Jjba Fanfic - Tumblr Posts
Crimson Symphony
After being under the ocean for 100 years you have to be hungry, starving even.
Word Count: 780 words
(CW: Violence, blood, Dio being himself)
Big thanks to my sister for editing this and adding a bit because she can’t help herself.
It was out of habit that Dio sputtered for breath, looking up from the sailor’s neck. Blood dripped from his fangs, wetting his lips. It was the first meal he’d had since being trapped leagues under the wine-dark sea almost a century earlier. His shirt was damp, proper English manners forgone, shredded by the howling beast within. He wanted, no, he needed to consume, to drink the life-blood of anything living.
It had taken so long for his body to knit together in the darkness, nerve endings stretching out as fragile as his brother’s life had been. Nerve reached for nerve, connections sparking slowly, painfully, terminals matching up with dendrites. Time stretched on for an eternity in the coffin, in the darkness, in the silence. He’d counted his breaths for so long the numbers ceased to mean anything for him, breathing in the same air for nigh on a century if he had to guess. Decades of ravenous hunger gnawing at him, a dog deprived of a bone. One, poor unfortunate sailor was hardly enough to quench the beast unleashed.
A muted whimper came from the sailor’s friend, another deckhand. Dio had heard his footsteps creaking across the planks, the sharp inhale of air as he came upon the scene. Dio lunged towards him, muscles exploding with the newly found energy that the now empty corpse gave him. The scrawny man had more fight in him than the first, but that was hardly a fair comparison. The first sailor had not been expecting to become a meal. No one does, even if they had helped haul a rusty casket up from the seabed, cracking it open in the process. Dio chuckled, low in his throat, as the deckhand clawed at him with blunt, work-worn nails.
The deckhand screamed, but Dio’s hand curled cruelly over his mouth, muffling his cries for help as he twisted the man’s head to the side. Fingers pressed against Dio’s eyes, his cheeks, looking for vulnerability where there was none to be found. Though scrawny, the sailor had some muscle to him, bulging against his skin, his too thin skin, as he strained against Dio. Prey always struggled, even when death was inevitable. Dio could feel each pounding heartbeat, hard and fast, sending iron and copper laced blood through the arteries, rushing back to his heart through his veins. A heart that circulated blood, that sustained life in a beautiful symphony that every vampire craved.
His fangs sliced through the paper-thin skin, as easily as a butcher’s knife slaughters swine. Hot, ferrous blood touched his tongue, a metallic broth that would strengthen him. He drank deeply, holding tight to the sailor in the final embrace the man would ever know. His struggle was growing weaker, his fingers no longer pressing against Dio’s face with the same intensity as before. Each shuddering, fading gasp made blood dribble out from Dio’s lips, the messy mark of a vampire’s kiss.
Dio knelt, letting the weight of the man’s now limp body carry them both to the ground as he drank his fill. The man trembled, his limbs jerking before he died, succumbing to the blood loss. Still, Dio drank, slaking the beast within. As the deckhand’s life faded, it lent new strength to the eternal life that was Dio’s. When blood no longer came easily from the deckhand, Dio let go of the body. The deckhand’s head thumped against the planks, heavy and hollow. He hardly heard, looking up at the stars, so bright and beautiful and far away. Dio lingered on the sight that he had not seen in a century, before moving on, through open space that was now unfamiliar.
The boat that had pulled him out of the suffocating waters was alien to him; blue paint chipped and rusted on the railing’s surface, foreign looking machinery located along the edges and on the deck. The cabin on the ship had bright light coming from the door that the careless crewman had forgotten to close in his fear, much to bright to be from any oil lamp. He crept forward towards the shining rays streaming through the door, footfalls barely making a whisper not keen on alerting anything to his presence. Muffled noises of music poured into his ears like swirling mist the closer he got to the open door. Crescendos of violins, the whispers of flutes and piccolos, the lulls of violoncellos and double basses, piqued his interest more the closer he got. The tune unfolding before him strangely beautiful in such an unusual place, the middle of the sea being no place for a symphony.
If you made it this far thank you! The music I had in mind for this project was Romeo and Juliet Op. 64: No. 13 Dance of the Knights. You could also substitute The Rite of Spring, Part 2. VI. Sacrifical Dance, Lacrimosa, or Dies Irae.
Did you get enough love my little dove? Why do you Cry?

As I weep in my solitude, you are no longer here to wipe the pearlescent tears from my eyes, the calluses on your fingertips softer than any silk on my skin. I am no longer able to catch a glimpse of the brightest stars in the heavens of your onyx eyes, nothing else could compare to the splendor that they held when you looked at me in those moments that we shared together. Nor am I blessed once more to hear your words warm my heart with the embers of love that they held. For when a soul that blazed against the backdrop of the dreary universe as brightly as yours did, they are snuffed out just as fast, marking all of those whom had the honor of loving them. Just as I had loved you.
I was not intending to make avpol angst or forget Pol’s earrings (AHHHHH so angry) but here we are. De toute façon, bon appétite mon petit chou.
I really told y’all I could do a cowboy au and gave y’all ✨absolutely nothing✨
I have ideas and a few other things in the works. I should be able to get something out soon either writing or artwork whatever is done first. I’m still debating on what parts to include either 1, 2(?), and 3 or just part 3. (Dio is being included either way.) It’s just the process of making everything mesh if I want to include more than one part and how to make things work and who to include or exclude.
The time frame for this au is set in the late 1800s as western expansion was still alive during that time. The Oregon trail was most heavily traveled from the 1840’s-1880’s, until the Transcontinental Railroad was completed in 1869 (Started in 1863).The Pony Express was active from 1860-1861 until the transcontinental telegraph was installed in October of 1861 and the Pony Express shut down two days later. I still don’t have an exact time frame pinned down but these are all historical events that could be included in some form or another. There’s a lot more than just those things that occurred during this time frame so I have a plethora of historical events and information to choose from. Since it’s fictional I can be flexible with a few things which is always nice.

SDC Headcannons for Mario cart 🚗

This will be my first ever fic so pls enjoy <3

- [ ] Character: bowser (he wants to be shy guy but doesn't want to look stupid)
- [ ] Favorite track: dolphin shoals
- [ ] Least favorite: baby park lmao
- [ ] Saves all his blue shells until he can get Polnareff or Joseph in first place, he just wants to be a dick
- [ ] Complains about the cheering in the background and asks kakyoin if he's able to turn it off (he can't)
- [ ] Is actually pretty good because of his quick thinking but has definitely broken a couple controllers out of pure rage 💀
With y/n
- [ ] Only apologizes when he hits you
- [ ] When the two of you are playing alone he will pick shy guy because he's much more comfortable around you <3
- [ ] Puts his hat on you to cover your eyes
- [ ] Tell him he's good and you'll get a hat tip and a "good grief😒" bc he's actually blushing

- [ ] Character: tanooki Mario
- [ ] Favorite track: rainbow road(try hard)
- [ ] Least favorite: any desert level (stereotypical gamer who hates desert levels)
- [ ] Definitely the best and always wins
- [ ] The first time he deflected a blue shell with a boom box every one was like 😧. They then all yelled at him because they wouldn't tell him how he did it
- [ ] Always gets the boost at the beginning and tells people when they went too early or late (this man is an absolute menace)
- [ ] When he can't play he back seat drives as you are playing, but at least he's knows what he's doing
- [ ] Chooses his cart purely on stats and the other make fun of him bc it always looks goofy asf
With y/n
- [ ] Takes the time to teach you all the tricks
- [ ] Sits behind you with his hands on top of yours on the controller so he scan "show you" secretly kinda wants an excuse to touch you hands
- [ ] Gets SUPER flustered when you tell him how good he is lol

- [ ] Character: link bc he has a sword too
- [ ] Favorite track: Paris promenade
- [ ] Least favorite: royal raceway(its too girly)
- [ ] The worst
- [ ] Absolutely terrible
- [ ] Have you seen this man drive irl??
