Carver - Tumblr Posts

6 months ago

do you ever think about how learning to fight in a family of three mages must have affected carver’s fighting style?

if he joins the templars, he gets yelled at for charging onto the battlefield without waiting for his squad to catch up. they call him dangerously reckless and it’s not like he can say that he’s used to having three healing spells ready for him and at least one barrier already cast.

on the other hand, he’s very popular with the mages in the wardens. he’s the only person on the entire continent for whom run into battle and absorb as much damage as possible is an intuitive strategy. tanking was always his job! he knows to pull the battle away from the mages as much as possible.

he also knows how to be buffed. most warriors need practice to be able to use haste without tripping over their own feet. carver? carver was the guinea pig for hawke and bethany’s support spell training. it takes at least three haste spells stacked on top of each other to faze him. he’s not thrown when the heroic aura wears off and suddenly his hands are slower and his sword is heavier. he’s got a sixth sense for when a mage is about to cast an aoe spell right on top of him and he needs to move. 

you ever think about how no one outside of the dalish elves grew up fighting with mages?

the warden commander probably puts him in charge of training new warriors, is what i’m saying. 

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3 years ago

You know what I love about Carver? He's doing it because he loves you. He's a bitch yeah, and he complains constantly, and getting approval with him is like pulling teeth but you know the reason he gives you rivalry? It's when you put yourself in danger. I mean, come on, Carver Hawke is hardly pro-Circle, he literally grew up in a family full to the brim with apostates and he watched them control themselves just fine without it. But that boy is terrified, literally terrified that you will end end being taken by the templars. He's terrified that you are being too blatant, that by helping mages and shouting at templars you are going to end up in the Gallows. And of course he is. Carver lost his twin. Carver lost Bethany. Carver watched her die. He talks big game about being in Hawkes shadow, but he doesn't want to loose them. He doesn't want to watch his mother go through losing Hawke. He fucking gives you rivalry because he cares. When you meet Fenris he immediately is like 'you got a problem with my sibling take it up with me'. He's never like 'ugh just let the templars take you Hawke the circle is fine'. He's just. He's traumatised. He wants to protect his sibling. And that sentiment is coming out wrong, but that doesn't mean its not coming from a place of love.

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6 months ago
See It's Probably For The Best That One Twin Dies In The Prologue, Else The End Of Act One Could've Been

see it's probably for the best that one twin dies in the prologue, else the end of act one could've been reaaaaally awkward

(commission info // tip jar!)

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2 years ago

How early do you think Anders sensed that Hawkes sibling had the blight? When it happened? Just after? Did Anders open his mouth to raise the alarm? Did Carver glare at him until he shut it again? Did Bethany shake her head: not yet, not now, it's too late to fix it anyway, let's pretend a while longer. Do you think Anders was desperately trying to plan while Hawkes sibling bantered back and forth with Hawke for possibly the last time? Do you think Anders did quiet soft healing spells when they made camp to ease the pain off for as long as possible? How long was it Anders and Carver keeping that secret, the two who had never gotten along but who were now bound in this? How long did Anders spend wondering if he could make Bethany "Sunshine" Hawke who was kind about Justice and understood his cause a Grey Warden? How long?

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8 years ago

The scene changes.

Era una gran fiesta, metieron alcohol de contrabando, bailaban, nenas dándose con nenas, tocábamos a trío, entra mi solo veo a Leo viendo a Javier apoyándome con obligados, la energía es sin igual, empiezo a sentir mi transformación a un estado de semi dios, corremos y corremos hacia el climax, dejo de hacer apoyo armónico y bebo de mi ron derramando sobre el piano al regresar el vaso de un golpe empezando cuatros con Leo, saca su arco y copia mi última línea melódica, nuestra conversación es la más importante este momento, conectamos y hacemos break a él solo, Javier cambia a marcar solo el 2 y el 4 en sus hats y la veo al dejar sonando mi último vocing con el pedal más grotesco y bello que he tocado, tú y yo nos cogemos el alma, por unos instantes estamos enamorados, nos dejamos arrastrar en este momento fantasioso, Javier, yo, Leo, Javier, yo, Leo, y regresamos a la forma empezando a generar la tensión del último acorde al que vamos a resolver.

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2 years ago

Because I put far, far too much thought into this

Anders: I support mages, so he's not gonna poison me. However he will stare at my cup and overthink every interaction we've ever had while I'm gone, trying to determine what this means. Would trust ✅

Aveline: We are exclusively work friends, she is not present. ❌

Bethany: Would have trusted, but...well... 💀

Carver: Look, he's an ass but he's probably not going to let anyone poison or otherwise incapacitate me directly on his watch. ✅

Fenris: Remember the whole supporting mages thing? ❌

Isabella: would steal my drink ❌

Merrill: my darling girlfriend whom I love so much. She would 100% get distracted and either walk away or drink it without thinking ❌

Sebastian: Lmao we didn't hang out until I stopped being poor 😂 absolutely not ❌

Varric: yeah I would trust varric! Literally the only person on the trusted list that would hear "hey watch my drink" and not be weird about it ✅

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1 year ago
J. Carver Distillery Of Waconia

J. Carver Distillery of Waconia

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