Cod Ghost - Tumblr Posts
Ghosts Intrusive Thoughts
So I saw this TikTok and it got me thinking,, what if Ghost had this intrusive thought really often? How would he deal with it? Then I thought oh my god,, would he break down into tears and beg for Soap to touch him, hold him and speak to him just to assure Ghost that he’s real?? ITS SO SAD HRGRHH
I think the idea of Ghost just being so vulnerable is sad enough because it implies something either triggered him or something horrible has happened OR he’s finally had enough of the tough guy stuff and just needed his minute of vulnerability in which he trusts Soap with ONLY WWAAHAGAJ
Simon’s Adoration
Absolutely in need of a fic where Simon is absolutely WHIPPED for Johnny. Something that comes across my mind fairly often is how much Simon would love and cherish Johnny because of what he’s done for him.
Johnny helped him find Simon inside of Ghost again and was finally able to be a loving and nurturing man. With that, Simon would be at Johnny’s side 24/7 to keep him absolutely safe. Johnny would ask him nicely to give him privacy (not that he really minds, he just needs it on occasion) and each time Simon is hesitant but allows him as much time as he needs. Once Johnny is done with his alone time, Simon is glued to his side once again.
Johnny would ask Simon to help with something and he wouldn’t hesitate for even a second. If someone else asks, it’s simply a harsh “No,” or “I’m busy.” Simon would do anything for Johnny, and he knows it. Sometimes Johnny will even use this to his advantage to see Simon go off on some random recruit that made a rude remark about Johnny behind their backs.
This obviously doesn’t settle with Captain Price very well and it is so unbelievably obvious to the rest of 141 that it becomes a huge joke, even going as far as some calling Ghost “Soap’s loyal pet.”
They’re so fucking cute and I NEED more of this,, Umikochannart made a post that heavily inspired my need for this but yes I love them and I need more of them.
I’m reading this fic at the moment and Soap will try to confront Ghost about things sometimes but Ghost will just kinda go silent for a second then tell one of his fucked up dad jokes and I find it really funny.
Like imagine Soap really needing to have a talk with Ghost so he sits him down and is like,
“Hey, why are you acting like this? You’ve been so distant lately and I feel like you don’t love me anymore.”
And Ghost is just like
“What’s worse than biting into an apple and discovering a worm? Biting into an apple and discovering half a worm.”
And Soap sits there with the most distraught look on his face while Ghost looks completely unbothered and takes it as a cue to keep going LMAOO
My live reaction when I see “ spam = blocked ,, in somebody’s bio / pinned post after I went down a rabbit hole of their writings…
* cue sad background music *

I seen a post with the same text as above slightly different but tumblr is eating my likes..
Also I don’t mean to be annoying I’ll be going through my likes and be like “ OH I DIDNT FINISH READING THAT ,, or I’ll see a fic in the description will sound super interesting so I unlike then re like sorry if it’s annoying 😬

Wish you were here
So curious how you'd depict the Boys™️ in civilian clothes/streetwear; who has the most drip and who should be banned from public spaces for crimes against fashion?? 🤔


Live Gaz reaction

Special treatment

I realised I did not treat the cod fandom to one of my shitposts yet.
This idea was the result of a conversation on male lactation.

When you have different boundaries
another COD yap, BUT with an idea.
Okay. 141 “family” dinner. Laswell taking care of the wine and drinks, Nikolai and Price with the food (with his family recipes), Soap with desserts (with Ghost watching over because you don’t know what a demolitionist can do with desserts, and he wanted to be with Soap), and Gaz with sides- NO ONE invites Shepard and Graves for good reason (caused chaos and bought over-sweetened tea that made Price sick and Laswell concerned).
Thinking of causing chaos, Soap and Gaz somehow hack through Nikolai’s parental controls on the TV (because of many, many incidents related to a certain sport) and thankfully found a soccer game that was on, and in mere minutes chaos ensued. as Price and Laswell slowly started to argue (without yelling) about what to call the sport, Ghost made himself some iced tea, Soap sneaked off to snag a third plate of Price’s food while, and Gaz sipped on some champagne that Laswell bought specifically for Gaz in exchange for a secret ingredient Price puts in his food (he especially told Gaz because he’s the favorite child). The bickering went on for an hour, but overall the dinner went well.
For the roach people, he bought games and frosted sugar cookies (they always disappear), and he was eating popcorn while Price and Laswell were bickering.
🧼 - Simon? Are you ok?.. Don't look like that... It looks cursed

