Sdc X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

SDC Headcannons for Mario cart 🚗

SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

This will be my first ever fic so pls enjoy <3



SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

- [ ] Character: bowser (he wants to be shy guy but doesn't want to look stupid)

- [ ] Favorite track: dolphin shoals

- [ ] Least favorite: baby park lmao

- [ ] Saves all his blue shells until he can get Polnareff or Joseph in first place, he just wants to be a dick

- [ ] Complains about the cheering in the background and asks kakyoin if he's able to turn it off (he can't)

- [ ] Is actually pretty good because of his quick thinking but has definitely broken a couple controllers out of pure rage 💀

With y/n

- [ ] Only apologizes when he hits you

- [ ] When the two of you are playing alone he will pick shy guy because he's much more comfortable around you <3

- [ ] Puts his hat on you to cover your eyes

- [ ] Tell him he's good and you'll get a hat tip and a "good grief😒" bc he's actually blushing


SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

- [ ] Character: tanooki Mario

- [ ] Favorite track: rainbow road(try hard)

- [ ] Least favorite: any desert level (stereotypical gamer who hates desert levels)

- [ ] Definitely the best and always wins

- [ ] The first time he deflected a blue shell with a boom box every one was like 😧. They then all yelled at him because they wouldn't tell him how he did it

- [ ] Always gets the boost at the beginning and tells people when they went too early or late (this man is an absolute menace)

- [ ] When he can't play he back seat drives as you are playing, but at least he's knows what he's doing

- [ ] Chooses his cart purely on stats and the other make fun of him bc it always looks goofy asf

With y/n

- [ ] Takes the time to teach you all the tricks

- [ ] Sits behind you with his hands on top of yours on the controller so he scan "show you" secretly kinda wants an excuse to touch you hands

- [ ] Gets SUPER flustered when you tell him how good he is lol


SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

- [ ] Character: link bc he has a sword too

- [ ] Favorite track: Paris promenade

- [ ] Least favorite: royal raceway(its too girly)

- [ ] The worst

- [ ] Absolutely terrible

- [ ] Have you seen this man drive irl??

- [ ] My guy would finish in almost last place like every time and makes everyone play another round because he'll "beat them next time"

"Hey guys lets do baby park"- Polnareff

"Finally you can be yourself" - joot

"OH COME ON"-Polnareff

- [ ] Can literally never use his power ups at the right time

- [ ] Is surprisingly good at aiming green shells

- [ ] Forgets what lap he's on and stops to celebrate way too early 💀

With y/n

- [ ] Is you choose peach or daisy he will (not so subtly) choose Mario or Luigi to go along with you

- [ ] Wait for you at the end if you are some how worse then he is because he's a "gentleman" bc he's dumb asf but you love him

- [ ] Tell him you believe in him and that he'll do better next time and this man will straight up purpose to you

Joseph Joestar

SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

- [ ] Character: Iggy bc he thinks it's funny that it the same name as the dog

- [ ] Favorite track: he seems like a yoshi circuit kinda guy

- [ ] Least favorite: Tokyo blur 👎

- [ ] Somehow

- [ ] Someway

- [ ] This incompetent mf is actually really good

- [ ] Played the OG with holly when she was tiny so he says he's "still got it"

- [ ] Jotaro is suspicious and feels like he's using hermit purple to cheat (he probably is)

- [ ] Is terrible at using the gliders, never knows where he is going, has a terrible track record with planes and he's no different in the game

- [ ] Calls peach hot only to be berated by the rest of them for weeks

- [ ] "HOLY SHITTT" every time he gets hit with a blue shell

- [ ] Is told to stfu multiple times per game by Jotaro

With y/n

- [ ] Calls you his good luck charm *wink wink*

- [ ] Asks you to give him a kiss every time he wins. I'm so sorry Susie Q

- [ ] Tell him he's good at the game and he will be like "haha guess this old guy has still got it😅"


SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

- [ ] Character: dry bones

- [ ] Favorite track: grumble volcano

- [ ] Least favorite: Moo Moo meadows (this sweet heart hates the thought of hitting cows)

