Call Of Pripyat - Tumblr Posts

Bad thoughts give me bad dreams
And my bad dreams make me get up and walk
Bad thoughts give me bad dreams
And my bad dreams make me sleepwalk
"Sleepwalk" by Forrest Day

"I declare a massacre"

It is supposed to be Tremor too but in WOF AU. Turned him into a hybrid just because I can.
Maybe one day I'll bring to you an illustration

"I don't think Tremor likes me very much. That doesn't really matter, because I don't really like him, either."

No one asked me but I'll show the sketch too. I have a strange feeling that it looks better than the final picture...
This mad day
Blood and gore warning

When it all falls, when it all falls down I'll be your fire when the lights go out When there's no one, no one else around We'll be two souls in a ghosttown
When the world gets cold I'll be your cover Let's just hold Onto each other When it all falls, when it all falls down We'll be two souls in a ghosttown
"Ghosttown" - Madonna

Острів на тлі жалю,
Пригортає сироту.
Біла птаха наче сон,
Пам‘ятає горизонт!
KAZKA - Острів

Холодний туманний ранок на Затоні - The cold and misty morning in Zaton
There`s also a version without shading and background

Danila x Grouse (who looks like Degtyarev) UwU Danila's design is inspired by @marinusart (x)
Happy Pride Stalkers!

Не бреши мені - Do not lie to me

This is what I live for, don`t judge me

Messy as hell sketches of Lieutenant Rogovets. He doesn`t look like himself a lot because drawing a character you have never drawn before is kinda stressful and result can be pretty... Meh. Especially if it`s sketch. Especially if certain character is similar to another one

Sketches time

There`s supposed to be some kind of shampoo advertisement...
Loreal Paris
Because you`re worth it.

Also there are angry vampire surgeon and his alcoholic friend. I have a hc that Tremor cares about Cardan more than he could because they`re kinda alike and Tremor always wanted someone even slightly similar to him nearby. Maybe it has sense, maybe not. I was just bored on lectures

I sketch absolutely normal things today...

Or not?..