Carmen Sandiego Shadowsan - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago

someone should write a carmen sandiego fic where everything takes place as normal except for the fact that carmens mom is a part of team red from the start.

imagine her scolding carmen for her lack of self-preservation during missions because she doesn't want to lose her daughter again. her never making fun of, in fact actively encouraging, zack's hunger because it just means she gets to cook more and he always gushes about how good her food is. her listening to ivy talk about a new upgrade for red drone she's been wanting to install despite her not understanding anything the red head says. her making sure player is taking care of themself and assuring them that the world isn't going to end if they take a break, because they're just a kid. they're all just kids that need a team mother figure. she doesn't get her own orphanage like she does in the actual series, but who needs an orphanage when you've got dumbass globetrotter children right here?

her being awkward co-parents with shadowsan because while yeah, he didn't actually kill her husband, he was originally the one sent to get a hit on him and the one who burnt his house down + the one who brought her daughter to an island of isolated criminals. she understands he's changrd but she's still... iffy, around him.

i would write this fic myself if i had the time, skills and motivation. unfortunately i have none of them.

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4 years ago

I’m sad, so have some facts about Player from my PREY AU:


(Quick AU notes: Transtar aka shady space corporation is VILE, ACME is Kasma aka even shader corporation and direct competitor of VILE. The faculty is the board of directors/Yu Family. It follows the main canon of PREY, with a few tweaks to make it make more sense. Neuromods allow you to pick up skills with a single injection, but removing them causes complete memory loss starting when it was first added)

- Player is the second minor to have ever boarded Talos I. (Aka space ship) Offically, he wowed the faculty and was given special permission. Unofficially, there are rumours of Blacksheep - the faculty’s adoptive kid - pulling strings to get him aboard, though these haven’t been confirmed or denied by either of them.

- He’s still a close friend to Blacksheep, even after she begins the neuromod rapid removal/adding/simulation??? And changes her name(Was it ever given an actual name? Like the tests??)

- After the personality changes, he was one of the only people Blacksheep (now Carmen) would trust enough to even get near her.

- Blacksheep gave Shadowsan a specialized neuromod before she started the tests, with instructions to install it if one of two criteria were met. (1. The faculty failed to release her and 2. The typhon broke containment) Blacksheep-turned-Carmen gave Player a similar set of instructions. (December and January)

- Player takes the role of a more laid-back (and human) version of January. He helps Carmen escape the initial situation and guides her throughout the ship.

- Tigress hates him lmao, it causes conflict.

- He’s the only one of the gang who gets to experience being mind-jacked. It sucks, period. (“It’s what you want, Player.”)

- Most of the ship (before the Typhon broke containment) viewed him with either Distain or reverence because of his age and friendship with Blacksheep, it made him hella lonely before him and Blacksheep met Ivy and Zack.


If I made a one shot of the epilogue:

- Player is the only person there in the flesh, the rest of Team Red are operators. (Thinking a similar thing to portal with consciousness uploads?? Since it’s not confirmed whether or not any of the cast of PREY is dead and I mean... we know a lot about Brains in the PREY universe...)

(Listen I made the AU I get to make the rules)

- He made the operators.

- Hes very lonely, frustrated, and tired. The operators try to comfort him frequently. (It... rarely works) (“NO! No, I am NOT okay, Happy!?”)

- He’s maybe a few years older??

- He has Carmen’s coat, but refuses to touch it. (Player wants to ‘give it back to her’ when/if he can get her consciousness into a phantom)

- A few of the simulation-run phantoms have tried to kill him, he was mostly saved by his turrets.

- scratch that... a lot of things have tried to kill him by that point lmao

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4 years ago

I’m bored so here’s how Team Red VS The Raza Crew would go:

Spoilers ofc

Player would probably get the upper hand over ONLY Five IF he had a gun and she didn’t. but considering how she’s trained and he isn’t, in any other situation Player would lose to her or anyone else.

That being said: both Player and Five are expert hackers and it’s doubtful Player wouldn’t try to talk, escape, or otherwise avoid a physical fight.

Basically: It’s unlikely Player would win a one-on-one fight, as only Five is close to his skill level with fighting. But, him and Five doing a whole hacker-war thing would put them on equal ground and skill levels. (Even if you add up that they’re technologies wouldn’t line up exactly.)

Ivy and Zack could probably take down One or Six if they worked together, but they’d have to take into consideration the fact that The Raza carries guns, but they don’t. Which means they’ll probably be being shot at, but they COULD overpower certain members of The Raza.

Next up: the ninjas. Shadowsan and Four are probably on equal ground skill wise from what we’ve seen in their respective shows. However, one key difference would make the fight more difficult: Four would most likely be aiming to kill, Shadowsan wouldn’t.

Despite this, I think they’d end up in a stalemate until either one of them can get the upper hand, or somebody’s teammates steps in. I can’t quite consider either of them winning, but I think Four might.

Two VS Carmen would be... a struggle. Carmen’s had an entire lives worth of training, but Two isn’t a human, she’s artificial. Because of this, I don’t think Carmen would be able to win a fight against her, but she would be able to put up a good fight.

In conclusion: The Raza would most likely win, mostly due to everyone’s training compared to that of Team Red’s members.

Team Red would also be at two other major disadvantages:

1. They don’t have guns, but it’s confirmed that The Raza’s crew almost always has guns on their person at all times.

2. The crew of the Raza would be most likely aiming to kill, Team Red wouldn’t.

That being said, if they could figure out a solid game plan, Team Red could probably get the upper hand. But, logically, Carmen and Two would most likely talk things out as their respective team leaders before letting it came to blows.

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