Pannacotta Fugo - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

seeing as i write lucy w passione most of the time (she deserved friends her own age!!!), here's my takes on their dynamics.


♡ as a whole, lucy feels out of place when she first meets everyone. they’ve accomplished so much in so little time, and so she puts them on a bit of a pedestal. she doesn’t consider herself a part of the group, and often questions her place with them because of her lack of stand and her (percieved) lack of strength. everyone else just assumes she’s shy, which is also part of the truth.

she initially gravitates towards the adults of the group because she’s more used to interacting with older people as opposed to her peers, and is seemingly more comfortable around them.

♡ out of everyone on team bucciarati, trish is the person that lucy’s closest with, and she’s someone that lucy longs to emulate. in her eyes, trish is a confident person who’s always in charge of the situations she finds herself in. because of this, lucy tries to follow her lead as best as she can. with trish’s influence, lucy allows herself to become more outspoken and to voice her needs without feeling guilty about it later.

lucy sees trish as the older sister she never had, and makes it clear that she’s happy they had the chance to meet.

♡ mista is the person that lucy warms up to first, because he always tries to involve her in conversations. she sees him as an older brother figure, and sometimes goes to him for advice if she thinks it’s something trish can’t help her with. whenever she puts herself in danger, he’s always a step behind her as backup. since he doesn’t try to dissuade her, lucy’s more comfortable relying on him in this way.

he taught her how to shoot, but he’ll still have the sex pistols help her out if she really needs it.

♡ lucy was intimidated by narancia to a certain degree, and that’s only because he’s one of the louder members of team bucciarati. once they’re a bit friendlier to each other, narancia’s a bit protective over her. it makes her feel slightly awkward because she’s not used to it, so she shies away sometimes. 

narancia’s the one who tries to include her in stuff the most whenever he notices her sitting off to the side away from everyone else.

♡ giorno is someone that lucy holds a deep admiration for, yet she never expresses that out loud. a part of her is intimidated by him as well because she’s aware of how ruthless he can be towards his enemies, and doesn’t want to accidentally anger him too. it’s a little jarring to lucy when she sees him laughing and joking with the others.

as she becomes more comfortable with giorno, she shows a more affectionate side towards him, which manifests in her checking in on him as much as she can.

♡ it shouldn’t be a surprise that lucy and fugo have a good friendship going on. she understands his aversion to touch a bit too well, and will always sit across from him or on opposite ends to respect that. she’s not afraid of his anger, but will try to calm him down anyway– especially if it's anger born from frustration over something someone said or didn’t do.

being more quiet than the rest, sometimes lucy and fugo communicate in non-verbal ways. tilts of the head, blinking in a certain way. it’s something only they understand.

♡ in comparison to everyone else, lucy and abbacchio had a rougher start to their eventual friendship. his tendency to shun others at time and his bouts of sarcasm had her assume he hated her for whatever reason, until she realized that’s just how he is. despite this, abbacchio does have a secret soft spot for her (and trish) that leads him to being slightly nicer to her. still, he doesn’t understand why she’d rather sit inside with him while the others have their fun.

because of abbacchio, lucy decides to learn how to use weapons in the first place. because while she’s independent to a certain degree, she has no self-defense training to speak of.

♡ lucy treats bruno more formally than the rest, even if he’d prefer her to treat him like she does the others. she respects him deeply thanks to how trustworthy he comes off, and because of how much he tries to accommodate her and her timidity. bruno is concerned with how adult she acts in relation to her age, and tries to encourage her to spend more time with the teens of the group.

they both have a tendency to take on other people’s burdens, even to their own detriment. bruno pushes her to do things for herself once in a while.

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1 year ago

~*° Nights in white satin°* ~

When they need you in the middle of the night

Warnings: Angst (to comfort), mutual pining (kind of), platonic/romantic

Pairing: Bucciarati gang x reader (separately)

A/N: listened to the songs of 'Moody Blues' and came up with these short drabbles


His sheets smell of vanilla and blank freshness of cotton, his hair, black as a moonless night, are sprayed all over the pillow, sapphire eyes tired, yet open.

This mission was particularly difficult, making Bruno return late, skip the dinner with his gang in favor of a shower. Now he lays in his bed, unable to fall asleep, feeling sore and pained where his skin was damaged during the fight.