- [ ] My guy would finish in almost last place like every time and makes everyone play another round because he'll "beat them next time"
"Hey guys lets do baby park"- Polnareff
"Finally you can be yourself" - joot
"OH COME ON"-Polnareff
- [ ] Can literally never use his power ups at the right time
- [ ] Is surprisingly good at aiming green shells
- [ ] Forgets what lap he's on and stops to celebrate way too early 💀
With y/n
- [ ] Is you choose peach or daisy he will (not so subtly) choose Mario or Luigi to go along with you
- [ ] Wait for you at the end if you are some how worse then he is because he's a "gentleman" bc he's dumb asf but you love him
- [ ] Tell him you believe in him and that he'll do better next time and this man will straight up purpose to you
Joseph Joestar

- [ ] Character: Iggy bc he thinks it's funny that it the same name as the dog
- [ ] Favorite track: he seems like a yoshi circuit kinda guy
- [ ] Least favorite: Tokyo blur 👎
- [ ] Somehow
- [ ] Someway
- [ ] This incompetent mf is actually really good
- [ ] Played the OG with holly when she was tiny so he says he's "still got it"
- [ ] Jotaro is suspicious and feels like he's using hermit purple to cheat (he probably is)
- [ ] Is terrible at using the gliders, never knows where he is going, has a terrible track record with planes and he's no different in the game
- [ ] Calls peach hot only to be berated by the rest of them for weeks
- [ ] "HOLY SHITTT" every time he gets hit with a blue shell
- [ ] Is told to stfu multiple times per game by Jotaro
With y/n
- [ ] Calls you his good luck charm *wink wink*
- [ ] Asks you to give him a kiss every time he wins. I'm so sorry Susie Q
- [ ] Tell him he's good at the game and he will be like "haha guess this old guy has still got it😅"

- [ ] Character: dry bones
- [ ] Favorite track: grumble volcano
- [ ] Least favorite: Moo Moo meadows (this sweet heart hates the thought of hitting cows)
- [ ] Will apologize every time he hits someone or passes them
- [ ] Forgets it's just a game and tries to use magicians red to burn the CPU's
Please I just imagine him shouting "MAGICIANS RED" in the middle of a race and everyone goes quite and looks at him lmaooo
- [ ] Wants to play on teams but no one else ever does
- [ ] Knows all the shorts cuts even more than kakyoin which is surprising
- [ ] Gets really angry every time he's hit by a stage obstacle like a piranha plant or a chain chomp
With y/n
- [ ] No matter how hard it is he is playing with one hand over your shoulder and you can't complain (mans a human heater)
- [ ] Apologies extra when he hits you on accident bc he never would on purpose
- [ ] Tell him he's good and he's a blushing mess the rest of the night and can't think straight 👍

-[ ] Has eaten more than one controller and had to get taken to the vet at least once
Y'all please I have no clue what to write plssss send me suggestions it can literally be for anything not just jjba
I will write whatever you submit so plssss
*I will not write yandere stuff or smut bc I am a minor*

For @horseys-blog <3
How the Bucci Gang reacts to having to sleep next too their crush
Bucci gang x reader

Oh lord, he's not letting you go alone tonight, you were so beat up from the last battle it would be unsafe for him to leave you alone
But when you told him you only had one bed and INSISTED he not sleep on the floor he was shaken up a bit
Totally protectively grabbed you in his sleep and didn't let you go even when he woke up, he was lucky to get this close to you
Made you breakfast when he woke up
He didn't want to (he totally did) sleep next to you thats just how it happened you were stuck in the same bed because Mista had insisted he wasn't sleeping with narancia again so he was sleeping in the same bed as you, which was fine, right?
So now he was here, arms at his side, not moving, he was so glad you were asleep because now you couldn't see his red face
God he tried to be smooth but so close to you he just couldn't hold up the act anymore
He gently moved his arm closer to you, just like he had hoped, you grabbed onto him
He could die happy, his life is complete
Actually very chill about it
Bruno didn't have enough rooms? Alright he can sleep next to you.
Actually asks you if you want to move closer when you start shivering and you gladly curled into him
His arms were wrapped around you and your legs were tangled by the morning
Needless to say Mista and Narancia have pictures
This is fine, he is fine, he is toootally fine, is what he thinks
Noooope he is burning up so much he takes the blanket off, his mind says leave but his heart says "just hug themmmm"
He can't bring himself to do it so he's a bit glad when you move closer
"Umm uhhh" he's stuttering he can't think straight
But he might take Mista up on a dare again if it means being close to you
He is the one grabbing you this time
He has waited so long for this chance he is not letting it go
Probably boops your in your sleep, you're just too cute right now he can't help it!
He holds onto you for dear life, but he gets so red when you grab onto his shirt in his sleep, put your nose in his neck, he might pass away right there
Teases you about it for week
Unlike the others he invited you to sleep over!
Falls asleep while watching a movie, like full on on top of you, spread eagle
Wakes up and is about to apologize and move off but he sees you face he can't bring himself to move
You look so peaceful he doesn't want to wake you up!
So he just stays, comfortable and happy on your chest <3
Hey just in case you guys don't know my inbox is always open so please send me ideas of stuff to write I have nooooo ideas
Ofc I write for jjba but I also like Genshin so feel free to request or if you have any questions I would love to answer any that you have
Love y'all so much and thank you for your support

Posting a jotaro fluff fic tomorrow!🙏
I'm addicted
I promise I still write fanfics 🙏🙏

Hi hi!!! I was wondering if I could please request something for young Joseph Joestar?? Maybe where the reader works with Lisa Lisa and Joseph seeks the reader out to “help” with his hamon but really just wants to spend time with her?? I hope that makes sense🙏 just something super cute and fluffy!! I’m such a sucker for Joseph’s cocky but caring attitude :) thank you so much in advance but of course don’t feel pressured to write this if you don’t want to!!
Omg yesss, such a sucker for cocky Joseph🫶
Your job had been a relatively peaceful one, helping maintain the island with Suzi and training with Lisa Lisa and her respectful student, Caesar. It was a quiet life and one that you had gotten into a routine with. That was of course, until he showed up.
All of a sudden your life became entangled with the charismatic and overly cocky Joseph Joestar.
"Come onnnnn just 20 minutes, I might even let you win" Joseph boasted, that cheeky grin plastered on his face
"Enough Jojo, it's practically the middle of the night" you groaned, leaning the front of your body out the window
Joseph stood in the courtyard, two floors down from your room, yelling unapologetically with that mask covering his face doing nothing to quiet his chiding voice.
"I don't have all day!" He called again "you owe me one for doing some of your chores"
You couldn't help but remember that he had been the one to offer to do some of the heavier lifting around the island with no prompting from you in the slightest.
"In the morning Jojo, I'm trying to sleep" you went to close the window before you felt something stop you
You felt the air pressure building around the window, you groaned
"Just because you can use hamon doesn't mean you have to go around using it whenever!"
"If you want me to stop you'll have to make me!" He calls, practically singing each word
"You little-" you storm out from your room and down the stairs, still in your night clothes
You burst out the door into the courtyard, stomping across the cobbles to where he stood outside your now abandoned window.
"Took you long enough! Come now, let's see what you've got" he took a fighting stance, beckoning you with his hand outstretched
"What? you want me to beat you again?" You teased
"Oh we will see about that" he taunted "now, ladies first..."
He gave you the opportunity so you took it. Quickly tackling him and spinning him so you could pin his arms around his back and his front to the ground.
"Don't be cocky if you're just going to lose" you moved allowing him to get up
As he brushed himself off, an embarrassed blush blooming on the tips of his ears, you took the opportunity to jab at him once more
You pocked lightly at his ribs "this really couldn't wait till tomorrow morning?"
"Couldn't sleep and I couldn't think of anything better to do" he laughed, standing up to his full height
"So I'm just a last ditch effort?" You turned to leave and go back to your bed, throwing him a smile over your shoulder
"Awww did you hope I can here just to see you" he chided
You whipped around suddenly to face him, blushing yourself. Admittedly you had sort of hoped he had sought you out to spend time with you, even if it was just training. He had sought out you, not Caesar or anyone else so there was some hope within you.
He laughed at your flustered expression, "and what if I did come here just to see you? Would that be such a crime?"
"That's enough Jojo, I'm going to bed" You glared, ready to give him the cold shoulder but without warning two strong hands threw lifted you into the air.
"What the-? Put me down!" You tried to hide your laughter as Jojo threw you over his shoulder
"We're not done here yet! You're up, I'm up, and I've been waiting all day to have you to myself!"
