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Woman in dark academia

Classic Music 🎵



When you are a classical musician and the public asks you to play Queen …

Un dì felice, eterea,
mi balenaste innante,
e da quel dì, tremante,
vissi d’ignoto amor
Di quell’amor ch’è palpito
dell’universo intero,
misterioso, altero,
croce e delizia al cor

Min kjære venninne Ingrid Bjoner
World famus operasinger.
Born 8. november 1927 Died 4. september 2006
Signatur: Til Harald Ryeng hjerteligst Ingrid Bjoner

Found some nice records at a pretty good store in Darmstadt! But I think I'm cursed, because this is my third record of Invisible Touch with some minor scratches that my player can't "ignore". On the other hand, it wasn't that expensive, and Land of Confusion is very good!
On the other hand, listening to In the Ghetto made me realize that I might need a new record player. The pressing is quite good, but I noticed that my turntable, which cost 45€ on Amazon and is nothing special, can't cover the full range of sound. Some parts sound a bit scratchy because of this. However, I don't want to spend too much money on it. I like it when things sound a bit "rough and dirty," as it gives the nostalgic feeling a nice boost, especially with older records.