- [ ] Will apologize every time he hits someone or passes them

- [ ] Forgets it's just a game and tries to use magicians red to burn the CPU's

Please I just imagine him shouting "MAGICIANS RED" in the middle of a race and everyone goes quite and looks at him lmaooo

- [ ] Wants to play on teams but no one else ever does

- [ ] Knows all the shorts cuts even more than kakyoin which is surprising

- [ ] Gets really angry every time he's hit by a stage obstacle like a piranha plant or a chain chomp

With y/n

- [ ] No matter how hard it is he is playing with one hand over your shoulder and you can't complain (mans a human heater)

- [ ] Apologies extra when he hits you on accident bc he never would on purpose

- [ ] Tell him he's good and he's a blushing mess the rest of the night and can't think straight 👍


SDC Headcannons For Mario Cart

-[ ] Has eaten more than one controller and had to get taken to the vet at least once

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2 years ago

SDC animal crossing headcannons bc I said so🤩

SDC Animal Crossing Headcannons Bc I Said So

-Just pretend everyone can play on the same island and stuff without having to be the main account ok? Ok.-



SDC Animal Crossing Headcannons Bc I Said So

Only plays because kakyoin asked him to

Literally never talks to the villagers, like they always want to leave

He uses this game like a fishing simulator, all he does is fish

Walks around the museum 24/7

Only really plays late at night so he never gets to shop

With y/n

As I've said before he's not big on words, but you will find stuff outside your house that he "didn't want" (he just wanted to give you something)

Takes you around the museum and tells you everything about the fish he donated <3


SDC Animal Crossing Headcannons Bc I Said So

Plays this game like all the time

Restarted over and over again until he got cherries for his island fruit

Buys everything he sees in the shops and his house is decorated so nicely

Literally the only reason the boys even progress in the game

With y/n

He absolutely loves playing with you and probably digs holes around your house so you'll fall in (out of love)

Always haves medicine in case you get stung


SDC Animal Crossing Headcannons Bc I Said So

He has no clue what is going on

Spends everyday running around and talking to the villagers so much that they get annoyed

Still has a tent for a house bc he cannot figure out how to upgrade it

Buys so many clothes and never wears them, his outfit might look goofy but he thinks he looks great 💀

With y/n

Gets jealous when you talk to the villagers more than him

Very upset that you two can't share a house, and makes the dumbest sex jokes if you two ever end up laying next to each other


SDC Animal Crossing Headcannons Bc I Said So

Invites the most ugly god damn villagers to the island

He has no shame and bought bells off the internet so he didn't have to work for it

Cannot decorate and leaves things he doesn't want all over the island

Hates Tom nook and is very adamant about how much he annoys him, like, he won't stop talking about it

With y/n

Has you show him how to play the game and gets super excited when you offer to decorate for him

Buys you literally everything that in nooks cranny every day, it does not matter if you already have three, you are getting another one


SDC Animal Crossing Headcannons Bc I Said So

Plants and waters flower all the time, he takes care of them every day

His house is full of bugs that he caught and doesn't want to donate because he loves them to much

Yells at people for running through the flowers especially Polnareff

Gives his villagers presents everyday

With y/n

You are the only person he trusts to take care of his flowers besides him

Has matching outfits with you <3

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2 years ago

Jotaro x reader based off of ⬇️ this video

Jotaro x fem! Reader

Pls enjoy<3


You were sitting your hotel room beside Jotaro, Polnareff was seated across from you two on the other bed. They were both smoking and you just sat there enjoy the company of both your boyfriend and Polnareff.

"I'm telling you she was just the prettiest girl I've ever seen!" Polnareff gushed about a girl he had seen earlier this morning whom the rest of you had to drag him away from

"Good grief" Jotaro replied "quit complaining" he said, taking a long draw from the cigarette between his lips

You giggled at their banter and compelled by Pols love talk you went in to kiss Jotaro on the lips but before you could he directed your face so your lips landed on his cheek. You pulled back, confused, until he point at the cig dangling fro his mouth. Your boyfriend didn't want to inhale it or worse, burn yourself, but you just replied with a dissatisfied "humph" and went back to listening to Polnareff.