You went limp and let out an exasperated breath, at least he was being honest now.
It was a night of endless teasing and near constant defeat on the part of Jojo. He only wished this mask wasn't on so he could would kiss that smug grin off your face after the times he had let you win, just to see unmistakable fire in your eyes when knew he would ask for "just one more match"
Never mistake mercy for forgiveness
Jjba writing practice
The form was tall, skin fair and olive in color. Smeared makeup as the lime colored hair framed the androgynously shaped head. The eyes, deep in color, green like the canopy of a rainforest wetted from the rains of stormy days and heavy humidity, were filled with dazed confusion. The form, showing peaks of wiry muscle, dripped the crimson colored fluids, they twisted and rolled down the folds of the outfit. Dripping. Pouring from the spot where the blow had been delivered. The form lurched forward, sneering. He hissed a jumble of words to his attacker. Who's gaze returned once more to the small images of the rainforest canopies that rested within the iris, now they filled with emotion. No longer was he struck with startled confusion, now washing over them was blood lust. A lust that wished to see this form, who had delivered a blow upon the unsuspecting body turned from the attacker, dead. Lust that sought the blood of all who stand in his way. And, as the body lurched forward again brandishing the fist to fill this lust, among the rumbling thunder and pouring rain there was a flash of lighting. The flash sending light into the air causing the pupils to shrink, almost as if to reveal what hide behind these emotions. For a split second a whole flurry of emotions shone through this lust for blood. But it was only for a fleeting moment.
Strike after desperate strike was sent to the blonde haired boy, but he seemed unbothered by this as the man shouted and groaned an agony and rage. Upon striking the boy would step aside and deliver his own punch to the exposed ribs, it was a waiting game now. A game to see who would slip up first. Like wolves they did a primal dance, sifting and twisting around one another, and like wolves they waited to see who fell first. Companions of the boy even gathered watching in intense anticipation as the blows kept being given. The fear seemed to be beginning to over take the man as more pain rushed through his body. This distraction as a voice called from the small crowd was his downfall, and he knew it. As soon as his eyes had darted aside his body seemed to scream, from deep down a primal voice chastised him and condemned him for this, and he knew exactly why. For as soon as he tried to correct this mistake all that he was met with was a fist planted in the face, his body collapsed as the rain continued to poor. He gagged as blood oozed from an assortment of cuts and bruises lined his body. His form tense as he barely held himself up, his gaze locked onto the cement as he caught his breath awaiting his fate. He looked around as footsteps approached, there stood the blonde haired boy he had so relentlessly been fighting, menacing as the rain poured over them. He could hear his heart pounding and once again the eyes shifted, the mask of a relentless murderer had been broken and now true colors showed.
behind the mask of these eyes there was more, pouring with blood and tears the eyes communicated something much clearer now. They spun a tale, sitting here they were filled with fear, the fear of a broken boy helpless to what he had become. Not just by the worlds help but with his own willingness to be molded into the beast that coward here. He huffed catching his breath as he was prepared for another blow to be struck but- a gentle hand was extended, the other shapes of the companions watched carefully, quiet mutters escaping them as the form which had been beaten and bashed looked to the blonde boy. His face still stern and cold but his body now more. . .forgiving? No. No. Merely understanding. Shakily, he raised his own wounded hand, and as his was taken, a strange new chapter seemed to have been opened in his book. He was not miraculously changed or forgiven by this act of kindness, but he was pulled from the deep hole that broken boy had fallen and dug into when he was so young. For the road to recovery was a long process
Why can't I get rid of you?
Jjba writing practice
Her voice was chilling as she spoke his name. A name, he was no stranger to. A name he had been reminded. Reminded and made to remember how much of a gift it was. By her. His eyes shakily moved to meet her's. This couldn't be could it? She had been out of his life for years this. . .woman. she had been gone and he was glad to have finally rid himself of her and that name. And yet here, finally in his quiet life, happy, she was back. He felt anxieties rise back up in him, something was not right. THIS was not right. she was gone, and she never greeted him like this.
His suspicions proved true as he gasped for breath his form jolting awake, he shakily silenced himself looking over. He quivered for a moment remembering the woman next to him, shinobu. His wife and a women he dosen't fully know how to feel about. While not actually his wife this time he has spent here he. . .has grown an attachment. He feels protective of her and the boy, hayato. His. . .son. the boy was hesitant to trust him but he felt something was growing. Over all, he had settled in quite nicely, this truly was a quiet life he could get used to. . .if only these dreams did not haunt him. Dreams of the woman he left, His mother. She controlled him for so long, even now at times like this he felt taken advantage of even though she wasn't on this earth any longer. Slipping from bed he quietly trudged his way to the bathroom. With a deep sigh he looked into the mirror.
'what is your name?' He quietly asked himself. 'I am kosaku. Kosaku kawajiri.'
He looked to his reflection, feeling his heart thump in his chest. His stand manifested as it stood beside him, kosaku was startled stumbling back, he sighed relieved to see it was only his longest and oldest friend. Carefully dressing himself in some casual and comfortable clothing he began to cook. It would be morning soon and he needed to kill time. He would not go back to bed knowing the memories of her awaited him, he hated remembering that time. Especially her.
So he continued to cook. Because he was kosaku kawajiri. Loving husband to shinobu kawajiri and father to hayato kawajiri. He could cook and clean, was "learning" to play the violin. He often played for his wife and son long into the night to help them all sleep. He was a father, a businessman, and a husband.
he was, kosaku kawajiri.
Yippeee more writing!!!
Was inspired by this post ( X ) by @starry-blue-echoes about their au idea hehehe so I wanted to do a little writing for it!! Maybe not exactly tried and true to their au but it was fun!! You should definitely check them out as they're such a cool writer and have so many neato ideas!!!!
Do hope it does their idea justice tho <33
☆《♡- Start -♡》☆
Kira felt his lips tighten into a grimace, hands quaking as he stopped from trying to clip his nails. Frustrated, he tightly closed his eyes. All he was trying to do was cut his nails. Do a bit of personal up keep! But, it seemed to be too much to ask from his inssufferable, egh, 'roomates'. all morning, all DAMN morning, he had been trying SO hard to find a quiet place to tend to his hygiene. The bathroom or porch were his normal places, But considering Dio and Diavolo used the restroom like a revolving door to touch up their makeup and always left it such a mess, Kira couldn't bare to think about it! Let alone try to do his own morning routine. The porch was out of the question as well, at this time of day Kars took up residence with his husband. Kars already didn't like half-....all the group, save for maybe doppio or pucci, but he especially disliked them in moments he could spend with his husband. So no nice fresh night air for kira.
With these spaces off limits, he had finally given in, despite how much it agonized him, and decided he would do it in his bedroom. After layering a few towels and things to ensure minimal cleaning would be required he had finallly sat down with his clear nail polish and clippers, among a few other hygenic tools to keep his hands in their pristine condtion, when he heard IT. The roaring fit of laughter. Now, he wouldn't have been so annoyed if they were further back in the home. further from his calm space and could be drowned out, But unfortunatley lady luck didn't seem to want to side with Yoshikage Kira today and it was just a few doors down from him. he tried to calm himself but soon, in a huff of anger, he pushed himself up and stormed into the room.
"WHAT is so hilarious that you all must-" he began with as much anger as his monotone voice could muster before he stopped dead in his tracks. His eyes landed on just the answer to his question. he paled, all color draining from his skin and face as he saw a sight that made his heart sink to his shoes. Most of the others in the room laughed, calling things to Kira as he stared in horror. It.... was... awful!!! there, projected onto a large screen, was the most chilling scene Kira could call to memory, his death. The day those blasted teenagers had found him once again and had his head CRUSHED by an ambulance after his embarrassing moment of weakness. he felt sick, like he was going to lose his lunch right there, his head throbbed and he gagged gripping his gut before hurrying off to the bathroom.
Confused Dio scoffed leaning forward from agaisnt the couch as he swirled his glass of wine. "well, what's HIS problem?" Dio smugly smiled and laughed before he felt a sharp jab in his rib from pucci beside him with a frown. "what!? I, DIO, am just messing around!" Dio hissed to the younger boy with a groan as he leaned back agaisnt the sofa with the young boy's disapproving glare and returned to watching the screen as more scenes from their various lives played. What a buzz kill he could be at times.
