Transformers Rise Of The Beasts - Tumblr Posts

Cameos in the transformers movie:


That one dude who hides the zombie bite


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1 year ago

I had an idea for the new transformers movie, and like

Imagine being taken by Mirage with Noah, maybe they'd agreed to help him with the job, maybe they had experience, or some other reason, not the point

But as soon as they're both out the car, and Mirage is transformed, what do they do?

While Noah is waving around with a pipe, they're just staring at Mirage

When he finally turns his attention to them it's just

Mirage: Hey! Ya ain't screaming, ain't that nice? Hey man why can't you be more like them?

Y/N, in an obviously flirty tone: Hey~

Mirage: Oh! Oh it's like that ;) why hello you awfully adorable alien

Noah: What- what are you doing?

Y/N: Shut up I'm trying to get a man

Mirage X Reader – Flirtatious Meeting

A/N - I should technically be getting to other, older requests, but hey, when inspiration bites you in the ass, you don't question it. So, thanks for this great request, it was a lot of fun. I'm obsessed with Mirage now.

Warnings - None.

Rating - T

I Had An Idea For The New Transformers Movie, And Like

You gasped as you were thrown from the Porsche that you had accidentally stolen with Noah. Honestly, you weren’t sure how you had gotten into the situation with him, only that you were trying to stop him from making a stupid mistake, and instead you had gotten taken on a joy-ride by a self-driving car.

At this point you were pretty sure the vehicle belonged to some kind of insane billionaire who had driven it via remote control and that you and Noah were going to some secret, privately owned prison wherein the billionaire in question would have the last laugh.

“Oh my God,” You panted, rolling onto your side.

Behind you, you heard a whoop of delight, followed by a comment about how fun that joyride was. You pushed yourself up, ready to yell at whatever jerk had hijacked the car that you had admittedly been part of hijacking yourself.

“(Y/N),” Noah stuttered your name as he tapped your shoulder trying to get you to turn around.

From your peripheral you saw him bend down to pick up a busted pipe and you spun quickly to face your assailant, gasping again when you saw a giant robot.

You could have described him by his height, or his demeanour, or by the fact that you had no idea where he had come from, or who, if anyone had built him, but instead all you could think was that he was… kind of cute. No. That wasn’t it. He was straight up hot, and he seemed to have a sense of humour, which complimented his arrogant nature well.

“Noah,” You hissed. “Put down the pipe.”

“Yeah, Noah,” Mirage mocked, having revealed his own name in his self-serving speech. “Put down the pipe.”

When Noah refused, Mirage’s hand transformed into a cannon of some sort, pointing straight at Noah.

You didn’t dare speak in case things got any worse, but as it happened, Mirage was just toying with Noah, testing his bravery.

“Hmm, tough guy. I like that. I like it a lot.” Mirage mocked playfully, before turning his gaze on you. “And what about you? I mean, you ain’t screaming, that makes a nice change from the movies.”

Mirage looked back to Noah, “You see that man? Your friend ain’t taking a swing at me. You could learn a thing or two from them, so, what’s your deal cutie?”

You didn’t say much past a bright smile and a small flick of your fingers in a half wave, “Hey~”

“Oh! Oh, it’s like that, yeah,” Mirage winked at you. “Well, you ain’t so bad yourself, even if you are an alien.”

“Wait!” Noah demanded, holding out his hands to stop whatever weird flirtation was going on. “You’re an alien?”

“Well, I mean, to me, you’re the aliens,” Mirage countered.

“This is our planet. That makes you the alien.”

You slapped Noah’s arm, “Be nice.”

“Be nice? We just got kidnapped, and you want me to be nice?”

“Hey, we stole him, remember?”

“And he stole us right back! What are you doing anyway?”

You smiled awkwardly at Mirage, “Hey, can you give up a second, please?”

“Oh, yeah, sure,” Mirage nodded casually, then began whistling, looking away to pretend that he couldn’t hear you.

You grabbed Noah’s shirt and pulled him close to you, “Look man, I was just trying to stop you from making the worst mistake of your life tonight. The least you can do is let me have this, okay?”

“Let you have what?” Noah asked desperately.

“Hey, that alien up there is cute, funny, and I don’t have to ask if he has a vehicle, because he is one. Do you know how many men there are like that? None. So, you can freak out all you want, but I’m trying to score myself a date, okay?”

Noah didn’t get a chance to respond as Mirage interrupted your not-so-secret conversation, “Hey not to bother you but the big guy’s coming now, so you might wanna chill and you know, not threaten him with a pipe or he might squish ya.”

“I’m sorry, someone’s going to squish us?!” Noah demanded incredulously.

“You, maybe, your friend though, (Y/N) was it?”

You nodded, smiling brightly.

“Yeah, (Y/N) not-so-much. See, (Y/N) seems more chill than you Noah, oh and if all goes well, I know a little drive-in cinema we can visit.”

“We’re not going to a drive-in,” Noah deadpanned.

“Ew, no of course not bro. I meant me and (Y/N) there. You’re not gonna be third-wheeling.”

“Consider it a date,” You grinned.

Mirage nodded along happily, and then you, he and Noah were faced with the other Autobots currently residing on Earth.

