Cohen - Tumblr Posts
2 years ago
1 year ago

An old alter reawoke. We'd been avoiding it for a while, I'm sad to say; it was chaotic, and uncontrollable, and it did not care for societal limits or how we would be judged...
But then came a time, long overdue, where we began to understand that fear of judgement was holding us captive.
When we finally approached him, it posted these to our stories. Exposure therapy.
We've been trying to feel less shame.
They are wild, and they are right.
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There was one other thay was just a blsck video of it chanting “Make Bad Art and You Will Be Free” that lead into these
it was interesting to find that the alter who had inspired us so long ago was never actually Cohen like we thought
and now we've consciously met Cohen
we can tell.
He's not the kindest to us and his methods are intense but we're used to the more inner-upper alters following that pattern
either way
system journal
dissociative identity disorder
did system
actually did
We've struggled to call their words poetry but it most certainly feels like it