Sebastian Vael - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I'm replaying DA2 yet again and like. I want to rewrite the entirety of Sebastian's arc. Like it could have been so good, regarding his personal beliefs regarding Andrasteism (he is definitely a treat everyone equal, respect beliefs, don't be an elitist prick sort of guy don't @ me) and his faith in the Chantry as an institution (because you can't travel around with Hawke and not see Chantry mothers asking for poor people's donations, see how even people from Hightown flock to the free clinic, see the atrocities performed by Templars and see that as right) and I'm still annoyed at the fact it's whether he wants to remain in the Chantry or retake his throne. That you can take him along and hear ambient dialogue about having mages randomly turned tranquil and have him suggest sticking Merril and Anders in the Circle after years of running around with them. I need to rewrite it, tbh I want to rewrite a lot of DA2 and develop minor characters because some of the best side characters are in DA2 (I love Alain and Keran and Thrask a lot ok?)

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4 years ago
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

this deserved its own post--a thing i wrote inspired by the lovely @levikra's gorgeous art! check her stuff out đŸ…±ïžlease 👀

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4 years ago


Vampire AU? Vampire AU.
Vampire AU? Vampire AU.

Vampire AU? Vampire AU.

I spent more time on it than I initially expected, but it’s always worth it, guys, I tell ya. This man is killing me

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3 years ago

Hello, dear! You've been visited by the random character question fairy! :D ~☆

How jumpy is your character? Do they get upset when startled?

this is a good question 👀 we'll branch out to my DA oc this time too!

tharya, my ldb is pretty jumpy - loud or sudden noises when she isn't paying attention (or even sometimes when she is) make her flinch or jump. not because she's actually scared of them, but because her brain is so used to hearing loud noises and immediately needing to get up and run or defend herself, they make her body jump into action. she very rarely gets upset by it, but it definitely ups her heartbeat. (being easily startled is a small symptom of PTSD iirc)

bhijirio, another skyrim oc, is somewhat similar to tharya. he's khajiit and a bounty hunter, so he's accustomed to listening for small noises and paying close attention to his surroundings. that way he doesn't really flinch, per se, (though his ears almost always flick in some way when he hears odd noises), but usually he will look up & look around to see if he can pinpoint the source of said noise. he never really is upset by it.

miraak, though, is pretty hard to ruffle. he usually jumps "internally", lets himself be startled by things on the inside, but never lets it show on the outside. sometimes his eyebrow or shoulder will jump if he's less alert - and specific noises will always make him leap away (i.e. anything that sounds like something falling behind him, explosions, or even whispering close by, most are reminders of herma-mora). miraak gets grumpy about it and will gripe if he feels it necessary.

azriel, my inquisitor, is a healthy, normal amount of jumpy. she will flinch at unexpected loud sounds, etc, mostly out of habit or a natural reflex. most things don't scare her, but she'll still react to them anyway. as a warrior she's very accustomed to taking constant survey of the land around her and reacting immediately, both in fights and to noises around her. she doesn't bother to hide it and usually gets a good chuckle out of it.

sebastian, though technically not an oc, i felt right to include bc of some personal headcanons. his hearing in his left ear had been damaged by the chantry explosion, so on his left side he can't hear small noises, etc. things like explosions will obv come through, but the sound of a glass dropping and breaking will likely be distant enough that he won't jump, just look around to see what it was. that aside, he jumps at very big, unexpected noises and explosions especially - he's somewhat paranoid of being caught in another since the chantry. he rarely gets upset and instead will want to know what happened and if everyone/thing is okay.