"Aww come on Jotaro" Pol complained "your girlfriend wants a kiss the least you could do is comply, ya know if I had a girlfriend there's no way I would ever try to dodge one of her-"

Possibly just to shut Polnareff up and maybe to indulge some of your, and his own wants Jotaro did something you could never expect. While both of you were still sitting he dipped you down into his arms and used his tongue to push his cigarette back into his mouth before stealing you lips in a light, yet still passionate kiss. Your were at a loss for words, the slight taste of the cig still on his lips and the way he held you had your face a blushing mess when he pulled back a popped the cigarette back out and continued to nonchalantly smoke as if nothing had happened. While you sat there completely baffled by how smooth your boyfriend had just been.

"There, happy now?" He said, glaring at Polnareff while looking off to his side to shoot a small smirk at you

"Wha-what the hell was that?!?" Polnareff sputtered " Jotaro you going to HAVE to teach me how to do that" lost in his own thoughts he continued "man just think how many girls would swoon if I pulled that move, maybe I can use it on the beauty from this morning-"

"Definitely not." Jotaro said sternly continuing to glare at the French man

You giggled and relaxed enjoying to company of those two, while gently laying your head to rest on Jotaro's shoulder.

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2 years ago

Parts 1-5 jojos when you want to leave a party early


"Of course darling let's leave right now"

He is ready to go the moment you say something

He's already called a car or carriage ig? Idk it was 1800s when he was still alive so

Any way

The sweetest ever, will do whatever it takes to make you comfortable

Will carry you out of the party no questions asked

If somebody is making you uncomfortable

Will immediately walk over to them and his internal monologue is just "should I punch them? No that would very un-gentalmanly of me. But they were making them uncomfortable? So should I?"

In the end he settles for giving them a very stern talking to and if the message doesn't get through THEN he will put them in a head lock


"Alrighty then lets have a stay at home date hm?"

Is really annoying at first

"Do we HAVE to go" he would look so upset and give you the puppy face

All you would have to do is make it clear you don't want to be here and he is grabbing your coats

He's a total extrovert so he doesn't really understand being socially exhausted so you might have to explain it to him

If someone was making you uncomfortable

Has a mischievous glint in his eye when he asks who it was

"that person over there? Why they look like a total idiot just wait here."

Uses a hamon charged glass to deck their ass with water


"Finally, come on let's go"

He was already wanting to leave so he is a bit relieved when you say that you are ready to go early

Don't even worry about explaining introvertedness to him, he gets it.

If it's too loud he will put his hat on you head to cover your ears

If someone was making you uncomfortable

He doesn't say anything he just walks around the corner and hear a very loud " ORA" and the whole place goes silent

He then grabs your hand extra tight and leaves


"Yeah you said it, let's get out of here"

He is totally cool with leaving

Says goodbye to Okuyasu and Koichi

Once that's taken care of you guys are out of there!

Walks you home and offers to stay with you

You don't have to apologize, if you even try to he's stopping you "there's no need for that I just want to spend time with you not at some lame party" *cue big goofy josuke grin*

If someone was making you uncomfortable

His eyes go dark

"Can you point them out babe."

Winds up and punches them square in the face before yelling at them and telling them that if they ever got close to you again he would screw their nose up so much they wouldn't be able breath

He's not joking


"Yes my dearest just give me one moment"

He wants to get a video of Mista, narancia, and fugo dancing before he goes

Takes you hand and will shove anyone who is in your way as you two are leaving

Takes you to get gelato

Makes you flowers out of stuff to entertain you if he can't leave right away<3

If some was making you uncomfortable


They are dead now

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2 years ago

Y'all please I have no clue what to write plssss send me suggestions it can literally be for anything not just jjba

I will write whatever you submit so plssss

*I will not write yandere stuff or smut bc I am a minor*

Y'all Please I Have No Clue What To Write Plssss Send Me Suggestions It Can Literally Be For Anything

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2 years ago

hey could I maybe get Jotaro, Kakyoin and Giorno with an S/O that has a soft voice and gets talked over often?