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10 months ago

So true, especially the Sam part

So I Just Finished Watching Bumblebee And Concluded That (1) Noah And Charlie Would Be Immediate Best
So I Just Finished Watching Bumblebee And Concluded That (1) Noah And Charlie Would Be Immediate Best
So I Just Finished Watching Bumblebee And Concluded That (1) Noah And Charlie Would Be Immediate Best
So I Just Finished Watching Bumblebee And Concluded That (1) Noah And Charlie Would Be Immediate Best

so i just finished watching bumblebee and concluded that (1) noah and charlie would be immediate best friends and (2) bumblebee definitely managed to hide that he died from optimus until post-mission city

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6 months ago

YAY THEY ADDED THE BAY BOTS! I was expecting them to not!! Happy surprise!

Studio trigger did an animation for the 40th anniversary!

TRIGGER × Transformers 40th Anniversary Special Movie. This is awesome, enjoy! #Transformers

— Transformers The Show (@TFShowUK) September 12, 2024

And here’s the bay bots!

YAY THEY ADDED THE BAY BOTS! I Was Expecting Them To Not!! Happy Surprise!
YAY THEY ADDED THE BAY BOTS! I Was Expecting Them To Not!! Happy Surprise!
YAY THEY ADDED THE BAY BOTS! I Was Expecting Them To Not!! Happy Surprise!
YAY THEY ADDED THE BAY BOTS! I Was Expecting Them To Not!! Happy Surprise!


And a rise of the beasts moment!!

YAY THEY ADDED THE BAY BOTS! I Was Expecting Them To Not!! Happy Surprise!

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2 years ago


Time for my boi 💙 I'm planning to do more of him, idk I'm still excited for the last spot \( ̄︶ ̄*\))

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1 year ago

'Transformers: Rise of the Beasts': The Maximals rugen en acción en vivo en un nuevo Trailers.

'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts': The Maximals Rugen En Accin En Vivo En Un Nuevo Trailers.

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1 year ago

'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts' actualmente tiene ventaja sobre 'Spidey' en el enfrentamiento del fin de semana con un estreno de $ 60 millones .

'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts' Actualmente Tiene Ventaja Sobre 'Spidey' En El Enfrentamiento Del

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1 year ago

'Transformers: Rise of the Beasts': The Maximals rugen en acción en vivo en un nuevo Trailers.

'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts': The Maximals Rugen En Accin En Vivo En Un Nuevo Trailers.

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1 year ago

'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts' actualmente tiene ventaja sobre 'Spidey' en el enfrentamiento del fin de semana con un estreno de $ 60 millones .

'Transformers: Rise Of The Beasts' Actualmente Tiene Ventaja Sobre 'Spidey' En El Enfrentamiento Del

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1 year ago

C2 Motion Picture Group ha invertido silenciosamente más de $ 100 millones en cuatro películas de Paramount en los últimos 12 meses.

C2Motion Picture Groupha Invertido Silenciosamente Ms De $ 100 Millones En Cuatro Pelculas DeParamounten

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1 year ago

Side note or a brainrot, Noah's actor is Anthony Ramos right?

So the thing is i've been listening to his songs and they pop off so good😩🤌 So imagine like Noah sing to Mirage some bop ass songs in that time and maybe Mirage would get really attracted to him singing.

i think that'll be a good fanfic idea ngl, but srsly Anthony sings so good his music is VIBESSSSS

((Volume up‼️))

He’s literally dirty talking him omg

((Volume Up))

essentially an add-on to this users ( @peculiarpinkpig ‘s) post cause for SOME REASON (🙄) I can’t repost w video

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1 year ago

I just got back from watching Elementals and Transformers Rise of the Beasts, and I got to say both of them were good but could do with some improvements. Spoilers under the cut-

Elemental was absolutely gorgeous, the lighting and effects really sold the whole movie, the only thing I'd change about it is seeing more of Wade, we spent a lot of time with Ember but not much about him. Transformers rotb was also one I liked but would have changed a few things, I was actually surprised it was directed by Michael Bay when the credits rolled, but then again it made some things make sense. Optimus was a little too gun-hoe like he is in most Bay movies, Optimus Primal was more Optimus than Optimus himself, I think if they swapped the personalities around it would have been better. I'm surprised they made the bold move to get rid of Bee for the majority of the movie and make Mirage the young bot, and it worked! I loved Mirage, he was a great guardian to Noah and it was awesome to see him on screen. And Bee coming back with a whole sky bomb of badassery was golden, I also liked that they made reference to the Bumblebee movie, I hope we maybe see Charlie and Noah again at some point in this continuity. The maximals were a little disappointing, we didn't get to see their robot modes all that long, and we never saw Air Razors. I would have liked to have seen Cheetor and Mirage talk a little more, they seemed cool together. Overall? I'd like to see a sequel to Elemental, maybe Wade and Ember make a steam baby? Same for Transformers, I think it still had room to grow.

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Awesome bunch of memes!

Take some rotb memes


Kris: “why does mirage call you baby girl?”

Noah: “let’s stop talking for a little bit”

Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes
Take Some Rotb Memes

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One of the best lines in the movie...

Man, They Didn't Treat E.T. Like This.
Man, They Didn't Treat E.T. Like This.
Man, They Didn't Treat E.T. Like This.
Man, They Didn't Treat E.T. Like This.

Man, they didn't treat E.T. like this.

TRANSFORMERS: RISE OF THE BEASTS 2023, dir. Steven Caple Jr.

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5 months ago

As a kid, you love Transformers for the big robots shooting at eachother and transforming into sport cars;

As an adult, you love Transformers because of the tragedy of the fallen civilazation of scholars and explorers now having been forced to fight in an endless war just to survive while being stranded on an alien planet but finding friendship and love with the natives and discovering how much they have in common thus creating hope for the rebuilding of their home.

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1 year ago
Its Time

It’s time 😎


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