Christian Emo - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

It's so bizarre to me that I never see anyone talking about or addressing this, so I will.

TX2 is a popular upcoming emo/pop punk artist. He is phenomenal singer, has a great sound- mountains of potential. There's a couple songs by him I enjoy. However, all that being said, he makes me sick.

He makes frequent jokes about depression and self harm on his YouTube channel- creating skits that treat these real and horrible issues like humor. While doing this he also fuels the stigma of associating the emo subculture with self harm.

He is releasing a song called "Walking Dead Man." The subject of it is a friend of his that died of an overdose. Needless to say, this is a very deep and sensitive topic. The loss of a soul should be revered and honored. Every decent person can agree it's a serious conversation to have. Not a joke.

Yet here he is, releasing comedy skits centered around the song with captions like "IS THIS THE SADDEST EMO SONG OF ALL TIME?!" It's disgusting. One of these skits showed a friend of his listening to it and responding "I think I have depression!"

What an oversimplification and invalidation of mental illness. Also during these skits he makes comments like "You're not emo if you've never hurt yourself!" If this is supposed to be satire, it is not clear enough. I chalked it up as an attempt at satire and self depreciation humor until the release of his recent skits on the topic of overdose. It's disrespectful, it's hurtful and it's toxic.

Another thing that bothers me is a song of his called "Randy McNally (No Love Like Christian Hate." I think the title alone says enough, but I'll continue.

I would like to start this discussion by directly quoting the lyrics of the song:

"There's no love like Christian hate. Let's all count down 'till judgment day."

"I know you want us fags to burn in flames."

"Put a bullet in a kid's head, they think they got the sickness if they're not dressed up straight."

I don't talk about politics much on here because I'm an Anarchist. I believe that it's best to stay out of that mess and most productive to work on changing the world how you can in your own life, without the involvement of government. Now, that being said, you already know how I feel about politicians. I'm not at all familiar with the politician he is speaking of here. That's not what I have an issue with. What I have an issue with is this MASSIVE generalization!

He's accusing my people of hate when he's the one releasing a song disrespecting me and my Jesus! There's one verse where he says in a mocking tone "Do you think Jesus loves me?"


I'm aware there are Christians who act hateful towards the LGBTQ community. Some Christians believe homosexuality is moral and some believe it isn't. Regardless of what you believe, there's two main commandments God gives us in the Bible. Everything about our lifestyle can be summed up in two rules: Love God and love each other. So the people wanting to shoot gay boys for wearing a skirt? They're not true Christians. The Bible strictly forbids murder in the ten commandments. That's not Christianity! That's using my Jesus to justify your violence.

And by the way, I'm a big supporter for cross dressing. I wear suits and whatnot all the time, it's what I feel best in, and I think everyone (gay or straight!) should wear what they feel best in.

Now, there are Christians and Muslims alike who respectfully don't participate in or don't support homosexual people's lifestyles. That isn't hate. There's nothing hateful about choosing not to participate in something for religious reasons IF you do not hurt or be hateful towards those who do. It's all about mutual respect. If people choose not to support LGBTQ in order to better serve their God and live their life, you need to respect it. Just like Christians and Muslims should respect the fact that some people are attracted to the same sex or have pronouns that are not typical "he" or "she."

So, in summary, he is recklessly defending trans rights yet he is being disrespectful towards and dumbing down the struggles of the mentally ill. He is propagating and worsening already crippling stereotypes for both Christians and emos, all the while acting like some social justice savior. You don't have to bring some groups of people down to lift other groups up.

Equality, not revenge. Love, not hate.

That's true social justice.

That's uncensored, raw, authentic punk.

That's what I believe.

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