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1 year ago

the first and only rule of having fun in a fandom is picking a narratively insignificant or underappreciated character to be balls to the walls crazyinsane about

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8 months ago

i wanted to get into sebastian for a long time, but im always unsure what am i supposed to see as bad writing choice and what's his actual character + apparently he has 0 reactions to many of the quests?? they just didn't write/code anything for those. they really did him dirty

i don't hate him though & open to learning more. he doesn't deserve half the things people say about him

no you're SO RIGHT😭 i mean. i kinda always forget he's a DLC character so ig in some sense it's excusable to not have a lot of stuff for him but also like ?? on the flip side i feel your DLC character should be uber fleshed out and well done to make them interesting and just as interactive, if not more, than the non-DLC ppl!

i also have problems wrapping my head entirely around sebastian's character, as much as i love him. (my DA hyperfixation days are also behind me, but i try) i read other people's incredibly detailed psychoanalysis or headcanons and such and they're always SO COOLđŸ˜© i just have a hard time really nailing sebastian's characterization when i write him, but ALSO figuring out a way to write his relationship with the chantry both in and post-kirkwall that isn't a total giving up on it (as easy as that would be to write).

but yeah so many ppl are unnecessarily mean to sebastian đŸ€Ą and also really hate on his chaste romance for some reason??? like idk grow up

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5 years ago

Like an Excited Puppy

So i got bored and this started around 4am and i finished it around 6am, it’s basically an almost no plot fluffy piece of the kirkwall gang. Enjoy?

   In the seven or so years he had known Hawke, it had not really occurred to Varric how his interactions with the champion must come off to those outside Hawke’s inner circle.

       He had simply wanted to buy himself a new ring, a simple gold band to replace his last one which had been lost out at the coast on his last escapade. It just felt strange to be without one after having had one for so long. He felt more aware of the fact he had a ring since he lost the damn thing than when he actually wore it. He wasn’t prepared however for what the trinket vendor had to comment, it was idle gossip true, but rarely was Varric himself the one being spoken about.

       â€œOh! So you’re finally going to tie down the champion then? An entrepreneur like you, with the status he holds I wouldn’t blame you. He’s just so smitten with you too, and in public! A good catch I say.”

       The woman continued on, her chattering not stopping for the audience’s reaction as she counted out the coin given to her before handing over the ring. Meanwhile, Varric was left spluttering, caught off guard for once and without a retort at all as he processed what had just been insinuated.

       â€œ Whoa, whoa, whoa lady, you think that..Me?..and Hawke? Sure the guy’s my friend, but we’re both already- and smitten? I think you’ve got it all-”

       He was cut off by a giggle from the woman who started this all as she held her hands up to calm him.

       â€œ You’ve nothing to prove to me, Ser Tethras, I had just assumed from how our champion is with you and all. My mistake.”

       She smiled placatingly, a laugh still on her lips as if to say she most certainly did not believe herself to be mistaken. The dwarf groaned, batting a hand at the air her way before shoving the ring on his finger and turning tail back towards Lowtown and to the hanged man. He pinched the bridge of his nose, chuckling softly to himself.

       â€œWell shit Hawke, now look what you’ve got me dealing with.”

       â€œOh? And what would that be Varric? If I’m getting on your nerves i’d think I'd be the first to know about it at least. Usually it’s on purpose!”

       The sudden low register and friendly banter gave for the Dwarf to start slightly, instantly relaxing at the sight of his friend and the current person of mind.

       â€œ Jeez, you’d think with all that armor i’d have heard you sneak up on me, i guess i’ll have to give Daisy’s twine to you and tie it to your belt like a leash. Sneaky bastard.”

       Hawke grinned wide, laughing loudly as he leaned down to wrap an arm around the Dwarf and rested his chin on the opposite shoulder, his cheek against Varric’s neck. He jokingly pouted, whining out between laughing, “Oh no! You wouldn’t leash up your favorite human in the world would you?”

       This only warranted him a light playful smack to the shoulder and a snort.

       â€œNah, I wouldn't deprive the bar of it’s favorite dumbass, it’d be bad for business. Plus trying to put a leash on you is like trying to hold a greased nug, not worth the effort and you’ll escape anyhow.”

       Hawke’s grin was even wider than before, gleeful at his victory. He stood tall once more, excitedly thrusting his arms above his head before hopping a few steps ahead of the other man just to turn to face Varric once more. “ Hey Varric, wicked grace and drinks tonight at the Hanged Man? Yes,okay, great, i’ll go tell all the others and I'll see you there tonight, see ya!”

