Cant Stop - Tumblr Posts

12 years ago
Cilntbartonsaid:derek Is Helga Pataki
Cilntbartonsaid:derek Is Helga Pataki

cilntbarton said: derek is helga pataki

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Is there a support group for people who made nothing but A’s for their entire life because your parents had high expectations and then you gradually because obsessed with your grades and expected that from themselves when you went off to college but then you make a B and you feel like a failure but you can’t really talk to anyone about it because everyone is gonna just say “bro it’s a B get over yourself” but you can’t help but feel like you’re a disappointment to yourself and everyone around you? Or is that just me?

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11 years ago

(chicken what’s this) basically a story about how erwin picked heichou up uvu (i really like the way the artist puts it though)

(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The
(chicken Whats This) Basically A Story About How Erwin Picked Heichou Up Uvu (i Really Like The Way The

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10 years ago

Matt Smith, Sir Ian McKellen, Peter Capaldi, and Colin Firth all said goodbye in the second round of our fourth […]

Okay, kids this one blows me away. QUARTERFINALS, David Tennant matched against Tom Hiddleston. That's the most difficult I can imagine.  Then we've got Richard Armitage vs. Martin Freeman.  Dear deities, what's a woman to do?!?  Benedict Cabbagepatch, too, is in the Quarterfinals, along with Hugh Laurie.  Voting for Quarterfinals ends 21st November.  *screaming like Animal, flailing like Kermit*  Now I finally understand March Madness, and "we're all mad here."  Would this qualify me as an Anglomaniac? Hmm...

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1 year ago

doing my crazy ass blackbeard eye makeup for a halloween party while listening to stray kids

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Everyones Wishing Tree Zhang Yixing
Everyones Wishing Tree Zhang Yixing
Everyones Wishing Tree Zhang Yixing
Everyones Wishing Tree Zhang Yixing
Everyones Wishing Tree Zhang Yixing
Everyones Wishing Tree Zhang Yixing

everyone’s wishing tree Zhang Yixing ♥

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1 year ago

somebody needs to stop me

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