Trish Una - Tumblr Posts

I am so normal thinking about their interactions post phf

I believe Fugo and Trish would be besties in the most awkward way possible

@giornoweek2k19 Day 3: Friends / Family
tfw the relative you never knew about suddenly appears and starts asking you and your gangster BFFs about what you do as a living so you gotta lie to him so he can stop bothering you
Okay I read your bio and see that requests are open, so- I have a family friend who keeps pressuring my mom to let her set me up with this guy my age who she helps and I did make an effort to get to know him but honestly he’s kind of weird and kept asking to date me despite not knowing anything about me and he’s also asked my friends to date them too. I told him no each time but he kept pressing. My mother let my family friend know about this behavior but instead of asking him to stop, the family friend kept pushing my mom to convince me to give him another chance. She told my mom that she thinks he and I have a similar sense of humor and even suggested to her that they plan a meetup for me and him at the mall even though I expressed I don’t like him. My mom said no. It makes me very angry that the family friend doesn’t seem to care about my feelings in the situation. I hadn’t expected her to react like that so I do feel angry and betrayed. How would Team Bucciarati (plus Trish, if you write for her) react to their friend telling them about this and expressing their frustration about it? Platonic and non yandere, please. Thank you!
I am very sorry that you have to go through that, I know exactly how you feel. It’s really frustrating and my heart goes out to you. I’m glad your mom is able to see and recognize your feelings. I do hope in the future that your family friend will get it straight you are completely uninterested. Keep strong and I know that everything will work out anon. I know I am not much help, but if ever need to talk I’ll be here. Now to the prompt at hand !💓
Bucci Gang Reacting to S/O with a Close Relation Problem
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
██████ 100% *_♡_*

Giorno Giovanna:
Giorno will catch onto your sunken spirit. With you being such a close person he holds to his heart, he will do anything to make you feel better.
When the news breaks, Giorno will become frustrated and very upset. He has some distrust towards adults and hates when their expectations are like that.
He does his best to comfort you by taking you down for a nice walk in a rural area of Naples he would sometimes go to as a child when his family situation went out of control. He would also take you to a small cafe and would love to drink a cup of tea with you to calm down your flared feelings.
Once you two get back to the manor you both live in along with the others, he takes you to the gardens to let you two listen to the calming flowing water of the marble-carved fountain.
Giorno would also use GER to make the flowers bloom around you. Their sweet calming scent adds more serotonin from the already calming fountain.
He wouldn’t do anything rash and honestly just wants to get your mind off the fact of everything going on.
Before retiring for the night, he stops you to reassure you that he will always be there for you and that there will always be light in the future.

Bruno Bucciarati:
Bucciarati will notice how distant you have been from the group lately. You haven’t been avoiding them per se, just not as energized as you always were.
He sends everyone out on a mission leaving you along with him. Bucciarati will offer you a cup of your preferred beverage choice and would want to have a talk with you.
After hearing about all your troubles, he is literally torn. You haven’t uttered a word of it to the others, keeping to yourself in silence. Immediately he will hug you and pat your back.
Bucciarati will refrain from sending you on missions, maybe only to run a few errands, but not too much. He will want you to reflex and take it slow with him by your side if you ever need to vent.
Honestly, Bucciarati would be the type to contact the said family friend because he wouldn’t want this to keep going. He’s very curt and professional about it, wanting to resolve it as soon as possible.
Although in the meanwhile, he would cater to you. Bringing you favorite food, drinks, your favorite music artist, also possibly buying you one of the newest Nokia modeled phones for your own other personal uses.
Bucciarati is just a twenty-year-old mom in the mafia.

