Bucky Oneshot - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

In Five Years


Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced!Reader 

Summary: Bucky was having a hard time expressing his feelings about finally being free from the Winter Soldier program. To help him out, you suggested writing a letter to his future self and burying it in a time capsule to visit this moment again in the future. The plan was to open the time capsule five years from now. That was until Thanos showed up.

Word Count: 4.9k

Warning(s): Follows the ending of Infinity War (if you know you know ;-;) / canon level of violence in the MCU / major character “deaths” / angst / mentions of blood & injury & death

a/n: This fic is a submission for the love letters writing challenge being held by the lovely @pellucid-constellations​. Thank you so much for reading! ♡

✧༺♡༻∞  ∞༺♡༻✧

     “ Stop fidgeting around. You’re going to throw off the readings.” Shuri held your legs in place on the table. She wasn’t being forceful, but you knew better than to mess up any of the readings. The last person who did was pranked by Shuri for weeks. 

     “ Sorry. I just have a lot on my mind.” You explained briefly, not wanting to dive into the subject. You weren’t sure you and Shuri were alone. You didn’t want to risk the wrong person or even the right person, hearing your conversation. 

     “ He will be fine. I have been deprogramming him for months now. The Winter Soldier is a thing of the past,” her tone was definite. You tried to find comfort in her words, but you couldn’t. You wished to be there by his side right now. You knew it wasn’t your place to impose yourself on such an important matter, but you couldn’t help it. You worried about him all the time. 

     You cared for him. 

     More than you have for anyone else. 

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5 years ago

Say It (1/8)

Part 2 / Say It - Masterlist

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Words: 6,594 (I have a problem, lol)

Request: “Could you write buckyxreader where the reader has a speech impediment.”

Warning: Angst, descriptions of blood 

A/N: This was a request by @gondorgirl01 a very very very long time ago, but I never got around to writing it before now. I’m apologizing though, I promised you fluff, but the angst wrote itself. Haha. I wanted to post this on your birthday, but I was like, “nope, not gonna angst her this hard on her b-day, that’s just plain rude”. I love you girl, and I promise to make up for this angst with some fluff for you at some other point! hehe. Love you! As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!

You didn’t know what it was about Bucky that drew you to him.

All you knew was that the pull you had towards him was like a magnet to steel.

Every time he would enter the room, every time he would speak, every time he would smile, the pull became stronger and stronger.

Your mother told you it was because girls were born with an instinct to fix what was broken, but you knew that wasn’t the case.

You didn’t want to fix Bucky because it wasn’t your job to fix him. He was broken, yes, but no one but himself could fix that. It was a battle he had to fight on his own.

But you wanted to help. You wanted to be there for Bucky, to support him in his journey to recovery.  

That was all you really wanted to do, but you didn’t know how. Bucky spoke to all the Avengers, he was kind, he did his very best to show the Avengers the gratitude he felt, and you wanted to talk to him as well. You wanted to assure him that all the Avengers including yourself were happy to have him here, were happy to help him, were happy to be part of his life. You wanted to tell him that so badly, but you couldn’t. And that was probably the hardest fact for you to swallow each and every day when you saw him. A million words you wanted to say, but the only thing you could do was smile bright his way and hope he understood why you were the only one who couldn’t say a word to him.

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5 years ago

Say It (2/8)

Part 1 Part 3

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Words: 4.816

Summary: Bucky searches for Y/N.

Warning: Angst. @suchabigmesss asked me to pick up her heart from the floor, just an indicator. 

A/N: Hi loves! It’s finally here, so sorry for the delay! Definitely do read part 1 first!! Thank you so incredibly much for all the love you give me and this story! This will be a multichapter series, so I really hope you’ll want to read it, I have an outline ready and chapters will be out faster than this one! I promise! Lots of love to all of your cute faces! feedback is as always greatly appreciated <3

Bucky looked at the hologram in front of him, gritting his teeth in annoyance. He had raided every Hydra base he could think of and more, but not as much as a stray of hair of evidence had been found of your whereabouts. His eyes scanned the map again, his brain working overtime to think of something he hadn’t thought of, something he couldn’t remember. Just something.

He came up with nothing.

Groaning in frustration, he dismissed the hologram and fell back in the chair. He stared out of the window at the night sky being lit up by a few stars, letting his mind run wild.

Seven months and twenty four days. That’s how long it had been since you had sacrificed yourself, going with Hydra so they wouldn’t hurt him or Natasha.

