Cat Skull - Tumblr Posts

cat + fox skull sketch pages, anatomy practice

( Miscellaneous Sketches for a Commission )

Desenho que levou o muitas horas para ser feito, e agora minhas costas e pescoço estão doendo,mas valeu a pena.

Petals & Bones | Skull Family
The forest spirit flowers attrack some butterflies, getting different reactions from each of the spirits xD Tatucuna demanding the one Maramoro is holding probably to crush it (she hates bugs) and protect Maramoro who seems to be covered in them due to her being the calmest of them all. She refuses though knowing that Tatucuna will crush the beautiful creature. Tatu: "Gimme that... (discusted look) Insect!" Mara: "It's a butterfly. And no." While XinXin gets overly excited about them and one actually sitting on him, he accidently smashes his waving hands onto another one, while he tried to get Rowcas attention. Rowca though is too focused on his own butterflies getting dangerously closer and even though the others reasurred him that they can't hurt him, he stays sceptical. XinXin: "OMG! Look, one landed on my nose!" Rowca: "You sure they don't sting?" Love those dudes :3 I really do wanna write a backstory for them or at least character sheets c:

Petals & Bones Comic
First few pages and my first time doing a comic cc: Did my best, but it definitely takes its time xD
The story continues down here: (And excuse my english, it isn’t my first language, but I tried my best^^)
Carefully approaching she crouched down on all four, readying herself for a possible fight. With one last step, she jumped around the tree with an alarming battle cry to find a shocked looking small being, failing to stand up by holding onto the tree.
"Who are you?", she asked the weird looking creature. It was covered in skin dark as night, small in stature not bigger than a puppy and an old ram skull on its head.
"Why, you don't know?", answered the ram quite annoyed while still trying to steady itself on its two hooves with the help of the tree.
"Why else would I ask.", barked the other angry, "Do tell me, since you seem to be so knowledgeable."
"I will tell, for I am your sister." The ram finally seemed to have found her balance and stood in front of the other who, still cowered on four legs, looked the ram over. Slowly she relaxed.
"My sister? Then what are you? What am I?" Now slightly bewildered she looked down at herself, only to see the same dark skin, tiny paws and a striped tail at her back. Touching her face it was solid but smooth. She found two big wholes being her eyes, pointy teeth without a jaw and sharp lines throughout her bony face.
"A cat skull.", she realised, then looking back up at the ram, who still seemed quite annoyed but patiently waited for her to come to a conclusion herself. Then it hit her. Memories she never thought of her own, images of dark faces and words echoing in her hollow skull demanding rules to be followed. A Spirit. She was a Spirit of this forest, sworn to protect it and its inhabitants. But how?
"I see you came to your senses." The ram slowly took a step closer to the cat holding her dark skinned hand in front of her, helping her stand on her two paws.
"Does this mean we're invincible?!", the cat suddenly filled with joy asked and before the ram could react got smashed into the head by her, a loud bony 'clonk' was heard as both fell back on the ground groaning in pain.
"No stupid. It still hurts, but it means you can't die."
"Well I do know that now."
Both standing back up.
"So not invincible but immortal?", the cat finally spoke again.
"Yes, I believe. I don't know everything either. Do you remember anything before you found me?", the ram finally asked.
"Well, I woke up over there, remembering nothing, just blackness. Then when I realised we were the same, I remembered seeing a dark person or creature looking down at me and a voice echoing in my head, filling me with the sudden urge to guide and protect." The cat explained slowly.
"Mh, interesting. I had the same feeling, but right after I woke up I saw a black stag staring right at me from over there, that might be the person you saw." The Ram pointed deeper into the forest, but nothing could be seen anymore.
"You think he woke us?", the cat asked a bit sceptical.
"It's possible. Based on the information I gathered so far, this seems to be a magical forest, we're proof for that ourselves. I think we are here to protect it, or something, there's definitely a connection with what happened to us and the black stag."
"Can you remember anything before you woke up?"
"No. Only endless nothingness and then darkness.", the ram explained. "I am Maramoro by the way, that I do remember."
With a friendly half smile from the also jawless ram, the cat seemed to lighten up to her, smiling as well.
"Tatucuna, apparently your sister.", the cat laughed a bit at the awkwardness. They both shook their tiny hands. After they parted the smile faded and a heavy sigh surrounded them.
"So what now?", the cat impatiently asked. The ram not replying at first, seemed to be deep in thought, starring into the distance of the forest.
"Do you think there are others like us?" Maramoro finally asked.