He needs some comfort. Lately you provided him the most of it, and he liked how natural it came between the two of you. He has to be strong for all his men, but with you he may be vulnerable, he may be in need of reassurance and affection when it comes to you.

He wonders, if you are awake? All he has to do is to knock on the door next to his and check on you himself.

With a sigh he sits on his bed, not aware of how messy his soft hair are from all the tossing and turning. Bare feet meet the cold floor of his room and then the one of the corridor as Bruno headed to your room.

Careful not to wake anyone up, the capo knocked on your door.

"Come in," he heared your quiet voice.

So, you were awake, he figured. The thought both relaxing and making him wonder why were you still up? However he was met with the answer the moment he opened the door.

"Have you been reading?" He asked upon noticing a book in your hands.

You noded, putting the book aside.

"Have you come over to wish goodnight?" You asked, batting your lashes at him innocently, knowing he will tell you how you should prioritize sleep before everything these days.

"I guess this too, " he smiled softly, making your lips mirror his.

You made some space for him beside you on the bed and he gratefully placed himself down on your mattress, enjoying the way it deepened, making your shoulders bump together. With a chuckle you leaned into Bruno's side, placing your head against his collarbones, his hands coming up to wrap around your form.

He takes an inhale, his nose atop your hair, and exhales contently.

"Will you stay here for the night?" You ask hopefully, hand tiredly clenching on his pajama shirt.

"Of course, " He breathes out, already half asleep with you in his arms.

"Goodnight then?" You ask and he feels you pull away a little to look him in the eyes.

"Goodnight, Y/N, " he whispers with admiration in tired eyes of him.

His heart feels so at peace, beating beside your own.


Oh, how he suffers. He doesn't even remember, what glass it was, as his lips find their place at the glass's brim, gulping down the red liquid yet again.

The pain was that he knew what he wanted, yet he couldn't find it in him to call you, since it was already late the minute he came back home.

He knows your number, remembers it better than any day of his past life. Moody Blues tugs on his sleeve, showing the phone into Leone's arms, eager to stop yet another lonely night.

The man is prone to bicker, say it's late, and he can't be this selfish to make you listen to his rumbles. Leone wants to sacrifice his happiness for yours, his comfort to your night sleep.

"Isn't it what I want for you too? To be happy?" Moody Blues replays a memory of your sweet voice and the man gives up, having nothing to say against your words.

This call is supposed to make him a little bit more happy, yeah? With a tight feeling in his chest, Leone is awaiting for you to pick up the phone on the other end.

He just wants to see you, to hold you, to place grateful kisses all over your face and neck. As much as he hates the need to wake you up.

"Y/N?" He finally is about to hear your voice, "I am sorry, I might've woken you up..."

His voice is smooth and low as always when he is vulnerable with you, he keeps it on it's quiet to not disturb your ears, practicaly muttering his words.

"No, no... It's okay, " you assure, and he may imagine you look adorable: all warm and disheveled from your sweet rest... "Has something happened?"

He assures you that it's nothing urgent, before a pause hangs between you. He wants to tell you how happy he is to have you, cause he knows just how he suffers and how he used to suffer without you.

"Leone? " Your voice has a hint of worry in it, and Abbachio finds a fuzzy feeling in his chest upon hearing it.

Bedsheets rustle on your end of the phone.

"Do you need me to come over?" you probably stood up from your bed and begun shuffling through your clothes.

"Yes, please." You hear him say quietly.

"Okay, I'll be there soon, " you assure, "love you."

"I love you too. Please get here safe, " he answers.

And now it's your time to blush, stunned in the middle of the room. It's not everyday Leone says something soft to anyone. You can't wait to see him too.


He felt all shades of pain: physical from all the cuts and wounds over his body, mental from the thought that you are probably asleep and he can't just break in your apartment in need of comfort and medical help.

But let's be rational, his legs are moving on their own in the direction of your flat. No longer after you're raised to your feet by his arrival: hat off, hair dump with sweat and his clothes cut in all places as if he was thrown at a glass door (he was).

You take the time to tend to his multiple wounds left after a difficult mission. A spirit soaked tampon in your hand brushing delicately against the skin of his back to desinfect the wounds before you put a cute aid band over them.

Once you're done, you exhale exhausted, forehead leaning against Mista's back. The way his muscles stiffened at the contact made you tilt your head a little and place a small kiss over the nearest cut.

"W-what are you doing!?" Mista turns his face to you, and the poor boy is all red.