☆《♡- Fin -♡》☆
Dadbacchio au
Chapter one
Time frame: 6 years pre-canon
Words: 1,729
Notes: I'm order to
this make sense I aged up Abbacchio, he's 20 in this (instead of 15 like he would be with his Canon age)
Abbacchio, who is still a cop, comes across a small, abandoned child while doing his daily patrol rounds in a park. When they police refuse to do anything about it, he decides to take the child home and raise them himself.
'You just had to go and run your fucking mouth, didn't you, Leone' the white haired cop cursed to himself, making his 3rd lap around his patrol area. The previous day he just had to go and make a mildly insulting comment about the head officer's plans for an upcoming assignment and was put on patrol duty for a week in result.
He groaned, pausing his walking for a moment. Patrol duty wouldn't be so bad if he didn't have to walk the whole time. He’s made his way back around to the city park, he notices. Well, since he’s already here he way as well walk around there a bit. Technically it was part of the area he was meant to patrol.
Making his way into the park, he looks around a bit. It looks like a pretty average park. There are children running around the playground, going down slides, swinging on the swing set, and climbing on about anything that they possibly can. Over on the benches are the parents of said kids, and a couple of older kids, most sitting with their friends or parents. A few younger kids were there too, again, most with their families or friends. Except for one. A rather young looking girl sat on a small bench by herself, she looked some mix of sad and expressionless. Next to her on the bench sat a small backpack that looked almost completely empty.
Leone makes a mental note to check on her if she’s still there next time he comes around.
It took far longer than intended to make his way back around to the playground part of the park, as he had gotten tied up helping someone find their kid, who had turned out to be playing hide and seek with his friends in a farther off part of the park. After dealing with that, taking his lunch break, and finally finishing his lap around the rather large city park it was nearly dark. Most people had left the park, favoring the warmth of their homes over the cold of the night. Well, most everyone other than the kid.
The girl continued sitting on the bench, seemingly unmoved since he had last been there. The only real difference he saw was that she had put on a thin, torn up, dirty coat that looked like it just barely fit her. As he got closer, he saw that the girl was extremely dirty too. She looked like she hadn’t showered in weeks, and if his concerns were true, she probably hadn’t.
The girl turns her head and stares at him. She doesn’t say anything and doesn’t move at all, just stares. He takes the lack of negative reaction as an ok to keep going.
“Hey, kid.” She doesn’t respond, just keeps staring. “It’s getting pretty late, y’know? Shouldn’t you head home?” He crouches down so he was closer to eye-level with the girl. Being so close made it incredibly obvious how malnourished she was, her bones poking out in almost every place they could.
“Mama will be back soon.”
That was a lie. He was sure of it. The kid had been sitting there all day with no sign of anyone coming for her. “Oh yeah? When’d your mama leave you here?”
“..Yesterday evening”
That was…longer than he hoped, but still less than The worst scenario he'd come up with. “That's a long time.do you know how long until she'll be back?” God, he hoped the kid had an answer.
“No..” Fuck. “Mama isn't usually gone this long…” What? Had this happened before? He really wanted to just pick the kid up and take her back to the station with him, they could get things sorted out there. Find her mother and, hopefully, get her taken away. No kid deserves to just be dumped in a park for fuck knows how long and god knows what stupid-ass reason.
“How about I wait with you, and if your mom isn’t back in, let's say…an hour then I take you back to the station with me and we deal with things there, ok?”
“You really don’t need to, officer. I’m sure Mama won’t be long.”
“Please, I insist. I’d like to speak with your Mama when she shows up anyway.”
“Great!” He takes a seat on the bench beside the girl. Trying to make himself seem as non-threatening as possible, which proved rather hard with all the thoughts running through his mind at the moment and his perpetual resting bitch face.
For a while the two sat in silence. Just staring at the dark playground in front of them. This was boring as hell. How had this random kid been doing this for a whole day? It was then that it properly sat in that she had been sitting there for a whole day, she had to be hungry. And cold. And she looks pretty beat up. He sighs internally, “Hey…uh, what’s your name?”
“That’s a nice name, I’m leone.”
“Ok, mr. Leone.”
“You don’t have to be so formal, Haruno.” It was strange to him, how a kid that looked so young, probably not much older than 7 or so, is so damn polite.
“Sorry, Mr- er, sorry Leone.’
“It’s alright, anyways, I had a question. You don’t have to answer it, but I’d like if you did.”
A short flash of concern showed on Haruno’s face, but it quickly disappeared. She didn’t respond, just stared, she did that a lot, he noted.
“Earlier you said that your Mama isn’t usually this long, right?” She nodded, “Does this happen often? Being left in the park- I mean,” The small figure next to him seemed to hesitate, collecting her thoughts maybe.
“No…Only when Mama goes out drinking, or when she has friends over.” It was clear in her voice that she didn’t see a problem with this- that this was as normal to her as the sun rising in the morning. It pissed Abbacchio off that someone would bring a child into the world just to treat them like that, and it makes him sad that a kid so small had to put up with someone so awful.
“Is that so?” The girl nodded, avoiding eye contact by staring directly down, “What about your dad?”
“Papa doesn’t care,” He could feel the shift in Haruno’s mood as she went from sad over her mothers negligence to more bitter or resentful, maybe just downright angry about her father and whatever he did. “He does it too when he gets really mad.”
“Does he get that mad at you often?”
As this conversation drew on Abbacchio felt himself getting more and more pissed at the parents of this poor child. She didn’t go into much detail about anything, just stating that her father got mad often and that both parents drank a lot, though from the sheer amount of fear that formed in the kids eyes as she went on made him fear the worst. He swears- as soon as he gets his hands on the brats shitty parents-
He was drawn out of his thoughts by the small beep that came from his watch.
“It’s been an hour.”
Time really does fly when you’re listening to a little kid trauma-dump, huh?
“C’mon kid, let's go,” he extends his arm a little for Haruno to grab onto, which she does after a moment of hesitation.
“What if Mama comes back while we’re gone?” Right, she still thinks her mom’s gonna come back, doesn’t she.
“Then she’ll likely go to the station to report you missing,” He leaves the ‘if she cares enough’ to himself.
It doesn’t take long for them to arrive at the station
“Ok, real quick, before we go in, remind me how old you are?” He had completely forgotten to ask earlier, lost in trying to pick up as many little details about her parents as he could. It was gonna be hard to get the captain to listen to him at all, so having a detailed story would help.
How could a kid that fucking small be nine? Well, with what he knew about the kids family it wasn’t that surprising he supposes.
“Alright, ready?” He asks and waits for a small nod before opening the door and going in.
“Officer Abbacchio, you’re back.” The officer at the front desc said upon seeing him enter, a slight sneer in his voice. “You took so long we almost thought you had died!”
“Nope, not yet. It’s gonna take more than whatever this town can throw at me to take me down.” The man at the counter didn’t seem to think that it was funny. “Anyways, I’m going to speak to the captain for a minute, ‘kay?” He took a few steps towards the door that led deeper into the station and let go of Haruno's hand, “Haru, you just sit there and wait for me alright?” Another nod as she sits down and stares at the door he left through.
Three knocks on the captain's door before he called for Abbacchio to enter.
“Yes Leone, is there something you need?” He seemed entirely uninterested with anything Abbachio could have to say.
“I have a report, sir.” He paused for a short moment before continuing, “In the lobby I have a nine-year-old girl. She’s pale and sickly looking and all too thin for her age, I found her while patrolling the park. Her mother left her there yesterday evening and she’s convinced that she’s coming back for her soon. She also says that this isn’t the first time that this has happened, and that both of her parents do this somewhat often.”
The captain seemed slightly more intrigued with what he was saying, “Do you have this child’s name?”
“Haruno Shiobana, sir.”
“I see. I appreciate your concern, but there’s nothing we can do.”
“Put her back where you found her. Or take her home with you, I don’t care. You’re dismissed,” and he turned back to his paperwork.
“But sir-”
“I said, you’re dismissed.”
“This is stupid! Outrageous! Completely insane!” Abbaccio continued to yell his thoughts on this matter as he made his way out to the lobby, stopping and taking a deep breath before entering.
“Change of plans, kid, you’re coming home with me.”