Whenever he closed his eyes, all he could see was the last look you gave him. A silent plea for him to step over the line so they would kill you instead of taking you with them. He hadn’t listened to your plea because he couldn’t stand letting you die. He had done what he wanted, let you live, and because of that, you were God knows where among the people who had ripped him from everything he was and made him into something they wished.

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5 years ago

Say It (3/8)

Part 1, Part 2 Part 4

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Words: 3.991

Summary: Bucky wakes up. 

Warning: Angst

A/N: Sorry if this chapter is a little off, I love you all so much, and thank you for all the looove <3. I suck at the summary, really do need to find myself something properly! :*   

Bucky vividly remembered the first time he had seen you. Steve had been introducing him to everyone, and when his eyes had zeroed in on you, he felt an instant pull. He didn’t know what it was, but his first guess was your sincere, heartfelt smile. He hadn’t seen anyone smile like that towards him for as far as he could remember, and to see you smile towards him like that just made him want to be near you. When Steve had introduced you, Bucky had hoped to hear if your voice was as sweet as your smile, but you hadn’t said a thing. Instead, you had just continued to smile in his direction, nothing else.

Bucky had been confused but didn’t want to press the matter, he had after all just arrived, and he didn’t want to come off as rude. So he waited, waited until you would help him like every other member of the Avengers did, and you did, the smile you sent his way each day was like the sun rising in the morning sky, slowly lighting up all the dark corners of life. But you never spoke to him. Not once, and even though Bucky never voiced it out loud, he wondered why you didn’t want to speak to him. He knew it wasn’t because you hated him or were afraid of him. If that had been the case, he’s pretty sure you would be running from him every time you saw him, instead of offering him a smile that reached one ear to the other and reflected so beautifully in your eyes. But it was exactly your smile which made him wonder why you never wanted to speak to him. He had tried gathering his guts many times to ask you, but every time the opportunity arose, he found himself afraid of scaring you off. He didn’t want to lose seeing that smile every day, so he kept quiet, returning your warm smile every day, hoping you would approach him one day.

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5 years ago

Do you still do requests? If so, a story written loosely on the song Peach Scones by Hobo Johnson would be cute. Also a disclaimer, in the song hes about to tell her he loves her and hes like "i love.... scones" because he gets too scared so he covers it up by saying scones, he's not just writing a love song about scones

Hey sweetheart! I hope you enjoy, it’s very loosely based off the song, but it was very fun to write! I truly hope you enjoy! Let me know! 

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Words: 1,662

This has officially been made into a series!

Part 2 | Peach Scone - Masterlist

“The usual?”

“Yeah, and a peach scone, please,” Bucky inquired, looking around in the café, trying to appear nonchalant but the way the barista rolled her eyes at him told him what a poor job he was doing.

“She’s not here yet,” she said, offering Bucky a small smile, and the former Winter Soldier let go of a breath he hadn’t realized he had been holding.

It was getting ridiculous at this point. Bucky had about zero amount control when it came to you. His brain would completely short circuit, throw him for a loop and even if he had every intention on acting like a rational human being, that was quickly thrown out of the window the second you stepped into his line of vision.

Bucky had met you a year ago courtesy of Natasha. Back then, the redhead had assured Bucky it wasn’t a setup, simply just meeting a friend and he had believed her. It had never intended to be a setup, never. All of that happened at its own accord when you walked into the bar and merely looked his way. It had been as if someone recited the trigger words to him all over again, throwing his brain to a complete halt, his muscles stiffening in an instant, awaiting order on what he was supposed to do because he didn’t know. and to him, it felt awful a lot like a trap. 

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5 years ago

Peach Scone - The Drop By (2/6)

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: In where Bucky has it so bad for you, he cannot find the words to confess his feelings. After an entire year of failed attempts, plus a declaration of love for scones, he decides it’s about time the words come out of his mouth. Only Bucky knows himself and is certain it’s gonna be one hell of a challenge. 

Words: 2,708

Warning(s): fluffiness, Bucky not really able to function because he’s a lovesick fool, language,

A/N: Second chapter! I hope you enjoy and will stay for the ride of Bucky trying to confess his love, It’s gonna be a fun ride! 

Part 1 | Part 3 | Peach Scone - Masterlist


It was love.

Not just any kind of love. No. 

But the kind of love which had one losing every ounce of self-control, and had every logical thought flying out of a window and drowning itself in the nearest lake.

That type of love was the sole reason the former Winter Soldier had currently become the number one source of entertainment to every one of his teammates as the latest chapter in the tales of Bucky’s failed attempts at confessing his love, apparently proved to be the funniest chapter yet.