       With that, Hawke quickly placed a kiss on the Dwarf’s temple before running off like a sugar filled child, presumably towards the Keep given by the direction. Varric simple sighed with exasperation, shaking his head as he continued his walk back to lowtown before it struck him like a blow to the head.

       â€œAh shit
 I’ve gotten too used to it. That’s what she meant at the..”

       Resigned to his fate realizing he allowed what had started the rumor to begin with, he knew he’d never shake the rumors as long as Hawke still stuck around. Hawke was just too damn affectionate, and with those puppy dog eyes? Varric really had gone soft.

It was early afternoon when the young elf heard a firm knock at her door, though before she could even call out the sound of a key clicking in the lock and the door being opened was heard to reveal Hawke to be the visitor. He waved with his free hand as he pocketed the key before opening his arms wide. Merrill giggled and trotted over to him, standing on the balls of her feet to reach around his neck in a hug as he wrapped his arms around her waist and easily hoisted her up and twirled her a few times.

She happily allowed their little ‘routine’ greeting, always feeling welcome and comfortable around the excitable and affectionate man. She sighed as he put her down, stepping inside without further prompting while she herself rushed to clean off the table and chairs though they seemed clean enough already regardless.

“So! What can i do ya for, Hawke? You seem to be in a particularly bouncy mood. Sorry about the mess, but you know..”

He waved her off, opting to lean against the wall near the elf rather than sit down.

“Nonsense, your home is probably the cleanest of all our friends none alone the cleanest in Kirkwall. Even if it was as messy as Fen-Fen’s stinky old mansion, you know I'd still come to visit. Now,” he clapped his hands as if to draw attention before continuing, “ there’s going to be a big game of wicked grace between everyone at the Hanged Man tonight, and you just have to come.”

“Oh that sounds like so much fun! By everyone, do you mean everyone everyone or..?”

“Yes even Sebastian will be coming, he doesn’t know it yet, but he will soon and then he’ll be there. Champion’s honor!” As if to accentuate the gravity of the promise, Hawke stood in perfect posture with one arm to his chest in a salute of sorts. Merill gasped dramatically, putting her hands to her face and feigning amazement.

“Well if i have the promise and invitation of the champion, I simply have to go!” She giggled softly, covering her mouth with a hand daintily as she saw Hawke beam at her response.

“Besides, it’s been so long since we all got together like that, I feel like I've missed so much!”

Hawke hummed in agreement, nodding. He made his way towards the door, his gaze cast over his shoulder as he walked.

“Well then, i’ll see you there! I gotta run, i still have to tell the boys about tonight.” And with one last wave he stepped out and closed the door carefully behind him.

More often than one would expect, Sebastian found himself wandering through Darktown on his own, this particular trip having been to deliver some order forms of potions for the Templar forces. Though somehow he had wandered from the small bartering center all the way to just outsides Anders’  Clinic. It wasn’t intentional, but seeing the apostate himself waving off some patients with a few cats near his feet certainly set him at ease. Today was a good day, an Anders day, which lead the archer to greet him. Sebastian moved into the other’s view, calling out the others name in greeting as he approached. Anders gave him a tired look before stepping outside the clinic himself.

“Sebastian? What brings one of the Chantry all the way down here?” His tone wasn’t accusing, merely making small talk. A good day today was indeed.

“I was making a view supply orders is all and thought i’d come check in since I was local. I’ve been quite busy lately, how long has it been since we last spoke properly?”

There was a pause, Anders looked to the ground in thought before after a few more silent moments, “Three cats ago.”

There was no joking tone to his words, the genuine tone only serving to cause the Chantry brother to chuckle. “Anders, you’re telling me in around a month you’ve obtained...three cats?”

The man in question simply gave a blank look and a curt nod, opening his mouth to speak only to be cut off. “Andy! Sebastian! Perfect, just the two men i wanted to see!”