"I am just kissing them better," you deadpan.

He stares at you for a few seconds more, making you giggle at his shock.

"Sorry if you didn't like it, " you muse, cocking your head to a side.

"I never said I didn't like it, " He grumbled, turning his face away, "just got me by surprise, that's all."

"All right," you put the supplies aside, suppressing a yawn, "if we go to bed now, I will kiss you goodnight, how does it sound?"

You knew he couldn't decline the offer, seeing a hopeful spark in Mista's tired eyes.


He hadn't noticed how he appeared to stay overnight at the office again. Just too much of paperwork he had to do for both him and Narancia before he could go rest.

He spent a good amount of time scrunched above the desk in an uncomfortable position, completely unaware of just how sore his back got.

When he straightened up in the chair, done with the last report on the hand, though, his face twitched as he let out a pained groan.

Oh, how he wished you was still here, but you went home a few hours earlier and he couldn't blame you for it.

Still Fugo missed the way your hands would usually rub his shoulders, or how your fingers would run through his hair to soothe him, while he tells you about his yet another terrible day. He wants to lay beside you at least...

With a heavy sigh, Fugo put on his coat: he has a spare key to your apartment and hopes you won't complain about him sneaking in when it's past midnight yet again.


The boy is used to spending time with you and he loves it. He loves every spontaneous movie marathon you two may go through after deciding to watch just one. Well, to be fair, you enjoy the time together too!

This time he couldn't fall asleep the whole night. He's tried all the coping schemes Bruno taught him: from calming his breath to counting gunshots sheeps. Nothing worked.

He laid there, poorly exhausted, mind gears scratching to find the solution to the predicament.

And then an idea so simple yet so genius has came to his mind: he could just call you! You always have fun when you're together!

When you opened the door to your room, waked up by the rapid knocking, you were met by Narancia's disheveled yet happy appearance.

"Y/N, " he whisper-shouted, "let's go!" His hand grabs yours as the boy tugs your dumbfounded self out the room.

"I've made it for us," he proudly shows you a blanket fort, "let's get in!"

You know better than me that there are now two giggling sleepless teenagers in the room.

You better be quiet, though, because other members of the gang may find it a reason to yell at the two of you.

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1 year ago


i loooove fugo so so so much 💛 would you like to do something about him?🤭💕

Suuure, I’d love to, but I need you to imagine a little tiny Panna looking over my shoulder as I write this. His medicos figure is adorable but I feel as if I’m being stared down whenever I express his private thoughts.

You.. might think that he hates your guts. He’s a bit shy, especially compared to those he associates himself with. That’s disgustingly incorrect, though. 

Pannacotta adores you. He thinks so highly of you, but he just chokes the second you actually speak to him. He’s dismissive, cold. If you notice him tapping his fingers and rolling his eyes every once in a while, it’s just his way of trying to hide that he’s clinging to absolutely every word you say.

He takes note of your body language around him. The kind of language you use, the way you pronounce things… you’re his favorite puzzle, and he’s going to unravel you entirely, it’s just taking a bit of time. He notes the fragrance you use, the brand of clothes you wear the most, what food you actually eat and what you push off to the side. Panna’s elated with his finds, he thinks everything you do is endearing. Do you listen to this kind of music because you relate to the lyrics, or the sound? Is there some kind of philosophy behind it? Panna’s got a book somewhere of all his observations and his solo discussions about them. He’s up all night trying to figure it out himself instead of, you know, actually making conversation with you. God forbid he speaks to his obsession, the thing that keeps him up at night. 

He’ll scoff when you make a suggestion, but he’ll be on wikipedia that night lurking for the entire history of whatever it is. He feels a bit guilty for it, or rather, creepy for it. Every time you look his way, he’ll turn away entirely in favor of scolding Narancia or Mista. How can you accuse him of “always looking” at you if he’s clearly in a conversation with Mista about- ah, about… Don’t worry about what we’re talking about, it’s private. That’s what he thinks to himself, anyway. In reality he’d jump at the chance to talk to you, no matter the topic.

“What? Of course I glance at you, you’re moving and making noise. I have basic survival instincts.”

And that’s the end of that, until you catch him again.

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4 years ago

His smile is just.. absolutely perfect 🥺🥺

Colouring Is So Scary *cries*
Colouring Is So Scary *cries*

colouring is so scary *cries*

the sketch for this looked so good but my lineart looks so trash

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