Guido Mista:
You confront him first about it, wanting to talk to him because you two are the closest throughout the group.
He needs to take a moment to process all the words you vented to him and then would start yelling how “bullshit” it was.
Mista will be the first to take care of it for you, which leads you to frantically reassure the plotting gunman down from his crazy thoughts.
He would then usher you out to have some good food, which he meant pizza.
Mista is the type to try to giggle your problems away and get you caught up in the moment to forget the problem at hand. He isn’t as irresponsible as Narancia, but he does have his moments.
It’s just “Ah ah ah! What did I say?! No talking about that when we’re about to dig into this delicious pizza!”
You can’t help but laugh and go along with Mista’s plans. He does his job and does it well.
Mista at the end of the day would confront Bucciarati about it knowing that he would be able to handle it much more reasonable than he could.
Mista would remain by your side until the whole ordeal is taken care of, laughing and bringing even joy to your life.

Narancia Ghirga:
You vent to him after he started to whine that you were being uncanny and unfun. Narancia does get in childish fits and this causes the pent-up stress to finally take its toll.
Narancia will stare and blink at you in shock. His once energetic exterior is ruined as he literally deflates on spot.
He glomps onto you and it sounds like he was almost about to cry. It turns into a venting session because how the two of you don’t really vent to the others much. Out of all the other members, he is the one who reacts to it super emotionally. For example with him starting to cry, tug at you, then the next moment being his chipper self again as he starts bouncing up and down trying to get you to give him attention.
Just like Mista, he takes you to his fav pizza place or you just chill in his room listening to his favorite western rap. Literally just like Mista but more touchy and whiny.
He would confront Bucciarati but on the situation at hand. More like he just needs help on the best way to comfort someone.
Narancia is also totally the type if they encounter your family friend, he would absolutely go feral. The switchblade comes out and he just reenacts that whole Fugo with the fork ordeal.

Leone Abbacchio:
He kind of forces it out of you. Unlike Bucciarati, he corners you in a room and tells you to spit it out.
Abbacchio will just stand there, the more you go on the more his face darkens. His eyes completely blinded by the long locks of hair that adorned his head.
He is overall pissed, pissed more out of everyone else in the group. You have to stop him from storming out of the room and just wanting to hug him for support.
During this time, this is when Abbacchio’s guard is down. You can ask him to almost do anything and he would comply with it. Just like the others he wants to make you happy!
When you ask to use his lipstick, he would hand it over with a puff. Wanting to try on his clothes? Sure, he would just need to make sure to give you the newest and clean batch.
Anything that gives you little slices of joy, he would agree to do so. He went through a time when he was emotionally vulnerable and had no one to really be there for him.
He may not react much, but for sure he does feel for you the most.

Pannacotta Fugo
Fugo is just like Abbacchio with how to comfort you during your troubles. At least unlike Abbacchio, he is more tender and tries to understand how you feel.
He sympathizes with the whole expectation thing since all his life he was bombarded with them, especially with the people close to him.
He awkwardly hugs you and tries to convince you that you will be alright. As I said, Fugo isn’t the best with comfort but he will try because he hates seeing how distressed you look.
Fugo would offer you a reading session or have some tea, although that’s what the two of you normally do. He would also like to talk walks with you just like Giorno, as he does this to clear his mind whenever he gets in one of his fits or is ever bothered by something.
Oh and he would love to bake with you. Bake some nice strawberry cake for the two of you to enjoy to get your mind off of your troubles.
By the end of the day he just wants you to know no matter how awkward or displaced he acted, he will always support you.