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5 years ago

Peach Scone - The Pep Talk (3/6)

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: In where Bucky has it so bad for you, he cannot find the words to confess his feelings. After an entire year of failed attempts, plus a declaration of love for scones, he decides it’s about time the words come out of his mouth. Only Bucky knows himself and is certain it’s gonna be one hell of a challenge.

Words: 2,821

Warning(s): fluffiness, Bucky not really able to function because he’s a lovesick fool, language,

A/N: I’m so happy you guys loved the second chapter! I hope you enjoy this one as well! Lots of love! This chapter looks at a frustrated Bucky ;) Apologies if this is bad! 

Part 1  | Part 2 | Part 4 | Peach Scone - Masterlist | Sgtjbuccky - Masterlist


Bucky Barnes could blindly admit that fainting in front of you a week back hadn’t been one of his finest moments.

It had, however, been his most embarrassing one, and that alone said a lot given the excessive amount of borderline outrageous things he had managed to do in front of you.  

The incident hadn’t reduced his spot as the number one laughingstock of the Avengers; it had only earned him a crown. An actual crown which Tony specially designed for him and to say that Bucky wasn’t looking for an apartment elsewhere in the city would be a lie. 

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5 years ago

Peach Scone - The Boo (4/6)

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: In where Bucky has it so bad for you, he cannot find the words to confess his feelings. After an entire year of failed attempts, plus a declaration of love for scones, he decides it’s about time the words come out of his mouth. Only Bucky knows himself and is certain it’s gonna be one hell of a challenge.

Words:  3,5k

Warning(s): fluff, fun, banter, Bucky being the source of entertainment and a love sick fool, who just can’t function, language

A/N: I gotta admit, this chapter is not turning out the exact way i wanted it, but I hope you guys enjoy nonetheless! 

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 5 |  Peach Scone - Masterlist | Sgtjbuccky - Masterlist


“This one, or this one?” Natasha asked, gesturing towards the two different dresses in her hands.

The three men tilted their head in the same direction, inspecting the garments with care. Their gaze flittering from one to the other for a solid minute. The red had to refrain from rolling her eyes. The four of them had been at the store for more than an hour, and it was the fifth item she had asked their opinion on. Yet, each time they pondered between option A and B like the fate of the world lied at stake.

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5 years ago

Peach Scone - The Fix (6/6)

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Summary: In where Bucky has it so bad for you, he cannot find the words to confess his feelings. After an entire year of failed attempts, plus a declaration of love for scones, he decides it’s about time the words come out of his mouth. Only Bucky knows himself and is certain it’s gonna be one hell of a challenge.

Words: 4,4k

Warning(s): fluff, fluff, and fluff, with a side of Bucky who just still doesn’t know how to function! 

A/N: aaand we’re at the end!! Thank you so much for the love on this series, I loved torturing you guys with fluff and I hope you enjoy this last round of fluff torture ;) love you so much! <3 

Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Peach Scone - Masterlist 

Peach Scone - The Fix (6/6)


Complete and utter regret. That was the feeling Bucky Barnes walked around with twenty-four seven since his surprise birthday party. Bucky had spent more than a year trying to confess his feelings and when everything had fallen perfectly into place; he had willingly cut himself off.

No nearly choking on a tie, no fainting, heck, not even declaring love for scones, no he had willingly shut his mouth because he had been high.

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3 years ago

Promise? |Bucky x Reader

Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader

Summary: Reader fucks up a mission so Bucky cheers her up.

Words: 2,2k

Warnings: a little, tiny bit of smut

A/N: This is my first time writing something even remotely smutty, so please give me a review on how you found it and if you requests, go ahead ^^


You threw your bag on the little armchair in the corner of your room. It had been a very long day to say the least, the mission, just like every other mission in the last months since you joined the team, ended in a disaster. Everybody was hurt because you made a mistake, again. Well, to be fair, nobody’s hurt bad, but nobody’s without a scratch either.

You’re not in the mood to join the others down in the living room on the common “after mission” parties, tonight you just want to bath in self-loathing, literally. You move to the little bathroom connected to your room and switch the light on the bathroom mirror on. Slowly you drag your hoodie over your body, careful not to move too much, since everything’s still hurting. At least you’ve gotten messed up the worst, so the others didn’t have to face it that bad.

 Warm water is running in the bathtub as you remove all your excess clothing. You throw some bath salt in the tub and dim the light, then you slowly sink into the warmth all around you. The water encircles your body like a warm hug, and you let yourself drown into the feeling of defying gravity.