"You mean more sisters?" Tatucuna asked doubtfully, still not truly seeing them as being related in any way.
"I mean others bought back to life by the black stag, perhaps we should follow his trail. Come on, this way."
"Wait, what-", but Maramoro already went off into the direction she last saw the black stag, leaving Tatucuna to follow her. Bought back to life? Was that what happened to her? The nothingness, the blackness... Was she dead?
Finally catching up with the ram Tatucuna took a closer look around. The forest was truly beautiful and so peaceful, yet full of life. Birds singing in the far trees, fern and some wild roses were blooming around them, as well as other small bushes and fallen twigs and branches. The ground was soft under her feet, moss seems to cover most of it providing shelter and homes for many different creatures. The trees were high and in a healthy and steady condition, still letting enough sunlight into its midst to provide the smaller plants with their needed light. The air as well, was fresh and clear, she could still smell the morning dew covering the ground and plants. It must be close to autumn since some of the trees already turned into a bright yellow and red, but the air still felt warm like summer.
Maramoro suddenly grabbed Tatucunas arm, making her stop.
"What-?", she wanted to ask but then saw it herself. Not far from them was a field of wild roses and something was moving underneath it. Uncoordinated but slowly getting closer to the two sisters.
Again readying herself, Tatucuna cowered down onto all four, showing off her still intact teeth, while she waited for the randomly walking something to come into view. She felt Maramoro tighten up behind her as well, but she kept standing on both of her hooves, as if she's been frozen in place.
Then something dashed out of the roses in front of them, taking Tatucuna by surprise and knocking her onto the ground. She fought back, nonetheless, kicking and scratching at the think on top of her.
"Hey, hey, why you kicking at XinXin?!" A voice called out in distress, until Tatucuna finally kicked it from her, only seeing another small being with dark skin and a skull on its head roll down back into the rose bushes.
"What the-", she wanted to say, but it already got back up and again jumped out of the bushes, smiling as bright as it could, walking on all four as well but holding something up with his left palm. Now finally having a better look Tatucuna saw its long muzzle pointy teeth with a jaw wide open as if smiling and a fox pelt over its head like a hat. A bushy fox tail was also waving happily behind it when it came stalking over to Tatucuna who still was lying on the ground looking up at the smiling fox skull who called himself XinXin.
"Omg, look what I found after you pushed me into the roses!", he happily exclaimed and nearly stuck that something on its paw up Tatucunas nose, when she had to back up to actually see it. It was a bug. An ugly crawling and wiggling bug! It's tiny tentacles creepily moving around, it's tingling skinny legs frisking at XinXin's paw!
"Aaaaah! Take that ugly bug away from me!", she suddenly screamed panicked and hitting the foxes paw with the bug on it, to see it happily crawl away into the forest.
"Bye bye little bug.", XinXin just said and waved him goodbye, after turning around to see Maramoro still frozen standing there and watching them.
"You alright? You look like you saw a ghost or something.", the fox asked her then waving a hand in front of her, to see if he could get a reaction from her. She blinked as far as you could tell and first looked at XinXin still smiling at her with a waving tail, then to Tatucuna still on the ground glaring at the spot where the bug disappeared.
"I'm alright I think.", she then confirmed making XinXin jump in joy again, leaving her startled.
"Yassss, then let's play something together!" XinXin said disappearing once again into the roses. "You have to find me!"
"What-!", Maramoro exclaimed looking rather annoyed once again.
"Ohohoo, you won't be able to hide from me. Now it's payback for sticking that ugly little bug up my nose!" Tatucuna on all four again stormed and disappeared into the rose bushes as well, but other than the fox, trampling over the bushes, leaving them ruined on the ground.

Character Sheets
Finally did them, explaining their spiritual powers, their flowers and a bit about their personality :)
And two of them can also be purchased on RedBubble, as t-shirts, hoodies, notebooks, phone cases, sticker and more....


![Tatucuna [Cat Skull]](
![Tatucuna [Cat Skull]](
![Tatucuna [Cat Skull]](
Tatucuna [Cat Skull]
Redraw: 2017 vs. 2019
Tatucuna or Tuna, forest god wearing a cat skull without a jaw, it died while fighting a badger. She is the god of death and mortality, guiding lost souls to their destination. Flowers: White Lily (heaven/soul); Pink Rose (Sympathy/Grace)

Was supposed to be for self portrait day on twitter but I went a bit wild with it.
Still, got my cat skull and dagger in it, as well as a butterfly which I seem to have many get lost in my room atm. . . .