Cairo Adekoya - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago


what’d you expect from me

I shoulda known if anyone was gonna ask for cheerwives it would be you Oll, so here ya go!

Similar to Kate and Ches, they’re always having sleepovers (pillow fights are necessary for the full experience)

Riley’s parents are never home so she likes going over to Cairo’s house for dinner, the Adekoya’s are so used to it that Riley has her own designated spot at the meal table

They drive to Starbucks and get tea after practice, every time, no exceptions

Cairo likes to steal Riley’s bow from time to time, she’ll just walk by and pluck it right off her ponytail, Riley pretends to be annoyed but she secretly loves seeing Cairo clip it into her own hair (to Riley it’s like the equivalent of having your girlfriend wear your clothes)

They’ve been going to the same summer cheer camp since 6th grade, they had their first kiss (and many other kisses) while canoeing


Eva loves stealing Kate’s hats, she’ll just grab it off her head and run away, and Kate both loves and hates it, she hates that it messes up her hair and also because she just likes her hats, but she loves the big smile that Eva gets whenever she does it, and loves hearing her laugh as she runs away (and also loves hearing her shriek when Kate inevitably catches up)

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3 years ago


Queen Cairo headcanons? You got it Ollie!

Cairo acts like she doesn’t care, but she will literally fight anyone who messes with the other Tigers, especially Riley

Bisexual queen👑

Cairo’s parents are very homophobic so she is super in the closet, it’s part of the reason she picks on Kate so much, she’s jealous that Kate gets to be out and proud of who she is

Cairo has an older brother who’s gay, their parents kicked him out, which drove poor Cai even further into the closet

She starts to get really bitchy after Kate and Eva start dating, and when Kate finally confronts her about it, Cairo kind of blows up at everyone and outs herself in the process, then doesn’t talk to anybody for weeks after

Riley ends up having to explain the situation to the rest of the team for Cairo’s own safety and everyone immediately is ready to throw down with her parents

When Cairo does come out, her parents react much the same way they did with her brother, and she ends up moving in with Riley (her parents are never home anyways, they wouldn’t notice)

Fashion ✨i c o n✨

Basically dresses everyone for prom (by that I mean she gives critiques on everyone’s outfits when they go shopping, and helps everyone find something that they look best in)

Cairo’s the one who convinces Kate it’s okay for her to wear a suit (and Eva too), and helps them both look their most dapper (she tried to put Kate in a bow tie and almost lost an arm in the process)

(Kate did not wear the bow tie)

Riley asks to be her date, and Cairo almost has a heart attack as she tries to process the situation

When they first show up, people think they’re both just going stag because they couldn’t get dates, and it’s not until Cairo kisses Riley in the middle of a slow dance that anyone who isn’t a Tiger realizes they are actually there together

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