Trish Una:
She senses it with her cool-girl observation powers, like when she would just sit there silently and watch kinda thing.
When you’re sitting on the sofa or just laying on your bed, she will make her move. Trish will sit right next to you and just get straight to the point. Her deadpan voice even added to the tiny interrogation.
Once you tell her, her shoulders slug a bit as her eyes flicker towards your carpeted ground. Hesitantly she would reach her hand over and hold it, letting in a few squeezes as she runs on a monologue on how much you mean to her and to not let it get you down.
She’s very sincere even through her harsh words. Trish may somewhat insult your family friend in front of you and you’re just like sitting there listening as she does so.
Trish is also the type to relieve your stress on shopping. Just the two of you on a bestie date buying the cutest stuff for the both of you. Pampering yourselves away.
She also gets pretty protective of you, not letting the other guys in the house come to talk to you or make some corny dirty joke while you just like burnt out.
Most likely she’ll coop you up in her room and just give you a whole facial or something just relaxing that would make you go back to your old cheerful self.
Forget about the others, you need to worry about the next coat of polish on your nails.
Next time someone wants to request a headcanons with the bucci gang, I need them to be specific if it’s them whole or each individual. I think both are good concepts so just for future reference ig??? You all don’t have to do it if you don’t want too 😳
Hey there! I absolutely LOVE all your content; it’s just perfection! I don’t know if you’ve done this already, but if you could do the Bucci gangs reaction to their S/O while sick or on their period I would be forever grateful!!! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)╯♡
i think i’ve gotten your ask before love! i’m sorry it has literally taken me so long to post this and other works. i’ve been like mega busy and writing is like a hobby i do so please don’t be mad. I’m also on my period rn, i just got a few days ago and it really sucks ;-;
okay anon i present you this…please like it 👉👈💖
Bucci Gang Dealing with S/O on their Period
⋘ 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎... ⋙
██████ 100% *_♡_*

Giorno Giovanna:
At first Giorno wouldn’t know or pick up on the early signs that your period is coming. He is busy with work although it doesn’t mean he doesn’t spend time with you, just the small things don’t come to mind when he is enjoying the time he can have with his s/o.
Him, Bucciarati, and Trish are the type to pamper their s/o when they are on their period.
For starters, he would grant you any type of food you are craving and make sure to keep you warm wrapped in the fine fluffy covers of your shared bed.
Totally stocked with napkins and tampons of all kind just to make sure that you aren’t leaving a pool of red in your bed or the expensive silk nightgown he bought for you. Giorno just doesn’t want you frolocking in your own blood :/
Giorno keeps the room scented of fresh flowers and is the total type if your having cramps to get you up to walk them away. Moving and exercising your body is more healthy than laying there all day not getting the blood flowing.
He understands when your sore, bloated, and of course having mood swings.
Picnic dates. When I said he will make you go outside, he would also take you on picnic dates that are surrounded by flowers to get your mind off of icky stuff.

Bruno Bucciarati:
A sweetheart. You want a doting man to pamper and be at your beck and call, well you have Bruno Bucciarati.
Will 100% drop work unless it is really important, although you're more important to him than work itself.
Everything is completely stocked up and he makes sure to have special linen for you so you are comfortable and not maybe accidentally staining the cotton bedsheets.
Bucciarati would make you take pain reliefs and give you a complete list of what you can and cannot eat. Sure you may have cravings, however, you can’t just give in to all of them especially if they don’t help your bloating or cramps.
He watches your favorite movies and shows while holding you in his warm embrace.
To be honest I see Bucciarati enjoying the time you on your period. He doesn’t like seeing you in pain or stress, yet he loves the excessive time he gets to spend around you.
Loves when you lay there curled up and he can lay you on his lap while playing with your hair or fiddling with your hands he loves so much.
Why need a heating pad when you have this lovely man.

Leone Abbacchio:
Well, I wouldn’t say he would be the best to be around on your time of the month. I feel like he would lack that understanding that your cramps or mood swings are uncontrollable and may lash out at you for them.
Over time he gets more sympathetic and would begin to understand what you have to go through. He yells less, is less harsh and abrasive, as well tries to surprise you with things that would make you happy.
Out of all the bucci gang members, he would be the best to cuddle with. He is tall, big, warm, and that chest of his oh my…
Abbacchio doesn’t really like the sight of blood and doesn’t like to deal if you accidentally have a leak on the sheets.
Also, is confused when you ask him to buy your products from the store. He kinda stands there awkwardly and his pride won’t allow him to ask the employees for help. Expect random brands or packages with him claiming that they were all the same and what he could find.
Also is the most chill to be with during your period because he doesn’t talk too much or is too jumpy like Narancia would be around.
Very pleasant and calming to be around, plus he would make you some nice tea.