💀- I'm counting to three and you're out.
🪖- Count to three? How is that? I can only until two

🪖- Scotland is not a real country! You're Englishman in the skirt!
💣- Take dis

Ghost, lady, ensign, Ocean (platonic wife), Me (death), Laws, Soap and Damic! Oh and Graves.
Soap is flexible
Soap knows 3 admirals.

I did a thing-
The 242 and the 141! (+Danger squad ( I think))

I got Laswell, Maha, Soap, Maha's Guardian, Gaz, Celina MacTavish (in-law), other MacTavish (cousin), Ghost, Roach, James Alexia, Rose Trisha, Bread/Ocean Kei, me, Yemquir Kei (ex husband), Mar, Mark-John, Jackson Lewis, Ensign Marco(?) and the traitor John 'Damic' Mets
Hanahaki (Long One) (Part 1)
Soap gets the flowers of red and then of blue. He informs Price and tells him to kill him as Soap doesn't want to confess or wait until 4th stage.
(Soap- Purple, Simon- Red, Gary- Blue, Makarov- green, Price- Pink, Kyle- Orange)
Soap wakes up coughing for a while and it doesn't stop until it did. He looks at his hand and sees petals.
Scared to have the same as his birth mother he quickly got out of bed and ran to his bathroom. He turns on the lights and looks at the mirror.
His tattoos on his shoulder went up to his neck and sees no blood on his face. He looks at his hand. Red petals of roses.
' Simmy.' he thought. He placed the petals on the sink counter and turned the lights off and went to his desk and grabs his phone.
' Don' make me regret this, Vladimir .' he dialed a number and called it.
" Hello?" Came form the other side as they picked up.
" Dad. What can you tell me of mum before she got cured?" Soap asks his birth parent.
"Which one, Ivanka?" He asks.
"The flower one." He reluctantly told him.
" Why? Do you have a friend who has it or..? " He sounds concerned.
" I have it, dad." " Oh my. Ivan... There's 5 stages. And since you are serving in the military I strongly suggest you to tell your captain."
" Dad." " I know. I know. Your mother only told me after 3rd stage. She told me the first stage is when you only cough up the petals which lasts a month before 2nd stage and it's the same but with blood."
" ... And the 3rd?" "Third is where you couch up blood and closed flower heads, and when the flowers starts to grow in your lungs. I researched for 4th which is opened flower heads and blood while the flowers starts to grow on your skin."
Soap sits on his floor.
"The 5th is when you fall into a coma and die after 2 weeks." Soap's dad tells him. "Go inform your captain, Ivanka. Please?"
"Will do. Talk to ya soon." Soap said wanting to cry.
"Goodbye son. You can cry and then tell him." His dad says. " Hope the person is just like me when she confessed."
They both laugh a little. " Good thing you have added a bit more detail. Without it I'd be more scared."
"Who knows maybe she or he is just like me and didn't notice it, yet." Soap could hear the smile. " But at last. I'll talk to you later as I have a meeting soon."
The two of them hung up and Soap stood up. He put on a shirt and shorts, put his phone in his pocket and walked out of his room to go see Price.
He didn't care that it was 3 in the morning, he got Infront of his Captain's quarters and nocks on the door.
Grumbles could be heard as the captain is a light sleeper. The door opens enough to see the man in underwear.
"Soap? What the hell are ya doing here? It's 3 am!" Price tell him.
"Hav've problem." Soap tell him. "Important." He couldn't say more unless he wants to break down crying.
Price noticed it. " Wait here I'll go out on some clothes on and then we'll go to my office." And closed the door.
Soap could hear Nick in Price's room saying something along the lines of " where you going" and " come back to bed".
Price got out of his room and walked with Soap to his office.
Price opened the door and let Soap enter first before closing it.
"So? What's seems to be the problem, son?" Price asks.
"Hana'haki, Capt'n." Soap tells him. "I've got it."
Price shocked, looks at Soap, pits his hands on the side of the other's arms and looks a bit down on him (literally. Soap is short).