End notes!!! woooooooooooooo this took way longer than expected but its finally finished! chapter one at least! I hope you like it, if you did maybe consider showing me some support and/or checking out my Ao3
Have a good day/night/whenever you're reading this! Eat something, drink some water, get some sleep, take care of yourself! Love youuu <3
Dadbaccio au chapter 2 finally yayyy
uuughhhggggh same as last time ig
Words: 649(it's short, I know sorry)
They go home in this one.
part one if you haven't read it
Ao3 version
Haruno had no fucking clue what was going on.
All she wanted to do was wait for her Mama to come back, but that officer- Mr. Leone decided that this was a big deal and that he had to do something about it. Haruno hated police officers, they never did anything about anything that mattered! Like Mr. Leone, he was worrying about Haruno when he could be doing something about the city’s drug and mafia problem.It frustrated Haruno to no end, but it wasn’t like she could do anything about it. Not now at least. When she grew up she was going to join the mafia, like the man she had found in that alley a few days ago. She would join the mafia and work her way to the top, so she could destroy the drug trade from the inside out.
Haruno was drawn out of her thoughts by the sound of someone yelling,
“This is stupid! Outrageous! Completely insane!” It was Mr.Leone. Suddenly the sound stopped and the door opened
“Change of plans kid, you’re coming home with me.”
If Haruno didn’t understand what was going on before she sure as hell didn’t now.
What was going on? Why was Mr.Leone trying to take her home with him? He seemed upset, had Haruno done something wrong? Haruno had had her fair share of less than great experiences with cops before, often being left with one to look after her while her step-father went to ‘talk’ to their captain.
Through those experiences, she learned that it’s much better to just go with them and whatever they want from her than it was to try to fight back, so, Haruno picks up her small backpack and slowly walks over next to Mr.Leone.
The taller man takes her hand once again and smiles down at her as they make their way out of the station.
They walked in silence for a while, creating a strange, eerie feel to the dark path they took back to Abbacchio’s apartment. The eerie silence was the kind that you can never quite tell if it was awkward or not, Haruno internally debates trying to start some kind of conversation with the taller man, but inevitably decides against the idea. The possible cons far outweigh the possible pros.
Soon, the pair found themselves up the stairs of a fairly average looking brick apartment, standing outside his home. After a moment of Abbacchio fiddling with his key in the lock he opens the door, allowing Haruno in before himself.
“Sorry it’s not much, but it’ll do for now.” He says as he kicks the door shut, “You can just set your bag wherever,”
Haruno set it next to the door. In case she had to make a quick escape, she wouldn’t have to leave what little she owned behind. In her bag was nothing but a coat riddled with holes and what little money she was able to pickpocket from random strangers.
The apartment walls were painted a gross yellow-beige-off white color that made everything look dirtier than it actually was- though, that’s not to say that it wasn’t. Looking around, Haruno could see various pieces of trash sitting around, mostly takeout boxes and glass bottles. Aside from that it was a pretty nice little place, a bit nicer than Haruno’s home at least.
She was once again pulled from her thoughts by the sound of Mr. Leone’s voice.
“You probably haven’t eaten today, right? I’ll start dinner.”
Ok, now Haruno was certain that Leone wanted something from her. Taking her out of the, admittedly very cold and uncomfortable, park to his apartment, and now making her food? Something was definitely up with this.
“...Ok. Thank you, mr- Leone,”
“It’s no problem, kid. You- uh- you can just..sit in the kitchen with me, I guess.”
Haruno didn't respond, just followed him to the kitchen.
Wooooooo it's doneeee
Took longer than I wanted it to but whatever
Ive been pretty busy lately and will be for a while so chapters are gonna be far apart, sorry.
I think this fic will have either 5 or 6 chapters and then I have plans to make this a series.
Uhhh but yeah
Thats it, hope it wasn't too bad
Go eat food, drink water, and get some rest. Have a great day/night, love you! <3
Incorrect quotes with la squadra
not proof read or spell checked, we die like men
y/n:what time is it?
Formaggio:idk let me check ‘pickups trumpet and starts playing it”
Formaggio: it's 5 :)
Melone:you know that's gonna kill your guys eventually right?
Risotto puring another glass of whisky: that's the point
Prosciutto:we are trying to speed up the process
y/n:’nods while eating raw cookie dough’
Ghiaccio: Anyone wanna start a possibly friendship shattering fight?
Y/n: centaurs have six limbs meaning they are insects
Ghiaccio: i was joking but now you've crossed the line
risotto: Time for plan G.
prosciutto: Don’t you mean plan B?
risotto: No, we tried plan B a long time ago. I had to skip over plan C due to technical difficulties.
prosciutto: What about plan D?
formaggio: Plan D was that desperate disguise attempt half an hour ago.
prosciutto: What about plan E?
risotto: I’m hoping not to use it. y/n dies in planE.
ghiaccio: I like plan E.
*The squad right before y/n 's wedding*
risotto: Well I have to go, I have a wedding to attend.
prosciutto: Wait... Oh! I have a wedding to attend too!
pesci: Oh, I have a wedding to attend as well
y/n: How many kids do you have?
melone: Biologically, emotionally, or legally?
y/n: Date someone who will drag you outside at 3am to look at the stars.
ghiaccio: If anyone, and I mean anyone, wakes me up at 3am to go look at the damn sky they will be removed indefinitely from my life.
illuso: What do you think y/n will do for a distraction?
formaggio: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
formaggio: ... or they could do that.
y/n: Come on, I wasn’t that drunk last night.
illuso: You were flirting with risotto.
y/n: So what? He's my partner.
illuso: You asked him if he was single.
illuso: And then you cried when he said he wasn't.
fun fact of the post: me and my friends dressed as the main vento aureo gang for the animation release
No One Lives Forever: CH2
(AO3 link)
<Previous Chapter Next Chapter>
He’s read somewhere before that purring in animals promotes healing. He’s never felt the need to test this for himself, but even if it doesn’t Jotaro is content to continue for the added benefit of keeping you purring and therefore awake. He could smell the silver still imbedded in your leg and if it weren’t for his coat soaking up the blood still weeping from your wound there would undoubtedly be a clear trail through the woods leading right to you. Like how he found you again in the first place.
Good grief. He was honestly not prepared to deal with this today.
The morning had actually been pretty normal for once. Meaning he was woken up by minimal shouting from Polnareff and the Old Man. Avdol was meditating on the back porch of the cabin. Kakyoin was returning from his walk around the perimeter when the first gunshot rang out in the late morning woods. It was pretty far off, and not that unusual an occurrence for upstate New York. Probably just a local hunter.
The second shot was much closer.
Now on full alert Jotaro could smell blood on the air. Whatever was happening out there it was drawing too close to their territory. It was his job as the alpha to protect the pack now that Joseph was getting up in age. He gives Kakyoin and Polnareff the order to keep guard on the perimeter and dashes out into the woods to solve this problem himself.
Speaking of Kakyoin… Jotaro comes back to the present and freezes in place as the beta makes his way closer. He must still be keyed up from the fight and finding this other wolf, his instincts are screaming at him to not let the other male near the woman he’s carrying. He’s glad his coat is so big on her, obscuring her from the other man. It feels… wrong almost, to have anyone see her wounded, he wants to hide her away… Jotaro shakes his head, yeah his instincts are going haywire.
He nods at Kakyoin but doesn’t move any closer, “You go ahead. Let Avdol know to get the med kit ready.”
Jotaro grips the mystery woman a little tighter when he realizes she’s frozen so still at Kakyoin’s arrival that he can’t even feel her breath. She finally exhales as Kakyoin retreats back the way he came with a nod to Jotaro. He starts purring again to help calm her. If that’s how she reacts to meeting just one person in his pack, well it may be better to get this out of the way now.
“We’re headed to a cabin my pack owns. You’ll meet most of them there, but that guy just now was Kakyoin, our beta. When we get there Avdol is going to help me get you cleaned and patched up. You’ll probably meet my grandpa and Polnareff too. They’re very loud but don’t be afraid, no one is going to hurt you.” There, short and sweet. Plain facts. Hopefully that will stave off any future freak-outs. He feels her nod against his shoulder and grip him tighter for a moment before starting to purr again. Her instincts must be still clouding her thoughts, it seems she’s non-verbal for the time being.
