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Fun bits about Fate/Grand Battle
As the title implies, here are some goofy facts about Chadela in FGB!!
(Long post under the cut!! along with minor LB6 spoilers!!)
No one in Chaldea (Except the Master) actually trusts Caster Cu Chulain. He never gave up his name in Fuyuki, and he sure as hell didn't give it up when got into Chaldea. It's really not helping that he somehow TURNED OFF CASTORIA'S FAERIE EYES!
Astrea was ticked to see Kamalei start to level Lalter, Castoria, and XX. She refuses to say why just mentioning "lousy luck with random blondes showing up from nowhere"
Kamalei had to use three command spells on XX to keep her from killing her counterparts. In fact, he had to use another three to keep her from killing him
Kamalei used to have practice battles between his pokemon and the Servants. Romani put an end to it after someone (Achilles) nearly blew up the training simulator.
Achilles is actually not the fastest Servant under Kamalei. It's a tie between Ushiwakamaru and CasCu. (CasCu's been using runes to make himself faster.)
Tamamo Cat, Boudica, and one of Kam's Pokemon got into a cooking competition. 12 People ended up in Chaldea's ICU.
Someone keeps mixing Gigantamix into the curry. On the bright side, even a meager helping turns into a feast. On the downside, people are really getting sick of curry.
Pokemon and Servants just randomly show up in Chaldea. Kamalei has little to no control over it.
He only Bonds with 10-20 of the almost 100 Servants and Pokemon in Chaldea. Kamalei has a huge guilt complex and tries to work around it. Keyword being tries
Welp, I made a sideblog for the fgo x pkmn au, here. It's going to be updated every Friday at around this time. So please enjoy.