But The Whole Fandom Needs To See This So Im Putting It In The Tags - Tumblr Posts
5 months ago
They were NOT kidding that was an unholy ammount of tags
All the tags on my reblog are ops btw I just thought I'd tack them on so they can still reach because this animation us AMAZING and studio trigger totally cooked on this one
for those of you who somehow haven't seen this masterpiece
btw theres so many fucking tags i think this is going to reach EVERYONE i debated adding valveplug to mess with people but then it may be filtered from some people's feed so nah
Tags :
oh my god i have to tag every transformers show on this
transformers prime
transformers earthspark
Transformers Armada
transformers energon
tf earthspark
transformers go! go!
i think go go was in this???
transformers beast wars
transformers beast machines
im not sure what series were in this so fuck it tag everything
transformers cyberverse
transformers rise of the beasts
transformers rotb
transformers war for cybertron
transformers rescue bots
rescue bots was NOT in this as far as I can tell
but the whole fandom needs to see this so im putting it in the tags
transformers headmasters
transformers animated
Transformers Bayverse