Finally, they reach the clearing where the cabin stands. Cabin may be a misnomer for a structure this size, it more resembles a ski resort than a family vacation cabin. Joseph had, as the head of JoStar Realty Company, decided it may be a good investment and possible new home for the pack out of the city. A one-story structure with a steep roofline to help slough off snow come winter. He sees Avdol is waiting for him on the covered front porch, med kit in hand. Kakyoin must have warned the Old Man and Polnareff to stay quiet and out of the way as they are noticeably not making a ruckus of Jotaro bringing home an injured wolf, an injured female wolf.
He can feel her stiffen a bit as he greets Avdol with a nod and the older man ushers them into the main lounge. He sets her down on the oversized couch and stands back as Avdol approaches, “Hello, my name is Muhammad Avdol. Is it alright if I take a look at your wound?” She nods at him but watches warily as he peels back the part of Jotaro’s coat sticking to her leg.
Avdol guides her to lay down on her side to rest while he works on her leg. Jotaro is left standing for a moment, just watching over the scene not knowing what to do. She seemed to settle ok but she starts to tremble as Avdol gets started. “Do you need anything else Avdol?”
“No, I think we’re all set here. We’ll give you some pain killers miss, and then you can rest.” With that Jotaro backs away and ignores the way her eyes snap to his form, almost pleading with him to stay. He closes his eyes and makes a hasty retreat to the bathroom to go through the medicines they keep there. Jotaro swears he hears a faint whine as he turns his back.
He quickly finds the pain meds he was looking for and returns to the lounge. He hands her the meds and the glass of water, satisfied when she downs both without question. “Anything else Avdol?”
“No, no. All that’s left is to get her cleaned up and bandaged. Young lady,” Avdol puts a hand on her shoulder and smiles, “you should get some rest while I do this. We promise to keep you safe.”
Jotaro nods at Avdol and turns back to study her face for a second before moving to lift her up. Her eyes widen at the sudden movement and shoot up to meet his gaze as Avdol exclaims, “Jotaro! What are you doing? I still need to treat her…”
“Relax. I’m not taking her anywhere.” He’s glad the Old Man isn’t in the room to comment on the blush on his face as he re-settles the woman so her head is resting on his lap. He keeps hold of her hand in his larger one before moving his fingers to her wrist to keep tabs on her pulse. She seems to take comfort in the fact he’s not leaving again and relaxes more into him. “Hey,” she looks up at him and he almost forgets his question. He clears his throat to cover it, “What’s your name?”
“Its (y/n).”
“I’m Jotaro.”
She smiles up so sweetly and relaxes more even as Avdol picks more and more shot out of her leg. She falls asleep quickly, her body using all remaining energy to speed up her healing. He pulls his jacket more securely over her shoulders, its going to need a deep clean later to get the smell of her blood out, if its salvageable at all.
After a while Jotaro is startled out of his wandering thoughts when Avdol stands up from the small footstool he’d been sitting on to work. He wipes his hands on a towel “Well, she’s lost a good amount of blood but as long as she doesn’t develop an infection, I think she should be fine. The silver didn’t have enough time to cause any long-term reaction and her body is already speeding up the healing process.”
Jotaro just nods at the older wolf, his hand moving up to hold onto her fingers instead of her wrist.
“I’ll start on dinner; some beef stew should help her restore her iron levels and get back on her feet.” With that Avdol leaves Jotaro and their newest pack member in the lounge to recover.
<Previous Chapter Next Chapter>
I’ve come up with a pretty neat idea for a full length story. So this is my life now. I look forward to thanking you all when I re-hash this into a work I can publish for real :)
No One Lives Forever- CH3
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
<Previous Chapter Next Chapter>
Joseph always knew his grandson had a big heart to match that big body of his, he was a Joestar after all. But unlike his mother and his grandpa, Jotaro didn’t tend to wear his heart on his sleeve. He kept his emotions hidden, like how he would keep his eyes hidden behind that silly hat. So, Joseph isn’t surprised when Kakyoin rushes into the clearing by the cabin where he and Polnareff have been on guard and announces that Jotaro is bringing someone back with him from the fight. An injured someone.
What does surprise him is Kakyoin’s insistence that he and Pol make themselves scarce for the time being. Apparently Jotaro is still keyed up from the fight and it would be best not to disturb him and their mystery guest while he came down off the high of transforming and fighting. What could have bothered Jotaro so much that he wouldn’t want to see his own Grandpa after a fight?
He and Pol make themselves useful. For a while. Scouting around away from the cabin. Trying to pick up the scent of any others that may be in the area or getting too close to their new territory. Doing outside chores…. But there is only so much wood he can chop and haul! He’s dying to know what’s going on in the cabin!
Finally, Avdol makes his way out to where they were working- its all clear to come back to the cabin now but their guest is resting so please be quiet -Mr. Joestar! Well, that’s a little unfair. He’s not that much louder than Polnareff when he’s excited.
Entering the main lounge of the cabin he sees why Avdol called him out, and was right to do so. The domestic scene of his grandson and a woman he’s never met resting on the large couch by the fireplace has him slapping his hand over his mouth to prevent the “OH MY GOD!” from coming out. Oh, this calls for celebration! Hm, he may be getting ahead of himself here though.
Jotaro finally notices his presence in the room and he see’s the boy’s muscles jump and fists clench like he’s going to leap right out of his seat. Yeah, his instincts are still in overdrive. The need to protect this new potential mate too great to ignore, especially after fighting to bring her to safety. He’ll have to be delicate in how he breaches this subject. Jotaro may be academically and strategically savvy, but his emotional intelligence leaves something to be desired.
Perhaps it would be best to not talk about it directly.
Joseph makes his way to the overstuffed armchair across from the couple on the couch. Enough space between the alpha wolves to be comfortable but still have a conversation. He gets a better look at the mystery woman as he studies the scene more closely. She was a looker alright, but the bandages and smell of blood lingering in the air is disturbing to him, he can only imagine how Jotaro is feeling behind that emotional wall he builds up. “Did I ever tell you the story about how your great Uncle Caesar and I defeated the Proto-Fae?”
“Only every chance you get.” Jotaro smirks as he shakes his head and leans back into the couch.
Joseph just laughs, “Well yes, I suppose I tell that one often. But have I ever told you about the time one of them almost killed your grandma Suzie?”
Jotaro’s breathing stutters to a halt and his eyes narrow on his grandpa.
“Relax, relax. I saved her. It all worked out in the end. But now you know the end of the story let me tell you the beginning and the middle.” Joseph settles further back into the chair and Jotaro subconsciously copies his move.
“It was the day after I had defeated the 2nd Proto-Fae, Esidisi. I had just returned from the battle to the main rooms, but what I didn’t know was that the parasite had attached himself to me and hitched a ride inside and out of the sun! The bastard was nothing but a pile of nerves, like a jellyfish! He snuck away without me realizing he was there and the next thing I know, he’s possessed poor Susie Q.” Joseph sighs and runs a hand through his greying hair. He looks to the fire as he seems to gather himself.
“That fight. I had to fight Susie to save her from that beast. It was by far the worst fight I’ve ever been in. The first time I smelled her blood, my instincts just went into overdrive. Up until that day I had only passingly considered courting her, I wasn’t ready for a mate and the whole ‘Beasts taking over the world’ thing was going on. But she was in danger. And suddenly I knew that I had to be the one to save her, I had to keep her safe, keep her close always.”
He leans back again and claps his hands to his knees quietly, “I did end up outsmarting the bastard a second time with Caesars help- had to wait for the sun to come up and enter the room before I could fling him off of her and watch him burn. The next day was the second hardest day in my life, I had to leave her to recover by herself to fight the last two monsters.” Joseph sigs again looking a little deflated and more his age. “I swore to her I’d come back for her.” His mood suddenly shifts as he exclaims, “Ha, what she didn’t know was that I promised myself that if I did die, I was going to come back as a ghost and haunt her anyway!”
“Ah, but you know the rest of the story from there. We fight the last two, we all live, everything works out in the end. But those two days. Those two are the worst days of my life. Now,” Joseph leans forward and nods to the still sleeping woman, “I’m not saying that’s what’s going on with you, but finding a possible mate – especially when they need you – it will drive your instincts crazy. Pay attention to your instincts, you have them for a reason.”