"And who knows other than me?" His face filled with worry. " And I'll get the paperwork for it filled."
Soap eyes started to get watery. " My birth fa'her. I called him when I found out today. " Voice broken as he wants to cry.
John took Johnny into his arms patting Johnny's back as he cries.
Foe a while they stay in the same position. Johnny raised his head as John let's go of him.
"Sit. Let's figure it out shall we ?" He says to the other.
Johnny sits down on the chair as John took the papers out and started writing the information.
' Hanahaki patient - John" Soap" Ivanka August MacTavish.
Age - 27
Flower(s) - red rose
Person of interest - Simmy. '
"Who's Simmy exactly?" Price asks, looking up from the paper.
"Someone I use to know." They both realize, that Johnny can't confess to his crush at all if they can't meet up. " Don't tell the team ?"
"I won't. Don't worry. Once you get to stage 4 I'll give you a suicidal mission. Alright?" John gave the other his iconic smile.
"Thanks capt. " "You're welcome, Johnny."
5: 30 am Ghost got to the kitchen of the place and sees Johnny with John and Nick.
Soap made a batch of coffee while Money Bags made tea for the Brits. Nick was just there to hangout.
"Morning Simon." Price spoke.
"Morning. Here' tea." Soap gave Simon his cuppa and Simon gladly accepted.
" Why are you lot awake at this time?" Simon asks after his first sip of tea.
"Nothing much. Soap woke me up to talk about something."
"Woke up because of Soap waking up Price." -Nik
"Canae sleep."
Simon nods as he listened. He went and grabbed a bowl and a box of cereal for breakfast.
"Gonna ma'e some pankaek for Garry, Kyl and miself. Anyone want?" Soap asks.
"I'd like some." Nick spoke up. Soap got a bowl and a pan.
Price walked out of the room with Ghost letting the two of them make some pannkooke(Estonian for pancakes).
At 6 am Gaz and Roach woke up and got to the kitchen to some Soap made pancakes.
Gaz was reluctant at first because Soap never made food before, to his knowledge. Roach, however, gladly took a plate full of 70 pancakes and some maple syrup with butter, sat down and devoured it.
When Roach didn't say anything bad about it and Nick took some, Gaz finally took some and ate it.
"Soap. Continue to make pancakes every morning from now on." Gaz tells the other.
"I alway do." Soap looks at Gaz. "How d'you no' notice the pankaeks tha' Roach has on his plate Evey mornin'?"
Gaz looks at him dumfounded. " You make pancakes every morning? And I get none!?"
"Aye. Now eat before Roach take's yours. "
"Ghost hide you got 7 on you." Soap informed over comms.
"Thanks Soap." Ghost replied. "I got an other one for ya."
"Shoot." Soap looks at where Price is. "Cap teach can at your left with two."
"D'you know why Americans are bad at chess?" Ghost spoke over comms.
"Why?" He looks back at Ghost. " Your clear."
"Because they got no towers."
Gaz and Price chuckles and Soap smiles. "Very funny."
"A little humour hurts no one, Johnny." Soap could hear Ghost's smile
Soap cut his comms off and chough up petals. This time red and blue. He turned his comms back on.
"Price, red and blue. Behind you."
"... Thanks. Ghost update." Price took down two guards.
"All quiet. Graves's shadows are nowhere to be heard or seen."
"Got two at back gate." Gaz replied. " Though their dead."
"Soap anything from Laswell?" Price got worried.
Soap coughed up more petals before answering " laws hadn't told me anything since the mission started."
Price got way more worried. " Hm. Ghost, Gaz go back to find Laswell and Roach. Soap Move with me."
"Yes captain." Came from the other three.
Ghost and Gaz got to the extraction point for Nick to grab them home.
Ghost and Gaz cut off their comms and went to find Laswell and Roach, hoping their base wasn't attacked.
"Soap. Update?" Price asks concerned.
"Changed rooftops. I can clearly see ya. Bug on left." Soap answered.
"The petals, Soap." Price killed the man.