The mission was settled in outer south of Utah. In some old farm that was used by a few people to create new weapons based on the current new smartwatches out there. Something of the hardware was exchanged to explode by a triggered action. You didn’t really understand all that technic stuff but surely you could differentiate between a normal watch and one that will blow your hand right off the wrist. At least so you thought. Because during the mission you proved yourself as the least useful Avenger, since the only thing you did was standing in between Natasha and Tony who screamed at each other while they rewrote the code. So, you just stood there and tried to be helpful through looking around and finding the trigger.

The best part of the mission was then when you tried to solve the problem by destroying the trigger. Well bitch guess what, when you destroyed the trigger you more like pulled the trigger, causing all the 300 watches stored in the farm hall to explode around you.

Of course, it was bad how the mission ended, although with your action the watches were destroyed, and the code was gladly rewritten by the others, so technically the problem was solved, mission completed.

But also, one consequence of your useful action was that everybody was practically catapulted around. But with you standing in the middle of the hall you took definitely the hardest blow, pushing the air right out of chest and making it hard to breathe on the hours back to the compound.

You took a deep breath and sunk deeper into the water, head under water you finally got a few seconds of quiet before you needed to get back up and be reminded of how embarrassing this whole deal had been. Again, and again, you sank into the water, only taking deep breaths occasionally a minute or so.

You’ve just sunk down another time and didn’t notice the voice that was softly calling out your name in front of your bedroom door. “Y/N? I’m coming in!”, he said and pushed into your bedroom, which he found empty except the backpack, still fully packed and dusty. “Y/N?”, he called out again, but you didn’t hear him. “Are you in there?”, he asked and knocked on the bathroom door. The door gave in and slowly leaped open, revealing your clothes splattered across the floor and a bathtub with only your legs dangling of the edge.

Sunken in your thoughts you didn’t notice the man bowed over the tub until an ice-cold hand closes around your upper arm and drags you up. Surprised you swallow one, two breaths of water and cough them all out, clawing at the edge off the tub. Gasping for air you meet the grey eyes of the one and only Bucky Barnes, the man of your dreams, the most handsom- “WTF, Y/N!? Were you trying to fucking drown yourself?”.

You spit another wave of water out of your throat. “What?”, you stumble. “Don’t scare me like that!”, Bucky screamed and reached for a towel to dry his arm. You took a glance down and tried to discretely scoop the foam on the water on your upper body to cover everything.

“What, Bucky, I was just taking a bath, trying to calm my nerves you know?”, you say, but advert his eyes, hiding from his worried eyes. “And you always, like, kinda drown yourself when you bath?”, he asked and pointed vaguely to your body. “I was relaxing!”, you huff out and cross your arms over your chest. Making you awfully aware in what position you are in front of him.

“You are missing for an hour already, seems like you forgot the time”, he grabbed another towel from the little cabinet next to the door holding it out to you. “Come on, the others are waiting.” You take the towel from him and he turns around, leaving you privacy so you can step out of the tub. “I don’t wanna see the others right now, I’m not in the mood for a lecture from Mr America himself”, you sigh and wrap the towel around your body.

Bucky turns back around while you unplug the tub and push your clothes out of the way with your feet when you stumbled over to the sink. “They’re not wanting to give you a lecture, they’re concerned.” You raise an eyebrow, making eye contact with him in the mirror. “Concerned? That I’m not good enough to be an avenger?”, “No, that you’re trying to drown yourself because you feel guilty cause the mission went bad”. “Busted”, you sigh and turn around, leaning against the sink.

“But I wasn’t trying to drown myself!”, you quickly add and now its his turn to raise his eyebrows. “Aren’t they, like, really mad at me?”, you pick up the clothes you shed and throw them in the laundry hamper. “No, not really. But you shouldn’t worry about them”, he said. “How about you start to worry about what will happen if you continue to fuck up on the missions like that? You’re gonna really kill yourself some day if you continue with that ´I’m gonna survive everything attitude`”

“Am not!”, you pouted. “And what do you even care if I kill myself off?”. Of course, you had to say something like that, it would be too easy to just accept that you are pretty reckless on missions. But of course, you had to provoke him and now you would get hurt.

“Do you think you are nothing to us?”, he asked, seeming really angry. “Don’t act like that, you didn’t like me the minute I walked into the compound”, you said and looked to the floor, now again painfully reminded that you were only wearing a towel. “I know you don’t really like me; I don’t think anybody of you really likes me, except maybe peter, but he’s practically a golden retriever.”