Ofc! Tysm for requesting

Hey Could I Maybe Get Jotaro, Kakyoin And Giorno With An S/O That Has A Soft Voice And Gets Talked Over

He's not that much of a talker but despite his rough exterior he loves to hear you voice

Something about it calms him and reminds him that you're here with him

So he get pissed when other people talk over you

He knows your quiet especially around others so he wants you to be heard as much as possible

"Hey! They were talking so shut the hell up and listen."

Hey Could I Maybe Get Jotaro, Kakyoin And Giorno With An S/O That Has A Soft Voice And Gets Talked Over

He understands that talking loud doesn't always mean you should be heard

He knows you have a lot to say, you're smart and kind, it's just hard to get others to hear sometimes

He's not the loudest person himself but he is quite chatty and wants you to be a part of the conversation as much as you want to

"*ahem* as you were saying dear"

Gives you space to talk and death glares anyone who interrupts you

Hey Could I Maybe Get Jotaro, Kakyoin And Giorno With An S/O That Has A Soft Voice And Gets Talked Over

Once again despite his calm and cool exterior he's totally unhinged on the inside

He finds your voice like music to his ears and could listen to you go for hours

Which is why he get upset when other people don't appreciate it

Every time you get interrupted he get more and more upset

"Once again I believe *they* were speaking"

Even if other don't listen he makes it very clear he is and only looks at you

But if you get talked over enough he gets fed up and threatens the other for having the Gaul to be rude to his significant other

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2 years ago

*busts down door* IT IS I

I’d like to order SDC with an S/O that is very quiet, shy, kind, not the type to pick a fight? But during the journey to egypt one of their boys gets hurt and the S/O rolls up their sleeves like “u mess with them u mess with ME” type and just proceeds to beat the living hell out of the enemy stand user right in front of them LMAO? Bonus points if you include their reaction afterwards

Ahhh this is adorable!!!!!

Sorry this took me a bit to write I've been in school so I've less free time lol, but tysm for requesting

SDC with a shy S/O who would fight for them

It's not like you to get very upset, calm, kind, shy, and level-headed is how you're usually described. But something inside you snapped when you saw your S/O, the person you've been traveling with for weeks, get hit down more than they could handle. You wouldn't allow them to get hurt, with reckless abandonment you approach the enemy.


First time in his life he can remember being truly speechless

He only took a blow from an any stand user, he tried his best not to look in pain

But it's almost like you knew he was faking

He saw you take one confident step forward

"Hey idiot don't-"

You were already up in the users face

He had never seen you so angry

You had your stand out, you ran towards the enemy, curses flying from your mouth

Jotaro would get back up, and have you out of harms way before things got worse

He might seem angry after the fact but he was just worried for you


A little terrified of that look in your eye

He knows deep down what's about to happen as you step around him

Your protective side has been activated

He knows there's nothing he can do to calm your anger so he fights along side you

If you're going to protect him, he'll protect you. Simple as that

"I appreciate how much you care for me, put try to think of yourself a little more alright<3"

He's so sweet



It's hard for him to always keep up his "knight in shining armor" persona

Of course he want you to be safe

But letting himself be saved by you, that angry, determined, look on your face

He can't help but fall in love all over again

He likes seeing a different side of you and it makes him feel special

He holds you close after holding back his emotions "thank love"



A lot

He for real doesn't Believe it's you who is throwing punches at the enemy

not your regular skilled, precise movements. You are throwing aggressive and fast blows, your face full of aggression

Honestly he probably thinks it's really attractive to see you like this

Loves this part of you so much (after he's finally convinced it's actually you)

"That was incredible! Maybe I should make you made more often!" He's a lot to handle


Nope nope nope

He sees you tense up and he's already holding you back

He's happy that you're passionate and caring for him

But he won't let you get hurt

He knows you can handle yourself but strong emotions can get the better of anyone so he tries to calm you down

He can't even try to stop you when your enemy comes back for round 2 though



Not even the ever fortified avdol can talk you down now

Patches up your injuries and scolds you for being so reckless when it's all said and done

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1 year ago

"F--k it"

Jotaro x reader

"F--k It"

After finally arriving in Egypt and gaining Iggy as an "ally" you were forced to fight against Geb and his stand N'doul.

When Abdul had been hurt and your enemy was going in for the kill, you immediately ran, putting yourself at risk to try and save your friend, whom you had just gotten back.