"... Someone else. There's two of them." Soap sees a man approaching him. "Gotta move again." And so he did. Soap got his stuff and moved a few roofs away, killing a few.
He decided to be more near Money Bags than just stay on the high ground. (No no references!!)
"Dad?" He sees his father behind Price, holding a gun.
Price can hear Soap over comms ,and can see him in the 5th floor of the apartment Infront of him.
Soap calls his dad, the man behind him. He picked up the phone. " Do not kill him." Soap told him.
"Sorry Ivanka, but he's part of the enemy." Price heard over comms and behind him.
Roach took down one of many intruders in the info room as he was protecting Laswell and the shit they got.
"Ro-ach?" Laswell tried to talk but she got stabbed and was loosing a lot of blood.
"No, don't move or talk. You're injured." Roach took down the tenth man. He closed the door and blocked it with three chairs and a desk.
He ran to Laswell.
"Don't worry. I'm here, don't fall asleep Please."
"Me-medic k-kit." Laswell spoke. Roach ran to the medic kit and ran back. He opened it and searched through it.
Ghost sees around 10 men outside in the wrong uniform. "Gaz. Try to reach Laswell and Roach."
Gaz went on his comms, tried for a while as Ghost thought of a plan.
"Nothing. Only white noise." Gaz look at the lieutenant. "Must be blocking our signals."
"Hmm. We need a way in, look around, kill, find them and get out/ take back our base."
"Front gates are blocked. Back door is open." Gaz noticed. "We could go from back to front if we had more men and attack the front at the same time."
"... We also need a refill of ammo. Here's the plan." Ghost looks at Gaz. " We go from the back to the armoury while also finding Roach and Laswell then only them two. Okay?"
"Your the man. Let's go."
Roach felt like something was in his throat and wanted to come out. He took off his mask and coughed for a bit and said thing came out onto his hand and saw petals of purple and red.
"Laswell?" Roach looks at her. "Laswell!?" She wasn't moving. "Kate! No no nonononononononono! Kate wake up!" He takes her body in his arms. "Please... Don't leave me..." and started to cry.
Someone behind the door screaming before a bang and someone else tried to open the door.
"Shit it's blocked." Roach recognises the voice. "Ghost?"
"Gaz!?" Roach spoke up. "Ghost!?"
"Roach! Hey buddy!" Ghost replied. "Could ya help us?"
Roach looks at Laswell before answering. "Give me a moment!" He looks for a pulse and after finding one very faint he placed Laswell away from the door and attacked the pile by taking stuff off and putting them away.
The door opens and Roach hugs them both.
"Laswell!" Gaz broke off pf them to run to Laswell. "What happened?" Asked thinking she'd reply.
"Some guy stabbed her. We got here and I had to kill 10 of them as they wanted some files." Roach walks towards them. "Blocked the door so no one can kill us and steal our stuff." Ghost closes the door. "Her pulse is faint."
"That's bad." Gaz says. "I could do an imitate small surgery."
"Do so. I'll go grab the other med-kit." Ghost replied. "Roach. Door."
Roach went on and blocked the door again.
"Laws, stay awake. Please." Gaz took Ghost's knife and cut her shirt that covered the wound. "Blood type?"
Roach took Laswell's arm and looks for the medical tag. "O positive(?)."
"She'll need blood transfusion." Gaz says. "Any of you o positive?" Ghost shakes his head, no.
Roach went to a dead solder. "Dose cold work?" He asks.
"I guess? I hope so with what your thinking." Gaz replied while Roach searched the solders.
"O positive!" He dragged the man to them and Gaz started to do a transfusion after checking the dead man's tags of anything.
"You kill him, I'll kill you." Soap told the man behind Price's back.
"Oh Ivanka. You are better than these humans." Makarov turns the safety off. "Come with me instead."
Soap hung the phone back. He went away from the window, got to the stairs and got out of the building, Gun pointed at Makarov's back.