Guido Mista:
There are times I sometimes can’t take Mista seriously and sometimes I can. This is one of those situations.
He would honestly try to help you, but it would always turn out badly.
Mista’s definition of helping you get through your period is doing some um NSFW things to help your flow.
Sure he would like to hold and cuddle you, but to be honest he can only lay down for so long before he gets antsy.
The type to tell you “I understand how you feel baby” then next minute asks you if you would like to could the dinner for the night.
Mista is also on the same boat as Abbacchio and Narancia. He would get to the store and start sweating from the variety of products. Would probably come out with nothing.
Although Mista does feed into your cravings and even sometimes joins you on them. He is a curious man and he thinks it's cute sharing the same food with them curled up in a buddle of warm blankets from the heating pads.
The best thing Mista does when you are on your period is honestly when he pulls you into his broad arms and gives you the cutest cuddles.

Narancia Ghirga:
I’m going, to be honest, your going to have to explain to him what a period is. He has no idea or clue about it.
Narancia sits there like a little kid soaking up information that seemed so bizarre to him.
At first he would joke about it until he sees you literally actually go through it. He would be like “oh shit” and rush over to you.
Blood isn’t really a big thing with him, but he gets scared still knowing that you are technically bleeding.
Joining the Gang of Pad/Tampon Explorers, he would also be so confused. Fugo refused to help Narancia, by refusing he was in another fit of anger and Narancia thought it was towards him.
The employees notice him wandering cluelessly and will help him out. He is the first out of the 3 to be able to bring the proper merch back.
Also joins food splurges and things like that. He is super affectionate and if you get irritated easily, he could be a tad bit annoying.
He just wants to be around you and comfort you through these times. Not only is he able to take off work, but he gets to spend it with you <3

Pannacotta Fugo:
Fugo would be in the middle. He knows and has learnt about a menstrual cycle, just hasn’t experienced it firsthand.
Not going to lie, it made him panic at first. Of course he kept his cool composure and masked it with that cool facade of his, but we all know that inside he was going haywire.
Makes sure to definitely bring you the proper sanitary items you need for your cycle.
He isn’t one for physical touch most of the time so you’ll need to really be pushy or talk about how much pain you're in.
He’ll feel guilty and apologize before bringing you in his embrace with his face beat red.
Fugo wouldn’t let you leave the little comfort room he made for you. He talks about how it wouldn’t be a wise idea since they all couldn’t understand you like he could even though Trish is a female too.
He is also the type to enjoy you during this time of the month because it guarantees more alone time the two of you could have together.
The only downside is that he doesn’t really like blood or the idea of you staining the sheets. It’s just really icky to him.
Despite his little germaphobe self, he isn’t bad to be around because in all honesty he just wants to enjoy the small alone time he gets to have with you.

Trish Una:
Come on, out of all the Bucci gang members she would be the most understanding.
It’s kind of really wholesome when you're on your period and she is around.
No need to take store trips, she already has everything you need. She has your favorite food, drinks, heating pad, and pain killers to combat your period.
She is just like Fugo and separates you from the rest of the gang because they are stupid in her opinion.
The two of you have little movie marathons and she pampers you by giving you facials or giving you small massages.
Sometimes when the two of you are both on your period, you two are the ones who stick together. Both you lay together and just cuddle while sulking in the same predicament.
At least the two of you can pamper each other and share a heating pad.
She also is huge for comfort so expect to have the fluffiest and softest of sheets while you're sitting there in the cocoon of blankets she made.
Recommend and say she is 10/10 the best be with during your cycle.
Trish Una, how I love you but…Doppio has my heart, tell Doppio to call me up PLEASE TRISHIE😭🫶💕💕💕
How Trish acts around with the others daily versus how she acts the second anyone BREATHES in her beloved madre Doppio’s direction:
Every time I see a Mother’s Day thread for Jojo, mfs keep forgetting Doppio, how can you forget the iconic line of “you got some problem with me being a girl you piiig!?” Yall some fucking BUMS, put respect on my wifey, Doppio had a womb for Trish you fucks😭🙏

diavolo doesn’t pay child support
based on that one tiktok i cant for the love of god find again

