type to enjoy you during this time of the month because it guarantees more alone time the two of you could have together.

The only downside is that he doesn’t really like blood or the idea of you staining the sheets. It’s just really icky to him.

Despite his little germaphobe self, he isn’t bad to be around because in all honesty he just wants to enjoy the small alone time he gets to have with you.

Hey There! I Absolutely LOVE All Your Content; Its Just Perfection! I Dont Know If Youve Done This Already,

Trish Una:

Come on, out of all the Bucci gang members she would be the most understanding.

It’s kind of really wholesome when you're on your period and she is around.

No need to take store trips, she already has everything you need. She has your favorite food, drinks, heating pad, and pain killers to combat your period.

She is just like Fugo and separates you from the rest of the gang because they are stupid in her opinion.

The two of you have little movie marathons and she pampers you by giving you facials or giving you small massages.

Sometimes when the two of you are both on your period, you two are the ones who stick together. Both you lay together and just cuddle while sulking in the same predicament.

At least the two of you can pamper each other and share a heating pad.

She also is huge for comfort so expect to have the fluffiest and softest of sheets while you're sitting there in the cocoon of blankets she made.

Recommend and say she is 10/10 the best be with during your cycle.

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3 years ago

wait this is so cute i love




jdisbdiwjd thank uuuuu♡ I get really exited when someone starts to like my writing!

Oh I love it! Actually I'm in love with cats my whole life, so write this will be really cool, so thanks for the request!~

I decided to give the s/o cat ears, tails, sharp nails and some cat behaviors, hope you like it!



Really curios about all that cat stuff.

Wanna pet you, but is afraid that you bite him like a normal cat.

Find it really cute when you start to chase smells, he even helps u!

He is really, REALLY, curious about you interacting with catnip.

Decorate your tail and ears with flowers that mach your furr color~


Uh...Do you eat cat food or humam food?...What can he cook for you?

Hypnotized by your tail moves.

Actually really like cats!

If you stare him long enough, just like a cat, he will pet you.

Loves to find you sleeping in random places in the house, it's so cute! He always cover you with a blanket.


Just can't resist your ears, he MUST touch them.

Like your sharp teeth, it's really cute for him.

He will never let it out, but your "purrrs" are his weaknesses.

That "I don't care" energy, but you always catch him looking at you.

Don't know how to pet you, please, teach him🥺


Calls you "gatinna" just to provoke, but you like it.👉👈

Sleeping in a random place? He will join you.

Suddenly pet your tail, you bit him almost every time :D

Love to watch you playing with some random thread.

Has a cutness overload when your pupils delate.


Buy cat toys for you!

Want you to interact with kittens and be their "mother" since they're stray.

Brought home every cat he found.

Squeezes every time, you try very hard to not scratch him, he is just showing his love!

Uses Aerosmith to play "cat the airplane" with you. Yea, he gave the name.



Knows exactly how to pet you and play with you.

Don't leave your side.

Yea, he bought a collar with your name in it...I SWEAR HE MEANS WELL!🥺

Brush your ears and tail.



Your sharp nails are even more pretty when she do them for you!

Bought a pink bow for your tail.

Does holes in your hats for your ears, they're pretty, don't you dare to hide them!

Likes to play with you using the cat toys, you're so cuuute!

Pets you like you're a fancy cat😌

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