The two men turned to see their friend excitedly rushing over to them. Hawke smiled warmly, humming to himself as he reached out and grabbed one of Anders’ and Sebastian’s hands. He gently swayed his arms forward and back a bit, swinging both their arms in kind.

“ I hope you two weren’t busy, and if you were then consider your business officially pardoned for a day by the champion. Now with my weekly display of influence out of the way, tonight at the Hanged Man we’re all going to be playing Wicked Grace. Don’t worry, I know neither of you enjoy being drunk or like the cheap stuff the bar serves so I'll bring you some sweet wines to binge tonight.”

Hawke looked at the two men as if for applause, waiting to be gratified it seemed. Sebastian made to put up a retort but Anders caught him before he spoke. The apostate smiled, a look of tired defeat already adorning his face. “ Just let it happen, Sebastian. It’s easier, and it’s not as if you don’t like the company.”

The mage’s gaze drifted to the other man’s hand still firmly interlocked with Hawke’s as they spoke before raising an eyebrow inviting any argument to his statement. Sebastian heaved a sigh, more for show than anything, before nodding in submission.

“I guess I’m free tonight enough for a few games with you.”

Hawke released Anders only to now hold both hands around Sebastian's one, holding it to his chest as he radiated happiness it seemed. The raven haired man grinned wide and hugged the other, spouting a string of “thank you!” ‘s and with a firm slap to the back, he released him and turned to the other. Anders simply raised his arms up and out for Hawke to scoop him up into a hug, arms wrapped around the other’s middle, and then plant a soft peck on his cheek before putting him down.

“I’ll see you both tonight then. Sebastian, safe walk back to hightown! Anders, try and rest up before tonight you look dead on your feet. Oh! And give Ser Purr-cival a pet for me!”

The two waited until Hawke was out of range before looking at each other and exhaling in unison a breath they didn't realize they were holding.

“The man’s grip is like a bear, how can that be from such a cheery lad?”

Anders chuckled, shrugging before aiming a smug grin at the other. Sebastian raised an eyebrow in question awaiting explanation before chuckling to himself in mild disbelief.

“Oh for the love of the Maker, you ol’ fuddy duddy you.”

“What? I just respect a man who respects cats is all. Now im going to take him up on that advice for a nap until tonight, me and the nine cats will be in the back if you need me before then. Farewell.”

With that, the blonde retreated into the clinic locking the doors behind him and Sebastian began his trek out of Darktown before stopping abruptly, glancing back quickly from where he came.

“Wait, did he say he had nine cats?”

Evening had rolled around and most of the group had taken their place at the Hanged Man’s largest table set towards the back closest to the stairs leading to the lodgings floor. Varric sat at the tables head, going clockwise from him sat Merrill, Aveline, Sebastian, and then Anders with the next two seats left empty for the organiser of this little get-together and Fenris.

It hadn’t been too long since everyone started showing up, Aveline having only just settled in after her last shift on patrol. Most everyone had a drink of sorts, cheap grog for some, the promised sweet wine for others, and everyone had really just been playing catch up for the past hour or so. After insistence from Varric, Anders ended up with a bowl of sliced apples to munch on and his hair freshly combed through by Isabella after having being scolded for, “Actually being what the cats dragged in.”

Isabella had just risen to head towards the bar counter to order more before the expected duo finally walked through. Excitedly, everyone of the group called out or raised a mug in greeting, Hawke waved spastically from the doorway invoking a snort of amusement from the snowy haired elf beside him. Isabella, already up, ran at Hawke, no hesitation as she moved to jump up and at him. Quick to adapt, he grinned and caught her, her legs wrapping around his waist and her arms around his neck as she gave him a kiss on the mouth. Fenris growled in disapproval and Hawke was quick to tap his fingers against her thigh, signalling for her to stop.

“Oh boo, I thought for sure I'd charm you this time for sure,” she whined.

Hawke barked a laugh before adjusting his grip to hold both her thighs to keep her securely in place.

“Alas, my dear pirate queen, i am but a man with only taste for one other to grace themselves upon me.”