“Good grief. Is that what the point of that story was?” Jotaro shakes his head but doesn’t move to flee the area like Joseph anticipated he would if feelings were being discussed. He actually seems to relax further as he looks down at the woman sleeping on his lap. Jotaro looks at his hand holding hers like he just realized it was his own.
“That would explain… I killed the hunting group that did this to her. Even after they started to retreat. I didn’t slow down or stop to question who they were or why they were here. I… lost myself. The only thing I could think of was finding her again. Bring her back here, where she’d be safe.” Jotaro looks up again, searching his grandpas face for understanding. “Kakyoin met me halfway here.”
“Yes, he was the one to shoo Pol and I away.”’
“I didn’t want even Kakyoin to see her, no one should see her hurt. Vulnerable. I guess what I’m saying is, it makes a little more sense now. If my instincts are locked onto her being a possible mate.”
“You’re forgetting something though.” Jotaro raises and eyebrow at the older alpha. “You are a Joestar by blood. When we find a mate, that’s it. Think back, how many girls threw themselves at you growing up? Knowing you, you only ever felt annoyed by them, right? I’m not claiming to be an expert on everything going on in that noggin of yours, but like I said, listen to your instincts. Joestar instincts are never wrong about this kind of thing.”
Jotaro looks annoyed for a moment but ultimately just sighs and looks away with a nod. He gets the feeling his grandson is going to need more convincing later but for now its enough that he got the gears in motion. Whatever is going to happen is out of his hands now.
With that Joseph stands and makes his way to the kitchen to help Avdol with the food. Or just steal some of the meal being prepared and dash before he’s caught.
<Previous Chapter Next Chapter>
I’m going to aim for at least once weekly updates for this story, I have a fair bit of vacation time and no where to go this year so I’m going to get a head start!
No One Lives Forever- CH4
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
<Previous Chapter Next Chapter>
It took time to feel like he really belonged to the Joestar pack- not being related by blood or adoption like most of the others, but Kakyoin felt like he learned to navigate the dynamics fairly well. After being isolated for so long with just his father and human mother it seemed almost like fate when he met Jotaro at college. Both had chosen to attend Cornell to escape the bounds of family territory and struck up a fast friendship even though they were studying for different professions. Kakyoin’s gift for art and science led him to study architecture, while Jotaro seemed to select ecology and forest management on the basis that he would be guaranteed time away from people and in nature.
The years at school quickly passed and it became more unusual for Kakyoin to return to his father and mother’s house for breaks than accompany Jotaro back to NYC to be with the rest of his pack. He still made an effort to speak with his parents of course, and video calls made it much easier on all of them, but his father always had been a lone wolf. Not much room in his life for other people- including his wife and son. So, when Jotaro took up the responsibilities of pack alpha it wasn’t a hard choice for Kakyoin to follow as the beta.
Even after knowing Jotaro for 10 years, the man still manages to surprise him though. This time he’s almost overwhelmed because that’s another wolf he’s carrying through the forest. Kakyoin is stopped in his tracks, probably a good thing he’s stunned silent as Jotaro seems unusually agitated. What are they going to do? Obviously, she’s not the threat if Jotaro’s bringing her back to the cabin, but she’s another wolf in their territory. Are they going to let her pass through? Or invite her to stay, at least until the mystery of why she’s injured is cleared up? What is the rest of the pack going to do, do they…?
Kakyoin’s spiraling thoughts are cut off as he processes the order from his alpha. Right, he’ll clear the way, make it safe for the new packmate.
He runs into Mr. Joestar and Polnareff first in the clearing in front of the cabin and promptly sends them out in the opposite direction after explaining the circumstance. Avdol is swift in his search for the first aid kit, so Kakyoin goes on patrol around the perimeter again. No telling what other bizarre thing was going to happen this afternoon, it was best to be prepared.
It seems like forever but what was probably two hours at most he hears Avdol tell the others it was ok to go inside again, but to be respectful of their guest. Guest… his instincts may have been right earlier about the ‘new packmate’. Kakyoin finishes the last leg of his patrol before he too goes inside. Mr. Joestar has already made himself comfortable in the big arm chair in the lounge, Kakyoin can only see the top of the woman’s head from this angle, but the smell of her blood is still in the air almost making him nauseous. Polnareff is hovering in the doorway leading to the kitchen and dining room so he ushers him in to sit and leave the two alphas to discuss whatever business they had.
Avdol is rummaging through the fridge when Kakyoin makes his way into the kitchen, “Avdol?”
“Hmm? Ah, Kakyoin. You’re curious about our guest, yes? Help me prepare the meal while I tell you what I know.”
“Tell me how I can help.”
“Here, cut this into cubes while I gather the rest.” Avdol hands over the large selection of meat he’d retrieved from the fridge, “Unfortunately I don’t know much right now. Her name is (y/n). She sustained an injury to her leg. Multiple injuries actually. With silver birdshot.”
“Silver? Her attackers knew she was a wolf?”
“Wolf hunters are uncommon nowadays, but not unheard of. No. I’m more concerned that it was small pellets used. The hunters weren’t aiming to kill.”
Kakyoin nearly drops the knife he was holding over the cutting board, “Not aiming to kill? What kind of hunter doesn’t kill their prey?”
“The worst kind.”
The kitchen is silent while the two men work to prepare the food. Once the ingredients are all in the pot and simmering away Kakyoin retreats to his own room to contemplate the situation.
Without more information to go over he’s stuck in a loop. It’s a welcome interruption when Avdol calls him for dinner, hopefully they’ll get to the bottom of this quickly and lay it to rest.
Avdol must have been keeping his mind occupied with cooking, the table has an assortment of bread rolls and side dishes that were not even started when Kakyoin left the kitchen. He takes his seat at the large round table between an already seated Mr. Joestar and Polnareff. Avdol is placing the last dish on the table when they all flinch at the quiet whine of pain from the lounge area.
Jotaro and (y/n) make their way into the dining room and everyone seems to freeze for a moment. She hesitates but seems to pull herself to stand up straighter and lean less on Jotaro’s arm as they walk to the open seats. Another realization snaps into place in Kakyoin’s mind. This woman is not just another member of the pack, he’d bet his last dollar she’s another alpha.
“(Name), this is the pack. Everyone, this is (Name).” Jotaro does a poor job of introducing them, he seems to be more focused on loading up his plate and subtly offering the food to (y/n). They go around the table and introduce themselves properly and she seems to settle into her seat as everyone begins eating.
“I don’t mean to push you unnecessarily, but,” Kakyoin is interrupted by Polnareff.
“What the hell happened out there?”
Jotaro growls a bit at the line of questioning but Kakyoin persists, “I wouldn’t have put it quite like that, but you see we…”
Jotaro doesn’t have to say more, the command was evident in his tone. Stop questioning, now.
(y/n) doesn’t heed this warning though. Instead, she puts a hand on his arm as if to hold Jotaro back before she addresses the group. “You guys deserve to know the truth. I don’t blame you for wanting to know what happened in your territory.” She pauses and puts her hands in her lap, head bowed as if apologizing. “I’m sorry I brought the trouble to your doorstep, but the ones who shot me, they were a band of wolf hunters. That wasn’t even the first time I’ve run into these ones, but that was the closest they’ve ever gotten to…” (y/n) trails off as Jotaro growls a bit more. It’s unlike him to be so expressive, he must still be reeling from his shift.
“Anyway, they’ve been on my tail since the last town over. I thought I’d have an advantage if I got away from humans and could shift and take them on, but they ran me off the road when I wasn’t expecting it. So I ran. All I could think of is I should have listened to my parents, not strayed so far from family territory.” She shakes her head to clear it before continuing.
“It’s been getting bad for lone wolves for a while now. You hear rumors and think ‘oh that won’t happen to me’. I’m not even sure what gang, or cartel, or whatever these guys were working for. I doubt they were just ordinary religious zealots; I don’t think I would have gotten away if they were.” (y/n) looks down at her plate and picks around at her food as the pack takes in this information.
Kakyoin feels a cold chill move down his spine. It has been a long time since he’s been a lone wolf. But he remembers. How isolating it was, no support system, far away from home territory…
“I’m sorry for entering your territory without permission. But I want to thank you. For helping me,” she turns and looks at Jotaro, “for saving me.”