Your friend Jotaro had ran after you, probably just to do damage control, but he was also worried for you. He had helped you defeat the enemy stand user (using Iggy), and now you were walking back to the rest of your friends.

You admired Jotaro in a new light, after he had lost his hat in the fight. He looked so handsome, he always had but now with strands of his hair hanging in front of his face. Of course you had always admired him not only for his looks but his personality as well, he was stoic, calm under pressure, cool, and he always listened to you no matter what, and he was never rude to you always being somewhat gentle.

You felt all of this yet you still knew that it was sort of hopeless, you were friends and Jotaro had showed no interest in you, at least in that way.

So you walked beside him, happy that you could at least know him even under these circumstances, I mean he really was-

"What are you looking at" he suddenly asked, an eyebrow raised

"Oh um sorry" you stammered waving your hands to try and signify it was nothing

"Hm ok..." he looked away

As he looked away his hair moved and the sun shone on his skin.

It was your turn to suddenly speak "You just look really nice without you hat on" you froze, not meaning to think out loud

"Huh?" He trends back towards you and strange look on his face

"Oh I'm sorry- I just, well I haven't seen you without your hat is all..."

He quickly looked away, you panicked, thinking you had said something you shouldn't have

"I just meant-"

"You...look...nice in...the sun...set" he mumbled, barley audible

You could see, even though he was turned away from you that he was covering his face with his hand.

You stood there stunned " you mean?"

"You're such an idiot" he grumbled

He was being so vague you had no idea what he meant

"It's just- fuck it" he suddenly turned back to you and grabbed the back of your head, pulling you in close and he bent down so you lips meant for just a moment, he was so gentle and he held you close, as though he thought you would break. He slowly separated himself from you lips and stood up.

"I hope that's obvious enough for you" he scoffed

You stood there, blushing like crazy, unable to speak.

After a moment Iggy came running back, with Jotaro's hat in his mouth

"Well, what do you know. You picked up my hat for me?" He said, surprised "maybe he isn't so bad after all" he looked over his shoulder at you, a small smile on his face


He stopped, realizing Iggy had slobbered all over it after he had returned it to his head

"Gimme a break" he sighed

You chuckled "hey Jojo"

"Hm yeah?"

You jumped up to reach his face and planted a kiss on his cheek

"I didn't know you felt the same way" you grinned

"You're pretty dense"

"Says you"

He chuckled

"Well um since we both-"

"HEY JOTARO, Y/N" you could hear Polnareff yell from the dune buggy "COME OVER HERE"

"We'll continue this later I guess" Jotaro sighed

You laughed and ran to catch up with him and the rest of your crew

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2 years ago

🩸🕸 Father Dearest 🕸🩸

 Father Dearest

It was a blur. First you were walking the bustling streets of Cairo with your mother shopping for food and next thing you know you're knocked out by what seemed to be something you could only describe as a ghost. You had your own ghost of sorts, it said it’s name was Quiet Riot, and as your body was dragged into a large castle you wondered if they could be in any way related.

You finally came to a cold dark room, your arms being bound behind your back. Screams of pure agony, distilled by the echoey chamber of the castle, reached your ears. Feeble body desperately fighting against your bonds as Quiet Riot appeared before you and began tying the ropes around your wrists and ankles. Free now and able to walk, you made your way to the door, where you were shakily able to pick the lock that bolted you in, surprising considering your vision being blurred by tears and your mind rushing with thoughts of we're your mother could be, and god forbid if those screams were hers.

The heavy wooden door slowly creaked open to reveal long winding stone hallways. They were dark with the exception of a few candles smattered about, and you wondered why they didn't open the heaven curtains blocking the window, but that wasn't important right now.

Bare feet against cobblestone you rushed in the direction of the noises. After the twists and turns of the castle confused you and sent you in a circle, you finally found yourself in front of a large pair of double doors. The screams had gone quiet a minute or so ago and you weren't even sure if this is where they had been emanating from, but nonetheless you trusted your gut. You were going to find your mother and get out of here. Your small hands pushed against the grain of the oak, and with assistants from Quiet Riot, they were opened with ease. 