As he spoke, Hawke exaggerated a partial swoon to lean his head back and onto the shoulder of Fenris who stood beside him through the whole display. Isabella and her perch alike both cackled loudly in response to the glare the elf sent them. Isabella loosened her hold after this, shimmying down to stand on her own once the other let go. They all made their way to the table, Varric already dealing cards and having ordered beers for the trio while they were carrying on.

They all laughed and played, the first two rounds going to Isabella and Merrill respectively. Even Fenris cracked a smile here and there and seemed visibly more relaxed. Hawke took stock of the two on either side of him, Fenris seemingly calm and relaxed with his surroundings and Anders who was fighting less in the game of cards and more with the fight to stay awake. So, Hawke simply placed a hand on Fenris’ thigh and asked as casually as one would ask for a napkin, “Mind if I borrow this?”

Fenris paused, glancing to him before shrugging and with a nod from his partner, Hawke laid across his side of the bench with his legs folded with knees together and his head and upper back on Fenris’ lap. Before settling in, He softly tugged at Anders’ coat, motioning to his legs and then a ‘come here’ motion. It took the tired Mage a few moments to connect the dots before he simply pulled his coat more around him and leaned on his side, his own head resting on Hawke’s knees.

“I do believe that puts Blondie out of the game and into a nap, Hawke.”

“Hawke, you do know i can see your cards now correct?”

A gasp. “Fenris! You’d never cheat off me, you love me!”

“ Mmm, i'm afraid that’s true. I suppose i won’t take advantage of you this time then at least.”

Hawke reached up, smiling, and ghosted hand hand over Fenris’ cheek.

“Aww, Fen-Fen, thank you, you’re so romantic when you want to be.”

At the pet name’s mention, the owner of the name knew what was to come, Fenris grimaced as the whole table erupted in laughter and questioning of the nickname. His ears reddened slightly in embarrassment, causing only louder uproar. As everyone jumped in to tease, save for the too far gone sleeping Anders, Varric took in the scene. Yeah, Hawke was an affectionate one alright with those close to him, but in the end Varric was glad and proud to say he was close enough to warrant being apart of all this.

Not towards anyone and without the groups notice, he glanced at Hawke and raised his mug slightly before downing his drink.

‘ To Hawke, champion of Kirkwall and of our hearts.’

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6 months ago

Dragon Age II is like a Dostoevsky's novel in the form of a videogame. There's a corrupt and rotting city with desperate heroes clutching at their ideas and hopes. Half of your friends are the among the most oppressed. The stakes are getting higher and higher, but there is no way out.

Maybe gamers in 2011 wanted to see some kind of "Game of Thrones" narrative (and a bit more varied experience considering the dungeons), so they didn't see this narrative diamond. It is the best game in the Dragon Age series for me now. And mind you, I've played the whole trilogy this summer for the first time.

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2 years ago

Because I put far, far too much thought into this

Anders: I support mages, so he's not gonna poison me. However he will stare at my cup and overthink every interaction we've ever had while I'm gone, trying to determine what this means. Would trust ✅

Aveline: We are exclusively work friends, she is not present. ❌

Bethany: Would have trusted, but...well... 💀

Carver: Look, he's an ass but he's probably not going to let anyone poison or otherwise incapacitate me directly on his watch. ✅

Fenris: Remember the whole supporting mages thing? ❌

Isabella: would steal my drink ❌

Merrill: my darling girlfriend whom I love so much. She would 100% get distracted and either walk away or drink it without thinking ❌

Sebastian: Lmao we didn't hang out until I stopped being poor 😂 absolutely not ❌

Varric: yeah I would trust varric! Literally the only person on the trusted list that would hear "hey watch my drink" and not be weird about it ✅

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4 years ago
Wanted To Fancy This Up

wanted to fancy this up

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2 years ago

Sebastian sounds like shrek

dear anon i am giving u an ibuprofen and tucking u into bed. like a grandparent w dementia whom i found wandering the empty halls and mumbling incoherencies. sleep well ily

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