Bucky took a step towards you. “Is that really what you think, cause I’m pretty sure you know that everyone of us would take a bullet for you”, his voice grew darker. “Is that so?”, you asked. You had to look up to him now that he was this close to you. The air around you had drastically changed.

You were attracted to Bucky since the beginning of your time in the compound. You couldn’t deny that him being this close to you and you only wearing a towel was making your body heat up and the pit of your belly cramp up with excitement.

“Yes, all that time, from the time you first walked into the compound, all I ever wanted to do is show you how beautiful you look.”, his metal arm sneaked around your waist to balance his weight on the rim of the sink. You were inches apart and you could feel his warm breath on your wet skin. “But all you ever did, was recklessly throw yourself into one risk after another, making it impossible to even get near to you without having a near death experience.”

His head dipped low, on a level with your ear. “And now I am actually alone with you, and you are dripping wet.” To emphasize his words a drip of water ran from your hair down your neck, his eyes following it travel down your chest and into the towel. You arched your back, pressing your chest against his, the knot of the towel hanging on for dear life. “I’m sorry, I guess I just don’t know how to appreciate my life.”, you tilt your head up, his breath sinking on your neck. “Will you show me how good life can be?”, you whispered.

His other hand snaked up your thigh, fiddling with the hem of your towel. Your breath hitched and you gasped against his neck. “Will you show me how beautiful I am? Cause I’m pretty sure I could show you more than you could show me.” You tiptoed to graze his ear with your teeth. “It takes a pretty good stamina to throw yourself into near death experiences.”

That cut the thread, Bucky let out a deep growl and his hands gripped the edge of your towel, yanking it hard of your body. His mouth sank down on your neck, sucking rough patches on your wet skin. A gasp escaped your mouth, and you pushed your hands against his chest, moving up and cupping his chin, pushing his mouth up. Love drunken and definitely horny you slammed your lips on his.

His hands drove all over your body while you rather gently licked his lips for entrance, he immediately opened and his tongue pushed greedy against yours, a fight for dominance. You trailed your hand down towards his pants, letting your fingertips brush under the hem of his shirt, just above the edge of his belt. He growled deeply, which you answered with a teasing bite to his lip.

He left your lips to slowly trail down your neck and sucked another deep purple patch against your collarbone. You threw your head back, your hands coming up to thread in his hair, pulling softly, which only made him emit another deep growl.

His lips went deeper, and you gasped sharply when his lips softly feathered over your nipple. He left a light kiss on top off it, so contrary to the rough sinful kisses you’ve shared just now. He circled the nipple slowly with his tongue, but then he placed his lips around your soft flesh, sucking harshly. You let out a pleading cry, moaning his name.

“Bucky!”, you gasped, you pulled hard on his hair, your knees getting weak. His Flesh hand snaked around your waist, holding you uptight, while his metal fingers crept up your body to play with the other peak on your breast.

You slowly got yourself on steady and his arm left your waist to caress your side. You sharply sucked the air in when his hand wandered over a particularly sore part on your ribs. “Don’t- don’t do this”, you whispered as he let his fingers carefully wander up and down your ribs again. “Bucky”, you pleaded desperate as his lips around your nipple came to a rest.

“WTF, Y/N?!”, he exclaimed and pulled away. You whined when his metal hand also left your body. “Don’t stop”, you whined and looked down at bucky who was still on eye level with your chest but now was more interested in your side. “Y/N, why didn’t you say something?”, he asked and carefully still tasted around a dark purple almost black mark that was caressing your side, from your hips up to your rips.

“Its nothing big, just a little bruise”, you said, reaching for his jaw, trying to pull him into another kiss. He leaned out of your touch “This, is not what I consider small, you should let that get checked out” “Noo”, you whined. “I don’t need to get this checked out, its literally just a bruise”.

Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Really?”, he pushed his fingertips into your side, elicit you are painful gasp. “Cause to me it seems more like a broken rib” You pouted. “Why did you need to do this, it was getting so good!”, you whined as he already stepped away from you and started to pick up your clothes.

He sighed and turned towards you. “Okay, doll, well make a deal”, he pressed your clothes into your arms. “You will get this treated and once you’re pain free, I will fuck you into oblivion” You look at him suspicious then you hold out your pinkie. “Promise?”, you asked. He chuckled “Sure”; he interlocked your pinkies. “I promise I will fuck you into oblivion.”

“That’s what I like”, you smirked and started to put on your clothes.

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