I love to imagine post-manga Trish as this hardcore party girl, which i guess she would be, considering she became a pop star✨💘💅🏻🛍️💄🌺💸

(Jamais mis en couleur :0 )

bugs when u pick up a rock
og image and source:

i think mista would be trish's biggest fan post-gw

Maybe her real father was the gangster she met along the way
I saw both of these shirts online and I need them, so I put Nara and Trish in them

At the behest of a few friends, I have started watching JJBA. I was told I am able to watch it whatever order I want, so I've started with part 5 and I am currently on episode 10. Here are my nicknames for these dudes so far with the actual character names courtesy of said friends:
1. Boob window twink 1 - Giorno
2. Boob window twink 2 - Buccerati
3. Piss kink twink - Abbacchio
4. American flag boi - Mista
5. Swiss cheese - Fugo
6. Mathless - Narancia
7. Yogurt cheese bowl - Fromaggio
8. Pickle Rick - Pesci
9. Mafia daddy - Prociutto
10. Mellon boy - Melone
11. Emo jester - Risotto
12. Devil fruit - Ghiacchio
13. Italian ice cream - Gelato
14. Rich people ice cream - Sorbet
15. Nylons - Trish
16. Pigtails - Illuso
17. Torao 2.0 - Jotaro
Okay, just finished episode 25 and I put the wrong pieces together to make the right puzzle if that makes sense? I remembered that a few episodes ago I saw emo jester using screws or smth to stab a guy in the hand and then the eye. Then a couple of episodes later mathless was eating soup and the spoon disappeared for a bit right? So I message the gc and say 'omg does the emo jester have metal powers' and then I get a 'Wtf what episode are you on?!?!?' And I say ep 22 and they ask how I put that together so I said what I thought plus the fact that emo jester was the only member of the hitman team that team boob window 2 hadn't dealt with and then I got a 'lol that's not him' but then I asked if he had metal powers and I got confirmation. I also apparently figured out one of his special moves? And it has something to do with blood control. Keep in mid that I've seen about 5 minutes total of this dude and I've apparently figured this out. So I am certifiably a genius.
In other news, here are the next couple of nicknames:
18. Valentines day but yandere - Boss
19. Squidward - Squalo
20. Femboy - Tiziano
Trish's stand is fucking awesome and so is boob twink 1's. I will also begrudgingly admit that piss kink twink has a cool stand as well.
Last things: I am deeply in love with Buccerati, I'm annoyed at Swiss cheese for not going with everyone, mathless is my son, and pesci is baby.
At the behest of a few friends, I have started watching JJBA. I was told I am able to watch it whatever order I want, so I've started with part 5 and I am currently on episode 10. Here are my nicknames for these dudes so far with the actual character names courtesy of said friends:
1. Boob window twink 1 - Giorno
2. Boob window twink 2 - Buccerati
3. Piss kink twink - Abbacchio
4. American flag boi - Mista
5. Swiss cheese - Fugo
6. Mathless - Narancia
7. Yogurt cheese bowl - Fromaggio
8. Pickle Rick - Pesci
9. Mafia daddy - Prociutto
10. Mellon boy - Melone
11. Emo jester - Risotto
12. Devil fruit - Ghiacchio
13. Italian ice cream - Gelato
14. Rich people ice cream - Sorbet
15. Nylons - Trish
16. Pigtails - Illuso
17. Torao 2.0 - Jotaro

GER being the literal devil 2: it's worse this time lol
Also I just noticed we're almost at 350 followers! Thanks a lot uwu

They do this whenever Bruno leaves them alone in a room for 20 minutes
More Sander sides inspired comics! Cause I love the series so much fbhzsbusnais