The sight that lay behind those doors where nothing you could have ever been prepared to see. Your mothers body, limp and gray on the stone floor, blood pooling out of her neck into a crimson puddle beneath her. Then you saw him, his amber eyes making contact with your own froze you in place. And he spoke 

“My my, I am terribly sorry you had to see that” 

Cruelty dripped from his voice, and in an instant he stood in front of you, hand grasping your chin as he smiled at you.

‘How could he have approached me so fast, does he have some kind of special ghost like me?’

The giant of a man’s mouth opened to speak once more but then, like a flash of lighting, something inside you switched on, and the Riot’s hands threw the man a few feet from you, even with all your force you could sense he wasn't hurt in the slightest, but all you needed was a moment before you except what was sure to come. Tears were flowing down your face now as you quickly dropped to your knees before your mothers corpse, though you barely had a second to grieve her fate. 

“Quite the stand you have there”

The figure lifted you now by the throat, cutting off the air to your brain, and a small squeak of fear left your mouth, he laughed. 

‘How could he? How could he laugh after taking the life of an innocent woman?’ 

The fear you felt now came not from the idea of your life ending soon, but the absolute monster who stood before you.

You made one last futile attempt with Riot to get away from his grasp, but another yellow ghost simply grabbed the stand, making it impossible to move any part of your body. All you could do was move your eyes to see the body of your mother once more, as her murderer held your life in a single hand. If you had to go out now at least you would be with your mother soon. 

“You would prefer to die here and join your mother in the afterlife then stay and barely hang on to your puny life?” 

Shit you haven't realized you had said that last part out loud.

“You are an interesting child”

He paused to think for a moment

“I was going to kill you here and now, but I'm beginning to change my mind…” He uttered a few more unintelligible words as you blacked out from asphyxiation, the image of his sharp toothed smile burning into the backs of your eyelids.

An unfamiliar comfort enveloped your body, not the usual rough cotton cot you slept on. The plush velvet and silk was alien to you, but you couldn't help but snuggle farther into the bed. Then the creaking of your door opening, well there goes your quiet comfort. An old woman enters the room, you weren't quite sure who she was, but you put on the rather nice the clothes she gave you and followed her down a stone hallway, as she explained that Lord Dio would like to see you, the image of the man in question was a bit foggy but you knew he was an important figure in your life, perhaps a friend or family member? You couldn't put your finger on it.

As you reached a pair of large oak doors you stopped, the old women pushing them open for you. It was your first good look at the room, a library or study of some kind, every surface having a few dripping candles adorning it. Why didn't they just open the curtains if they wanted light? Well that wasn't important right now, because a large golden haired man, Lord Dio,  was ushering you over.

Your new shoes patterned against the stone floor as you walked to the armchair he was sitting in, taking a leisurely stance with a book in hand, sipping what you assumed was red wine. 

Your e/c eyes made contact with his own amber pair as he gestured for you to make a seat in the rather expensive looking chair across from him.

“Goodmorning, my child, how was your rest?”

Yes, it clicked. Lord Dio was your father of course, how could you be so silly to forget? You had the privilege of being the child of the most powerful man on earth and you just forgot? How idiotic of you.

“It was good, I was quite disoriented this morning though, I'm not sure why” You smiled at him and picked up a tea cup from the small table in front of you. Pouring yourself a cup of earl gray out listened to your father.

“Hm, I wonder why, perhaps you've been having night terrors. I assume you're still prepared for stand training today though, yes?”

“Of course father” You sipped your drink, the hot liquid scolding your tongue just a bit, as Lord Dio had a small chuckle at your expense, you laughed with him, it was humorous to an extent, even if your tongue was a bit burned now. 

Blowing on your drink to cool it down now, the man in front of you discussed plans for stand training today. At some point a servant walked in with a tray of food, none of which your father touched, but you gladly indulged.

You were excited for your next day of learning, your father always had more knowledge to give. So as you ate your breakfast and read another poetry book suggested by him, you were happy to be blessed with this life, the life of the child of the most powerful man on this Earth.

Thanks a lot for reading :))

Fun fact of the post: When I first heard about jojo i thought dio was an old scrunkly man lolz (-_-)

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