Jotaro has been entirely focused on (y/n) throughout dinner, this may be the first time he looks away from her as he lets out a gruff “Don’t mention it.”
Kakyoin wears a small smile on his face. Yeah, Jotaro is hooked already.
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I hope you are all ready for what’s coming- I finished my first draft outline for this story and its currently sitting at 52 chapters total. Expect a lot more action, monsters, supernatural things, new original characters! I’m still going to aim for at LEAST one chapter a week, but with the outline done it may be more if I have time :)
No One Lives Forever- CH5
(AO3 link)
Stardust Crusader Wolf Pack AU
[From the beginning- CH1]
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You wake up to a gentle tapping on your arm and the smell of home cooked food wafting around the cabin. You sit up with a yawn, lifting yourself off the man who rescued you and freeing his legs. Looking down to your bandaged leg you can tell the nap (and the pain meds) really helped numb the area, at least until you’d have to move. The man – Jotaro, his name’s Jotaro- looks down at you from where he’s standing, blue-green eyes lingering on your wounded leg as well before he offers a hand to help you up.
You can’t help the slight whine of pain that slips from your mouth, but quickly rally yourself and shift your weight to your good leg. You refuse to let go of Jotaro’s arm; you know you won’t make it far without leaning on him. He seems to be a man of few words but Jotaro understands exactly what’s going on and holds his arm firm and steady as you grip it with both hands and hobble forward to the other room where the meal has been set out.
You make it to the dining room with his help and freeze when you realize how many men are here in the house. You make an effort to straighten up and lean less on Jotaro as you both make it to the empty seats. You realize no one’s started in on the food yet as Jotaro starts heap food onto his plate. They were waiting for him to start- oh god, he’s the alpha, isn’t he? Good thing you seem to be on his good side already. Less risk of being forced out of the pack’s territory and into the path of more hunters if you had Jotaro on your side.
The redhead at the table seems ready to burst with questions, you can tell he’s doing his very best to be polite about it at least, not like the guy with the silver mohawk. Your explanation and apology seem to set everyone on edge, but they’re not throwing out accusations at you, so it must be the fact that there were wolf hunters in their territory.
It’s quiet for a minute until the older man- Joseph- regales you all with a story from his youth, how he once… crashed a plane while battling a god?
By the end of dinner, you are full of delicious food and exhausted. Just sitting upright for an hour has taken a toll and you’re pretty sure the pain killers are wearing off. Your leg throbs as you shift a bit to get the blood flowing. The rest of the guys clear out of the dining room, bringing plates and leftovers to the kitchen. Jotaro stands and offers you a hand to stand up.
“Thanks.” You wince at how out of breath you sound and sigh as you take his hand.
He looks like he’s thinking hard about something before instead of pulling you to your feet he bends down and puts your arm around his neck. “What? Wait! I can walk, I’m fine!” You’re flustered to be back in his arms as he ignores you and lifts you from your chair.
“Its fine. You’re tired, and there’s no sense straining yourself just to walk down the hall.” You let out a little huff at his logic and can’t help the soft purr that builds in your chest and you accept your fate. He purrs back in response and you melt further into his hold.
He carries you out of the dining room, but you must be more tired than you realized because when you blink and open your eyes again you’re suddenly in a hallway. Jotaro has stopped in front of one of the doors, another very serious look on his face as he thinks. You hum a little to catch his attention, and it works as those aqua eyes snap to meet your gaze.
He sighs and averts his eyes, “We… don’t have a guest room here. You’ll have to get settled in my room. I’ll sleep in the lounge.”
“Oh! No, you don’t have to… I can sleep in the lounge! I don’t want to be an inconvenience.”
“No, you need proper rest. And a room with a door. You don’t know how loud the old man and Polnareff can be yet.” He wears a small smile as he opens the door and makes his way inside, setting you on the queen bed. Besides the bed there is only a cheap night stand in the room. They must have just been here for a guy’s trip or something, the space doesn’t feel very lived in.
He turns and rummages through a travel bag while you survey the room and turns around holding a bundle of clothes. “You can wear some of my PJs. Do you need help getting to the bathroom?” he nods over to the other door in the room that apparently is not a closet like you had thought.
“Thanks. Just to the door is fine. The hardest part is getting up again, I think I can put a little weight on it right now.” You nod as he reaches and helps you to your feet again. You are able to hobble to the bathroom with his help and he sets the bundle of clothes on the sink counter.
He lets go of you and rummages in a linen closet for a minute, turning back to you with a slightly dusty and mis-matched washcloth and hand towel. “Sorry, this is all that I have here, I’ll go see if the other bathrooms have a real towel or something.”
“It’s fine, this will do. I’ll just get the worst of it off right now.” You pause for a moment, trying to think of a way to word your next question. “You, uh. You guys haven’t been here that long, have you? Were you guys on a hunting trip or something? Guys weekend?”
Jotaro hums to himself, “Something like that. We were actually scouting it to expand our territory. This was our test run to see if we liked it enough to stay. But you’re right, we’ve only been here a few days now.”
“Ahh. Wow,” your eyes widen as you realize, “I must have used up all my good karma or something to run right into your new territory. What are the odds…” You trail off as you realize how badly today could have gone for you. You’re shaken from your worried thoughts by Jotaro’s hand on your shoulder.
“Hey. You’re safe now. You can stick with us as long as you need.” You smile and nod at him. “I’ll let you get cleaned up. I’ll be just down the hall if you need me.”
He turns to leave but something possesses you take hold of his hand before he can make it out the doorway. “I… Don’t want to be alone, tonight I mean… You don’t have to sleep in the lounge if you don’t want to, the bed looked big enough…” Oh jeez, you can feel how hot your face is from the blood rushing to it. You’re sure if you turned to the mirror instead of looking at your feet you’d see a previously undiscovered shade of red.
“Alright, if you’re sure.” He… agreed? You can’t help but smile as you look back up to his face, embarrassment forgotten. He’s smiling a little too and you have a feeling this is normally a rare sight. He heads for the door again, “I’ll get some more pillows while you get changed then.”
You shut the door behind him and turn to the bundle he left for you. T-shit and sweatpants. Good thing they were the kind with a drawstring, you had a feeling they were going to need rolled up at the ankle and the waist with how tall Jotaro is. You turn to your reflection for the first time tonight and are surprised with how pale you are, probably still anemic from your earlier injury.
You do your best to clean up the leftover dirt and smudges of blood and run your fingers through your hair as well as you can- a quick search of the bathroom had yielded no comb. You quickly don the sleep clothes and roll up the pants so you don’t trip on your short journey to the bed. You exit the bathroom and hobble your way to the bed, hand on the wall to support yourself. Jotaro comes back into the room holding two more pillows and a blanket he’s found. He must have changed as well, but you have to admit he fills out the simple clothes well.
You both settle into bed side by side. He’s opted to be a gentleman and keep a layer of sheets between you and let you have the thicker blanket all to yourself. You’re still tense, sharing a bed with a virtual stranger, but then you take a deep breath and all you can smell is him. Instantly you are calmed, enough that you unintentionally start purring again. What is up with your instincts today? You’ve never given into them so easy, were you still on edge from the chase earlier? That must be it. The close call must still be on your subconscious mind, you’ve never been that close to…
Your thoughts are derailed again as he purrs in response to your distress, but the fear and stress you’d felt in the forest still lingers in your mind. You wish you could relax like you had been for your nap earlier. Maybe a little bit of embarrassment now would be worth a good night’s rest?
“Ok, so this may be a dumb question, but,” you pause and inhale to build your courage, “can I… just… hold your hand? So I know you’re there? That it’s you?”
He shifts around a bit and you hear a muffled ‘Good grief’ as he turns his head to you.
You look away to try and avoid the awkwardness as best you can, “Fine, just thought I’d ask. I knew it was dumb.”
“Hmm. That wasn’t a no.” He pulls his hand free of the blankets and holds it out next to you. You marvel a bit at how large his hand is compared to yours as you grasp it. You feel almost tingly as you both settle down to sleep again. This time your thoughts anchored to the present, not the terrifying chase through the forest.
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Some eagle eyed readers may have caught that I’ve changed at least Polnareff’s appearance a bit. This story takes place sometime between 2014-2018 so I’m modernizing their outfits somewhat- including Polnareff’s hairstyle lol.