"Price, take your gun out." Soap told him now near them both.
Makarov raises his hands and dropped his gun while Price took his out and grabs the fallen weapon.
to be continued
Where I got it from:
Hanahaki part 2
(Soap- Purple, Simon- Red, Gary- Blue, Makarov- green, Price- Pink, Kyle- Orange)
"You kill him, I'll kill you." Soap told the man behind Price's back.
"Oh Ivanka. You are better than these humans." Makarov turns the safety off. "Come with me instead."
Soap hung the phone back. He went away from the window, got to the stairs and got out of the building, Gun pointed at Makarov's back.
"Price, take your gun out." Soap told him now near them both.
Makarov raises his hands and dropped his gun while Price took his out and grabs the fallen weapon.
"Give up Makarov." Price pointed both guns at him. "Call off everything and surrender."
"Never." He smiles as a gunshot was heard.
All Price felt before hitting the ground was a sharp pain in his back. Johnny shot a bullet into Makarov's shoulder while the man moved away.
Makarov ran. Johnny went to Price not giving two fucks about his dad.
"Price. Price stay with me!" He said holding the wound closed and turned him to his side. "You're going to be fine."
"G-get Nik." Price told him before passing out.
"Medic and Evac! Now!" He ordered in his comms. "Capt'n Price got hit!"
Johnny knew that they had to leave the street and hide from others. He wrapped up the bloody wound as best he could, got Price on his back and started walking to the safehouse they got in the forest away from the town.
Nickolai heard the call and started the engine. He called upon a friend, who's a medic to his location with shit that can deal with a bullet wound. Once the friend got there he flew them both to the town.
Roach, Gaz, Ghost and Laswell weren't able to hear any as they're in a dead zone.
"All packed up." Gaz informed them. "She'll be fine. For now." He looks up at them.
"... She need to go to a hospital." Ghost spoke, cleaning his hands with bottles of water.
"Hand me one." Gaz stretches his blood stained hand. Ghost gave him two and Roach took 2 to clean up the mess.
They heard outside solders searching for them 4. They came closer to the door they blocked. "Sargent Roach, Agent Laswell. This is Agent Bishop."
Non of them replied.
"Ivanka and Price are at the safehouse. Nik went to pick them up. I got Rose Trisha with me." Agent Bishop informed them.
Ghost recognizes Rose's name as Johnny spoke a lot about them. So he spoke. "Which town they're from?"
"Trisha is from Moscow. So is Johnny." Bishop replied.
"... That's true." Ghost muttered. "Got medic on standby?" He asks the Agent.
"We do. Now open this door and let us help you." Miss Bishop tells them.
"Ghost! We can't trust them!" Gaz whispered. " They could be from them."
"Gaz. You said it yourself that Laswell need to go to the hospital." Ghost replied "we need her alive."
Roach stood up, he walks towards the door and takes stuff away from it.
"B-bisho- Bishop?" Kate tries to speak. "Sh-she'-s w-with u-us."Gaz lifts Kate's head.
"No. No don't speak take it easy." Gaz tells her, " the medics here soon." Ghost left to help Roach.
Bishop got in with the medics who rushed to Laswell and help her onto the gurney.
"Half of the base is damaged and some of them are still here." Bishop informs them. "One of you can go with Kate."
"I'll stay." Roach tells them. "I haven't been on a mission for a while."
"Guess I'll go with laws." Gaz walked away with Kate to the transport to the hospital.
Ghost took Roach to the helipad leaving the taking over the base back to Agent Bishop.
I did another thing- ((don't know how to Price) finished product at the end!)
1 (an au of mine)

2 (birb gaz and probs dragon Price-)

Finished product! (I added 3 real peeps in this - me, Bread and my first crush on a woman.)

James was not always drawn as an old man. Original him was a way younger.
Mark-john is French. While Trisha and Mets are Russian and I head cannon Roach as a partial redhead :)